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[Branch ~yade-pkg/yade/git-trunk] Rev 3775: Merge pull request #47 from booncw/master


Merge authors:
  booncw (booncw)
revno: 3775 [merge]
committer: Jan Stránský <honzik.stransky@xxxxxxxxx>
timestamp: Mon 2016-01-18 10:00:22 +0100
  Merge pull request #47 from booncw/master
  Commit Potential Particles: non-spherical particles for DEM


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=== added directory 'examples/PotentialParticles'
=== added file 'examples/PotentialParticles/cubePPscaled.py'
--- examples/PotentialParticles/cubePPscaled.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ examples/PotentialParticles/cubePPscaled.py	2015-12-14 14:25:08 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+#!/usr/local/bin/yade-trunk -x
+# -*- encoding=utf-8 -*-
+# CWBoon 2015
+from yade import pack
+import math
+	ForceResetter(),
+	InsertionSortCollider([PotentialParticle2AABB()],verletDist=0),
+	InteractionLoop(
+		[Ig2_PP_PP_ScGeom()],
+		[Ip2_FrictMat_FrictMat_KnKsPhys(Knormal = 1e8, Kshear = 1e8,useFaceProperties=False,calJointLength=False,twoDimension=True,unitWidth2D=1.0,viscousDamping=0.7)],
+		[Law2_SCG_KnKsPhys_KnKsLaw(label='law',neverErase=False)]
+		#[Ip2_FrictMat_FrictMat_FrictPhys()],
+		#[Law2_ScGeom_FrictPhys_CundallStrack()]
+	),
+	#GravityEngine(gravity=[0,-10,0]),
+	#GlobalStiffnessTimeStepper(),
+	NewtonIntegrator(damping=0.0,exactAsphericalRot=False,gravity=[0,-10,0]),
+	#PotentialParticleVTKRecorder(fileName='/home/chiab/yadeNew/mosek/8Nov/BranchA/scripts2/boon/ComputersGeotechnics/vtk/1000PP',iterPeriod=100,sampleX=50,sampleY=50,sampleZ=50)
+powderDensity = 10000
+distanceToCentre= 0.5
+meanSize = 1.0
+wallThickness = 0.5*meanSize
+lengthOfBase = 9.0*meanSize
+heightOfBase = 14.0*meanSize
+sphereRad = sqrt(3.0)*0.5*meanSize
+count= 0
+for s in sp:
+	b=Body()
+	radius=2.2
+	dynamic=True
+	wire=False
+	color=[0,0,255.0]
+	highlight=False
+	b.shape=PotentialParticle(k=0.2, r=0.05*meanSize, R=1.02*sphereRad, a=[1.0,-1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0], b=[0.0,0.0,1.0,-1.0,0.0,0.0], c=[0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0,-1.0], d=[distanceToCentre-rPP,distanceToCentre-rPP,distanceToCentre-rPP,distanceToCentre-rPP,distanceToCentre-rPP,distanceToCentre-rPP],isBoundary=False,color=color,wire=wire,highlight=highlight,minAabb=Vector3(sphereRad,sphereRad,sphereRad),maxAabb=Vector3(sphereRad,sphereRad,sphereRad),maxAabbRotated=Vector3(sphereRad,sphereRad,sphereRad),minAabbRotated=Vector3(sphereRad,sphereRad,sphereRad),AabbMinMax=False)
+	length=meanSize
+  	V= 1.0
+  	geomInert=(2./5.)*powderDensity*V*sphereRad**2
+	utils._commonBodySetup(b,V,Vector3(geomInert,geomInert,geomInert), material='frictionless',pos=s[0], noBound=False, resetState=True, fixed=False)
+	b.state.pos = s[0] #s[0] stores center
+	b.state.ori = Quaternion((random.random(),random.random(),random.random()),random.random()) #s[2]
+	O.bodies.append(b)
+	b.dynamic = True
+	count =count+1
+#v1 = (0, 0, 0.2) (0, 0, 1) (0,0,2.498)
+#v2 = (-0.0943, 0.1633, -0.0667) (-0.4714, 0.8165, -0.3334)
+#v3 = (0.1886 0 -0.0667) (0.9428, 0, -0.3333)
+#edge = 0.3266   1.6333 4.08
+#volume = 0.0041 0.5132 8
+bbb.shape=PotentialParticle(k=0.1, r=0.1*wallThickness, R=0.2*lengthOfBase,a=[1,-1,0,0,0,0], b=[0,0,1,-1,0,0], c=[0,0,0,0,1,-1], d=[lengthOfBase/6.0-r,lengthOfBase/6.0-r,0.5*wallThickness-r,0.5*wallThickness-r,lengthOfBase/6.0-r,lengthOfBase/6.0-r], id=count,isBoundary=True,isBoundaryPlane=[True,True,True,True,True,True],color=color ,wire=wire,highlight=highlight,AabbMinMax=True, minAabb=1.02*Vector3(lengthOfBase/6.0,0.5*wallThickness,lengthOfBase/6.0),maxAabb=1.02*Vector3(lengthOfBase/6.0,0.5*wallThickness,lengthOfBase/6.0),maxAabbRotated=1.02*Vector3(lengthOfBase/6.0,0.5*wallThickness,lengthOfBase/6.0),minAabbRotated=1.02*Vector3(lengthOfBase/6.0,0.5*wallThickness,lengthOfBase/6.0))
+utils._commonBodySetup(bbb,V,Vector3(geomInert,geomInert,geomInert), material='frictionless',pos=[0.0,0,0], noBound=False, resetState=True, fixed=True)
+bbb.state.pos = [0.0,0,0]
+lidID = O.bodies.append(bbb)
+b1.shape=PotentialParticle(k=0.1, r=0.1*wallThickness, R=0.2*lengthOfBase,a=[1,-1,0,0,0,0], b=[0,0,1,-1,0,0], c=[0,0,0,0,1,-1], d=[lengthOfBase/6.0-r,lengthOfBase/6.0-r,0.5*wallThickness-r,0.5*wallThickness-r,lengthOfBase/6.0-r,lengthOfBase/6.0-r], id=count,isBoundary=True,isBoundaryPlane=[True,True,True,True,True,True],color=color ,wire=wire,highlight=highlight,AabbMinMax=True, minAabb=1.02*Vector3(lengthOfBase/6.0,0.4*wallThickness,lengthOfBase/6.0),maxAabb=1.02*Vector3(lengthOfBase/6.0,0.4*wallThickness,lengthOfBase/6.0),maxAabbRotated=1.02*Vector3(lengthOfBase/6.0,0.5*wallThickness,lengthOfBase/6.0),minAabbRotated=1.02*Vector3(lengthOfBase/6.0,0.5*wallThickness,lengthOfBase/6.0))
+utils._commonBodySetup(b1,V,Vector3(geomInert,geomInert,geomInert), material='frictionless',pos=[0.0,0,0], noBound=False, resetState=True,fixed=True)
+b1.state.pos = [lengthOfBase/3.0,0,lengthOfBase/3.0]
+b2.shape=PotentialParticle(k=0.1, r=0.1*wallThickness, R=0.2*lengthOfBase,a=[1,-1,0,0,0,0], b=[0,0,1,-1,0,0], c=[0,0,0,0,1,-1], d=[lengthOfBase/6.0-r,lengthOfBase/6.0-r,0.5*wallThickness-r,0.5*wallThickness-r,lengthOfBase/6.0-r,lengthOfBase/6.0-r], id=count,isBoundary=True,isBoundaryPlane=[True,True,True,True,True,True],color=color ,wire=wire,highlight=highlight,AabbMinMax=True, minAabb=1.02*Vector3(lengthOfBase/6.0,0.4*wallThickness,lengthOfBase/6.0),maxAabb=1.02*Vector3(lengthOfBase/6.0,0.4*wallThickness,lengthOfBase/6.0),maxAabbRotated=1.02*Vector3(lengthOfBase/6.0,0.5*wallThickness,lengthOfBase/6.0),minAabbRotated=1.02*Vector3(lengthOfBase/6.0,0.5*wallThickness,lengthOfBase/6.0))
+utils._commonBodySetup(b2,V,Vector3(geomInert,geomInert,geomInert), material='frictionless',pos=[0.0,0,0], noBound=False, resetState=True,fixed=True)
+b2.state.pos = [-lengthOfBase/3.0,0,lengthOfBase/3.0]
+b3.shape=PotentialParticle(k=0.1, r=0.1*wallThickness, R=0.2*lengthOfBase,a=[1,-1,0,0,0,0], b=[0,0,1,-1,0,0], c=[0,0,0,0,1,-1], d=[lengthOfBase/6.0-r,lengthOfBase/6.0-r,0.5*wallThickness-r,0.5*wallThickness-r,lengthOfBase/6.0-r,lengthOfBase/6.0-r], id=count,isBoundary=True,isBoundaryPlane=[True,True,True,True,True,True],color=color ,wire=wire,highlight=highlight,AabbMinMax=True, minAabb=1.02*Vector3(lengthOfBase/6.0,0.4*wallThickness,lengthOfBase/6.0),maxAabb=1.02*Vector3(lengthOfBase/6.0,0.4*wallThickness,lengthOfBase/6.0),maxAabbRotated=1.02*Vector3(lengthOfBase/6.0,0.5*wallThickness,lengthOfBase/6.0),minAabbRotated=1.02*Vector3(lengthOfBase/6.0,0.5*wallThickness,lengthOfBase/6.0))
+utils._commonBodySetup(b3,V,Vector3(geomInert,geomInert,geomInert), material='frictionless',pos=[0.0,0,0], noBound=False, resetState=True,fixed=True)
+b3.state.pos = [0.0,0,lengthOfBase/3.0]
+b4.shape=PotentialParticle(k=0.1, r=0.1*wallThickness, R=0.2*lengthOfBase,a=[1,-1,0,0,0,0], b=[0,0,1,-1,0,0], c=[0,0,0,0,1,-1], d=[lengthOfBase/6.0-r,lengthOfBase/6.0-r,0.5*wallThickness-r,0.5*wallThickness-r,lengthOfBase/6.0-r,lengthOfBase/6.0-r], id=count,isBoundary=True,isBoundaryPlane=[True,True,True,True,True,True],color=color ,wire=wire,highlight=highlight,AabbMinMax=True, minAabb=1.02*Vector3(lengthOfBase/6.0,0.4*wallThickness,lengthOfBase/6.0),maxAabb=1.02*Vector3(lengthOfBase/6.0,0.4*wallThickness,lengthOfBase/6.0),maxAabbRotated=1.02*Vector3(lengthOfBase/6.0,0.5*wallThickness,lengthOfBase/6.0),minAabbRotated=1.02*Vector3(lengthOfBase/6.0,0.5*wallThickness,lengthOfBase/6.0))
+utils._commonBodySetup(b4,V,Vector3(geomInert,geomInert,geomInert), material='frictionless',pos=[0.0,0,0], noBound=False, resetState=True,fixed=True)
+b4.state.pos = [lengthOfBase/3.0,0,-lengthOfBase/3.0]
+b5.shape=PotentialParticle(k=0.1, r=0.1*wallThickness, R=0.2*lengthOfBase,a=[1,-1,0,0,0,0], b=[0,0,1,-1,0,0], c=[0,0,0,0,1,-1], d=[lengthOfBase/6.0-r,lengthOfBase/6.0-r,0.5*wallThickness-r,0.5*wallThickness-r,lengthOfBase/6.0-r,lengthOfBase/6.0-r], id=count,isBoundary=True,isBoundaryPlane=[True,True,True,True,True,True],color=color ,wire=wire,highlight=highlight,AabbMinMax=True, minAabb=1.02*Vector3(lengthOfBase/6.0,0.4*wallThickness,lengthOfBase/6.0),maxAabb=1.02*Vector3(lengthOfBase/6.0,0.4*wallThickness,lengthOfBase/6.0),maxAabbRotated=1.02*Vector3(lengthOfBase/6.0,0.5*wallThickness,lengthOfBase/6.0),minAabbRotated=1.02*Vector3(lengthOfBase/6.0,0.5*wallThickness,lengthOfBase/6.0))
+utils._commonBodySetup(b5,V,Vector3(geomInert,geomInert,geomInert), material='frictionless',pos=[0.0,0,0], noBound=False, resetState=True,fixed=True)
+b5.state.pos = [0.0,0,-lengthOfBase/3.0]
+b6.shape=PotentialParticle(k=0.1, r=0.1*wallThickness, R=0.2*lengthOfBase,a=[1,-1,0,0,0,0], b=[0,0,1,-1,0,0], c=[0,0,0,0,1,-1], d=[lengthOfBase/6.0-r,lengthOfBase/6.0-r,0.5*wallThickness-r,0.5*wallThickness-r,lengthOfBase/6.0-r,lengthOfBase/6.0-r], id=count,isBoundary=True,isBoundaryPlane=[True,True,True,True,True,True],color=color ,wire=wire,highlight=highlight,AabbMinMax=True, minAabb=1.02*Vector3(lengthOfBase/6.0,0.4*wallThickness,lengthOfBase/6.0),maxAabb=1.02*Vector3(lengthOfBase/6.0,0.4*wallThickness,lengthOfBase/6.0),maxAabbRotated=1.02*Vector3(lengthOfBase/6.0,0.5*wallThickness,lengthOfBase/6.0),minAabbRotated=1.02*Vector3(lengthOfBase/6.0,0.5*wallThickness,lengthOfBase/6.0))
+utils._commonBodySetup(b6,V,Vector3(geomInert,geomInert,geomInert), material='frictionless',pos=[0.0,0,0], noBound=False, resetState=True,fixed=True)
+b6.state.pos = [-lengthOfBase/3.0,0.0,-lengthOfBase/3.0]
+b7.shape=PotentialParticle(k=0.1, r=0.1*wallThickness, R=0.2*lengthOfBase,a=[1,-1,0,0,0,0], b=[0,0,1,-1,0,0], c=[0,0,0,0,1,-1], d=[lengthOfBase/6.0-r,lengthOfBase/6.0-r,0.5*wallThickness-r,0.5*wallThickness-r,lengthOfBase/6.0-r,lengthOfBase/6.0-r], id=count,isBoundary=True,isBoundaryPlane=[True,True,True,True,True,True],color=color ,wire=wire,highlight=highlight,AabbMinMax=True, minAabb=1.02*Vector3(lengthOfBase/6.0,0.4*wallThickness,lengthOfBase/6.0),maxAabb=1.02*Vector3(lengthOfBase/6.0,0.4*wallThickness,lengthOfBase/6.0),maxAabbRotated=1.02*Vector3(lengthOfBase/6.0,0.5*wallThickness,lengthOfBase/6.0),minAabbRotated=1.02*Vector3(lengthOfBase/6.0,0.5*wallThickness,lengthOfBase/6.0))
+utils._commonBodySetup(b7,V,Vector3(geomInert,geomInert,geomInert), material='frictionless',pos=[0.0,0,0], noBound=False, resetState=True,fixed=True)
+b7.state.pos = [-lengthOfBase/3.0,0.0,0.0]
+b8.shape=PotentialParticle(k=0.1, r=0.1*wallThickness, R=0.2*lengthOfBase,a=[1,-1,0,0,0,0], b=[0,0,1,-1,0,0], c=[0,0,0,0,1,-1], d=[lengthOfBase/6.0-r,lengthOfBase/6.0-r,0.5*wallThickness-r,0.5*wallThickness-r,lengthOfBase/6.0-r,lengthOfBase/6.0-r], id=count,isBoundary=True,isBoundaryPlane=[True,True,True,True,True,True],color=color ,wire=wire,highlight=highlight,AabbMinMax=True, minAabb=1.02*Vector3(lengthOfBase/6.0,0.4*wallThickness,lengthOfBase/6.0),maxAabb=1.02*Vector3(lengthOfBase/6.0,0.4*wallThickness,lengthOfBase/6.0),maxAabbRotated=1.02*Vector3(lengthOfBase/6.0,0.5*wallThickness,lengthOfBase/6.0),minAabbRotated=1.02*Vector3(lengthOfBase/6.0,0.5*wallThickness,lengthOfBase/6.0))
+utils._commonBodySetup(b8,V,Vector3(geomInert,geomInert,geomInert), material='frictionless',pos=[0.0,0,0], noBound=False, resetState=True,fixed=True)
+b8.state.pos = [lengthOfBase/3.0,0.0,0.0]
+bA.shape=PotentialParticle(k=0.1, r=0.1*wallThickness, R=0.5*heightOfBase,a=[1,-1,0,0,0,0], b=[0,0,1,-1,0,0], c=[0,0,0,0,1,-1], d=[0.5*wallThickness-r,0.5*wallThickness-r,0.5*heightOfBase-r,0.5*heightOfBase-r,0.5*lengthOfBase-r,0.5*lengthOfBase-r], id=count+1,isBoundary=True,isBoundaryPlane=[True,True,True,True,True,True],color=color ,wire=wire,highlight=highlight,AabbMinMax=True, minAabb=1.02*Vector3(0.3*wallThickness,0.5*heightOfBase,0.5*lengthOfBase),maxAabb=1.02*Vector3(0.3*wallThickness,0.5*heightOfBase,0.5*lengthOfBase),maxAabbRotated=1.02*Vector3(0.5*wallThickness,0.5*heightOfBase,0.5*lengthOfBase),minAabbRotated=1.02*Vector3(0.5*wallThickness,0.5*heightOfBase,0.5*lengthOfBase))
+utils._commonBodySetup(bA,V,Vector3(geomInert,geomInert,geomInert), material='frictionless',pos=[0.0,0,0], noBound=False, resetState=True,fixed=True)
+bA.state.pos = [0.5*lengthOfBase,0.5*heightOfBase,0]
+bB.shape=PotentialParticle(k=0.1, r=0.1*wallThickness, R=0.5*heightOfBase,a=[1,-1,0,0,0,0], b=[0,0,1,-1,0,0], c=[0,0,0,0,1,-1], d=[0.5*wallThickness-r,0.5*wallThickness-r,0.5*heightOfBase-r,0.5*heightOfBase-r,0.5*lengthOfBase-r,0.5*lengthOfBase-r], id=count+2,isBoundary=True,isBoundaryPlane=[True,True,True,True,True,True],color=color ,wire=wire,highlight=highlight,AabbMinMax=True, minAabb=1.02*Vector3(0.3*wallThickness,0.5*heightOfBase,0.5*lengthOfBase),maxAabb=1.02*Vector3(0.3*wallThickness,0.5*heightOfBase,0.5*lengthOfBase),maxAabbRotated=1.02*Vector3(0.5*wallThickness,0.5*heightOfBase,0.5*lengthOfBase),minAabbRotated=1.02*Vector3(0.5*wallThickness,0.5*heightOfBase,0.5*lengthOfBase))
