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[Branch ~yade-pkg/yade/git-trunk] Rev 3441: -rename variables for computePoreRadius(); clean code.


revno: 3441
committer: Chao Yuan <chaoyuan2012@xxxxxxxxx>
timestamp: Fri 2014-07-04 16:02:36 +0200
  -rename variables for computePoreRadius(); clean code.


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=== modified file 'pkg/pfv/UnsaturatedEngine.cpp'
--- pkg/pfv/UnsaturatedEngine.cpp	2014-07-03 13:35:28 +0000
+++ pkg/pfv/UnsaturatedEngine.cpp	2014-07-04 14:02:36 +0000
@@ -57,12 +57,13 @@
 		void updatePoreRadius();
 		void updateTotalCellVolume();
 		void updateVolumeCapillaryCell();
-		double computeCellInterfacialArea(CellHandle cell, int j, double rCap);
+		double computeCellInterfacialArea(CellHandle cell, int j, double rC);
 		double computeEffPoreRadius(CellHandle cell, int j);
 		double computeEffPoreRadiusFine(CellHandle cell, int j);
 		double bisection(CellHandle cell, int j, double a, double b);
-		double computeDeltaForce(CellHandle cell,int j, double rCap);
+		double computeTriRadian(double a, double b, double c);
+		double computeDeltaForce(CellHandle cell,int j, double rC);		
 		void computeSolidLine();
 		void computeFacetPoreForcesWithCache(bool onlyCache=false);	
 		void computeCapillaryForce() {computeFacetPoreForcesWithCache(false);}
@@ -87,21 +88,18 @@
 		void invade2();
 		void updateReservoirs2();
+		void saveVtk(const char* folder) {bool initT=solver->noCache; solver->noCache=false; solver->saveVtk(folder); solver->noCache=initT;}
+		void savePhaseVtk(const char* folder);
 		//record and test functions
 		void checkCellsConnection();
 		void checkEntryCapillaryPressure();
 		void checkLatticeNodeY(double y); 
 		void checkReservoirInfo(int boundN);
 		void checkBoundingCellsInfo();
-		void saveVtk(const char* folder) {bool initT=solver->noCache; solver->noCache=false; solver->saveVtk(folder); solver->noCache=initT;}
-		void savePhaseVtk(const char* folder);
 		//temp functions
 		void initializeCellWindowsID();
 		double getWindowsSaturation(int i);
-// 		double getWindowsSaturation1(int i);
-// 		double getWindowsSaturation2(int i);
-		double getRadiusMin(CellHandle cell, int j);
-		void debugTemp();
 		bool checknoCache() {return solver->noCache;}
 		double getRMin(CellHandle cell, int j);
@@ -138,7 +136,6 @@
 					.def("testFunction",&UnsaturatedEngine::testFunction,"The playground for Chao's experiments.")
 					.def("checknoCache",&UnsaturatedEngine::checknoCache,"check noCache. (temp func.)")
 					.def("getWindowsSaturation",&UnsaturatedEngine::getWindowsSaturation,(boost::python::arg("windowsID")), "get saturation of windowsID")
-					.def("debugTemp",&UnsaturatedEngine::debugTemp,"debug temp file.(temporary)")
 					.def("initializeCellWindowsID",&UnsaturatedEngine::initializeCellWindowsID,"Initialize cell windows index. A temp function for comparison with experiments, will delete soon")
 					.def("checkRCompare",&UnsaturatedEngine::checkRCompare,"debug R RMin RMax.")
@@ -514,77 +511,70 @@
     return interfacialArea/totalCellVolume;
-double UnsaturatedEngine::computeCellInterfacialArea(CellHandle cell, int j, double rCap)
+double UnsaturatedEngine::computeCellInterfacialArea(CellHandle cell, int j, double rC)
     double rInscribe = abs(solver->computeEffectiveRadius(cell, j));  
     CellHandle cellh = CellHandle(cell);
     int facetNFictious = solver->detectFacetFictiousVertices (cellh,j);
-  switch (facetNFictious) {
-    case (0) : {     
-    RTriangulation& tri = solver->T[solver->currentTes].Triangulation();
-    if (tri.is_infinite(cell->neighbor(j))) return 0;
-    Vector3r posA = makeVector3r(cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][0])->point().point());
-    Vector3r posB = makeVector3r(cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][1])->point().point());
-    Vector3r posC = makeVector3r(cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][2])->point().point());
-    double rA = sqrt(cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][0])->point().weight());
-    double rB = sqrt(cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][1])->point().weight());
-    double rC = sqrt(cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][2])->point().weight());
-    double AB = (posA-posB).norm();
-    double AC = (posA-posC).norm();
-    double BC = (posB-posC).norm();    
-    double rAB = 0.5*(AB-rA-rB); if (rAB<0) { rAB=0; }
-    double rBC = 0.5*(BC-rB-rC); if (rBC<0) { rBC=0; }
-    double rAC = 0.5*(AC-rA-rC); if (rAC<0) { rAC=0; }
-    //In triangulation ArB,rCap is the radius of sphere r; 
-    double _AB = (pow((rA+rCap),2)+pow(AB,2)-pow((rB+rCap),2))/(2*(rA+rCap)*AB); if(_AB>1.0) {_AB=1.0;} if(_AB<-1.0) {_AB=-1.0;}
-    double alphaAB = acos(_AB);
-    double _BA = (pow((rB+rCap),2)+pow(AB,2)-pow((rA+rCap),2))/(2*(rB+rCap)*AB); if(_BA>1.0) {_BA=1.0;} if(_BA<-1.0) {_BA=-1.0;}
-    double alphaBA = acos(_BA);
-    double _ArB = (pow((rA+rCap),2)+pow((rB+rCap),2)-pow(AB,2))/(2*(rA+rCap)*(rB+rCap)); if(_ArB>1.0) {_ArB=1.0;} if(_ArB<-1.0) {_ArB=-1.0;}
-    double alphaArB = acos(_ArB);    
-    double AreaArB = 0.5*(rA+rCap)*(rB+rCap)*sin(alphaArB);
-    double areaLiquidAB = AreaArB-0.5*alphaAB*pow(rA,2)-0.5*alphaBA*pow(rB,2)-0.5*alphaArB*pow(rCap,2);
-    double _AC = (pow((rA+rCap),2)+pow(AC,2)-pow((rC+rCap),2))/(2*(rA+rCap)*AC); if(_AC>1.0) {_AC=1.0;} if(_AC<-1.0) {_AC=-1.0;}
-    double alphaAC = acos(_AC);
-    double _CA = (pow((rC+rCap),2)+pow(AC,2)-pow((rA+rCap),2))/(2*(rC+rCap)*AC); if(_CA>1.0) {_CA=1.0;} if(_CA<-1.0) {_CA=-1.0;}
-    double alphaCA = acos(_CA);
-    double _ArC = (pow((rA+rCap),2)+pow((rC+rCap),2)-pow(AC,2))/(2*(rA+rCap)*(rC+rCap)); if(_ArC>1.0) {_ArC=1.0;} if(_ArC<-1.0) {_ArC=-1.0;}
