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[Branch ~yade-pkg/yade/git-trunk] Rev 3566: Extra parenthesis removed in doc


revno: 3566
committer: jduriez <jerome.duriez@xxxxxxxxxxx>
timestamp: Fri 2015-01-09 11:33:00 -0700
  Extra parenthesis removed in doc


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=== modified file 'pkg/dem/GlobalStiffnessTimeStepper.hpp'
--- pkg/dem/GlobalStiffnessTimeStepper.hpp	2014-10-15 06:44:01 +0000
+++ pkg/dem/GlobalStiffnessTimeStepper.hpp	2015-01-09 18:33:00 +0000
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 			((Real,defaultDt,-1,,"used as the initial value of the timestep (especially useful in the first steps when no contact exist). If negative, it will be defined by :yref:`utils.PWaveTimeStep` * :yref:`GlobalStiffnessTimeStepper::timestepSafetyCoefficient`"))
 			((Real,maxDt,Mathr::MAX_REAL,,"if positive, used as max value of the timestep whatever the computed value"))
 			((Real,previousDt,1,,"last computed dt |yupdate|"))
-			((Real,timestepSafetyCoefficient,0.8,,"safety factor between the minimum eigen-period and the final assigned dt (less than 1))"))
+			((Real,timestepSafetyCoefficient,0.8,,"safety factor between the minimum eigen-period and the final assigned dt (less than 1)"))
 			((bool,densityScaling,false,,"|yupdate| don't modify this value if you don't plan to modify the scaling factor manually for some bodies. In most cases, it is enough to set :yref:`NewtonIntegrator::densityScaling` and let this one be adjusted automatically."))
 			((Real,targetDt,1,,"if :yref:`NewtonIntegrator::densityScaling` is active, this value will be used as the simulation  timestep and the scaling will use this value of dt as the target value. The value of targetDt is arbitrary and should have no effect in the result in general. However if some bodies have imposed velocities, for instance, they will move more or less per each step depending on this value."))
 			((bool,viscEl,false,,"To use with :yref:`ViscElPhys`. if True, evaluate separetly the minimum eigen-period in the problem considering only the elastic contribution on one hand (spring only), and only the viscous contribution on the other hand (dashpot only). Take then the minimum of the two and use the safety coefficient :yref:`GlobalStiffnessTimestepper::timestepSafetyCoefficient` to take into account the possible coupling between the two contribution.")),