+utils._commonBodySetup(bB,V,Vector3(geomInert,geomInert,geomInert), material='frictionless',pos=[0.0,0,0], noBound=False, resetState=True,fixed=True)
+bB.state.pos = [-0.5*lengthOfBase,0.5*heightOfBase,0]
+bC.shape=PotentialParticle(k=0.1, r=0.1*wallThickness, R=0.5*heightOfBase,a=[1,-1,0,0,0,0], b=[0,0,1,-1,0,0], c=[0,0,0,0,1,-1], d=[0.5*lengthOfBase-r,0.5*lengthOfBase-r,0.5*heightOfBase-r,0.5*heightOfBase-r,0.5*wallThickness-r,0.5*wallThickness-r], id=count+3,isBoundary=True,isBoundaryPlane=[True,True,True,True,True,True],color=color ,wire=wire,highlight=highlight,AabbMinMax=True, minAabb=1.02*Vector3(0.5*lengthOfBase,0.5*heightOfBase,0.3*wallThickness),maxAabb=1.02*Vector3(0.5*lengthOfBase,0.5*heightOfBase,0.3*wallThickness),maxAabbRotated=1.02*Vector3(0.5*lengthOfBase,0.5*heightOfBase,0.5*wallThickness),minAabbRotated=1.02*Vector3(0.5*lengthOfBase,0.5*heightOfBase,0.5*wallThickness))
+utils._commonBodySetup(bC,V,Vector3(geomInert,geomInert,geomInert), material='frictionless',pos=[0.0,0,0], noBound=False, resetState=True,fixed=True)
+bC.state.pos = [0,0.5*heightOfBase,0.5*lengthOfBase]
+bD.shape=PotentialParticle(k=0.1, r=0.1*wallThickness, R=0.5*heightOfBase,a=[1,-1,0,0,0,0], b=[0,0,1,-1,0,0], c=[0,0,0,0,1,-1], d=[0.5*lengthOfBase-r,0.5*lengthOfBase-r,0.5*heightOfBase-r,0.5*heightOfBase-r,0.5*wallThickness-r,0.5*wallThickness-r], id=count+4,isBoundary=True,isBoundaryPlane=[True,True,True,True,True,True],color=color ,wire=wire,highlight=highlight,AabbMinMax=True, minAabb=1.02*Vector3(0.5*lengthOfBase,0.5*heightOfBase,0.3*wallThickness),maxAabb=1.02*Vector3(0.5*lengthOfBase,0.5*heightOfBase,0.3*wallThickness),maxAabbRotated=1.02*Vector3(0.5*lengthOfBase,0.5*heightOfBase,0.5*wallThickness),minAabbRotated=1.02*Vector3(0.5*lengthOfBase,0.5*heightOfBase,0.5*wallThickness))
+utils._commonBodySetup(bD,V,Vector3(geomInert,geomInert,geomInert), material='frictionless',pos=[0.0,0,0], noBound=False, resetState=True,fixed=True)
+bD.state.pos = [0.0,0.5*heightOfBase,-0.5*lengthOfBase]
+def myAddPlotData():
+	global escapeNo
+	global wallThickness
+	global meanSize
+	uf=utils.unbalancedForce()
+	if isnan(uf):
+		uf = 1.0
+	KE = utils.kineticEnergy()
+	for b in O.bodies:
+		if b.state.pos[1] < -5.0*meanSize and b.dynamic==True:
+			escapeNo = escapeNo+1
+			O.bodies.erase(b.id)
+	if O.iter>12000:
+		removeLid()
+	plot.addData(timeStep1=O.iter,timeStep2=O.iter,timeStep3=O.iter,timeStep4=O.iter,time=O.time,unbalancedForce=uf,kineticEn=KE,outsideNo=escapeNo)
+from yade import plot
+def removeLid():
+	global lidID	
+	if (O.bodies[lidID]):
+		O.bodies.erase(lidID)	
+#for b in O.bodies:
+#	b.state.blockedDOFs=['rx','ry','rz','x','z']
+#O.bodies[0].state.pos = [0,meanSize*10.0,0]
+#O.bodies[0].state.vel =[0,0.0,0]
+O.dt = 0.2*sqrt(O.bodies[0].state.mass*0.33333333/1.0e8) 
+#from yade import qt
+#Gl1_PotentialParticle.sizeX = 30
+#Gl1_PotentialParticle.sizeY = 30
+#Gl1_PotentialParticle.sizeZ = 30
+#from yade import qt
+import yade.timing
+O.timingEnabled = True

=== added file 'pkg/common/Gl1_PotentialParticle.cpp'
--- pkg/common/Gl1_PotentialParticle.cpp	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ pkg/common/Gl1_PotentialParticle.cpp	2015-12-14 14:25:08 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,610 @@
+/*CWBoon 2015 */
+#include "Gl1_PotentialParticle.hpp"
+#include <vtkFloatArray.h>
+#include <vtkSampleFunction.h>
+#include <vtkStructuredPoints.h>
+#include <vtkContourFilter.h>
+#include <vtkPolyDataMapper.h>
+#include <vtkAppendPolyData.h>
+#include <vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h> 
+#include <vtkUnsignedCharArray.h>
+#include <vtkPointData.h>
+#include <vtkLookupTable.h>
+#include <vtkXMLDataSetWriter.h>
+#include <vtkSphereSource.h>
+#include <vtkDiskSource.h>
+#include <vtkRegularPolygonSource.h>
+#include <vtkProperty.h>
+#include <vtkLabeledDataMapper.h>
+#include <vtkActor2D.h>
+#include <vtkVectorText.h>
+#include <vtkLinearExtrusionFilter.h>
+#include <vtkConeSource.h>
+#include <vtkCamera.h>
+#include <vtkImplicitBoolean.h>
+#include <vtkIntArray.h>
+#if 0
+void Gl1_PotentialParticle::calcMinMax(const shared_ptr<Shape>& cm)
+	PotentialParticle* pp = static_cast<PotentialParticle*>(cm.get());		
+	int planeNo = pp->d.size();
+	Real maxD = pp->d[0];
+	for (int i=0; i<planeNo; ++i){
+		if (pp->d[i] > maxD) {
+			maxD = pp->d[i];
+		}
+	}
+	Real R = pp->R;
+	Real r = pp->r;
+	Real maxTip = R; //std::max(maxD + r, R);
+	min =-1.1*pp->minAabb; // 1.5*Vector3r(-maxTip,-maxTip,-maxTip);
+	max = 1.1*pp->maxAabb; //-1.0*min;
+	float dx = (max[0]-min[0])/((float)(sizeX));
+	float dy = (max[1]-min[1])/((float)(sizeY));
+	float dz = (max[2]-min[2])/((float)(sizeZ));
+	isoStep=Vector3r(dx,dy,dz);
+void Gl1_PotentialParticle::generateScalarField(const shared_ptr<Shape>& cm)
+	for(int i=0;i<sizeX;i++){
+		for(int j=0;j<sizeY;j++){
+			for(int k=0;k<sizeZ;k++)
+			{
+				scalarField[i][j][k] = 0.0;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	for(int i=0;i<sizeX;i++){
+		for(int j=0;j<sizeY;j++){
+			for(int k=0;k<sizeZ;k++){
+				scalarField[i][j][k] = evaluateF(cm,  min[0]+ double(i)*isoStep[0],  min[1]+ double(j)*isoStep[1],  min[2]+double(k)*isoStep[2]);//  
+			}
+		}
+	}
+vector<Gl1_PotentialParticle::scalarF> Gl1_PotentialParticle::SF;
+int Gl1_PotentialParticle::sizeX, Gl1_PotentialParticle::sizeY, Gl1_PotentialParticle::sizeZ;
+bool Gl1_PotentialParticle::store;
+bool Gl1_PotentialParticle::initialized;
+void Gl1_PotentialParticle::clearMemory(){
+void Gl1_PotentialParticle::go( const shared_ptr<Shape>& cm, const shared_ptr<State>& state ,bool wire2, const GLViewInfo&){
+	PotentialParticle* pp = static_cast<PotentialParticle*>(cm.get());	
+	int shapeId = pp->id;
+if(store == false){
+	if(SF.size()>0){SF.clear(); initialized = false; }
+	return;
+if(initialized == false ){
+			FOREACH(const shared_ptr<Body>& b, *scene->bodies){
+				if (!b) continue;
+				const shared_ptr<Shape>&  cmbody=b->shape; 
+				calcMinMax(cmbody);
+				mc.init(sizeX,sizeY,sizeZ,min,max);
+				mc.resizeScalarField(scalarField,sizeX,sizeY,sizeZ);
+					SF.push_back(scalarF());
+					generateScalarField(cmbody);
+					mc.computeTriangulation(scalarField,0.0);
+					SF[b->id].triangles = mc.getTriangles();
+					SF[b->id].normals = mc.getNormals();
+					SF[b->id].nbTriangles = mc.getNbTriangles();
+					for(int i=0; i<scalarField.size(); i++){
+						for(int j=0; j<scalarField[i].size(); j++) scalarField[i][j].clear();
+							scalarField[i].clear();
+					}
+					scalarField.clear();
+			}
+			initialized = true;
+   calcMinMax(cm);
+	mc.init(sizeX,sizeY,sizeZ,min,max);
+	mc.resizeScalarField(scalarField,sizeX,sizeY,sizeZ);	
+	// FIXME : check that : one of those 2 lines are useless
+  	glMaterialv(GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, Vector3r(cm->color[0],cm->color[1],cm->color[2]));
+	glColor3v(cm->color);
+	 vector<Vector3r>& triangles 	= SF[shapeId].triangles; //mc.getTriangles();
+	int nbTriangles			= SF[shapeId].nbTriangles; // //mc.getNbTriangles();
+	 vector<Vector3r>& normals 	= SF[shapeId].normals; //mc.getNormals();	
+	glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE);
+	glEnable(GL_LIGHTING); // 2D
+	glEnable(GL_NORMALIZE);
+	glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES);
+	for(int i=0;i<3*nbTriangles;++i)
+	{
+		glNormal3v(normals[i]);
+		glVertex3v(triangles[i]);
+		glNormal3v(normals[++i]);
+		glVertex3v(triangles[i]);
+		glNormal3v(normals[++i]);
+		glVertex3v(triangles[i]);
+	}
+	glEnd();
+	return;
+double Gl1_PotentialParticle::evaluateF(const shared_ptr<Shape>& cm, double x, double y, double z){
+		PotentialParticle* pp = static_cast<PotentialParticle*>(cm.get());	
+		Real k = pp->k;
+		Real r = pp->r;
+		Real R = pp->R;	
+		int planeNo = pp->a.size();
+		vector<double>a; vector<double>b; vector<double>c; vector<double>d; vector<double>p; Real pSum3 = 0.0;
+		for (int i=0; i<planeNo; i++){
+			a.push_back(pp->a[i]);
+			b.push_back(pp->b[i]);		
+			c.push_back(pp->c[i]);
+			d.push_back(pp->d[i]);
+			Real plane = a[i]*x + b[i]*y + c[i]*z - d[i]; if (plane<pow(10,-15)){plane = 0.0;} 
+			p.push_back(plane);
+			pSum3 += pow(p[i],2);
+		}
+		Real sphere  = (  pow(x,2) + pow(y,2) + pow(z,2) ) ;
+		Real f = (1.0-k)*(pSum3/pow(r,2) - 1.0)+k*(sphere/pow(R,2)-1.0);
+		return f;
+ImpFunc * ImpFunc::New()
+    // Skip factory stuff - create class
+    return new ImpFunc;
+// Create the function
+	clump = false;
+    // Initialize members here if you need
+    // Initialize members here if you need
+// Evaluate function
+double ImpFunc::FunctionValue(double x[3])
+   int planeNo = a.size();
+   vector<double>p; double pSum2 = 0.0;
+	if(clump==false){
+		Eigen::Vector3d xori(x[0],x[1],x[2]);
+		Eigen::Vector3d xlocal = rotationMatrix*xori;
+		xlocal[0] = rotationMatrix(0,0)*x[0] + rotationMatrix(0,1)*x[1] + rotationMatrix(0,2)*x[2];
+		xlocal[1] = rotationMatrix(1,0)*x[0] + rotationMatrix(1,1)*x[1] + rotationMatrix(1,2)*x[2];
+		xlocal[2] = rotationMatrix(2,0)*x[0] + rotationMatrix(2,1)*x[1] + rotationMatrix(2,2)*x[2];
+		//std::cout<<"rotationMatrix: "<<endl<<rotationMatrix<<endl;
+		   //x[0]=xlocal[0]; x[1]=xlocal[1]; x[2]=xlocal[2];
+		   for (int i=0; i<planeNo; i++){
+			double plane = a[i]*xlocal[0] + b[i]*xlocal[1] + c[i]*xlocal[2] - d[i]; if (plane<pow(10,-15)){plane = 0.0;} 
+			p.push_back(plane);
+			pSum2 += pow(p[i],2);
+		   }			
+		   double sphere  = (  pow(xlocal[0],2) + pow(xlocal[1],2) + pow(xlocal[2],2) ) ;
+		  // Real f = (1.0-k)*(pSum2/pow(r,2) - 1.0)+k*(sphere/pow(R,2)-1.0);
+		   Real f = (pSum2 - pow(r,2) );
+  		 return f;
+	}else if(clump==true){
+		Eigen::Vector3d xori(x[0],x[1],x[2]);
+		Eigen::Vector3d clumpMemberCentre(clumpMemberCentreX,clumpMemberCentreY,clumpMemberCentreZ);
+		Eigen::Vector3d xlocal = xori-clumpMemberCentre;
+		//xlocal[0] = rotationMatrix[0]*x[0] + rotationMatrix[3]*x[1] + rotationMatrix[6]*x[2];
+		//xlocal[1] = rotationMatrix[1]*x[0] + rotationMatrix[4]*x[1] + rotationMatrix[7]*x[2];
+		//xlocal[2] = rotationMatrix[2]*x[0] + rotationMatrix[5]*x[1] + rotationMatrix[8]*x[2];
+		//std::cout<<"rotationMatrix: "<<endl<<rotationMatrix<<endl;
+		   //x[0]=xlocal[0]; x[1]=xlocal[1]; x[2]=xlocal[2];
+		   for (int i=0; i<planeNo; i++){
+			double plane = a[i]*xlocal[0] + b[i]*xlocal[1] + c[i]*xlocal[2] - d[i]; if (plane<pow(10,-15)){plane = 0.0;} 
+			p.push_back(plane);
+			pSum2 += pow(p[i],2);
+		   }			
+		   //double sphere  = (  pow(xlocal[0],2) + pow(xlocal[1],2) + pow(xlocal[2],2) ) ;
+		  // Real f = (1.0-k)*(pSum2/pow(r,2) - 1.0)+k*(sphere/pow(R,2)-1.0);
+		   Real f = (pSum2 - 1.2*pow(r,2) );
+		return f;
+  		// return 0;
+	}
+   // the value of the function
+void PotentialParticleVTKRecorder::action(){
+	if(fileName.size()==0) return;
+	vtkSmartPointer<vtkPoints> pbPos = vtkSmartPointer<vtkPoints>::New();
+ 	vtkSmartPointer<vtkAppendPolyData> appendFilter = vtkSmartPointer<vtkAppendPolyData>::New();
+	vtkSmartPointer<vtkAppendPolyData> appendFilterID = vtkSmartPointer<vtkAppendPolyData>::New();
+	//vtkSmartPointer<vtkTransformPolyDataFilter> transformFilter = vtkSmartPointer<vtkTransformPolyDataFilter>::New();
+	//vtkSmartPointer<vtkTransform> transform = vtkSmartPointer<vtkTransform>::New();
+	// interactions ###############################################
+	vtkSmartPointer<vtkPoints> intrBodyPos = vtkSmartPointer<vtkPoints>::New();
+	vtkSmartPointer<vtkCellArray> intrCells = vtkSmartPointer<vtkCellArray>::New();
+	vtkSmartPointer<vtkFloatArray> intrForceN = vtkSmartPointer<vtkFloatArray>::New();
+	intrForceN->SetNumberOfComponents(3);
+	intrForceN->SetName("forceN");
+	vtkSmartPointer<vtkFloatArray> intrAbsForceT = vtkSmartPointer<vtkFloatArray>::New();
+	intrAbsForceT->SetNumberOfComponents(1);
+	intrAbsForceT->SetName("absForceT");
+	// interactions ###############################################
+	// interaction contact point ###############################################
+	vtkSmartPointer<vtkPoints> pbContactPoint = vtkSmartPointer<vtkPoints>::New();
+	vtkSmartPointer<vtkCellArray> pbCellsContact = vtkSmartPointer<vtkCellArray>::New();
+	vtkSmartPointer<vtkFloatArray> pbNormalForce = vtkSmartPointer<vtkFloatArray>::New();
+	pbNormalForce->SetNumberOfComponents(3);
+	pbNormalForce->SetName("normalForce");		//Linear velocity in Vector3 form
+	vtkSmartPointer<vtkFloatArray> pbShearForce = vtkSmartPointer<vtkFloatArray>::New();
+	pbShearForce->SetNumberOfComponents(3);
+	pbShearForce->SetName("shearForce");		//Angular velocity in Vector3 form
+	// interactions contact point###############################################
+	// velocity ###################################################
+	vtkSmartPointer<vtkCellArray> pbCells = vtkSmartPointer<vtkCellArray>::New();