-    double alphaArC = acos(_ArC);
-    double AreaArC = 0.5*(rA+rCap)*(rC+rCap)*sin(alphaArC);
-    double areaLiquidAC = AreaArC-0.5*alphaAC*pow(rA,2)-0.5*alphaCA*pow(rC,2)-0.5*alphaArC*pow(rCap,2);
-    double _BC = (pow((rB+rCap),2)+pow(BC,2)-pow((rC+rCap),2))/(2*(rB+rCap)*BC); if(_BC>1.0) {_BC=1.0;} if(_BC<-1.0) {_BC=-1.0;}
-    double alphaBC = acos(_BC);
-    double _CB = (pow((rC+rCap),2)+pow(BC,2)-pow((rB+rCap),2))/(2*(rC+rCap)*BC); if(_CB>1.0) {_CB=1.0;} if(_CB<-1.0) {_CB=-1.0;}
-    double alphaCB = acos(_CB);
-    double _BrC = (pow((rB+rCap),2)+pow((rC+rCap),2)-pow(BC,2))/(2*(rB+rCap)*(rC+rCap)); if(_BrC>1.0) {_BrC=1.0;} if(_BrC<-1.0) {_BrC=-1.0;}
-    double alphaBrC = acos(_BrC);
-    double AreaBrC = 0.5*(rB+rCap)*(rC+rCap)*sin(alphaBrC);
-    double areaLiquidBC = AreaBrC-0.5*alphaBC*pow(rB,2)-0.5*alphaCB*pow(rC,2)-0.5*alphaBrC*pow(rCap,2);
-    double areaCap = sqrt(cell->info().facetSurfaces[j].squared_length()) * cell->info().facetFluidSurfacesRatio[j];
-    double areaPore = areaCap - areaLiquidAB - areaLiquidAC - areaLiquidBC;//FIXME:areaPore may be out of range
-    if (areaPore<0) cerr<<"areaPore:"<<areaPore<<" posA:"<<posA<<" rA:"<<rA<<" posB"<<posB<<" rB"<<rB<<" posC:"<<posC<<" rC"<<rC<<endl;
-    if (areaPore>10) cerr<<"areaPore:"<<areaPore<<" posA:"<<posA<<" rA:"<<rA<<" posB"<<posB<<" rB"<<rB<<" posC:"<<posC<<" rC"<<rC<<endl;    
-    return areaPore;}; break;
-    case (1) : { return Mathr::PI*pow(rInscribe,2); }; break;
-    case (2) : { return Mathr::PI*pow(rInscribe,2); }; break;    
-  }   
+    if(facetNFictious==0) {
+        RTriangulation& tri = solver->T[solver->currentTes].Triangulation();
+        if (tri.is_infinite(cell->neighbor(j))) return 0;
+        Vector3r pos[3]; //solid pos
+        double r[3]; //solid radius
+        double rRc[3]; //r[i] + rC (rC: capillary radius)
+        double e[3]; //edges of triangulation
+        double rad[4][3]; //angle in radian
+        for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
+            pos[i] = makeVector3r(cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][i])->point().point());
+            r[i] = sqrt(cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][i])->point().weight());
+            rRc[i] = r[i]+rC;
+        }
+        e[0] = (pos[1]-pos[2]).norm();
+        e[1] = (pos[2]-pos[0]).norm();
+        e[2] = (pos[1]-pos[0]).norm();
+        rad[3][0]=acos(((pos[1]-pos[0]).dot(pos[2]-pos[0]))/(e[2]*e[1]));
+        rad[3][1]=acos(((pos[2]-pos[1]).dot(pos[0]-pos[1]))/(e[0]*e[2]));
+        rad[3][2]=acos(((pos[0]-pos[2]).dot(pos[1]-pos[2]))/(e[1]*e[0]));
+        rad[0][0]=computeTriRadian(e[0],rRc[1],rRc[2]);
+        rad[0][1]=computeTriRadian(rRc[2],e[0],rRc[1]);
+        rad[0][2]=computeTriRadian(rRc[1],rRc[2],e[0]);
+        rad[1][0]=computeTriRadian(rRc[2],e[1],rRc[0]);
+        rad[1][1]=computeTriRadian(e[1],rRc[0],rRc[2]);
+        rad[1][2]=computeTriRadian(rRc[0],rRc[2],e[1]);
+        rad[2][0]=computeTriRadian(rRc[1],e[2],rRc[0]);
+        rad[2][1]=computeTriRadian(rRc[0],rRc[1],e[2]);
+        rad[2][2]=computeTriRadian(e[2],rRc[0],rRc[1]);
+        double sW0=0.5*rRc[1]*rRc[2]*sin(rad[0][0])-0.5*rad[0][0]*pow(rC,2)-0.5*rad[0][1]*pow(r[1],2)-0.5*rad[0][2]*pow(r[2],2) ;
+        double sW1=0.5*rRc[2]*rRc[0]*sin(rad[1][1])-0.5*rad[1][1]*pow(rC,2)-0.5*rad[1][2]*pow(r[2],2)-0.5*rad[1][0]*pow(r[0],2) ;
+        double sW2=0.5*rRc[0]*rRc[1]*sin(rad[2][2])-0.5*rad[2][2]*pow(rC,2)-0.5*rad[2][0]*pow(r[0],2)-0.5*rad[2][1]*pow(r[1],2) ;
+        double sW=sW0+sW1+sW2;
+        double sVoid=sqrt(cell->info().facetSurfaces[j].squared_length()) * cell->info().facetFluidSurfacesRatio[j];
+        double sInterface=sVoid-sW;
+	return sInterface;
+    }
+    else {
+        return Mathr::PI*pow(rInscribe,2);
+    }
 double UnsaturatedEngine::computeEffPoreRadius(CellHandle cell, int j)
-    double rInscribe = abs(solver->computeEffectiveRadius(cell, j));  
+    double rInscribe = abs(solver->computeEffectiveRadius(cell, j));
     CellHandle cellh = CellHandle(cell);
     int facetNFictious = solver->detectFacetFictiousVertices (cellh,j);
-  switch (facetNFictious) {
-    case (0) : { return computeEffPoreRadiusFine(cell,j); }; break;
-    case (1) : { return rInscribe; }; break;
-    case (2) : { return rInscribe; }; break;    
-  }   
+    double r;
+    if(facetNFictious==0) {r=computeEffPoreRadiusFine(cell,j);}
+    else r=rInscribe;    
+    return r;
 double UnsaturatedEngine::computeEffPoreRadiusFine(CellHandle cell, int j)
@@ -592,41 +582,49 @@
     RTriangulation& tri = solver->T[solver->currentTes].Triangulation();
     if (tri.is_infinite(cell->neighbor(j))) return 0;
-    Vector3r posA = makeVector3r(cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][0])->point().point());
-    Vector3r posB = makeVector3r(cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][1])->point().point());
-    Vector3r posC = makeVector3r(cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][2])->point().point());
-    double rA = sqrt(cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][0])->point().weight());
-    double rB = sqrt(cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][1])->point().weight());
-    double rC = sqrt(cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][2])->point().weight());
-    double AB = (posA-posB).norm();
-    double AC = (posA-posC).norm();
-    double BC = (posB-posC).norm();
-    double rAB = 0.5*(AB-rA-rB); if (rAB<0) { rAB=0; }
-    double rBC = 0.5*(BC-rB-rC); if (rBC<0) { rBC=0; }
-    double rAC = 0.5*(AC-rA-rC); if (rAC<0) { rAC=0; }
-    double rmin = max(rAB,max(rBC,rAC)); if (rmin==0) { rmin= 1.0e-10; }
-    double rmax = abs(solver->computeEffectiveRadius(cell, j));//rmin>rmax ?
+    Vector3r pos[3]; //solid pos
+    double r[3]; //solid radius
+    double e[3]; //edges of triangulation
+    double g[3]; //gap radius between solid
+    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
+      pos[i] = makeVector3r(cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][i])->point().point());
+      r[i] = sqrt(cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][i])->point().weight());
+    }
+    e[0] = (pos[1]-pos[2]).norm();
+    e[1] = (pos[2]-pos[0]).norm();
+    e[2] = (pos[1]-pos[0]).norm();
+    g[0] = ((e[0]-r[1]-r[2])>0) ? 0.5*(e[0]-r[1]-r[2]):0 ;
+    g[1] = ((e[1]-r[2]-r[0])>0) ? 0.5*(e[1]-r[2]-r[0]):0 ;
+    g[2] = ((e[2]-r[0]-r[1])>0) ? 0.5*(e[2]-r[0]-r[1]):0 ;
+    double rmin= (max(g[0],max(g[1],g[2]))==0) ? 1.0e-10:max(g[0],max(g[1],g[2])) ;
+    double rmax = abs(solver->computeEffectiveRadius(cell, j));
 //     if(rmin>rmax) { cerr<<"WARNING! rmin>rmax. rmin="<<rmin<<" ,rmax="<<rmax<<endl; }
     double deltaForceRMin = computeDeltaForce(cell,j,rmin);
     double deltaForceRMax = computeDeltaForce(cell,j,rmax);
-    if(deltaForceRMax<0) {
-        double effPoreRadius = rmax;
-//         cerr<<"deltaForceRMax Negative. cellID: "<<cell->info().index<<". posA="<<posA<<"; posB="<<posB<<"; posC="<< posC<<"; rA="<< rA<<"; rB="<< rB<<"; rC="<<rC<<endl;
-        return effPoreRadius;}
-    else if(deltaForceRMin<0) {
-        double effPoreRadius = bisection(cell,j,rmin,rmax);// cerr<<"1";//we suppose most cases should be this.
-        return effPoreRadius;}
-    else if( (deltaForceRMin>0) && (deltaForceRMin<deltaForceRMax) ) {
-        double effPoreRadius = rmin;// cerr<<"2";
-        return effPoreRadius;}
-    else if(deltaForceRMin>deltaForceRMax) {
-        double effPoreRadius = rmax;
-//         cerr<<"WARNING! deltaForceRMin>deltaForceRMax. cellID: "<<cell->info().index<<"; deltaForceRMin="<<deltaForceRMin<<"; deltaForceRMax="<<deltaForceRMax<<". posA="<<posA<<"; posB="<<posB<<"; posC="<< posC<<"; rA="<< rA<<"; rB="<< rB<<"; rC="<<rC<<endl;
-        return effPoreRadius;}
+    double effPoreRadius;
+    if(deltaForceRMin>deltaForceRMax) {
+      effPoreRadius=rmax;
+      //cerr<<"ERROR! deltaForceRMin>deltaForceRMax. cellID: "<<cell->info().index<<"; deltaForceRMin="<<deltaForceRMin<<"; deltaForceRMax="<<deltaForceRMax<<". posA="<<pos[0]<<"; posB="<<pos[1]<<"; posC="<< pos[2]<<"; rA="<< r[0]<<"; rB="<< r[1]<<"; rC="<<r[2]<<endl;
+    }
+    else if(deltaForceRMax<0) {
+      effPoreRadius=rmax;
+      //cerr<<"deltaForceRMax<0. cellID: "<<cell->info().index<<"; deltaForceRMin="<<deltaForceRMin<<"; deltaForceRMax="<<deltaForceRMax<<". posA="<<pos[0]<<"; posB="<<pos[1]<<"; posC="<< pos[2]<<"; rA="<< r[0]<<"; rB="<< r[1]<<"; rC="<<r[2]<<endl;
+    }
+    else if(deltaForceRMin>0) {
+      effPoreRadius=rmin;
+      //cerr<<"0";      
+    }
+    else {
+      effPoreRadius=bisection(cell,j,rmin,rmax);
+      //cerr<<"1";
+    }
+    return effPoreRadius;
 double UnsaturatedEngine::bisection(CellHandle cell, int j, double a, double b)
     double m = 0.5*(a+b);
@@ -640,6 +638,158 @@
     else return m;
+//calculate radian with law of cosines. (solve $\alpha$)
+double UnsaturatedEngine::computeTriRadian(double a, double b, double c)
+  double cosAlpha = (pow(b,2) + pow(c,2) - pow(a,2))/(2*b*c);
+  if (cosAlpha>1.0) {cosAlpha=1.0;} if (cosAlpha<-1.0) {cosAlpha=-1.0;}
+  double alpha = acos(cosAlpha);
+  return alpha;
+double UnsaturatedEngine::computeDeltaForce(CellHandle cell,int j, double rC)
+    RTriangulation& tri = solver->T[solver->currentTes].Triangulation();
+    if (tri.is_infinite(cell->neighbor(j))) return 0;
+    Vector3r pos[3]; //solid pos
+    double r[3]; //solid radius
+    double rRc[3]; //r[i] + rC (rC: capillary radius)
+    double e[3]; //edges of triangulation
+    double rad[4][3]; //angle in radian
+    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
+      pos[i] = makeVector3r(cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][i])->point().point());
+      r[i] = sqrt(cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][i])->point().weight());
+      rRc[i] = r[i]+rC;
+    }
+    e[0] = (pos[1]-pos[2]).norm();
+    e[1] = (pos[2]-pos[0]).norm();
+    e[2] = (pos[1]-pos[0]).norm();
+    rad[3][0]=acos(((pos[1]-pos[0]).dot(pos[2]-pos[0]))/(e[2]*e[1]));
+    rad[3][1]=acos(((pos[2]-pos[1]).dot(pos[0]-pos[1]))/(e[0]*e[2]));
+    rad[3][2]=acos(((pos[0]-pos[2]).dot(pos[1]-pos[2]))/(e[1]*e[0]));
+    rad[0][0]=computeTriRadian(e[0],rRc[1],rRc[2]);
+    rad[0][1]=computeTriRadian(rRc[2],e[0],rRc[1]);
+    rad[0][2]=computeTriRadian(rRc[1],rRc[2],e[0]);
+    rad[1][0]=computeTriRadian(rRc[2],e[1],rRc[0]);
+    rad[1][1]=computeTriRadian(e[1],rRc[0],rRc[2]);
+    rad[1][2]=computeTriRadian(rRc[0],rRc[2],e[1]);
+    rad[2][0]=computeTriRadian(rRc[1],e[2],rRc[0]);
+    rad[2][1]=computeTriRadian(rRc[0],rRc[1],e[2]);
+    rad[2][2]=computeTriRadian(e[2],rRc[0],rRc[1]);
+    double lNW = (rad[0][0]+rad[1][1]+rad[2][2])*rC;