+	vtkSmartPointer<vtkFloatArray> pbLinVelVec = vtkSmartPointer<vtkFloatArray>::New();
+	pbLinVelVec->SetNumberOfComponents(3);
+	pbLinVelVec->SetName("linVelVec");		//Linear velocity in Vector3 form
+	vtkSmartPointer<vtkFloatArray> pbLinVelLen = vtkSmartPointer<vtkFloatArray>::New();
+	pbLinVelLen->SetNumberOfComponents(1);
+	pbLinVelLen->SetName("linVelLen");		//Length (magnitude) of linear velocity
+	vtkSmartPointer<vtkFloatArray> pbAngVelVec = vtkSmartPointer<vtkFloatArray>::New();
+	pbAngVelVec->SetNumberOfComponents(3);
+	pbAngVelVec->SetName("angVelVec");		//Angular velocity in Vector3 form
+	vtkSmartPointer<vtkFloatArray> pbAngVelLen = vtkSmartPointer<vtkFloatArray>::New();
+	pbAngVelLen->SetNumberOfComponents(1);
+	pbAngVelLen->SetName("angVelLen");		//Length (magnitude) of angular velocity
+	// velocity ####################################################
+	// bodyId ##############################################################
+	//#if 0
+	vtkSmartPointer<vtkPoints> pbPosID = vtkSmartPointer<vtkPoints>::New();
+	vtkSmartPointer<vtkCellArray> pbIdCells = vtkSmartPointer<vtkCellArray>::New();
+	vtkSmartPointer<vtkIntArray> blockId = vtkSmartPointer<vtkIntArray>::New();
+	blockId->SetNumberOfComponents(1);
+	blockId->SetName("id");
+	// bodyId ##############################################################
+	//#endif
+	int countID = 0;
+	vtkSmartPointer<vtkVectorText> textArray2[scene->bodies->size()];
+	vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyDataMapper> txtMapper[scene->bodies->size()];
+	vtkSmartPointer<vtkLinearExtrusionFilter> extrude[scene->bodies->size()];
+	vtkSmartPointer<vtkActor> textActor[scene->bodies->size()];
+	FOREACH(const shared_ptr<Body>& b, *scene->bodies){
+		if (!b) continue;
+		if (b->isClump() == true) continue;
+		const PotentialParticle* pb=dynamic_cast<PotentialParticle*>(b->shape.get()); 
+		if(!pb) continue;
+		if(REC_ID==true){
+			//#if 0
+			blockId->InsertNextValue(b->getId()); 
+			vtkIdType pid[1];
+			Vector3r pos(b->state->pos);
+			pid[0] = pbPosID->InsertNextPoint(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);
+			pbIdCells->InsertNextCell(1,pid);
+			//#endif
+			countID++;	
+		}
+		//vtkSmartPointer<ImpFunc> function = ImpFunc::New();
+		function->a = pb->a;  function->b = pb->b; function->c = pb->c; function->d = pb->d; function->R = pb->R; function->r = pb->r; function->k = pb->k; 			Eigen::Matrix3d directionCos = b->state->ori.conjugate().toRotationMatrix(); int count = 0;
+		for (int i=0; i<3; i++){
+			for (int j=0; j<3; j++){
+				//function->rotationMatrix[count] = directionCos(j,i);
+				function->rotationMatrix(i,j) = directionCos(j,i);
+				count++;
+			}
+		}
+		vtkSmartPointer<vtkSampleFunction> sample = vtkSampleFunction::New();
+		sample->SetImplicitFunction(function);
+		double value = 1.05*pb->R; 
+		//double xmin = -pb->halfSize.x(); double xmax = pb->halfSize.x(); double ymin = -pb->halfSize.y(); double ymax=pb->halfSize.y(); double zmin=-pb->halfSize.z(); double zmax=pb->halfSize.z();
+		//double xmin = -value; double xmax = value; double ymin = -value; double ymax=value; double zmin=-value; double zmax=value;
+		double xmin = -std::max(pb->minAabb.x(),pb->maxAabb.x()); double xmax = -xmin; double ymin = -std::max(pb->minAabb.y(),pb->maxAabb.y()); double ymax=-ymin; double zmin=-std::max(pb->minAabb.z(),pb->maxAabb.z()); double zmax=-zmin;
+		if(twoDimension==true){
+			ymax = 0.0;
+			ymin = 0.0;
+		}
+ 		sample->SetModelBounds(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax);
+		//sample->SetModelBounds(pb->minAabb.x(), pb->maxAabb.x(), pb->minAabb.y(), pb->maxAabb.y(), pb->minAabb.z(), pb->maxAabb.z());
+		int sampleXno = sampleX; int sampleYno = sampleY; int sampleZno = sampleZ;
+		if(fabs(xmax-xmin)/static_cast<double>(sampleX) > maxDimension) { sampleXno = static_cast<int>(fabs(xmax-xmin)/maxDimension); }
+		if(fabs(ymax-ymin)/static_cast<double>(sampleY) > maxDimension) { sampleYno = static_cast<int>(fabs(ymax-ymin)/maxDimension); }
+		if(fabs(zmax-zmin)/static_cast<double>(sampleZ) > maxDimension) { sampleZno = static_cast<int>(fabs(zmax-zmin)/maxDimension); }
+		if(twoDimension==true){sampleYno=1;}
+		sample->SetSampleDimensions(sampleXno,sampleYno,sampleZno);
+		sample->ComputeNormalsOff();
+		//sample->Update();
+		vtkSmartPointer<vtkContourFilter> contours = vtkContourFilter::New();
+		contours->SetInput(sample->GetOutput());
+		contours->SetNumberOfContours(1);
+		contours->SetValue(0,0.0);		 
+		vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData> polydata = vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData>::New();
+		contours->Update();
+		polydata->DeepCopy(contours->GetOutput());
+		//polydata->Update();
+		vtkSmartPointer<vtkUnsignedCharArray> pbColors = vtkSmartPointer<vtkUnsignedCharArray>::New();
+		pbColors->SetName("pbColors");
+		pbColors->SetNumberOfComponents(3);
+		Vector3r color = pb->color; //Vector3r(0,100,0);
+		if (b->isDynamic() == false){ color = Vector3r(157,157,157); } 
+		unsigned char c[3]; //c = {color[0],color[1],color[2]};
+		c[0]=color[0];
+		c[1]=color[1];
+		c[2]=color[2];
+		int nbCells=polydata->GetNumberOfPoints(); 
+		for (int i=0;i<nbCells;i++){
+			pbColors->InsertNextTupleValue(c);	
+		}	
+		polydata->GetPointData()->SetScalars(pbColors);
+		//polydata->Update();
+		Vector3r centre (b->state->pos[0], b->state->pos[1], b->state->pos[2]);
+		Quaternionr orientation= b->state->ori; orientation.normalize();
+		AngleAxisr aa(orientation); Vector3r axis = aa.axis(); /* axis.normalize(); */ double angle = aa.angle()/3.14159*180.0;	double xAxis = axis[0]; double yAxis = axis[1]; double zAxis = axis[2];	
+		vtkSmartPointer<vtkTransformPolyDataFilter> transformFilter = vtkSmartPointer<vtkTransformPolyDataFilter>::New();
+		transformFilter->SetInput( polydata );
+		vtkSmartPointer<vtkTransform> transform = vtkSmartPointer<vtkTransform>::New();
+		transformFilter->SetTransform( transform );
+		transform->PostMultiply();
+		transform->Translate (centre[0], centre[1],centre[2]);
+		//transform->RotateWXYZ(angle,xAxis, yAxis, zAxis);
+		//transformFilter->Update();
+		appendFilter->AddInputConnection(transformFilter-> GetOutputPort());
+		// ################## velocity ####################
+		if(REC_VELOCITY == true){
+			vtkIdType pid[1];
+			Vector3r pos(b->state->pos);
+			pid[0] = pbPos->InsertNextPoint(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);
+			pbCells->InsertNextCell(1,pid);
+			const Vector3r& vel = b->state->vel;
+			float v[3]; //v = { vel[0],vel[1],vel[2] };
+			v[0]=vel[0];
+			v[1]=vel[1];
+			v[2]=vel[2];
+			pbLinVelVec->InsertNextTupleValue(v);
+			pbLinVelLen->InsertNextValue(vel.norm());
+			const Vector3r& angVel = b->state->angVel;
+			float av[3]; //av = { angVel[0],angVel[1],angVel[2] };
+			av[0]=angVel[0];
+			av[1]=angVel[1];
+			av[2]=angVel[2];	
+			pbAngVelVec->InsertNextTupleValue(av);
+			pbAngVelLen->InsertNextValue(angVel.norm());
+		}
+		// ################ velocity ###########################
+		polydata->DeleteCells();
+		sample->Delete();
+		contours->Delete();
+		//function->Delete();
+		sample = NULL;
+		contours = NULL;
+	}
+	if(REC_VELOCITY == true){
+			vtkSmartPointer<vtkUnstructuredGrid> pbUg = vtkSmartPointer<vtkUnstructuredGrid>::New();
+			pbUg->SetPoints(pbPos);
+			pbUg->SetCells(VTK_VERTEX, pbCells);
+			pbUg->GetPointData()->AddArray(pbLinVelVec);
+			pbUg->GetPointData()->AddArray(pbAngVelVec);
+			pbUg->GetPointData()->AddArray(pbLinVelLen);
+			pbUg->GetPointData()->AddArray(pbAngVelLen);
+			vtkSmartPointer<vtkXMLUnstructuredGridWriter> writerA = vtkSmartPointer<vtkXMLUnstructuredGridWriter>::New();
+			writerA->SetDataModeToAscii();
+			string fv=fileName+"vel."+std::to_string(scene->iter)+".vtu";
+			writerA->SetFileName(fv.c_str());
+			writerA->SetInput(pbUg);
+			writerA->Write();
+			//writerA->Delete();
+			//pbUg->Delete();
+	}
+	//###################### bodyId ###############################
+	if(REC_ID == true){
+			#if 0
+			vtkSmartPointer<vtkXMLPolyDataWriter> writerA = vtkXMLPolyDataWriter::New();
+			writerA->SetDataModeToAscii();
+			string fn=fileName+"-Id."+std::to_string(scene->iter)+".vtp";
+			writerA->SetFileName(fn.c_str());
+			writerA->SetInputConnection(appendFilterID->GetOutputPort());//(extrude->GetOutputPort());
+			writerA->Write();
+			writerA->Delete();	
+			#endif
+			//#if 0
+			vtkSmartPointer<vtkUnstructuredGrid> pbUg = vtkSmartPointer<vtkUnstructuredGrid>::New();
+			pbUg->SetPoints(pbPosID);
+			pbUg->SetCells(VTK_VERTEX, pbIdCells);
+			pbUg->GetPointData()->AddArray(blockId);
+			vtkSmartPointer<vtkXMLUnstructuredGridWriter> writerA = vtkSmartPointer<vtkXMLUnstructuredGridWriter>::New();
+			writerA->SetDataModeToAscii();
+			string fv=fileName+"Id."+std::to_string(scene->iter)+".vtu";
+			writerA->SetFileName(fv.c_str());
+			writerA->SetInput(pbUg);
+			writerA->Write();
+			//writerA->Delete();
+			//pbUg->Delete();
+			//#endif
+	}
+//#if 0
+	// ################## contact point ####################
+	if(REC_INTERACTION == true){	
+			int count = 0;	
+			FOREACH(const shared_ptr<Interaction>& I, *scene->interactions){
+				if(!I->isReal()) {
+					continue;
+				}
+				const KnKsPhys* phys = YADE_CAST<KnKsPhys*>(I->phys.get());
+				const ScGeom* geom = YADE_CAST<ScGeom*>(I->geom.get());
+				vtkIdType pid[1];
+				Vector3r pos(geom->contactPoint);
+				pid[0] = pbContactPoint->InsertNextPoint(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);
+				pbCellsContact->InsertNextCell(1,pid);
+				//intrBodyPos->InsertNextPoint(geom->contactPoint[0],geom->contactPoint[1],geom->contactPoint[2]); 
+				// gives _signed_ scalar of normal force, following the convention used in the respective constitutive law
+				float fn[3]={phys->normalForce[0],phys->normalForce[1], phys->normalForce[2]};
+				float fs[3]={phys->shearForce[0], phys->shearForce[1],  phys->shearForce[2]};
+				pbNormalForce->InsertNextTupleValue(fn);
+				pbShearForce->InsertNextTupleValue(fs);
+				count++;
+			}
+			if(count>0){
+				vtkSmartPointer<vtkUnstructuredGrid> pbUgCP = vtkSmartPointer<vtkUnstructuredGrid>::New();
+				pbUgCP->SetPoints(pbContactPoint);
+				pbUgCP->SetCells(VTK_VERTEX, pbCellsContact);
+				pbUgCP->GetPointData()->AddArray(pbNormalForce);
+				pbUgCP->GetPointData()->AddArray(pbShearForce);
+				vtkSmartPointer<vtkXMLUnstructuredGridWriter> writerB = vtkSmartPointer<vtkXMLUnstructuredGridWriter>::New();
+				writerB->SetDataModeToAscii();
+				string fcontact=fileName+"contactPoint."+std::to_string(scene->iter)+".vtu";
+				writerB->SetFileName(fcontact.c_str());
+				writerB->SetInput(pbUgCP);
+				writerB->Write();
+				//writerB->Delete();
+				//pbUgCP->Delete();
+			}
+	}
+	// ################ contact point ###########################
+	vtkSmartPointer<vtkXMLPolyDataWriter> writer = vtkXMLPolyDataWriter::New();
+	writer->SetDataModeToAscii();
+	string fn=fileName+"-pb."+std::to_string(scene->iter)+".vtp";
+	writer->SetFileName(fn.c_str());
+	writer->SetInputConnection(appendFilter->GetOutputPort());
+	writer->Write();
+	writer->Delete();	
+	//intrBodyPos->Delete(); 
+	//intrForceN->Delete();
+	//intrAbsForceT->Delete();
+	//pbContactPoint->Delete(); 
+	//pbCellsContact->Delete(); 
+	//pbNormalForce->Delete(); 
+	//pbShearForce->Delete();
+	//pbCells->Delete();
+	//pbLinVelVec->Delete();
+	//pbLinVelLen->Delete();
+	//pbAngVelVec->Delete();
+	//pbAngVelLen->Delete();

=== added file 'pkg/common/Gl1_PotentialParticle.hpp'
--- pkg/common/Gl1_PotentialParticle.hpp	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ pkg/common/Gl1_PotentialParticle.hpp	2015-12-14 14:25:08 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+/*CWBoon 2015 */
+#pragma once
+#include <vector>
+#include <pkg/common/PeriodicEngines.hpp>
+#include <vtkRenderWindow.h>
+#include <vtkRenderer.h>
+#include <vtkPolyData.h>
+#include <vtkSampleFunction.h>
+#include <vtkStructuredPoints.h>
+#include <vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h> 
+#include <vtkActor.h>
+#include <vtkAppendPolyData.h>
+#include <vtkTextActor.h>
+#include <vtkTextProperty.h>
+#include <vtkVectorText.h>
+#include <vtkLinearExtrusionFilter.h>
+#include <vtkTextActor3D.h>
+#include <vtkCylinderSource.h>
+class ImpFunc : public vtkImplicitFunction {
+    vtkTypeMacro(ImpFunc,vtkImplicitFunction);
+    //void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent);
+    // Description
+    // Create a new function
+    static ImpFunc * New(void);
+    vector<double>a; vector<double>b; vector<double>c; vector<double>d;
+    double k; double r; double R; Eigen::Matrix3d rotationMatrix;
+    bool clump;
+    double clumpMemberCentreX;
+    double clumpMemberCentreY;
+    double clumpMemberCentreZ;
+    // Description
+    // Evaluate function
+    double FunctionValue(double x[3]);
+    double EvaluateFunction(double x[3]){ 
+	//return this->vtkImplicitFunction::EvaluateFunction(x);
+	return FunctionValue(x);
+    };
+    double EvaluateFunction(double x, double y, double z) {
+	return this->vtkImplicitFunction::EvaluateFunction(x, y, z);
+    };
+    // Description
+    // Evaluate gradient for function
+   void EvaluateGradient(double x[3], double n[3]){ };
+    // If you need to set parameters, add methods here
+   ImpFunc();
+   ~ImpFunc();
+   ImpFunc(const ImpFunc&) {}
+   void operator=(const ImpFunc&) {}
+    // Add parameters/members here if you need
+#if 0
+class Gl1_PotentialParticle : public GlShapeFunctor
+	private :
+		MarchingCube mc;
+		Vector3r min,max;
+		vector<vector<vector<float > > > 	scalarField,weights;
+		void generateScalarField(const shared_ptr<Shape>& cm);
+		void calcMinMax(const shared_ptr<Shape>& cm);
+		float oldIsoValue,oldIsoSec,oldIsoThick;
+		Vector3r isoStep;
+	public :
+		struct Leaf{
+			Vector3r centre;
+			Leaf(Vector3r pos){centre = pos;}
+			Leaf(){centre = Vector3r(0,0,0);}
+		};
+		struct scalarF{
+			 vector<vector<vector<float > > > scalarField2;
+			 vector<Vector3r> triangles;
+			 vector<Vector3r> normals;
+			 int nbTriangles;
+		};
+		virtual void go(const shared_ptr<Shape>&, const shared_ptr<State>&,bool,const GLViewInfo&);
+		double evaluateF(const shared_ptr<Shape>& cm, double x, double y, double z);
+		static vector<scalarF> SF ;
+		void clearMemory();
+	RENDERS(PotentialParticle);
+	//YADE_CLASS_BASE_DOC_STATICATTRS(Gl1_PotentialParticle,GlShapeFunctor,"Renders :yref:`Sphere` object",
+		//(( vector<scalarF>, SF ," "))
+	//);
+	YADE_CLASS_BASE_DOC_STATICATTRS(Gl1_PotentialParticle,GlShapeFunctor,"Renders :yref:`Sphere` object",
+		((int,sizeX,80,,"Number of divisions in the x direction for triangulation"))
+		((int,sizeY,80,,"Number of divisions in the x direction for triangulation"))
+		((int,sizeZ,80,,"Number of divisions in the y direction for triangulation"))
+		((bool,store,false,,"Number of divisions in the z direction for triangulation"))
+		((bool,initialized,false,,"Number of divisions in the z direction for triangulation"))
+	);
+class PotentialParticleVTKRecorder: public PeriodicEngine{	
+  public:
+	vtkSmartPointer<ImpFunc> function;
+  virtual void action(void);
+  YADE_CLASS_BASE_DOC_ATTRS_CTOR_PY(PotentialParticleVTKRecorder,PeriodicEngine,"Engine recording potential blocks as surfaces into files with given periodicity.",
+	((string,fileName,,,"File prefix to save to"))
+	((int,sampleX,30,,"size of contact point"))
+	((int,sampleY,30,,"size of contact point"))
+	((int,sampleZ,30,,"size of contact point"))
+	((double,maxDimension,30,,"size of contact point"))
+	((bool,twoDimension,false,,"size of contact point"))
+	((bool,REC_INTERACTION,false,,"contact point and forces"))
+	((bool,REC_COLORS,false,,"colors"))
+	((bool,REC_VELOCITY,false,,"velocity"))
+	((bool,REC_ID,true,,"id"))
+	,
+	function = ImpFunc::New();
+	,
+  );

=== added file 'pkg/dem/Ig2_PP_PP_ScGeom.cpp'
--- pkg/dem/Ig2_PP_PP_ScGeom.cpp	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ pkg/dem/Ig2_PP_PP_ScGeom.cpp	2015-12-14 14:25:08 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1713 @@
+/*CWBoon 2015 */
+/* C.W. Boon, G.T. Houlsby, S. Utili (2013).  A new contact detection algorithm for three-dimensional non-spherical particles.  Powder Technology, 248, pp 94-102. */
+/* code for calling MOSEK was for ver 6.  Please uncomment if you have the licence */
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <Eigen/LU> 
+#include <Eigen/QR>
+#include <ctime>
+#include <cstdlib>
+//#ifdef YADE_OPENGL
+//		(Gl1_Ig2_PP_PP_ScGeom)
+//	#endif 
+bool Ig2_PP_PP_ScGeom::go(const shared_ptr<Shape>& cm1,const shared_ptr<Shape>& cm2,const State& state1, const State& state2, const Vector3r& shift2, const bool& force,const shared_ptr<Interaction>& c)
+	PotentialParticle *s1=static_cast<PotentialParticle*>(cm1.get());
+	PotentialParticle *s2=static_cast<PotentialParticle*>(cm2.get());
+	/* Short circuit if both particles are boundary particles */
+	if((s1->isBoundary==true)&&(s2->isBoundary==true)) {return false;}
+	bool hasGeom = false; 
+	Vector3r contactPt(0,0,0); 
+	shared_ptr<ScGeom> scm;
+	shared_ptr<KnKsPhys> phys;
+	double stepBisection = 0.001*std::min(s1->R,s2->R); if(stepBisection<pow(10,-6)){std::cout<<"R1: "<<s1->R<<", R2: "<<s2->R<<", stepBisection: "<<stepBisection<<", id1: "<<c->getId1()<<", id2: "<<c->getId2()<<endl;}
+	bool contact = false; 
+	Real fA = 0.0; 
+	Real fB = 0.0;
+	Vector3r normalP1(0.0,0.0,0.0);	
+	Vector3r normalP2(0.0,0.0,0.0);	
+	Vector3r avgNormal(0.0,0.0,0.0); 
+	Vector3r ptOnP1(0.0,0.0,0.0); 
+	Vector3r ptOnP2(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+	bool converge = false;
+	if(c->geom){ 
+		hasGeom = true;
+		scm=YADE_PTR_CAST<ScGeom>(c->geom);
+		if (scm->penetrationDepth>stepBisection ){ stepBisection = 0.5*scm->penetrationDepth;}
+		if(stepBisection<pow(10,-6)){std::cout<<"stepBisection: "<<stepBisection<<", penetrationDepth: "<<scm->penetrationDepth<<endl;}
+		contactPt = scm->contactPoint;
+	}else{
+		scm=shared_ptr<ScGeom>(new ScGeom()); 
+		c->geom=scm;
+		contactPt = 0.5*(state1.pos+state2.pos);
+	}
+	bool hasPhys=false;
+	if(c->phys){
+		phys=YADE_PTR_CAST<KnKsPhys>(c->phys);	hasPhys=true;
+	}
+	converge = true;
+	fA= evaluatePP(cm1,state1, contactPt);
+	fB = evaluatePP(cm2,state2, contactPt);
+//Default does not have warmstart
+	//if(fA < 0.0 && fB <0.0){
+	//	converge = customSolve(cm1,state1,cm2,state2,contactPt,true);
+	//}else{
+		converge = customSolve(cm1,state1,cm2,state2,contactPt,false);
+	//}
+// if you have mosek uncomment this.  Mosek is more robust but slightly slower as an external library	
+#if 0
+	/* Mosek */
+	if( converge==false ){
+		//std::cout<<"mosek used"<<endl;
+		contactPt = 0.5*(state1.pos+state2.pos);
+		contactPtMosekF2(cm1,  state1, cm2,  state2, contactPt);
+	}
+	fA= evaluatePP(cm1,state1, contactPt);
+	fB = evaluatePP(cm2,state2, contactPt);
+if (fA*fB<0.0){
+std::cout<<"fA: "<<fA<<", fB: "<<fB<<endl;
+//std::cout<<"converge: "<<converge<<", fA: "<<fA<<", fB: "<<fB<<endl;
+	//timingDeltas->start(); 
+	if (fA < 0.0 && fB < 0.0 && converge == true){
+		contact = true;
+	}else{
+		contact = false; contactPt = 0.5*(state1.pos+state2.pos); 
+	}
+	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////* PASS VARIABLES TO ScGeom and Phys Functor */////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	//* 1. Get overlap												 						 *//
+	//* 2. Get information on active planes.  If active planes are not the same as the previous, get new physical parameters.  Otherwise keep the same parameters 	 *// 
+	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	if (contact == true || c->isReal() || force){
+		if (contact == true){
+			normalP1 = getNormal(cm1,state1,contactPt); normalP1.normalize();
+			normalP2 = getNormal(cm2,state2,contactPt); normalP2.normalize();
+			//if(s1->isBoundary==true){avgNormal=normalP1;}else if(s2->isBoundary==true){avgNormal=-normalP2;}else{avgNormal = (normalP1 - normalP2);}
+#if 0
+			if(s1->isBoundary==true){avgNormal=normalP1;}else if(s2->isBoundary==true){avgNormal=-normalP2;}else{
+					avgNormal = (normalP1 - normalP2);
+			}
+			avgNormal = (normalP1 - normalP2);
+			avgNormal.normalize();
+			if(hasPhys == true){
+				bool calJointLength = phys->calJointLength; int smallerID = 1; bool twoD = phys->twoDimension;
+				if (twoD == true){phys->jointLength = 1.0;}
+			}
+			if(s1->fixedNormal==true){ avgNormal = s1->boundaryNormal;}
+			if(s2->fixedNormal==true){ avgNormal = -s2->boundaryNormal;}
+			Vector3r step = avgNormal*stepBisection;
+			int locationStuck = 2;
+			getPtOnParticle2(cm1,state1,contactPt, step, ptOnP1); 
+			getPtOnParticle2(cm2,state2,contactPt, -1.0*step, ptOnP2); 
+			vector<Vector3r> points;
+			Real penetrationDepth = (ptOnP2-ptOnP1).norm();// overlap;
+		//std::cout<<"contactpoint: "<<contactPt<<", penetrationDepth: "<<penetrationDepth<<", avgNormal: "<<avgNormal<<endl;
+			scm->precompute(state1,state2,scene,c,avgNormal,!(hasGeom),Vector3r(0,0,0)/*shift 2 */, false /* avoidGranularRatcheting */); //Assign contact point and normal after precompute!!!!
+			scm->contactPoint = contactPt; scm->penetrationDepth=penetrationDepth; if(isnan(avgNormal.norm())){std::cout<<"avgNormal: "<<avgNormal<<endl;}
+			scm->normal = avgNormal;
+		}else{
+			//scm->normal = Vector3r(0,0,0);
+			scm->precompute(state1,state2,scene,c,avgNormal,!(hasGeom),Vector3r(0,0,0)/*shift 2 */, false /* avoidGranularRatcheting */); //Assign contact point and normal after precompute!!!!
+			scm->contactPoint = contactPt;scm->penetrationDepth=-1.0; //scm->normal = Vector3r(0,0,0);
+		}
+		return true;
+	}else{
+		scm->contactPoint = contactPt;scm->penetrationDepth=-1.0;scm->normal = Vector3r(0,0,0);
+		return false;
+	}
+	return false;
+void Ig2_PP_PP_ScGeom::BrentZeroSurf(const shared_ptr<Shape>& cm1, const State& state1, const Vector3r bracketA, const Vector3r bracketB, Vector3r& zero){
+	Real a = 0.0; Real b = 1.0;
+	Real t = pow(10,-16);
+	Real m = 0.0;
+	Real p = 0.0;
+	Real q = 0.0;
+	Real r = 0.0;
+	Real s = 0.0;
+	Real c = 0.0;
+	Real d = 0.0;
+	Real e = 0.0;
+	Vector3r bracketRange = bracketB- bracketA;
+	Real fa = evaluatePP(cm1,state1, bracketA); //evaluateFNoSphere(cm1,state1, bracketA); //
+	Real fb = evaluatePP(cm1,state1, bracketB); //evaluateFNoSphere(cm1,state1, bracketB); //
+	if(fa*fb > 0.00001){
+		std::cout<<"fa: "<<fa<<", fb: "<<fb<<endl;
+	}
+	//if(fabs(fa)<fabs(fb)){bracketRange *= -1.0; Vector3r temp = bracketA; bracketA= bracketB; bracketB = temp;}
+	Real fc = 0.0;
+	Real tol = 2.0*DBL_EPSILON*fabs(b) + t;
+	int counter = 0;
+	do {
+		if(counter == 0){
+			c = a; fc = fa; d = b-a; e = d;
+			if (fabs(fc) < fabs(fb) ){
+				a = b; b = c; c = a;
+				fa = fb; fb = fc; fc = fa;
+			}
+		}else{
+			if (fb*fc > 0.0){
+				c = a; fc = fa; d = b-a; e = d;
+			}
+			if(fabs(fc) < fabs(fb) ){
+				a = b; b = c; c = a;
+				fa = fb; fb = fc; fc = fa;
+			}
+		}
+		tol = 2.0*DBL_EPSILON*fabs(b) + t; m = 0.5*(c-b);
+		if (fabs(m) > tol && fabs(fb) > pow(10,-13) ){
+			if(fabs(e) < tol || fabs(fa) <= fabs(fb) ){
+				d = m;
+				e = d;
+			}else{
+				s = fb/fa;
+				if(fabs(a - c)<pow(10,-15)){
+					p = 2.0*m*s; q = 1.0 - s;
+				}else{
+					q = fa/fc; r = fb/fc;
+					p = s*(2.0*m*q*(q-r) - (b-a)*(r-1.0));
+					q = (q-1.0)*(r-1.0)*(s-1.0);
+				}
+				if (p > 0.0){
+					q = -q;
+				}else{
+					p = -p;
+				}
+				s = e; e = d;
+				if(( 2.0*p < (3.0*m*q - fabs(tol*q))) && (p < fabs(0.5*s*q)) ){
+					d = p/q;
+				}else{
+					d = m;
+					e = d;
+				}
+			}
+			a = b; fa = fb;
+			Real h = 0.0;
+			if(fabs(d) >tol){
+				h = d;
+			}else if(m > 0.0){
+				h = tol;
+			}else{
+				h = - tol;
+			}
+			b = b + h; // h*m_unitVec;
+			zero = bracketA + b*bracketRange;
+			fb = evaluatePP(cm1,state1, zero); //evaluateFNoSphere(cm1,state1, zero); //
+		}else{
+			zero = bracketA + b*bracketRange;
+			//std::cout<<"b: "<<b<<", m: "<<m<<", tol: "<<tol<<", c: "<<c<<", a: "<<a<<endl;
+			break;
+		}
+		counter++;
+		if(counter==10000){
+			std::cout<<"counter: "<<counter<<", m.norm: "<<m<<", fb: "<<fb<<endl;
+		}
+	}while(1);
+	//}while( m.norm() > tol && fabs(fb) > pow(10,-13) );
+/* Routine to get value of function (constraint) at a particular position */
+double Ig2_PP_PP_ScGeom::evaluatePP(const shared_ptr<Shape>& cm1, const State& state1, const Vector3r newTrial){
+	PotentialParticle *s1=static_cast<PotentialParticle*>(cm1.get());
+	///////////////////Transforming trial values to local frame of particles//////////////////
+	Vector3r tempP1 = newTrial - state1.pos;  
+	/* Direction cosines */
+	//state1.ori.normalize();
+	Vector3r localP1 = state1.ori.conjugate()*tempP1; 
+	Real x = localP1.x();
+	Real y = localP1.y();
+	Real z = localP1.z();
+	int planeNo = s1->a.size();
+	Real pSum2 = 0.0; 
+	for (int i=0; i<planeNo; i++){
+		Real plane = s1->a[i]*x + s1->b[i]*y + s1->c[i]*z - s1->d[i]; if (plane<pow(10,-15)){plane = 0.0;} 
+		pSum2 += pow(plane,2);
+	}
+	Real r = s1->r; Real R = s1->R; Real k = s1->k; 
+	/* Additional sphere */
+	Real sphere  = (pow(x,2) + pow(y,2) + pow(z,2))/pow(R,2);
+	/* Complete potential particle */
+	Real f = (1.0-k)*(pSum2/pow(r,2) - 1.0)+k*(sphere -1.0);
+	return f;
+Vector3r Ig2_PP_PP_ScGeom::getNormal(const shared_ptr<Shape>& cm1, const State& state1, const Vector3r newTrial){
+	PotentialParticle *s1=static_cast<PotentialParticle*>(cm1.get());
+	///////////////////Transforming trial values to local frame of particles//////////////////
+	Vector3r tempP1 = newTrial - state1.pos;  
+	/* Direction cosines */
+	Vector3r localP1(0,0,0); 
+	localP1 = state1.ori.conjugate()*tempP1; //the body has been rotated by state.ori.  So I will need to rotate the frame by state.ori too
+	Real x = localP1[0];