+    double lNS = (rad[3][0]-rad[1][0]-rad[2][0])*r[0] + (rad[3][1]-rad[2][1]-rad[0][1])*r[1] + (rad[3][2]-rad[1][2]-rad[0][2])*r[2] ;
+    double lInterface=lNW+lNS;
+    double sW0=0.5*rRc[1]*rRc[2]*sin(rad[0][0])-0.5*rad[0][0]*pow(rC,2)-0.5*rad[0][1]*pow(r[1],2)-0.5*rad[0][2]*pow(r[2],2) ;
+    double sW1=0.5*rRc[2]*rRc[0]*sin(rad[1][1])-0.5*rad[1][1]*pow(rC,2)-0.5*rad[1][2]*pow(r[2],2)-0.5*rad[1][0]*pow(r[0],2) ;
+    double sW2=0.5*rRc[0]*rRc[1]*sin(rad[2][2])-0.5*rad[2][2]*pow(rC,2)-0.5*rad[2][0]*pow(r[0],2)-0.5*rad[2][1]*pow(r[1],2) ;
+    double sW=sW0+sW1+sW2;
+    double sVoid=sqrt(cell->info().facetSurfaces[j].squared_length()) * cell->info().facetFluidSurfacesRatio[j];
+    double sInterface=sVoid-sW;
+    double deltaF = lInterface - sInterface/rC;//deltaF=surfaceTension*(perimeterPore - areaPore/rCap)
+    return deltaF;
+void UnsaturatedEngine::savePhaseVtk(const char* folder)
+// 	RTriangulation& Tri = T[solver->noCache?(!currentTes):currentTes].Triangulation();
+	RTriangulation& Tri = solver->T[solver->currentTes].Triangulation();
+        static unsigned int number = 0;
+        char filename[80];
+	mkdir(folder, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH);
+        sprintf(filename,"%s/out_%d.vtk",folder,number++);
+	int firstReal=-1;
+	//count fictious vertices and cells
+	solver->vtkInfiniteVertices=solver->vtkInfiniteCells=0;
+ 	FiniteCellsIterator cellEnd = Tri.finite_cells_end();
+        for (FiniteCellsIterator cell = Tri.finite_cells_begin(); cell != cellEnd; cell++) {
+		bool isDrawable = cell->info().isReal() && cell->vertex(0)->info().isReal() && cell->vertex(1)->info().isReal() && cell->vertex(2)->info().isReal()  && cell->vertex(3)->info().isReal();
+		if (!isDrawable) solver->vtkInfiniteCells+=1;
+	}
+	for (FiniteVerticesIterator v = Tri.finite_vertices_begin(); v != Tri.finite_vertices_end(); ++v) {
+                if (!v->info().isReal()) solver->vtkInfiniteVertices+=1;
+                else if (firstReal==-1) firstReal=solver->vtkInfiniteVertices;}
+        basicVTKwritter vtkfile((unsigned int) Tri.number_of_vertices()-solver->vtkInfiniteVertices, (unsigned int) Tri.number_of_finite_cells()-solver->vtkInfiniteCells);
+        vtkfile.open(filename,"test");
+        vtkfile.begin_vertices();
+        double x,y,z;
+        for (FiniteVerticesIterator v = Tri.finite_vertices_begin(); v != Tri.finite_vertices_end(); ++v) {
+		if (v->info().isReal()){
+		x = (double)(v->point().point()[0]);
+                y = (double)(v->point().point()[1]);
+                z = (double)(v->point().point()[2]);
+                vtkfile.write_point(x,y,z);}
+        }
+        vtkfile.end_vertices();
+        vtkfile.begin_cells();
+        for (FiniteCellsIterator cell = Tri.finite_cells_begin(); cell != Tri.finite_cells_end(); ++cell) {
+		bool isDrawable = cell->info().isReal() && cell->vertex(0)->info().isReal() && cell->vertex(1)->info().isReal() && cell->vertex(2)->info().isReal()  && cell->vertex(3)->info().isReal();
+        	if (isDrawable){vtkfile.write_cell(cell->vertex(0)->info().id()-firstReal, cell->vertex(1)->info().id()-firstReal, cell->vertex(2)->info().id()-firstReal, cell->vertex(3)->info().id()-firstReal);}
+        }
+        vtkfile.end_cells();
+	vtkfile.begin_data("Phase",CELL_DATA,SCALARS,FLOAT);
+	for (FiniteCellsIterator cell = Tri.finite_cells_begin(); cell != Tri.finite_cells_end(); ++cell) {
+		bool isDrawable = cell->info().isReal() && cell->vertex(0)->info().isReal() && cell->vertex(1)->info().isReal() && cell->vertex(2)->info().isReal()  && cell->vertex(3)->info().isReal();
+		if (isDrawable){vtkfile.write_data(!cell->info().isAirReservoir);}
+	}
+	vtkfile.end_data();
+double UnsaturatedEngine::computeEffPoreRadiusFine(CellHandle cell, int j)
+    RTriangulation& tri = solver->T[solver->currentTes].Triangulation();
+    if (tri.is_infinite(cell->neighbor(j))) return 0;
+    Vector3r posA = makeVector3r(cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][0])->point().point());
+    Vector3r posB = makeVector3r(cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][1])->point().point());
+    Vector3r posC = makeVector3r(cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][2])->point().point());
+    double rA = sqrt(cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][0])->point().weight());
+    double rB = sqrt(cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][1])->point().weight());
+    double rC = sqrt(cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][2])->point().weight());
+    double AB = (posA-posB).norm();
+    double AC = (posA-posC).norm();
+    double BC = (posB-posC).norm();
+    double rAB = 0.5*(AB-rA-rB); if (rAB<0) { rAB=0; }
+    double rBC = 0.5*(BC-rB-rC); if (rBC<0) { rBC=0; }
+    double rAC = 0.5*(AC-rA-rC); if (rAC<0) { rAC=0; }
+    double rmin = max(rAB,max(rBC,rAC)); if (rmin==0) { rmin= 1.0e-10; }
+    double rmax = abs(solver->computeEffectiveRadius(cell, j));//rmin>rmax ?
+//     if(rmin>rmax) { cerr<<"WARNING! rmin>rmax. rmin="<<rmin<<" ,rmax="<<rmax<<endl; }
+    double deltaForceRMin = computeDeltaForce(cell,j,rmin);
+    double deltaForceRMax = computeDeltaForce(cell,j,rmax);
+    if(deltaForceRMax<0) {
+        double effPoreRadius = rmax;
+//         cerr<<"deltaForceRMax Negative. cellID: "<<cell->info().index<<". posA="<<posA<<"; posB="<<posB<<"; posC="<< posC<<"; rA="<< rA<<"; rB="<< rB<<"; rC="<<rC<<endl;
+        return effPoreRadius;}
+    else if(deltaForceRMin<0) {
+        double effPoreRadius = bisection(cell,j,rmin,rmax);// cerr<<"1";//we suppose most cases should be this.
+        return effPoreRadius;}
+    else if( (deltaForceRMin>0) && (deltaForceRMin<deltaForceRMax) ) {
+        double effPoreRadius = rmin;// cerr<<"2";
+        return effPoreRadius;}
+    else if(deltaForceRMin>deltaForceRMax) {
+        double effPoreRadius = rmax;
+//         cerr<<"WARNING! deltaForceRMin>deltaForceRMax. cellID: "<<cell->info().index<<"; deltaForceRMin="<<deltaForceRMin<<"; deltaForceRMax="<<deltaForceRMax<<". posA="<<posA<<"; posB="<<posB<<"; posC="<< posC<<"; rA="<< rA<<"; rB="<< rB<<"; rC="<<rC<<endl;
+        return effPoreRadius;}
 double UnsaturatedEngine::computeDeltaForce(CellHandle cell,int j, double rCap)
     RTriangulation& tri = solver->T[solver->currentTes].Triangulation();
@@ -706,27 +856,90 @@
     double deltaForce = perimeterPore - areaPore/rCap;//deltaForce=surfaceTension*(perimeterPore - areaPore/rCap)
     return deltaForce;
+double UnsaturatedEngine::computeCellInterfacialArea(CellHandle cell, int j, double rCap)
+    double rInscribe = abs(solver->computeEffectiveRadius(cell, j));  
+    CellHandle cellh = CellHandle(cell);
+    int facetNFictious = solver->detectFacetFictiousVertices (cellh,j);
+  switch (facetNFictious) {
+    case (0) : {     
+    RTriangulation& tri = solver->T[solver->currentTes].Triangulation();
+    if (tri.is_infinite(cell->neighbor(j))) return 0;
+    Vector3r posA = makeVector3r(cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][0])->point().point());
+    Vector3r posB = makeVector3r(cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][1])->point().point());
+    Vector3r posC = makeVector3r(cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][2])->point().point());
+    double rA = sqrt(cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][0])->point().weight());
+    double rB = sqrt(cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][1])->point().weight());
+    double rC = sqrt(cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][2])->point().weight());
+    double AB = (posA-posB).norm();
+    double AC = (posA-posC).norm();
+    double BC = (posB-posC).norm();    
+    double rAB = 0.5*(AB-rA-rB); if (rAB<0) { rAB=0; }
+    double rBC = 0.5*(BC-rB-rC); if (rBC<0) { rBC=0; }
+    double rAC = 0.5*(AC-rA-rC); if (rAC<0) { rAC=0; }
+    //In triangulation ArB,rCap is the radius of sphere r; 
+    double _AB = (pow((rA+rCap),2)+pow(AB,2)-pow((rB+rCap),2))/(2*(rA+rCap)*AB); if(_AB>1.0) {_AB=1.0;} if(_AB<-1.0) {_AB=-1.0;}
+    double alphaAB = acos(_AB);
+    double _BA = (pow((rB+rCap),2)+pow(AB,2)-pow((rA+rCap),2))/(2*(rB+rCap)*AB); if(_BA>1.0) {_BA=1.0;} if(_BA<-1.0) {_BA=-1.0;}
+    double alphaBA = acos(_BA);
+    double _ArB = (pow((rA+rCap),2)+pow((rB+rCap),2)-pow(AB,2))/(2*(rA+rCap)*(rB+rCap)); if(_ArB>1.0) {_ArB=1.0;} if(_ArB<-1.0) {_ArB=-1.0;}
+    double alphaArB = acos(_ArB);    
+    double AreaArB = 0.5*(rA+rCap)*(rB+rCap)*sin(alphaArB);
+    double areaLiquidAB = AreaArB-0.5*alphaAB*pow(rA,2)-0.5*alphaBA*pow(rB,2)-0.5*alphaArB*pow(rCap,2);
+    double _AC = (pow((rA+rCap),2)+pow(AC,2)-pow((rC+rCap),2))/(2*(rA+rCap)*AC); if(_AC>1.0) {_AC=1.0;} if(_AC<-1.0) {_AC=-1.0;}
+    double alphaAC = acos(_AC);
+    double _CA = (pow((rC+rCap),2)+pow(AC,2)-pow((rA+rCap),2))/(2*(rC+rCap)*AC); if(_CA>1.0) {_CA=1.0;} if(_CA<-1.0) {_CA=-1.0;}
+    double alphaCA = acos(_CA);
+    double _ArC = (pow((rA+rCap),2)+pow((rC+rCap),2)-pow(AC,2))/(2*(rA+rCap)*(rC+rCap)); if(_ArC>1.0) {_ArC=1.0;} if(_ArC<-1.0) {_ArC=-1.0;}
+    double alphaArC = acos(_ArC);
+    double AreaArC = 0.5*(rA+rCap)*(rC+rCap)*sin(alphaArC);
+    double areaLiquidAC = AreaArC-0.5*alphaAC*pow(rA,2)-0.5*alphaCA*pow(rC,2)-0.5*alphaArC*pow(rCap,2);
+    double _BC = (pow((rB+rCap),2)+pow(BC,2)-pow((rC+rCap),2))/(2*(rB+rCap)*BC); if(_BC>1.0) {_BC=1.0;} if(_BC<-1.0) {_BC=-1.0;}
+    double alphaBC = acos(_BC);
+    double _CB = (pow((rC+rCap),2)+pow(BC,2)-pow((rB+rCap),2))/(2*(rC+rCap)*BC); if(_CB>1.0) {_CB=1.0;} if(_CB<-1.0) {_CB=-1.0;}
+    double alphaCB = acos(_CB);
+    double _BrC = (pow((rB+rCap),2)+pow((rC+rCap),2)-pow(BC,2))/(2*(rB+rCap)*(rC+rCap)); if(_BrC>1.0) {_BrC=1.0;} if(_BrC<-1.0) {_BrC=-1.0;}
+    double alphaBrC = acos(_BrC);
+    double AreaBrC = 0.5*(rB+rCap)*(rC+rCap)*sin(alphaBrC);
+    double areaLiquidBC = AreaBrC-0.5*alphaBC*pow(rB,2)-0.5*alphaCB*pow(rC,2)-0.5*alphaBrC*pow(rCap,2);
+    double areaCap = sqrt(cell->info().facetSurfaces[j].squared_length()) * cell->info().facetFluidSurfacesRatio[j];
+    double areaPore = areaCap - areaLiquidAB - areaLiquidAC - areaLiquidBC;//FIXME:areaPore may be out of range