+	Real y = localP1[1];
+	Real z = localP1[2];
+////////////////////////////// assembling potential planes particle 1//////////////////////////////
+	int planeNo = s1->a.size(); 
+	vector<double>p; Real pSum2 = 0.0;
+	for (int i=0; i<planeNo; i++){
+		Real plane = s1->a[i]*x + s1->b[i]*y + s1->c[i]*z -s1-> d[i]; if (plane<pow(10,-15)){plane = 0.0;}
+		p.push_back(plane);
+		pSum2 += pow(p[i],2);
+	}
+	Real r = s1->r; Real R = s1->R; Real k = s1->k; 
+	/* Additional sphere */
+	Real sphere  = (pow(x,2) + pow(y,2) + pow(z,2))/pow(R,2);
+	/* Complete potential particle */
+	Real f = (1.0-k)*(pSum2/pow(r,2)-1.0)+k*(sphere -1.0);
+	//////////////////////////////// local first derivitive particle 1 /////////////////////////////////////
+	Real pdxSum = 0.0; Real pdySum = 0.0; Real pdzSum = 0.0;
+	for (int i=0; i<planeNo; i++){
+		pdxSum += (s1->a[i]*p[i]);
+		pdySum += (s1->b[i]*p[i]);
+		pdzSum += (s1->c[i]*p[i]);
+	}
+	Real fdx = 2.0*(1.0-k) * pdxSum/pow(r,2) + 2.0*k*x/pow(R,2);
+	Real fdy = 2.0*(1.0-k) * pdySum/pow(r,2) + 2.0*k*y/pow(R,2);
+	Real fdz = 2.0*(1.0-k) * pdzSum/pow(r,2) + 2.0*k*z/pow(R,2);
+	///////////////////// Assembling rotation matrix Qt for particle 1 //////////////////////////////
+	Matrix3r Q1=Eigen::Matrix3d::Zero();;
+	//if(state1.ori==Quaternionr(1,0,0,0)){
+	//	Q1.setIdentity();
+	//}else{
+		Real q0 = state1.ori.w();
+		Real q1 = state1.ori.x();
+		Real q2 = state1.ori.y();
+		Real q3 = state1.ori.z();
+		Q1(0,0) = 2.0*pow(q0,2.0) -1.0 + 2.0*pow(q1,2.0);
+		Q1(0,1) = 2.0*q1*q2 + 2.0*q0*q3;
+		Q1(0,2) = 2.0*q1*q3 - 2.0*q0*q2;
+		Q1(1,0) = 2.0*q1*q2 - 2.0*q0*q3;
+		Q1(1,1) = 2.0*pow(q0,2.0) -1.0 + 2.0*pow(q2,2.0);
+		Q1(1,2) = 2.0*q2*q3 + 2.0*q0*q1;
+		Q1(2,0) = 2.0*q1*q3 + 2.0*q0*q2;
+		Q1(2,1) = 2.0*q2*q3 - 2.0*q0*q1;
+		Q1(2,2) = 2.0*pow(q0,2) -1.0 + 2.0*pow(q3,2.0);
+		//Matrix3r Q1n = state1.ori.toRotationMatrix();
+		//Matrix3r Q1c = state1.ori.conjugate().toRotationMatrix();
+		//std::cout<<"Q1: "<<endl<<Q1<<endl<<"Q1n: "<<endl<<Q1n<<endl<<"Q1c: "<<endl<<Q1c<<endl<<endl;
+	//}
+	///////////////////// global first and second derivitive for particle 1 /////////////////////////
+	Real Fdx = fdx * Q1(0,0) + fdy*Q1(1,0) + fdz*Q1(2,0);
+	Real Fdy = fdx * Q1(0,1) + fdy*Q1(1,1) + fdz*Q1(2,1);
+	Real Fdz = fdx * Q1(0,2) + fdy*Q1(1,2) + fdz*Q1(2,2);
+	if (isnan(Fdx) == true || isnan(Fdy) == true || isnan(Fdz)==true){
+		std::cout<<"Q1(0,0): "<<Q1(0,0)<<","<<Q1(0,1)<<","<<Q1(0,2)<<","<<Q1(1,0)<<","<<Q1(1,1)<<","<<Q1(1,2)<<","<<Q1(2,0)<<","<<Q1(2,1)<<","<<Q1(2,2)<<", q:"<<q0<<","<<q1<<","<<q2<<","<<q3<<", fd: "<<fdx<<","<<fdy<<","<<fdz<<endl;
+	}
+	return Vector3r(Fdx,Fdy,Fdz);
+#if 0
+bool Ig2_PP_PP_ScGeom::contactPtMosekF2(const shared_ptr<Shape>& cm1, const State& state1, const shared_ptr<Shape>& cm2, const State& state2, Vector3r &contactPt){
+   PotentialParticle *s1=static_cast<PotentialParticle*>(cm1.get());
+  PotentialParticle *s2=static_cast<PotentialParticle*>(cm2.get());
+  Vector3r xGlobal(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+/* Parameters for particles A and B */
+  double rA = s1->r;
+  double kA = s1->k;
+  double RA = s1->R;
+  double rB = s2->r;
+  double kB = s2->k;
+  double RB = s2->R;
+  int planeNoA = s1->a.size();
+  int planeNoB = s2->a.size();
+/* Variables to keep things neat */
+  double ksA = RA/sqrt(kA);
+  double kpA = rA/sqrt(1.0 - kA);
+  double ksB = RB/sqrt(kB);
+  double kpB = rB/sqrt(1.0 - kB);
+  int NUMCON = 3  + 1+ planeNoA + planeNoB; 
+  int NUMVAR = 6 + 2  + planeNoA + planeNoB; 
+  MSKboundkeye bkc[NUMCON]; 
+  bkc[0] = MSK_BK_FX; 
+  bkc[1] = MSK_BK_FX; 	
+  bkc[2] = MSK_BK_FX; 	
+  bkc[3] = MSK_BK_FX; 
+  for(int i=0; i<planeNoA + planeNoB; i++ ){
+    bkc[4+i] = MSK_BK_UP; 
+  };
+  double blc[NUMCON]; 
+  blc[0] = state2.pos.x() - state1.pos.x(); 
+  blc[1] = state2.pos.y() - state1.pos.y();
+  blc[2] = state2.pos.z() - state1.pos.z();
+  blc[3] = 0.0; 		
+  for(int i=0; i<planeNoA; i++  ){
+    blc[4+i] = -MSK_INFINITY; 
+  };
+  for(int i=0; i<planeNoB; i++  ){
+    blc[4+planeNoA+i] = -MSK_INFINITY; 
+  };
+  double buc[NUMCON]; 
+  buc[0] = state2.pos.x() - state1.pos.x(); 
+  buc[1] = state2.pos.y() - state1.pos.y(); 
+  buc[2] = state2.pos.z() - state1.pos.z(); 
+  buc[3] = 0.0;
+  for(int i=0; i<planeNoA; i++  ){
+    buc[4+i] = s1->d[i]; 
+  };
+  for(int i=0; i<planeNoB; i++  ){
+    buc[4+planeNoA+i] = s2->d[i]; 
+  };
+/* BOUNDS */ 
+  MSKboundkeye bkx[NUMVAR ]; 
+  bkx[0] = MSK_BK_FR;
+  bkx[1] = MSK_BK_FR;
+  bkx[2] = MSK_BK_FR;
+  bkx[3] = MSK_BK_FR;
+  bkx[4] = MSK_BK_FR;
+  bkx[5] = MSK_BK_FR;
+  bkx[6] = MSK_BK_FR; 
+  bkx[7] = MSK_BK_FR;	
+  for(int i=0; i<planeNoA + planeNoB; i++ ){
+    bkx[8+i] = MSK_BK_FR; 
+  };
+  double blx[NUMVAR]; 
+  blx[0] = -MSK_INFINITY; 
+  blx[1] = -MSK_INFINITY;
+  blx[2] = -MSK_INFINITY;
+  blx[3] = -MSK_INFINITY;
+  blx[4] = -MSK_INFINITY; 
+  blx[5] = -MSK_INFINITY;
+  blx[6] = -MSK_INFINITY; 	  
+  blx[7] = -MSK_INFINITY; 	  
+  for(int i=0; i<planeNoA + planeNoB; i++ ){
+    blx[8+i] = -MSK_INFINITY; 
+  };
+  double bux[NUMVAR]; 
+  bux[0] = +MSK_INFINITY; 
+  bux[1] = +MSK_INFINITY; 
+  bux[2] = +MSK_INFINITY; 
+  bux[3] = +MSK_INFINITY;
+  bux[4] = +MSK_INFINITY;
+  bux[5] = +MSK_INFINITY; 
+  bux[6] = +MSK_INFINITY; 
+  bux[7] = +MSK_INFINITY; 	
+  for(int i=0;  i<planeNoA + planeNoB; i++ ){
+    bux[8+i] = +MSK_INFINITY; 
+  };
+  double c[NUMVAR]; 
+  c[0] = 0.0; 
+  c[1] = 0.0; 
+  c[2] = 0.0; 
+  c[3] = 0.0; 
+  c[4] = 0.0; 
+  c[5] = 0.0; 	
+  c[6] = 1.0;
+  c[7] = 1.0;
+  for(int i=0;  i<planeNoA + planeNoB; i++ ){
+    c[8+i] = 0.0; 
+  };
+  vector<double> aval;
+  vector<MSKintt> aptrb;
+  vector<MSKintt> aptre;
+  vector<MSKidxt> asub;
+  Matrix3r Q1 = state1.ori.toRotationMatrix(); 
+  Matrix3r Q2 = state2.ori.toRotationMatrix();
+  int totalCount = 0;
+  /* column 0 xA*/
+  aptrb.push_back(0);
+  int count = 0;
+  if(fabs(Q1(0,0))>pow(10,-15) ){
+	  aval.push_back(ksA*Q1(0,0)); asub.push_back(0); count++;
+  }
+  if(fabs(Q1(1,0) )>pow(10,-15) ){
+	  aval.push_back(ksA*Q1(1,0)); asub.push_back(1); count++;
+  } 
+  if(fabs(Q1(2,0) )>pow(10,-15) ){
+	  aval.push_back(ksA*Q1(2,0)); asub.push_back(2); count++;
+  }
+  for(int i=0; i < planeNoA; i++){
+	if(fabs(s1->a[i]) > pow(10,-15) ){
+		aval.push_back(ksA*s1->a[i]);  asub.push_back(4+i);
+		count++;
+	}
+  }
+  aptre.push_back(count);
+  totalCount += count;
+  /* column 1 yA*/
+  aptrb.push_back(aptre[0]);
+  count = 0;
+  if(fabs(Q1(0,1) )>pow(10,-15) ){
+  	aval.push_back(ksA*Q1(0,1)); asub.push_back(0); count++;
+  }
+  if(fabs(Q1(1,1))>pow(10,-15) ){
+	aval.push_back(ksA*Q1(1,1)); asub.push_back(1); count++;
+  } 
+  if(fabs(Q1(2,1) )>pow(10,-15) ){
+  	aval.push_back(ksA*Q1(2,1)); asub.push_back(2); count++;
+  }
+  for(int i=0; i < planeNoA; i++){
+	if(fabs(s1->b[i]) > pow(10,-15) ){
+		aval.push_back(ksA*s1->b[i]);  asub.push_back(4+i);
+		count++;
+	}
+  }
+  aptre.push_back(aptrb[1] + count);
+   totalCount += count;
+   /* column 2 zA*/
+  aptrb.push_back(aptre[1]);
+  count = 0;
+  if(fabs(Q1(0,2) )>pow(10,-15) ){
+  	aval.push_back(ksA*Q1(0,2)); asub.push_back(0); count++;
+  }
+  if(fabs(Q1(1,2))>pow(10,-15) ){
+	aval.push_back(ksA*Q1(1,2)); asub.push_back(1); count++;
+  } 
+  if(fabs(Q1(2,2) )>pow(10,-15) ){
+  	aval.push_back(ksA*Q1(2,2)); asub.push_back(2); count++;
+  }
+  for(int i=0; i < planeNoA; i++){
+	if(fabs(s1->c[i]) > pow(10,-15) ){
+		aval.push_back(ksA*s1->c[i]);  asub.push_back(4+i);
+		count++;
+	}
+  }
+  aptre.push_back(aptrb[2] + count);
+  totalCount += count;
+   /* column 3 xB*/
+  aptrb.push_back(aptre[2]);
+  count = 0;
+  if(fabs(Q2(0,0))>pow(10,-15) ){
+	  aval.push_back(-ksB*Q2(0,0)); asub.push_back(0); count++;
+  }
+  if(fabs(Q2(1,0) )>pow(10,-15) ){
+	  aval.push_back(-ksB*Q2(1,0)); asub.push_back(1); count++;
+  } 
+  if(fabs(Q2(2,0) )>pow(10,-15) ){
+	  aval.push_back(-ksB*Q2(2,0)); asub.push_back(2); count++;
+  }
+  for(int i=0; i < planeNoB; i++){
+	if(fabs(s2->a[i]) > pow(10,-15) ){
+		aval.push_back(ksB*s2->a[i]);  asub.push_back(4+planeNoA +i);
+		count++;
+	}
+  }
+   aptre.push_back(aptrb[3] + count);
+  totalCount += count;
+  /* column 4 yB*/
+  aptrb.push_back(aptre[3]);
+  count = 0;
+  if(fabs(Q2(0,1))>pow(10,-15) ){
+	  aval.push_back(-ksB*Q2(0,1)); asub.push_back(0); count++;
+  }
+  if(fabs(Q2(1,1) )>pow(10,-15) ){
+	  aval.push_back(-ksB*Q2(1,1)); asub.push_back(1); count++;
+  } 
+  if(fabs(Q2(2,1) )>pow(10,-15) ){
+	  aval.push_back(-ksB*Q2(2,1)); asub.push_back(2); count++;
+  }
+  for(int i=0; i < planeNoB; i++){
+	if(fabs(s2->b[i]) > pow(10,-15) ){
+		aval.push_back(ksB*s2->b[i]);  asub.push_back(4+planeNoA+i);
+		count++;
+	}
+  }
+   aptre.push_back(aptrb[4] + count);
+  totalCount += count;
+  /* column 5 zB*/
+  aptrb.push_back(aptre[4]);
+  count = 0;
+  if(fabs(Q2(0,2))>pow(10,-15) ){
+	  aval.push_back(-ksB*Q2(0,2)); asub.push_back(0); count++;
+  }
+  if(fabs(Q2(1,2) )>pow(10,-15) ){
+	  aval.push_back(-ksB*Q2(1,2)); asub.push_back(1); count++;
+  } 
+  if(fabs(Q2(2,2) )>pow(10,-15) ){
+	  aval.push_back(-ksB*Q2(2,2)); asub.push_back(2); count++;
+  }
+  for(int i=0; i < planeNoB; i++){
+	if(fabs(s2->c[i]) > pow(10,-15) ){
+		aval.push_back(ksB*s2->c[i]);  asub.push_back(4+planeNoA+i);
+		count++;
+	}
+  }
+   aptre.push_back(aptrb[5] + count);
+    totalCount += count;
+  /*column 6 */
+  aptrb.push_back(aptre[5]);
+  aval.push_back(1.0);  asub.push_back(3);
+  aptre.push_back(aptrb[6]+1);
+  totalCount += 1;
+  /*column 7 */
+  aptrb.push_back(aptre[6]);
+  aval.push_back(-1.0);  asub.push_back(3);
+  aptre.push_back(aptrb[7]+1);
+  totalCount += 1;
+  /*column 8 + i*/
+  for(int i=0; i < planeNoA; i++){
+	aptrb.push_back(aptre[8-1+i]);
+	aval.push_back(-1.0*kpA);  asub.push_back(4 + i);
+	aptre.push_back(aptrb[8+i]+1);
+  }
+  totalCount += planeNoA;
+  /*column 8 + planeNoA + i */
+  for(int i=0; i < planeNoB; i++){
+	aptrb.push_back(aptre[ 8 + planeNoA-1+i]);
+	aval.push_back(-1.0*kpB);  asub.push_back(4 + planeNoA + i);
+	aptre.push_back(aptrb[8 + planeNoA+i]+1);
+  }
+  totalCount += planeNoB;
+  MSKidxt     i,j,csubA[1+ 3 + planeNoA], csubB[1+ 3  + planeNoB] ;
+  double      xx[NUMVAR];
+ MSKenv_t    & env=mosekEnv;
+  MSKtask_t   task;
+  MSKrescodee  & r=mosekTaskEnv;
+  if ( r==MSK_RES_OK )
+  {
+    /* Directs the log stream to the 
+       'printstr' function. */
+   // MSK_linkfunctoenvstream(env,MSK_STREAM_LOG,NULL,NULL); //printstr
+ //  MSK_linkfunctoenvstream(env,MSK_STREAM_LOG,NULL,NULL);
+  }
+  if ( r==MSK_RES_OK )
+  {
+    /* Create the optimization task. */
+    r = MSK_maketask(env,NUMCON,NUMVAR,&task);
+    if ( r==MSK_RES_OK )
+    {
+    //  MSK_linkfunctotaskstream(task,MSK_STREAM_LOG,NULL,printstr);
+      /* Give MOSEK an estimate of the size of the input data. 
+     This is done to increase the speed of inputting data. 
+     However, it is optional. */
+      if (r == MSK_RES_OK)
+        r = MSK_putmaxnumvar(task,NUMVAR);
+      if (r == MSK_RES_OK)
+        r = MSK_putmaxnumcon(task,NUMCON);
+	int NUMANZ = totalCount;
+      if (r == MSK_RES_OK)
+        r = MSK_putmaxnumanz(task,NUMANZ);
+      /* Append 'NUMCON' empty constraints.
+     The constraints will initially have no bounds. */
+      if ( r == MSK_RES_OK )
+        r = MSK_append(task,MSK_ACC_CON,NUMCON);
+      /* Append 'NUMVAR' variables.
+     The variables will initially be fixed at zero (x=0). */
+      if ( r == MSK_RES_OK )
+        r = MSK_append(task,MSK_ACC_VAR,NUMVAR);
+      /* Optionally add a constant term to the objective. */
+      if ( r ==MSK_RES_OK )
+        r = MSK_putcfix(task,0.0);
+      for(j=0; j<NUMVAR && r == MSK_RES_OK; ++j)
+      {
+        /* Set the linear term c_j in the objective.*/  
+        if(r == MSK_RES_OK)
+          r = MSK_putcj(task,j,c[j]);
+        /* Set the bounds on variable j.
+       blx[j] <= x_j <= bux[j] */
+        if(r == MSK_RES_OK)
+          r = MSK_putbound(task,
+                           MSK_ACC_VAR, /* Put bounds on variables.*/
+                           j,           /* Index of variable.*/
+                           bkx[j],      /* Bound key.*/
+                           blx[j],      /* Numerical value of lower bound.*/
+                           bux[j]);     /* Numerical value of upper bound.*/
+        /* Input column j of A */   
+        if(r == MSK_RES_OK)
+          r = MSK_putavec(task,
+                          MSK_ACC_VAR,       /* Input columns of A.*/
+                          j,                 /* Variable (column) index.*/
+                          aptre[j]-aptrb[j], /* Number of non-zeros in column j.*/
+                          &asub[0]+aptrb[j],     /* Pointer to row indexes of column j.*/
+                          &aval[0]+aptrb[j]);    /* Pointer to Values of column j.*/
+      }
+      /* Set the bounds on constraints.