+    if (areaPore<0) cerr<<"areaPore:"<<areaPore<<" posA:"<<posA<<" rA:"<<rA<<" posB"<<posB<<" rB"<<rB<<" posC:"<<posC<<" rC"<<rC<<endl;
+    if (areaPore>10) cerr<<"areaPore:"<<areaPore<<" posA:"<<posA<<" rA:"<<rA<<" posB"<<posB<<" rB"<<rB<<" posC:"<<posC<<" rC"<<rC<<endl;    
+    return areaPore;}; break;
+    case (1) : { return Mathr::PI*pow(rInscribe,2); }; break;
+    case (2) : { return Mathr::PI*pow(rInscribe,2); }; break;    
+  }   
 // ------------------for checking----------
 double UnsaturatedEngine::getRMin(CellHandle cell, int j)
     RTriangulation& tri = solver->T[solver->currentTes].Triangulation();
-    if (tri.is_infinite(cell->neighbor(j))) {return 0;cerr<<"tri.is_infinite(cell->neighbor(j)"<<endl;}
-    Vector3r posA = makeVector3r(cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][0])->point().point());
-    Vector3r posB = makeVector3r(cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][1])->point().point());
-    Vector3r posC = makeVector3r(cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][2])->point().point());
-    double rA = sqrt(cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][0])->point().weight());
-    double rB = sqrt(cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][1])->point().weight());
-    double rC = sqrt(cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][2])->point().weight());
-    double AB = (posA-posB).norm();
-    double AC = (posA-posC).norm();
-    double BC = (posB-posC).norm();
-    double rAB = 0.5*(AB-rA-rB); if (rAB<0) { rAB=0; }
-    double rBC = 0.5*(BC-rB-rC); if (rBC<0) { rBC=0; }
-    double rAC = 0.5*(AC-rA-rC); if (rAC<0) { rAC=0; }
-    double rmin = max(rAB,max(rBC,rAC)); if (rmin==0) { rmin= 1.0e-10; }
+    if (tri.is_infinite(cell->neighbor(j))) return 0;
+    Vector3r pos[3]; //solid pos
+    double r[3]; //solid radius
+    double e[3]; //edges of triangulation
+    double g[3]; //gap radius between solid
+    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
+      pos[i] = makeVector3r(cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][i])->point().point());
+      r[i] = sqrt(cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][i])->point().weight());
+    }
+    e[0] = (pos[1]-pos[2]).norm();
+    e[1] = (pos[2]-pos[0]).norm();
+    e[2] = (pos[1]-pos[0]).norm();
+    g[0] = ((e[0]-r[1]-r[2])>0) ? 0.5*(e[0]-r[1]-r[2]):0 ;
+    g[1] = ((e[1]-r[2]-r[0])>0) ? 0.5*(e[1]-r[2]-r[0]):0 ;
+    g[2] = ((e[2]-r[0]-r[1])>0) ? 0.5*(e[2]-r[0]-r[1]):0 ;
+    double rmin= (max(g[0],max(g[1],g[2]))==0) ? 1.0e-10:max(g[0],max(g[1],g[2])) ;
     return rmin;
 double UnsaturatedEngine::getRMax(CellHandle cell, int j)
@@ -744,10 +957,9 @@
     file<<"cellID	"<<"j	"<<"rmin	"<<"r	"<<"rmax	"<<endl;
     FiniteCellsIterator cellEnd = tri.finite_cells_end();
     for ( FiniteCellsIterator cell = tri.finite_cells_begin(); cell != cellEnd; cell++ ) {
-        file << cell->info().index << "	" <<"0"<< "	" <<getRMin(cell,0) << "	" << computeEffPoreRadius(cell,0)<< "	" <<getRMax(cell,0) << endl;
-        file << cell->info().index << "	" <<"1"<< "	" <<getRMin(cell,1) << "	" << computeEffPoreRadius(cell,1)<< "	" <<getRMax(cell,1) << endl;
-        file << cell->info().index << "	" <<"2"<< "	" <<getRMin(cell,2) << "	" << computeEffPoreRadius(cell,2)<< "	" <<getRMax(cell,2) << endl;
-        file << cell->info().index << "	" <<"3"<< "	" <<getRMin(cell,3) << "	" << computeEffPoreRadius(cell,3)<< "	" <<getRMax(cell,3) << endl;
+        for (int facet=0; facet<4; facet++) {
+            file << cell->info().index << "	" <<facet<< "	" <<getRMin(cell,facet) << "	" << computeEffPoreRadius(cell,facet)<< "	" <<getRMax(cell,facet) << endl;
+        }
@@ -755,17 +967,9 @@
     file<<"cellID	"<<"j	"<<"rmin	"<<"r	"<<"rmax	"<<endl;
     FiniteCellsIterator cellEnd1 = tri.finite_cells_end();
     for ( FiniteCellsIterator cell1 = tri.finite_cells_begin(); cell1 != cellEnd1; cell1++ ) {
-        if(getRMin(cell1,0)==computeEffPoreRadius(cell1,0)) {
-            file << cell1->info().index << "	" <<"0"<< "	" <<getRMin(cell1,0) << "	" << computeEffPoreRadius(cell1,0)<< "	" <<getRMax(cell1,0) << endl;
-        }
-        if(getRMin(cell1,1)==computeEffPoreRadius(cell1,1)) {
-            file << cell1->info().index << "	" <<"1"<< "	" <<getRMin(cell1,1) << "	" << computeEffPoreRadius(cell1,1)<< "	" <<getRMax(cell1,1) << endl;
-        }
-        if(getRMin(cell1,2)==computeEffPoreRadius(cell1,2)) {
-            file << cell1->info().index << "	" <<"2"<< "	" <<getRMin(cell1,2) << "	" << computeEffPoreRadius(cell1,2)<< "	" <<getRMax(cell1,2) << endl;
-        }
-        if(getRMin(cell1,3)==computeEffPoreRadius(cell1,3)) {
-            file << cell1->info().index << "	" <<"3"<< "	" <<getRMin(cell1,3) << "	" << computeEffPoreRadius(cell1,3)<< "	" <<getRMax(cell1,3) << endl;
+        for (int facet=0; facet<4; facet++) {
+            if(getRMin(cell1,facet)==computeEffPoreRadius(cell1,facet))
+                file << cell1->info().index << "	" <<facet<< "	" <<getRMin(cell1,facet) << "	" << computeEffPoreRadius(cell1,facet)<< "	" <<getRMax(cell1,facet) << endl;
@@ -774,17 +978,9 @@
     file<<"cellID	"<<"j	"<<"rmin	"<<"r	"<<"rmax	"<<endl;
     FiniteCellsIterator cellEnd2 = tri.finite_cells_end();