+       for i=1, ...,NUMCON : blc[i] <= constraint i <= buc[i] */
+      for(i=0; i<NUMCON && r==MSK_RES_OK; ++i)
+        r = MSK_putbound(task,
+                        MSK_ACC_CON, /* Put bounds on constraints.*/
+                        i,           /* Index of constraint.*/
+                        bkc[i],      /* Bound key.*/
+                        blc[i],      /* Numerical value of lower bound.*/
+                        buc[i]);     /* Numerical value of upper bound.*/
+ } 
+      if ( r==MSK_RES_OK )
+      {
+        /* Append the first cone. */
+        csubA[0] = 6;
+        csubA[1] = 0;
+	csubA[2] = 1;
+      	csubA[3] = 2;
+	for(int i=0; i<planeNoA; i++){
+    		csubA[4+i] = 8+i; 
+  	};
+        r = MSK_appendcone(task,
+                           MSK_CT_QUAD,
+                           0.0, /* For future use only, can be set to 0.0 */
+                            1 + 3  + planeNoA,
+                           csubA);
+      }
+      if ( r==MSK_RES_OK )
+      {
+        /* Append the second cone. */
+        csubB[0] = 7;
+        csubB[1] = 3;
+	csubB[2] = 4;
+   	csubB[3] = 5;
+	for(int i=0; i<planeNoB; i++){
+    		csubB[4+i] = 8 + planeNoA + i ; 
+  	};
+        r = MSK_appendcone(task, MSK_CT_QUAD, 0.0, 1 + 3  + planeNoB, csubB);
+      }
+      if ( r==MSK_RES_OK )
+      {
+        MSKrescodee trmcode;  
+    	r = MSK_putintparam ( task , MSK_IPAR_PRESOLVE_USE , MSK_PRESOLVE_MODE_OFF ); 
+	r = MSK_putintparam ( task , MSK_IPAR_INTPNT_SCALING, MSK_SCALING_NONE);
+	r = MSK_putintparam ( task , MSK_IPAR_INTPNT_SOLVE_FORM, MSK_SOLVE_DUAL ); 
+	r = MSK_putdouparam ( task , MSK_DPAR_INTPNT_CO_TOL_PFEAS , pow(10,-5) );
+	r = MSK_putdouparam ( task , MSK_DPAR_INTPNT_CO_TOL_DFEAS,  pow(10,-5) );
+	r = MSK_putdouparam ( task , MSK_DPAR_INTPNT_CO_TOL_REL_GAP, pow(10,-8) ); //optimality
+	r = MSK_putdouparam ( task , MSK_DPAR_INTPNT_TOL_INFEAS, pow(10,-5) );
+	r = MSK_putdouparam ( task , MSK_DPAR_INTPNT_CO_TOL_MU_RED, pow(10,-8) ); //complementary
+        /* Run optimizer */
+	//MSK_writedata(task,"ig.opf.gz");
+        r = MSK_optimizetrm(task,&trmcode);
+        /* Print a summary containing information
+           about the solution for debugging purposes*/
+        //MSK_solutionsummary (task,MSK_STREAM_LOG);
+        if ( r==MSK_RES_OK )
+        {
+          MSKsolstae solsta;
+          MSKidxt    j;
+          MSK_getsolutionstatus (task,
+                                 MSK_SOL_ITR,
+                                 NULL,
+                                 &solsta);
+          switch(solsta)
+          {
+            case MSK_SOL_STA_OPTIMAL:  
+		MSK_getsolutionslice(task,
+                                   MSK_SOL_ITR,    /* Request the interior solution. */
+                                   MSK_SOL_ITEM_XX,/* Which part of solution.     */
+                                   0,              /* Index of first variable.    */
+                                   NUMVAR,         /* Index of last variable+1.   */
+                                   xx);
+	    	break; 
+            case MSK_SOL_STA_NEAR_OPTIMAL:
+              MSK_getsolutionslice(task,
+                                   MSK_SOL_ITR,    /* Request the interior solution. */
+                                   MSK_SOL_ITEM_XX,/* Which part of solution.     */
+                                   0,              /* Index of first variable.    */
+                                   NUMVAR,         /* Index of last variable+1.   */
+                                   xx);
+              printf("Near Optimal primal solution\n");
+             // for(j=0; j<NUMVAR; ++j)
+             //   printf("x[%d]: %e\n",j,xx[j]);
+              break;
+            case MSK_SOL_STA_DUAL_INFEAS_CER:
+            case MSK_SOL_STA_PRIM_INFEAS_CER:
+            case MSK_SOL_STA_NEAR_PRIM_INFEAS_CER:  
+              printf("Primal or dual infeasibility certificate found.\n");
+              break;
+            case MSK_SOL_STA_UNKNOWN:
+              	printf("The status of the solution could not be determined.\n");
+		//MSK_writedata(task,"mytask.opf.gz");
+              break;
+            default:
+              printf("Other solution status.");
+              break;
+          }
+		double xlocalA = xx[0]*ksA;
+		double ylocalA = xx[1]*ksA;
+		double zlocalA = xx[2]*ksA;
+		double xlocalB = xx[3]*ksB;
+		double ylocalB = xx[4]*ksB;
+		double zlocalB = xx[5]*ksB;
+		Vector3r localA = Vector3r(xlocalA,ylocalA,zlocalA);
+		Vector3r localB = Vector3r(xlocalB,ylocalB,zlocalB);
+		xGlobal = state1.ori*localA + state1.pos;
+		//printf("xA: %f \t yA: %f \nxB: %f \t yB: %f \nxgA: %f \t ygA: %f \nxgB: %f \t ygB: %f \n",xlocalA,ylocalA, xlocalB, ylocalB, xGlobalA, yGlobalA, xGlobalB, yGlobalB);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          printf("Error while optimizing.\n");
+        }
+      }
+      if (r != MSK_RES_OK)
+      {
+        /* In case of an error print error code and description. */      
+        char symname[MSK_MAX_STR_LEN];
+        char desc[MSK_MAX_STR_LEN];
+        printf("An error occurred while optimizing.\n");     
+        MSK_getcodedesc (r,
+                         symname,
+                         desc);
+        printf("Error %s - '%s'\n",symname,desc);
+      }
+    }
+    /* Delete the task and the associated data. */
+    MSK_deletetask(&task);
+  }
+  /* Delete the environment and the associated data. */
+ // MSK_deleteenv(&env);
+  contactPt = xGlobal;
+  aval.clear();
+  asub.clear();
+  return ( true );
+void Ig2_PP_PP_ScGeom::getPtOnParticle2(const shared_ptr<Shape>& cm1, const State& state1, Vector3r midPoint, Vector3r normal, Vector3r& ptOnParticle){
+	PotentialParticle *s1=static_cast<PotentialParticle*>(cm1.get());
+	ptOnParticle = midPoint;
+	Real f = evaluatePP(cm1,state1, ptOnParticle);//evaluateFNoSphere(cm1,state1, ptOnParticle); //
+	Real fprevious = f;
+	int counter = 0;
+	//normal.normalize();
+	Vector3r step = normal*Mathr::Sign(f) *-1.0; 
+	Vector3r bracketA(0,0,0);
+	Vector3r bracketB(0,0,0);
+	do{
+			ptOnParticle += step;
+			fprevious = f;
+			f = evaluatePP(cm1,state1, ptOnParticle); //evaluateFNoSphere(cm1,state1, ptOnParticle); //
+			counter++;
+			if (counter == 50000 ){
+				//LOG_WARN("Initial point searching exceeded 500 iterations!"); 
+				std::cout<<"ptonparticle2 search exceeded 50000 iterations! step:"<<step<<endl;
+			}
+	}while(Mathr::Sign(fprevious)*Mathr::Sign(f)*1.0> 0.0 );
+	bracketA = ptOnParticle;
+	bracketB = ptOnParticle -step;
+	Vector3r zero(0,0,0);
+	BrentZeroSurf(cm1,state1,bracketA, bracketB, zero);
+	ptOnParticle = zero;
+	//if( fabs(f)>0.1){std::cout<<"getInitial point f:"<<f<<endl;}
+bool Ig2_PP_PP_ScGeom::customSolve(const shared_ptr<Shape>& cm1, const State& state1, const shared_ptr<Shape>& cm2, const State& state2, Vector3r &contactPt, bool warmstart){
+  //timingDeltas->start(); 
+  PotentialParticle *s1=static_cast<PotentialParticle*>(cm1.get());
+  PotentialParticle *s2=static_cast<PotentialParticle*>(cm2.get());
+  Vector3r xGlobal(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+  int iter = 0;
+  int totalIter = 0; 
+ /* Parameters for particles A and B */
+  double rA = s1->r;double kA = s1->k;double RA = s1->R;
+  double rB = s2->r;double kB = s2->k;double RB = s2->R;
+  int planeNoA = s1->a.size();int planeNoB = s2->a.size();
+  int varNo = 3+1+planeNoA+planeNoB;  int planeNoAB = planeNoA + planeNoB; int varNo2 = varNo*varNo;
+  int planeNoA3 = 3+planeNoA; int planeNoB3=3+planeNoB; int planeNoA2 =planeNoA*planeNoA; int planeNoB2=planeNoB*planeNoB;
+  Matrix3r QA = state1.ori.conjugate().toRotationMatrix(); /*direction cosine */
+  Matrix3r QB = state2.ori.conjugate().toRotationMatrix(); /*direction cosine */
+  int blas3 = 3; char blasNT = 'N'; char blasT= 'T'; int blas1planeNoA = std::max(1,planeNoA); int blas1planeNoB = std::max(1,planeNoB); int blas1planeNoAB = std::max(1,planeNoAB); double blas0 = 0.0; double blas1 = 1.0; double blasNeg1 = -1.0;
+  double blasQA[9];   double blasQB[9];
+  double blasPosA[3]; double blasPosB[3];
+  double blasContactPt[3];
+  double blasC[varNo];
+  for (int i=0; i<varNo; i++){
+	blasC[i] = 0.0;
+  }
+  blasC[3]=  1.0;
+  int blasCount = 0;
+  for(int i=0; i<3; i++){
+	for(int j=0; j<3; j++){
+		blasQA[blasCount]=QA(j,i); 
+		blasQB[blasCount]=QB(j,i); 
+		blasCount++;	
+	}
+  	blasPosA[i]=state1.pos[i];
+	blasPosB[i]=state2.pos[i];
+	blasContactPt[i]=contactPt[i];
+  }
+//std::cout<<"QA: "<<QA<<endl;std::cout<<"blasQA: "<<endl;
+//for (int i=0; i<9; i++){
+//	std::cout<<blasQA[i]<<endl;
+ /* Variables to keep things neat */
+  double kAs = sqrt(kA)/RA;
+  double kAp = sqrt(1.0 - kA)/rA;
+  double kBs = sqrt(kB)/RB;
+  double kBp = sqrt(1.0 - kB)/rB;
+  /* penalty */
+  double t = 1.0;  double mu=10.0;  double planePert = 0.1*rA;  double sPert = 1.0; //+ 10.0*planePert*(planeNoA+planeNoB)/(rA*rA);
+  if (warmstart == true){
+	t = 0.01; mu= 50.0; planePert = 0.01; sPert = 0.01; ///* pow(10,-1)+ */ sqrt(planePert*planePert*(planeNoA+planeNoB)/(rA*rA));
+  }
+  /* s */
+  double s = 0.0;  double m=2.0;  double NTTOL = pow(10,-8);  double tol = accuracyTol/*pow(10,-4)* RA*pow(10,-6)*/; double gap =0.0;
+  /* x */
+  double blasX[varNo]; double blasNewX[varNo];
+  blasX[0] = contactPt[0]; blasX[1] = contactPt[1]; blasX[2] = contactPt[2];
+  //////////////////// evaluate fA and fB to initialize ////////////////////////////////
+  /* fA */  
+  double blasTempP1[3]; double blasLocalP1[3];
+  for(int i=0; i<3; i++){
+	blasTempP1[i] = blasContactPt[i] - blasPosA[i];
+  }
+  char transA = 'N';  char transB = 'N'; int  blasM = 3; int  blasN = 3; int  blasK = 3;
+  int blasLDA = 3; int  blasLDB = 3;    double blasAlpha = 1.0;  double blasBeta = 0.0;
+  int blasLDC = 3; int incx=1; int incy=1;
+//dgemv_(&transA, &blasM, &blasN, &blasAlpha, &blasQA[0], &blasLDA, &blasTempP1[0], &incx, &blasBeta, &blasLocalP1[0], &incy);
+  dgemv_(&blasNT, &blas3, &blas3, &blas1, &blasQA[0], &blas3, &blasTempP1[0], &incx, &blas0, &blasLocalP1[0], &incy);
+  //Vector3r tempP1 = contactPt - posA;  
+  //Vector3r localP1 = QA*tempP1; 
+  /* P1Q */ //Eigen::MatrixXd P1 = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(planeNoA,3);  
+  /*d1*/    //Eigen::MatrixXd d1 = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(planeNoA,1);
+  double blasP1[planeNoA*3];
+  double blasD1[planeNoA];
+  double blasP1Q[planeNoA*3];
+  double pertSumA2 = 0.0;
+  for (int i=0; i<planeNoA; i++){
+	double plane = s1->a[i]*blasLocalP1[0] + s1->b[i]*blasLocalP1[1] + s1->c[i]*blasLocalP1[2] - s1->d[i]; 
+	if (plane<pow(10,-15)){
+		plane = 0.0;
+		blasX[4+i] = plane + planePert;
+	}else{ 
+		blasX[4+i] = plane + planePert;
+	}
+	pertSumA2 += pow((plane+planePert),2);
+	blasP1[i] = s1->a[i];  blasP1[i+planeNoA] = s1->b[i];  blasP1[i+2*planeNoA] = s1->c[i];
+	blasD1[i] = s1->d[i];	
+  }
+  //Eigen::MatrixXd P1Q = P1*QA;
+  //transA = 'N'; transB = 'N'; blasM = planeNoA;  blasN = 3; blasK = 3;
+ // blasLDA = std::max(1,blasM);  blasLDC = std::max(1,blasM); blasLDB = 3; blasAlpha=1.0; blasBeta = 0.0;
+  //dgemm_(&transA, &transB, &blasM, &blasN, &blasK, &blasAlpha, &blasP1[0], &blasLDA, &blasQA[0], &blasLDB, &blasBeta, &blasP1Q[0], &blasLDC);
+  dgemm_(&blasNT, &blasNT, &planeNoA, &blas3, &blas3, &blas1, &blasP1[0], &blas1planeNoA, &blasQA[0], &blasLDB, &blas0, &blasP1Q[0], &blas1planeNoA);
+  Real sphereA  = (pow(blasLocalP1[0],2) + pow(blasLocalP1[1],2) + pow(blasLocalP1[2],2))/pow(RA,2);
+  Real sA = (1.0-kA)*(pertSumA2/pow(rA,2) - 1.0)+kA*(sphereA -1.0);
+  /* fB */
+  double blasTempP2[3]; double blasLocalP2[3];
+  for(int i=0; i<3; i++){
+	blasTempP2[i] = blasContactPt[i] - blasPosB[i];
+  }
+  //transA = 'N'; blasM = 3;  blasN = 3;  blasLDA = 3;   blasAlpha=1.0; blasBeta = 0.0;
+  //dgemv_(&transA, &blasM, &blasN, &blasAlpha, &blasQB[0], &blasLDA, &blasTempP2[0], &incx, &blasBeta, &blasLocalP2[0], &incy);
+  dgemv_(&blasNT, &blas3, &blas3, &blas1, &blasQB[0], &blas3, &blasTempP2[0], &incx, &blas0, &blasLocalP2[0], &incy);
+  // Vector3r tempP2 = contactPt - posB;  
+  // Vector3r localP2 = QB*tempP2; 
+  /*P2Q*/ //Eigen::MatrixXd P2 = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(planeNoB,3);
+  /*d2*/  //Eigen::MatrixXd d2 = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(planeNoB,1);
+  double blasP2[planeNoB*3];
+  double blasD2[planeNoB];
+  double blasP2Q[planeNoB*3]; double pertSumB2 = 0.0;
+  for (int i=0; i<planeNoB; i++){
+	double plane = s2->a[i]*blasLocalP2[0] + s2->b[i]*blasLocalP2[1] + s2->c[i]*blasLocalP2[2] - s2->d[i]; 
+	if (plane<pow(10,-15)){
+		plane = 0.0;
+		blasX[4+planeNoA+i] = plane+ planePert; 
+	}else{ 
+		blasX[4+planeNoA+i] = plane + planePert;
+	}
+	pertSumB2 += pow((plane+planePert),2);
+	blasP2[i] = s2->a[i];  blasP2[i+planeNoB] = s2->b[i];  blasP2[i+2*planeNoB] = s2->c[i];
+	blasD2[i] = s2->d[i];	 
+  }
+ //Eigen::MatrixXd P2Q = P2*QB;
+  //transA = 'N'; transB = 'N'; blasM = planeNoB;    blasN = 3; blasK = 3;
+  //blasLDA = std::max(1,blasM);   blasLDC = std::max(1,blasM); blasLDB = 3; blasAlpha=1.0; blasBeta = 0.0;
+ // dgemm_(&transA, &transB, &blasM, &blasN, &blasK, &blasAlpha, &blasP2[0], &blasLDA, &blasQB[0], &blasLDB, &blasBeta, &blasP2Q[0], &blasLDC);
+  dgemm_(&blasNT, &blasNT, &planeNoB, &blas3, &blas3, &blasAlpha, &blasP2[0], &blas1planeNoB, &blasQB[0], &blas3, &blasBeta, &blasP2Q[0], &blas1planeNoB);
+  Real sphereB  = (pow(blasLocalP2[0],2) + pow(blasLocalP2[1],2) + pow(blasLocalP2[2],2))/pow(RB,2);
+  Real sB = (1.0-kB)*(pertSumB2/pow(rB,2) - 1.0)+kB*(sphereB -1.0);
+  //sPert = fabs(fA-fB);
+  s = std::max(sqrt(fabs(sA+1.0)), sqrt(fabs(sB+1.0))) + sPert;  //sqrt(fA+fB+2.0)+sPert; //sqrt(std::max(fabs(fA+1.0), fabs(fB+1.0))) + sPert; //
+  //x[3] = s;
+  blasX[3]= s;
+  ///////////////////  algebra formulation of the SOCP ///////////////////
+  /* c */
+ // Eigen::MatrixXd c=Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(varNo,1);
+ // c[3] = 1.0;
+  double blasA1[(3+planeNoA)*varNo];  double blasA2[(3+planeNoB)*varNo]; 
+  /* Second order cone constraints */
+  /* A1 */
+  //Eigen::MatrixXd A1(3+planeNoA,varNo);
+  //Matrix3r QAs=kAs*QA; //cwise()
+  double blasQAs[9]; int noElements=9; double scaleFactor = kAs;
+  dcopy_(&noElements, &blasQA[0], &incx, &blasQAs[0], &incx);
+  dscal_(&noElements, &scaleFactor, &blasQAs[0], &incx);
+  // A1 << QAs,Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(3,1+planeNoAB),
+  // Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(planeNoA,4),kAp*Eigen::MatrixXd::Identity(planeNoA, planeNoA),Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(planeNoA,planeNoB);
+  memset(blasA1,0.0,sizeof(blasA1));
+  for (int i=0; i<3; i++){
+	blasA1[i] = blasQAs[i];  blasA1[i+planeNoA3] = blasQAs[i+3];  blasA1[i+2*planeNoA3] = blasQAs[i+6]; 
+  }
+  for (int i=0; i<planeNoA; i++){
+	blasA1[3+i+(planeNoA3)*(4+i)] = kAp;
+  }
+  /* A2 */
+  //Eigen::MatrixXd A2(3+planeNoB,varNo);
+  //Matrix3r QBs=kBs*QB; //cwise();
+  double blasQBs[9];  noElements=9;  scaleFactor = kBs;
+  dcopy_(&noElements, &blasQB[0], &incx, &blasQBs[0], &incx);
+  dscal_(&noElements, &scaleFactor, &blasQBs[0], &incx);
+  // A2 << QBs,Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(3,1+planeNoAB),
+  // Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(planeNoB,4),Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(planeNoB,planeNoA),kBp*Eigen::MatrixXd::Identity(planeNoB, planeNoB);
+  memset(blasA2,0.0,sizeof(blasA2));
+  for (int i=0; i<3; i++){
+	blasA2[i] = blasQBs[i];  blasA2[i+planeNoB3] = blasQBs[i+3];  blasA2[i+2*(planeNoB3)] = blasQBs[i+6]; 
+  }
+  for (int i=0; i<planeNoB; i++){
+	blasA2[3+i+(planeNoB3)*(4+planeNoA+i)] = kBp;
+  }
+  /*b1*/
+#if 0
+  Eigen::MatrixXd b1=Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(3+planeNoA,1);
+  Eigen::Vector3d b1temp = QAs*posA;
+  b1[0] = -b1temp[0];		b1[1]= -b1temp[1];	b1[2] = -b1temp[2];
+  double blasB1[planeNoA3]; double blasB1temp[3];
+  memset(blasB1,0.0,sizeof(blasB1));
+ // blasM = 3;   blasN=3;
+//  blasLDA = 3;    blasAlpha = -1.0;  blasBeta=0.0;  blasLDC = 3;  
+// dgemv_(&transA, &blasM, &blasN, &blasAlpha, &blasQAs[0], &blasLDA, &blasPosA[0], &incx, &blasBeta, &blasB1temp[0], &incy);
+  dgemv_(&blasNT, &blas3, &blas3, &blasNeg1, &blasQAs[0], &blas3, &blasPosA[0], &incx, &blas0, &blasB1temp[0], &incy);
+  blasB1[0]=blasB1temp[0]; blasB1[1]=blasB1temp[1]; blasB1[2]=blasB1temp[2];
+  /*b2*/
+#if 0
+  Eigen::MatrixXd b2=Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(3+planeNoB,1);
+  Eigen::Vector3d b2temp = QBs*posB;
+  b2[0] = -b2temp[0];		b2[1]= -b2temp[1];	b2[2] = -b2temp[2];
+  double blasB2[planeNoB3]; double blasB2temp[3];
+  memset(blasB2,0.0,sizeof(blasB2));
+ //  blasM = 3;   blasN=3; blasLDA = 3; blasAlpha=-1.0; blasBeta=0.0;  
+ // dgemv_(&transA, &blasM, &blasN, &blasAlpha, &blasQBs[0], &blasLDA, &blasPosB[0], &incx, &blasBeta, &blasB2temp[0], &incy);
+  dgemv_(&blasNT, &blas3, &blas3, &blasNeg1, &blasQBs[0], &blas3, &blasPosB[0], &incx, &blas0, &blasB2temp[0], &incy);
+  blasB2[0]=blasB2temp[0]; blasB2[1]=blasB2temp[1]; blasB2[2]=blasB2temp[2];
+  /*AL*/ 
+ // Eigen::MatrixXd AL(planeNoAB,varNo);
+ // AL<<P1Q, Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(planeNoA,1), -1.0*Eigen::MatrixXd::Identity(planeNoA,planeNoA), Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(planeNoA,planeNoB), //cwise()
+//	      P2Q, Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(planeNoB,1), Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(planeNoB,planeNoA), -1.0*Eigen::MatrixXd::Identity(planeNoB,planeNoB);
+  double blasAL[planeNoAB*varNo];
+  memset(blasAL,0.0,sizeof(blasAL));
+  for (int i=0; i<planeNoA; i++){
+	blasAL[i] = blasP1Q[i];  blasAL[i+planeNoAB] = blasP1Q[i+planeNoA];  blasAL[i+2*planeNoAB] = blasP1Q[i+2*planeNoA]; 
+  	blasAL[i+(4+i)*planeNoAB] = -1.0;
+  }
+  for (int i=0; i<planeNoB; i++){
+	blasAL[planeNoA+i] = blasP2Q[i];  blasAL[planeNoA+i+planeNoAB] = blasP2Q[i+planeNoB];  blasAL[planeNoA+i+2*planeNoAB] = blasP2Q[i+2*planeNoB]; 
+	blasAL[planeNoA+i+(4+planeNoA+i)*planeNoAB] = -1.0;
+  }
+  /*bL*/
+#if 0
+  Eigen::MatrixXd bL(planeNoAB,1);
+  Eigen::MatrixXd pos1(3,1); pos1(0,0) = posA[0]; pos1(1,0) = posA[1]; pos1(2,0)=posA[2];
+  Eigen::MatrixXd pos2(3,1); pos2(0,0) = posB[0]; pos2(1,0) = posB[1]; pos2(2,0)=posB[2];
+  Eigen::MatrixXd btempU = P1Q*pos1 + d1;
+  Eigen::MatrixXd btempL = P2Q*pos2 + d2;
+  bL<<btempU,btempL;
+  double blasBL[planeNoAB];  double blasBTempU[planeNoA]; double blasBTempL[planeNoB]; 
+   noElements = planeNoA; 
+  dcopy_(&noElements, &blasD1[0], &incx, &blasBTempU[0], &incx);
+  //transA = 'N';	blasM = planeNoA;   blasN = 3;   
+  //blasLDA = std::max(1,planeNoA);      blasAlpha = 1.0;   blasBeta = 1.0;   
+  //dgemv_(&transA, &blasM, &blasN, &blasAlpha, &blasP1Q[0], &blasLDA,&blasPosA[0], &incx, &blasBeta, &blasBTempU[0], &incy);
+  dgemv_(&blasNT, &planeNoA, &blas3, &blas1, &blasP1Q[0], &blas1planeNoA,&blasPosA[0], &incx, &blas1, &blasBTempU[0], &incy);
+  noElements = planeNoB; 
+  dcopy_(&noElements, &blasD2[0], &incx, &blasBTempL[0], &incx);
+  //transA = 'N';	blasM = planeNoB;   blasN = 3;   
+  //blasLDA = std::max(1,planeNoB);      blasAlpha = 1.0;   blasBeta = 1.0;  
+  //dgemv_(&transA, &blasM, &blasN, &blasAlpha, &blasP2Q[0], &blasLDA,&blasPosB[0], &incx, &blasBeta, &blasBTempL[0], &incy);
+  dgemv_(&blasNT, &planeNoB, &blas3, &blas1, &blasP2Q[0], &blas1planeNoB,&blasPosB[0], &incx, &blas1, &blasBTempL[0], &incy);
+  for (int i=0; i<planeNoA; i++){
+	blasBL[i]=blasBTempU[i];
+  }
+  for (int i=0; i<planeNoB; i++){
+	blasBL[planeNoA+i]=blasBTempL[i];
+  }
+  double u1; double u2; 
+  double blasCCtranspose[varNo2];  
+  memset(blasCCtranspose,0.0,sizeof(blasCCtranspose));
+  blasCCtranspose[3+varNo*3]=1.0;
+   double blasCa1[varNo2];
+//#if 0
+	#if 0
+	  Eigen::MatrixXd ca1Transpose = ccTranspose - A1.transpose()*A1;
+  	  Eigen::MatrixXd ca2Transpose = ccTranspose - A2.transpose()*A2;
+	#endif
+	/* ca1Transpose */
+	  noElements = varNo2;  incx =1;  incy=1;  
+  	  dcopy_(&noElements, &blasCCtranspose[0], &incx, &blasCa1[0], &incy);
+	  //transA = 'T';   transB = 'N';   blasM = varNo;   blasN = varNo;   blasK = 3+planeNoA;
+          //blasLDA = blasK;   blasLDB = blasK;     blasAlpha = -1.0;   blasBeta = 1.0;
+	  //blasLDC = varNo;
+	  //dgemm_(&transA, &transB, &blasM, &blasN, &blasK, &blasAlpha, &blasA1[0], &blasLDA, &blasA1[0], &blasLDB, &blasBeta, &blasCa1[0], &blasLDC);
+	  dgemm_(&blasT, &blasNT, &varNo, &varNo, &planeNoA3, &blasNeg1, &blasA1[0], &planeNoA3, &blasA1[0], &planeNoA3, &blas1, &blasCa1[0], &varNo);
+	/* ca2Transpose */
+	  double blasCa2[varNo2]; blasCount = 0;
+	  dcopy_(&noElements, &blasCCtranspose[0], &incx, &blasCa2[0], &incy);
+	 //transA = 'T';   transB = 'N';   blasM = varNo;   blasN = varNo;  blasK = 3+planeNoB;
+	 // blasLDA = blasK;   blasLDB = blasK;     blasAlpha = -1.0;   blasBeta = 1.0;
+	 // blasLDC = varNo;
+	 // dgemm_(&transA, &transB, &blasM, &blasN, &blasK, &blasAlpha, &blasA2[0], &blasLDA, &blasA2[0], &blasLDB, &blasBeta, &blasCa2[0], &blasLDC);
+	  dgemm_(&blasT, &blasNT, &varNo, &varNo, &planeNoB3, &blasNeg1, &blasA2[0], &planeNoB3, &blasA2[0], &planeNoB3, &blas1, &blasCa2[0], &varNo);
+/* DL */
+double blasDL[planeNoAB*planeNoAB];  blasCount = 0;
+  double wLlogsum = 0.0; 
+  double val = 0.0;
+  double newval = 0.0;
+  /*Linesearch */
+  double backtrack = 1.0;
+  double penalty = 1.0/t;
+/* LAPACK */
+  int info; char UPLO ='L'; int KD = varNo-1; int nrhs=1;
+  double gradient[varNo];
+  double HessianChol[varNo][varNo];
+ double blasGA[varNo]; double blasGB[varNo]; double blasGL[varNo];  
+ double blasW1[3+planeNoA]; double blasW2[3+planeNoB]; double blasWL[planeNoAB]; double blasVL[planeNoAB]; double minWL=0.0;
+ double blasHA[varNo*varNo]; double blasHB[varNo*varNo];  double blasHL[varNo*varNo];  double blasADAtemp[varNo*planeNoAB];
+ noElements = varNo; 
+ double blasW1dot=0.0; double blasW2dot=0.0; 
+ double blasGrad[varNo]; double blasHess[varNo*varNo]; double blasStep[varNo];  double blasFprime = 0.0;
+#if 0
+ /* temp variables */
+  /* w1 = A1*x + b1; */
+	noElements = 3+planeNoA; 
+  	dcopy_(&noElements, &blasB1[0], &incx, &blasW1[0], &incy);
+	//transA = 'N';	blasM = 3+planeNoA;   blasN = varNo;   
+	//blasLDA = 3+planeNoA;      blasAlpha = 1.0;   blasBeta = 1.0;    incx =1;  incy=1;
+	//dgemv_(&transA, &blasM, &blasN, &blasAlpha, &blasA1[0], &blasLDA, &blasX[0], &incx, &blasBeta, &blasW1[0], &incy);
+	dgemv_(&blasNT, &planeNoA3, &varNo, &blas1, &blasA1[0], &planeNoA3, &blasX[0], &incx, &blas1, &blasW1[0], &incy);
+  /* w2 = A2*x + b2; */
+	noElements = 3+planeNoB; 
+  	dcopy_(&noElements, &blasB2[0], &incx, &blasW2[0], &incy);
+	//transA = 'N';	blasM = 3+planeNoB;   blasN = varNo;   
+	//blasLDA = 3+planeNoB;    blasAlpha = 1.0;   blasBeta = 1.0;   
+	//dgemv_(&transA, &blasM, &blasN, &blasAlpha, &blasA2[0], &blasLDA, &blasX[0], &incx, &blasBeta, &blasW2[0], &incy);
+	dgemv_(&blasNT, &planeNoB3, &varNo, &blas1, &blasA2[0], &planeNoB3, &blasX[0], &incx, &blas1, &blasW2[0], &incy);
+  /* u1 = s*s - w1.dot(w1); */
+  /* u2 = s*s - w2.dot(w2); */
+  	//noElements = 3+planeNoA;
+  	blasW1dot = ddot_(&planeNoA3, &blasW1[0], &incx, &blasW1[0], &incy);
+  	//noElements = 3+planeNoB;
+  	blasW2dot = ddot_(&planeNoB3, &blasW2[0], &incx, &blasW2[0], &incy);
+s = std::max(sqrt(fabs(blasW1dot)),sqrt(fabs(blasW2dot)))+0.1;
+  penalty = 1.0/t;
+  /* Newton's method */
+  /* s=x[3]; */
+ 	s=blasX[3];
+  /* temp variables */
+  /* w1 = A1*x + b1; */
+	noElements = 3+planeNoA; 
+  	dcopy_(&noElements, &blasB1[0], &incx, &blasW1[0], &incy);
+	//transA = 'N';	blasM = 3+planeNoA;   blasN = varNo;   
+	//blasLDA = 3+planeNoA;      blasAlpha = 1.0;   blasBeta = 1.0;    incx =1;  incy=1;
+	//dgemv_(&transA, &blasM, &blasN, &blasAlpha, &blasA1[0], &blasLDA, &blasX[0], &incx, &blasBeta, &blasW1[0], &incy);
+	dgemv_(&blasNT, &planeNoA3, &varNo, &blas1, &blasA1[0], &planeNoA3, &blasX[0], &incx, &blas1, &blasW1[0], &incy);
+  /* w2 = A2*x + b2; */
+	noElements = 3+planeNoB; 
+  	dcopy_(&noElements, &blasB2[0], &incx, &blasW2[0], &incy);
+	//transA = 'N';	blasM = 3+planeNoB;   blasN = varNo;   
+	//blasLDA = 3+planeNoB;    blasAlpha = 1.0;   blasBeta = 1.0;   
+	//dgemv_(&transA, &blasM, &blasN, &blasAlpha, &blasA2[0], &blasLDA, &blasX[0], &incx, &blasBeta, &blasW2[0], &incy);
+	dgemv_(&blasNT, &planeNoB3, &varNo, &blas1, &blasA2[0], &planeNoB3, &blasX[0], &incx, &blas1, &blasW2[0], &incy);
+  /* u1 = s*s - w1.dot(w1); */
+  /* u2 = s*s - w2.dot(w2); */
+  	//noElements = 3+planeNoA;
+  	blasW1dot = ddot_(&planeNoA3, &blasW1[0], &incx, &blasW1[0], &incy);
+  	//noElements = 3+planeNoB;
+  	blasW2dot = ddot_(&planeNoB3, &blasW2[0], &incx, &blasW2[0], &incy);
+  	u1 =s*s -blasW1dot;
+  	u2 =s*s -blasW2dot;
+  /* wL = bL - AL*x; */  
+	noElements = planeNoAB; 
+  	dcopy_(&noElements, &blasBL[0], &incx, &blasWL[0], &incy);