     for ( FiniteCellsIterator cell2 = tri.finite_cells_begin(); cell2 != cellEnd2; cell2++ ) {
-        if(getRMax(cell2,0)==computeEffPoreRadius(cell2,0)) {
-            file << cell2->info().index << "	" <<"0"<< "	" <<getRMin(cell2,0) << "	" << computeEffPoreRadius(cell2,0)<< "	" <<getRMax(cell2,0) << endl;
-        }
-        if(getRMax(cell2,1)==computeEffPoreRadius(cell2,1)) {
-            file << cell2->info().index << "	" <<"1"<< "	" <<getRMin(cell2,1) << "	" << computeEffPoreRadius(cell2,1)<< "	" <<getRMax(cell2,1) << endl;
-        }
-        if(getRMax(cell2,2)==computeEffPoreRadius(cell2,2)) {
-            file << cell2->info().index << "	" <<"2"<< "	" <<getRMin(cell2,2) << "	" << computeEffPoreRadius(cell2,2)<< "	" <<getRMax(cell2,2) << endl;
-        }
-        if(getRMax(cell2,3)==computeEffPoreRadius(cell2,3)) {
-            file << cell2->info().index << "	" <<"3"<< "	" <<getRMin(cell2,3) << "	" << computeEffPoreRadius(cell2,3)<< "	" <<getRMax(cell2,3) << endl;
+        for (int facet=0; facet<4; facet++) {
+            if(getRMax(cell2,facet)==computeEffPoreRadius(cell2,facet))
+                file << cell2->info().index << "	" <<facet<< "	" <<getRMin(cell2,facet) << "	" << computeEffPoreRadius(cell2,facet)<< "	" <<getRMax(cell2,facet) << endl;
@@ -793,18 +989,11 @@
     file<<"cellID	"<<"j	"<<"rmin	"<<"r	"<<"rmax	"<<endl;
     FiniteCellsIterator cellEnd3 = tri.finite_cells_end();
     for ( FiniteCellsIterator cell3 = tri.finite_cells_begin(); cell3 != cellEnd3; cell3++ ) {
-        if( (getRMax(cell3,0)>computeEffPoreRadius(cell3,0)) && (getRMin(cell3,0)<computeEffPoreRadius(cell3,0)) ) {
-            file << cell3->info().index << "	" <<"0"<< "	" <<getRMin(cell3,0) << "	" << computeEffPoreRadius(cell3,0)<< "	" <<getRMax(cell3,0) << endl;
-        }
-        if( (getRMax(cell3,1)>computeEffPoreRadius(cell3,1)) && (getRMin(cell3,1)<computeEffPoreRadius(cell3,1)) ) {
-            file << cell3->info().index << "	" <<"1"<< "	" <<getRMin(cell3,1) << "	" << computeEffPoreRadius(cell3,1)<< "	" <<getRMax(cell3,1) << endl;
-        }
-        if( (getRMax(cell3,2)>computeEffPoreRadius(cell3,2)) && (getRMin(cell3,2)<computeEffPoreRadius(cell3,2)) ) {
-            file << cell3->info().index << "	" <<"2"<< "	" <<getRMin(cell3,2) << "	" << computeEffPoreRadius(cell3,2)<< "	" <<getRMax(cell3,2) << endl;
-        }
-        if( (getRMax(cell3,3)>computeEffPoreRadius(cell3,3)) && (getRMin(cell3,3)<computeEffPoreRadius(cell3,3)) ) {
-            file << cell3->info().index << "	" <<"3"<< "	" <<getRMin(cell3,3) << "	" << computeEffPoreRadius(cell3,3)<< "	" <<getRMax(cell3,3) << endl;
-        }
+      for (int facet=0; facet<4; facet++) {
+	if( (getRMax(cell3,facet)>computeEffPoreRadius(cell3,facet)) && (getRMin(cell3,facet)<computeEffPoreRadius(cell3,facet)) ) {
+            file << cell3->info().index << "	" <<facet<< "	" <<getRMin(cell3,facet) << "	" << computeEffPoreRadius(cell3,facet)<< "	" <<getRMax(cell3,facet) << endl;
+        }
+      }
@@ -812,24 +1001,14 @@
     file<<"cellID	"<<"j	"<<"rmin	"<<"r	"<<"rmax	"<<endl;
     FiniteCellsIterator cellEnd4 = tri.finite_cells_end();
     for ( FiniteCellsIterator cell4 = tri.finite_cells_begin(); cell4 != cellEnd4; cell4++ ) {
-        if(getRMax(cell4,0)<getRMin(cell4,0)) {
-            file << cell4->info().index << "	" <<"0"<< "	" <<getRMin(cell4,0) << "	" << computeEffPoreRadius(cell4,0)<< "	" <<getRMax(cell4,0) << endl;
-        }
-        if(getRMax(cell4,1)<getRMin(cell4,1)) {
-            file << cell4->info().index << "	" <<"1"<< "	" <<getRMin(cell4,1) << "	" << computeEffPoreRadius(cell4,1)<< "	" <<getRMax(cell4,1) << endl;
-        }
-        if(getRMax(cell4,2)<getRMin(cell4,2)) {
-            file << cell4->info().index << "	" <<"2"<< "	" <<getRMin(cell4,2) << "	" << computeEffPoreRadius(cell4,2)<< "	" <<getRMax(cell4,2) << endl;
-        }
-        if(getRMax(cell4,3)<getRMin(cell4,3)) {
-            file << cell4->info().index << "	" <<"3"<< "	" <<getRMin(cell4,3) << "	" << computeEffPoreRadius(cell4,3)<< "	" <<getRMax(cell4,3) << endl;
-        }
+      for(int facet=0; facet<4; facet++) {
+        if(getRMax(cell4,facet)<getRMin(cell4,facet)) {
+            file << cell4->info().index << "	" <<facet<< "	" <<getRMin(cell4,facet) << "	" << computeEffPoreRadius(cell4,facet)<< "	" <<getRMax(cell4,facet) << endl;
+        }	
+      }
-// --------------------------------------
 void UnsaturatedEngine::checkCellsConnection()
@@ -854,10 +1033,9 @@
     FiniteCellsIterator cellEnd = tri.finite_cells_end();
     for ( FiniteCellsIterator cell = tri.finite_cells_begin(); cell != cellEnd; cell++ ) {
         if (tri.is_infinite(cell)) continue;
-        file << cell->info().index << " " <<cell->neighbor(0)->info().index << " " << surfaceTension/cell->info().poreRadius[0] << endl;
-        file << cell->info().index << " " <<cell->neighbor(1)->info().index << " " << surfaceTension/cell->info().poreRadius[1] << endl;
-        file << cell->info().index << " " <<cell->neighbor(2)->info().index << " " << surfaceTension/cell->info().poreRadius[2] << endl;
-        file << cell->info().index << " " <<cell->neighbor(3)->info().index << " " << surfaceTension/cell->info().poreRadius[3] << endl;
+        for (int facet=0; facet<4; facet++) {
+            file << cell->info().index << " " <<cell->neighbor(facet)->info().index << " " << surfaceTension/cell->info().poreRadius[facet] << endl;
+        }
@@ -945,95 +1123,6 @@
-void UnsaturatedEngine::savePhaseVtk(const char* folder)
-// 	RTriangulation& Tri = T[solver->noCache?(!currentTes):currentTes].Triangulation();
-	RTriangulation& Tri = solver->T[solver->currentTes].Triangulation();
-        static unsigned int number = 0;
-        char filename[80];
-	mkdir(folder, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH);
-        sprintf(filename,"%s/out_%d.vtk",folder,number++);
-	int firstReal=-1;
-	//count fictious vertices and cells
-	solver->vtkInfiniteVertices=solver->vtkInfiniteCells=0;
- 	FiniteCellsIterator cellEnd = Tri.finite_cells_end();
-        for (FiniteCellsIterator cell = Tri.finite_cells_begin(); cell != cellEnd; cell++) {
-		bool isDrawable = cell->info().isReal() && cell->vertex(0)->info().isReal() && cell->vertex(1)->info().isReal() && cell->vertex(2)->info().isReal()  && cell->vertex(3)->info().isReal();
-		if (!isDrawable) solver->vtkInfiniteCells+=1;
-	}
-	for (FiniteVerticesIterator v = Tri.finite_vertices_begin(); v != Tri.finite_vertices_end(); ++v) {
-                if (!v->info().isReal()) solver->vtkInfiniteVertices+=1;
-                else if (firstReal==-1) firstReal=solver->vtkInfiniteVertices;}
-        basicVTKwritter vtkfile((unsigned int) Tri.number_of_vertices()-solver->vtkInfiniteVertices, (unsigned int) Tri.number_of_finite_cells()-solver->vtkInfiniteCells);
-        vtkfile.open(filename,"test");
-        vtkfile.begin_vertices();
-        double x,y,z;
-        for (FiniteVerticesIterator v = Tri.finite_vertices_begin(); v != Tri.finite_vertices_end(); ++v) {
-		if (v->info().isReal()){
-		x = (double)(v->point().point()[0]);
-                y = (double)(v->point().point()[1]);
-                z = (double)(v->point().point()[2]);
-                vtkfile.write_point(x,y,z);}
-        }
-        vtkfile.end_vertices();
-        vtkfile.begin_cells();
-        for (FiniteCellsIterator cell = Tri.finite_cells_begin(); cell != Tri.finite_cells_end(); ++cell) {
-		bool isDrawable = cell->info().isReal() && cell->vertex(0)->info().isReal() && cell->vertex(1)->info().isReal() && cell->vertex(2)->info().isReal()  && cell->vertex(3)->info().isReal();
-        	if (isDrawable){vtkfile.write_cell(cell->vertex(0)->info().id()-firstReal, cell->vertex(1)->info().id()-firstReal, cell->vertex(2)->info().id()-firstReal, cell->vertex(3)->info().id()-firstReal);}
-        }
-        vtkfile.end_cells();
-	vtkfile.begin_data("Phase",CELL_DATA,SCALARS,FLOAT);
-	for (FiniteCellsIterator cell = Tri.finite_cells_begin(); cell != Tri.finite_cells_end(); ++cell) {
-		bool isDrawable = cell->info().isReal() && cell->vertex(0)->info().isReal() && cell->vertex(1)->info().isReal() && cell->vertex(2)->info().isReal()  && cell->vertex(3)->info().isReal();
-		if (isDrawable){vtkfile.write_data(!cell->info().isAirReservoir);}
-	}
-	vtkfile.end_data();
-//----temp function for Vahid Joekar-Niasar's data----
-double UnsaturatedEngine::getRadiusMin(CellHandle cell, int j)
-    RTriangulation& tri = solver->T[solver->currentTes].Triangulation();
-    if (tri.is_infinite(cell->neighbor(j))) return 0;
-    Vector3r posA = makeVector3r(cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][0])->point().point());
-    Vector3r posB = makeVector3r(cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][1])->point().point());
-    Vector3r posC = makeVector3r(cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][2])->point().point());
-    double rA = sqrt(cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][0])->point().weight());
-    double rB = sqrt(cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][1])->point().weight());
-    double rC = sqrt(cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][2])->point().weight());
-    double AB = (posA-posB).norm();
-    double AC = (posA-posC).norm();
-    double BC = (posB-posC).norm();
-    double rAB = 0.5*(AB-rA-rB); if (rAB<0) { rAB=0; }
-    double rBC = 0.5*(BC-rB-rC); if (rBC<0) { rBC=0; }
-    double rAC = 0.5*(AC-rA-rC); if (rAC<0) { rAC=0; }  
-    double rmin = max(rAB,max(rBC,rAC)); if (rmin==0) { rmin= 1.0e-10; }
-    return rmin;
-void UnsaturatedEngine::debugTemp()
-    RTriangulation& tri = solver->T[solver->currentTes].Triangulation();
-    ofstream file;
-    file.open("bugTemp.txt");
-    FiniteCellsIterator cellEnd = tri.finite_cells_end();
-    for ( FiniteCellsIterator cell = tri.finite_cells_begin(); cell != cellEnd; cell++ ) {
-        if (tri.is_infinite(cell)) continue;
-        for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {
-            file << cell->info().index << "  " <<cell->info().solidLine[i][0]<<"  " <<cell->info().solidLine[i][1]<<"  " <<cell->info().solidLine[i][2]<<"  " <<cell->info().solidLine[i][3]<<endl;
-        }
-    }
-    file.close();
-}//----------end temp function for Vahid Joekar-Niasar's data (clear later)---------------------
 //----------temp functions for comparison with experiment-----------------------
 void UnsaturatedEngine::initializeCellWindowsID()