+	//transA = 'N';	blasN = varNo;   
+	//blasM = planeNoAB;     blasLDA = std::max(1,planeNoAB);      blasAlpha = -1.0;   blasBeta = 1.0;   
+	//dgemv_(&transA, &blasM, &blasN, &blasAlpha, &blasAL[0], &blasLDA, &blasX[0], &incx, &blasBeta, &blasWL[0], &incy);
+	dgemv_(&blasNT, &planeNoAB, &varNo, &blasNeg1, &blasAL[0], &blas1planeNoAB, &blasX[0], &incx, &blas1, &blasWL[0], &incy);
+	for (int i=0; i<planeNoAB; i++ ){
+		blasVL[i] = 1.0/blasWL[i];
+		blasDL[i*planeNoAB+i] = blasVL[i]*blasVL[i];	
+	}
+  /* Gradient */
+//gA = -2.0/u1*(s*c - A1.transpose()*w1); //-2.0/u1*(s*c - tempG); //
+//gB = -2.0/u2*(s*c - A2.transpose()*w2); //-2.0/u2*(s*c - tempG); //
+// gL = AL.transpose()*vL; //tempG; //
+// g = (c + penalty*(gA + gB + gL) );
+  /* gA */
+  	//noElements = varNo;  
+  	dcopy_(&varNo, &blasC[0], &incx, &blasGA[0], &incy); 
+	//transA = 'T';      blasM = 3+planeNoA;   blasLDA = 3+planeNoA;   
+  	blasAlpha = -1.0*-2.0/u1;   blasBeta = 1.0*-2.0/u1*s;    
+	//dgemv_(&transA, &blasM, &blasN, &blasAlpha, &blasA1[0], &blasLDA, &blasW1[0], &incx, &blasBeta, &blasGA[0], &incy);
+	dgemv_(&blasT, &planeNoA3, &varNo, &blasAlpha, &blasA1[0], &planeNoA3, &blasW1[0], &incx, &blasBeta, &blasGA[0], &incy);
+  /* gB */
+  	dcopy_(&varNo, &blasC[0], &incx, &blasGB[0], &incy);
+	//transA = 'T';  blasM = 3+planeNoB;   blasLDA = 3+planeNoB;     
+  	blasAlpha = -1.0*-2.0/u2;   blasBeta = 1.0*-2.0/u2*s;    
+  	//dgemv_(&transA, &blasM, &blasN, &blasAlpha, &blasA2[0], &blasLDA, &blasW2[0], &incx, &blasBeta, &blasGB[0], &incy);
+	dgemv_(&blasT, &planeNoB3, &varNo, &blasAlpha, &blasA2[0], &planeNoB3, &blasW2[0], &incx, &blasBeta, &blasGB[0], &incy);
+/* gL */
+  	//transA = 'T'; blasM = planeNoAB;   blasLDA = std::max(1,planeNoAB);      blasAlpha = 1.0;   blasBeta = 0.0;  
+  	//dgemv_(&transA, &blasM, &blasN, &blasAlpha, &blasAL[0], &blasLDA, &blasVL[0], &incx, &blasBeta, &blasGL[0], &incy);
+	dgemv_(&blasT, &planeNoAB, &varNo, &blas1, &blasAL[0], &blas1planeNoAB, &blasVL[0], &incx, &blas0, &blasGL[0], &incy);
+/* g */
+  for (int i = 0; i<varNo; i++){
+	blasGrad[i] = blasC[i] + penalty*(blasGA[i] + blasGB[i] + blasGL[i]);
+  }
+  /* Hessian */
+	/* HA */ //Eigen::MatrixXd HA =  (-2.0/u1)*(ca1Transpose)+ gA*gA.transpose(); 
+	//noElements = varNo2;
+   	dcopy_(&varNo2, &blasCa1[0], &incx, &blasHA[0], &incy);
+	//transA = 'N';   transB = 'T';   blasM = varNo;   blasN = varNo;   blasK = 1;blasLDA = blasM;   blasLDB = blasN;     blasAlpha = 1.0;  blasLDC = blasM;
+        blasBeta = -2.0/(u1);  blasK = 1;
+	//dgemm_(&transA, &transB, &blasM, &blasN, &blasK, &blasAlpha, &blasGA[0], &blasLDA, &blasGA[0], &blasLDB, &blasBeta, &blasHA[0], &blasLDC);
+	dgemm_(&blasNT, &blasT, &varNo, &varNo, &blasK, &blas1, &blasGA[0], &varNo, &blasGA[0], &varNo, &blasBeta, &blasHA[0], &varNo);
+	/* HB */ // HB =  (-2.0/u2)*(ca2Transpose)+ gB*gB.transpose(); 
+   	dcopy_(&varNo2, &blasCa2[0], &incx, &blasHB[0], &incy);
+	//transA = 'N';   transB = 'T';   blasM = varNo;   blasN = varNo;   blasK = 1; blasLDA = blasM;   blasLDB = blasN;     blasAlpha = 1.0;      blasLDC = blasM;
+	blasBeta = -2.0/(u2);
+	//dgemm_(&transA, &transB, &blasM, &blasN, &blasK, &blasAlpha, &blasGB[0], &blasLDA, &blasGB[0], &blasLDB, &blasBeta, &blasHB[0], &blasLDC);
+	dgemm_(&blasNT, &blasT, &varNo, &varNo, &blasK, &blas1, &blasGB[0], &varNo, &blasGB[0], &varNo, &blasBeta, &blasHB[0], &varNo);
+	/* HL */  //Eigen::MatrixXd HL1 = AL.transpose()*DL*AL;
+	//transA = 'T';   transB = 'N';   blasM = varNo;   blasN = planeNoAB;   blasK = planeNoAB;
+        //blasLDA = std::max(1,blasK);   blasLDB = std::max(1,blasK);     blasAlpha = 1.0;   blasBeta = 0.0; blasLDC = blasM;
+	//dgemm_(&transA, &transB, &blasM, &blasN, &blasK, &blasAlpha, &blasAL[0], &blasLDA, &blasDL[0], &blasLDB, &blasBeta, &blasADAtemp[0], &blasLDC);
+	dgemm_(&blasT, &blasNT, &varNo, &planeNoAB, &planeNoAB, &blas1, &blasAL[0], &blas1planeNoAB, &blasDL[0], &blas1planeNoAB, &blas0, &blasADAtemp[0], &varNo);
+    	//transA = 'N';   transB = 'N';   blasM = varNo;   blasN = varNo;   blasK = planeNoAB;
+        //blasLDA = blasM;   blasLDB = std::max(1,blasK);     blasAlpha = 1.0;   blasBeta = 0.0;  blasLDC = blasM;
+	//dgemm_(&transA, &transB, &blasM, &blasN, &blasK, &blasAlpha, &blasADAtemp[0], &blasLDA, &blasAL[0], &blasLDB, &blasBeta, &blasHL[0], &blasLDC);
+	dgemm_(&blasNT, &blasNT, &varNo, &varNo, &planeNoAB, &blas1, &blasADAtemp[0], &varNo, &blasAL[0], &blas1planeNoAB, &blas0, &blasHL[0], &varNo);
+	/* H */ // H = penalty*(HA + HB + HL);
+  	for (int i = 0; i<varNo2; i++){
+		blasHess[i] = penalty*(blasHA[i] + blasHB[i] + blasHL[i]);
+  	}
+//timingDeltas->checkpoint("assemble H and g");
+//std::cout<<"before Chol, totalIter: "<<totalIter<<", s : "<<s<<", u1: "<<u1<<", u2: "<<u2<<", wLmincoeff: "<<minWL<<endl;
+/* Cholesky factorization */
+//#if 0
+/* L */
+	for( int j=1; j<=varNo ; j++){
+		blasStep[j-1]=-blasGrad[j-1];
+	    for (int i=j; i<=j+KD && i<=varNo; i++){	
+			HessianChol[j-1][1+i-j-1]    = blasHess[(i-1)+varNo*(j-1)];
+	    }
+	}
+#if 0
+	/* U */
+	for( int j=1; j<=varNo ; j++){
+		blasStep[j-1]=-blasGrad[j-1];
+	    	for (int i=std::max(1,j-KD); i<=j ; i++){	
+			HessianChol[j-1][KD+1+i-j-1]    = blasHess[(i-1)+varNo*(j-1)]; //H(i-1,j-1);
+	    	}
+	}
+	dpbsv_( &UPLO, &varNo, &KD, &nrhs, &HessianChol[0][0], &varNo, blasStep, &varNo, &info );
+	if(info != 0){
+	  	std::cout<<"chol error"<<", planeA: "<<planeNoA<<", planeB: "<<planeNoB<<endl;
+		//return false;
+	 	/* LU factorization */
+	  	for (int i=0; i<varNo; i++ ){
+			blasStep[i]=-1.0*blasGrad[i]; //g[i];
+	  	}
+	 	int ipiv[varNo];  int bColNo=1;
+	 	dgesv_( &varNo, &bColNo, blasHess, &varNo, ipiv, blasStep, &varNo, &info);
+	}
+	if (info!=0){
+		std::cout<<"linear algebra error"<<endl;
+	}
+  //fprime = step.transpose()*g; 
+  //noElements = varNo;
+  blasFprime = ddot_(&varNo, &blasStep[0], &incx, &blasGrad[0], &incy);
+  wLlogsum = 0.0;
+  for (int i=0; i<planeNoAB; i++){
+	//wLlogsum += log(wL[i]);
+	wLlogsum += log(blasWL[i]);
+  }
+  val =  /* c.transpose()*/ blasX[3] -penalty*( log(u1) + log(u2) + wLlogsum );
+  /*Linesearch */
+  backtrack = 1.0;
+  //noElements = varNo;
+  dcopy_(&varNo, &blasX[0], &incx, &blasNewX[0], &incy);
+  daxpy_(&varNo, &backtrack, &blasStep[0], &incx, &blasNewX[0], &incy);
+  s = blasNewX[3];
+ // w1 = A1*x + b1;
+  	dcopy_(&planeNoA3, &blasB1[0], &incx, &blasW1[0], &incy);
+	//transA = 'N';	blasAlpha = 1.0;   blasBeta = 1.0;    
+	//dgemv_(&transA, &blasM, &blasN, &blasAlpha, &blasA1[0], &blasLDA, &blasNewX[0], &incx, &blasBeta, &blasW1[0], &incy);
+  	dgemv_(&blasNT, &planeNoA3, &varNo, &blas1, &blasA1[0], &planeNoA3, &blasNewX[0], &incx, &blas1, &blasW1[0], &incy);
+ // w2 = A2*x + b2;
+  	dcopy_(&planeNoB3, &blasB2[0], &incx, &blasW2[0], &incy);
+	//transA = 'N';	blasAlpha = 1.0;   blasBeta = 1.0;    
+	//dgemv_(&transA, &planeNoB3, &varNo, &blasAlpha, &blasA2[0], &planeNoB3, &blasNewX[0], &incx, &blasBeta, &blasW2[0], &incy);
+	dgemv_(&blasNT, &planeNoB3, &varNo, &blas1, &blasA2[0], &planeNoB3, &blasNewX[0], &incx, &blas1, &blasW2[0], &incy);
+  	blasW1dot = ddot_(&planeNoA3, &blasW1[0], &incx, &blasW1[0], &incy);
+  	blasW2dot = ddot_(&planeNoB3, &blasW2[0], &incx, &blasW2[0], &incy);
+  //u1 = s*s - w1.dot(w1);
+  //u2 = s*s - w2.dot(w2); 
+  	u1 =s*s -blasW1dot;
+  	u2 =s*s -blasW2dot;
+  //wL = bL - AL*x;  
+  	dcopy_(&planeNoAB, &blasBL[0], &incx, &blasWL[0], &incy);
+	//blasAlpha = -1.0;
+	//blasM=planeNoAB; blasN=varNo; blasLDA=std::max(1,planeNoAB);
+	//dgemv_(&transA, &blasM, &blasN, &blasAlpha, &blasAL[0], &blasLDA, &blasNewX[0], &incx, &blasBeta, &blasWL[0], &incy);
+	dgemv_(&transA, &planeNoAB, &varNo, &blasNeg1, &blasAL[0], &blas1planeNoAB, &blasNewX[0], &incx, &blas1, &blasWL[0], &incy);
+  	minWL =0.00001;
+  	if(planeNoAB>0){
+  		minWL = blasWL[0];
+	}
+	for(int i=0; i<planeNoAB; i++){
+		if(blasWL[i] < minWL){
+			minWL = blasWL[i];
+		}
+	}	
+  int count = 0; 
+  while(s < 0.0 || u1<0.0 || u2<0.0 || minWL < 0.0){
+	backtrack = 0.5*backtrack;
+	dcopy_(&varNo, &blasX[0], &incx, &blasNewX[0], &incy);
+	daxpy_(&varNo, &backtrack, &blasStep[0], &incx, &blasNewX[0], &incy);
+	s = blasNewX[3];
+ 	// w1 = A1*x + b1;
+  	dcopy_(&planeNoA3, &blasB1[0], &incx, &blasW1[0], &incy);
+	//transA = 'N';	blasAlpha = 1.0;   blasBeta = 1.0;    
+	//dgemv_(&transA, &blasM, &blasN, &blasAlpha, &blasA1[0], &blasLDA, &blasNewX[0], &incx, &blasBeta, &blasW1[0], &incy);
+	dgemv_(&blasNT, &planeNoA3, &varNo, &blas1, &blasA1[0], &planeNoA3, &blasNewX[0], &incx, &blas1, &blasW1[0], &incy);
+ 	// w2 = A2*x + b2;
+  	dcopy_(&planeNoB3, &blasB2[0], &incx, &blasW2[0], &incy);
+	//transA = 'N';	blasAlpha = 1.0;   blasBeta = 1.0;   
+	//dgemv_(&transA, &blasM, &blasN, &blasAlpha, &blasA2[0], &blasLDA, &blasNewX[0], &incx, &blasBeta, &blasW2[0], &incy);
+	dgemv_(&blasNT, &planeNoB3, &varNo, &blas1, &blasA2[0], &planeNoB3, &blasNewX[0], &incx, &blas1, &blasW2[0], &incy);
+  	blasW1dot = ddot_(&planeNoA3, &blasW1[0], &incx, &blasW1[0], &incy);
+  	blasW2dot = ddot_(&planeNoB3, &blasW2[0], &incx, &blasW2[0], &incy);
+  	//u1 = s*s - w1.dot(w1);
+ 	//u2 = s*s - w2.dot(w2); 
+  	u1 =s*s -blasW1dot;
+  	u2 =s*s -blasW2dot;
+  	//wL = bL - AL*x;  
+  	dcopy_(&planeNoAB, &blasBL[0], &incx, &blasWL[0], &incy);
+	// blasAlpha = -1.0;     
+	//blasM = planeNoAB;   blasLDA = std::max(1,planeNoAB);     blasN = varNo;    blasAlpha = -1.0;    blasBeta = 1.0; 
+	//dgemv_(&transA, &blasM, &blasN, &blasAlpha, &blasAL[0], &blasLDA, &blasNewX[0], &incx, &blasBeta, &blasWL[0], &incy);
+	dgemv_(&blasNT, &planeNoAB, &varNo, &blasNeg1, &blasAL[0], &blas1planeNoAB, &blasNewX[0], &incx, &blas1, &blasWL[0], &incy);
+ 	if(planeNoAB>0){
+  		minWL = blasWL[0];
+	}
+	for(int i=0; i<planeNoAB; i++){
+		if(blasWL[i] < minWL){
+			minWL = blasWL[i];
+		}
+	}
+ 	 count++;
+	//std::cout<<"count: "<<count<<", s : "<<s<<", u1: "<<u1<<", u2: "<<u2<<", wLmincoeff: "<<minWL<<endl;
+	 if(count==200){ 
+		std::cout<<"count: "<<count<<", totalIter: "<<totalIter<<", backtrack: "<<backtrack<<"s : "<<s<<", u1: "<<u1<<", u2: "<<u2<<", wLmincoeff: "<<minWL<<endl;
+		//std::cout<<"wL: "<<endl<<wL<<endl<<endl;
+	 }
+  }
+//timingDeltas->checkpoint("barrier search");
+  wLlogsum = 0.0;
+  for (int i=0; i<planeNoAB; i++){
+	wLlogsum += log(blasWL[i]);
+  }
+  newval = /*c.tranpose()*/blasNewX[3] -penalty*( log(u1) + log(u2) + wLlogsum );
+  count = 0;
+  while (newval > val + backtrack*0.01*blasFprime){
+	backtrack = 0.5*backtrack;
+ 	//for (int i = 0; i<varNo; i++){
+	//	blasNewX[i] = blasX[i] + backtrack*blasStep[i];
+  	//}
+	//noElements = varNo;
+	dcopy_(&varNo, &blasX[0], &incx, &blasNewX[0], &incy);
+	daxpy_(&varNo, &backtrack, &blasStep[0], &incx, &blasNewX[0], &incy);
+	s = blasNewX[3];
+ 	// w1 = A1*x + b1;
+	//noElements = 3+planeNoA; 
+  	dcopy_(&planeNoA3, &blasB1[0], &incx, &blasW1[0], &incy);
+	//transA = 'N';	blasM = 3+planeNoA;   blasN = varNo;   
+	//blasLDA = 3+planeNoA;      blasAlpha = 1.0;   blasBeta = 1.0;    incx =1;  incy=1;
+	//dgemv_(&transA, &blasM, &blasN, &blasAlpha, &blasA1[0], &blasLDA, &blasNewX[0], &incx, &blasBeta, &blasW1[0], &incy);
+	dgemv_(&blasNT, &planeNoA3, &varNo, &blas1, &blasA1[0], &planeNoA3, &blasNewX[0], &incx, &blas1, &blasW1[0], &incy);
+ 	// w2 = A2*x + b2;
+	//noElements = 3+planeNoB; 
+  	dcopy_(&planeNoB3, &blasB2[0], &incx, &blasW2[0], &incy);
+	//blasM = 3+planeNoB;   blasLDA = 3+planeNoB;     blasN = varNo;    
+	//dgemv_(&transA, &blasM, &blasN, &blasAlpha, &blasA2[0], &blasLDA, &blasNewX[0], &incx, &blasBeta, &blasW2[0], &incy);
+	dgemv_(&blasNT, &planeNoB3, &varNo, &blas1, &blasA2[0], &planeNoB3, &blasNewX[0], &incx, &blas1, &blasW2[0], &incy);
+ 	//noElements = 3+planeNoA;
+  	blasW1dot = ddot_(&planeNoA3, &blasW1[0], &incx, &blasW1[0], &incy);
+  	//noElements = 3+planeNoB;
+  	blasW2dot = ddot_(&planeNoB3, &blasW2[0], &incx, &blasW2[0], &incy);
+  	//u1 = s*s - w1.dot(w1);
+ 	//u2 = s*s - w2.dot(w2); 
+  	u1 =s*s -blasW1dot;
+  	u2 =s*s -blasW2dot;
+  	//wL = bL - AL*x;  
+	//noElements = planeNoAB; 
+  	dcopy_(&planeNoAB, &blasBL[0], &incx, &blasWL[0], &incy);
+	//blasM = planeNoAB;   blasLDA = std::max(1,planeNoAB);     blasN = varNo;    blasAlpha = -1.0;    blasBeta = 1.0; 
+	//dgemv_(&transA, &blasM, &blasN, &blasAlpha, &blasAL[0], &blasLDA, &blasNewX[0], &incx, &blasBeta, &blasWL[0], &incy);
+	dgemv_(&blasNT, &planeNoAB, &varNo, &blasNeg1, &blasAL[0], &blas1planeNoAB, &blasNewX[0], &incx, &blas1, &blasWL[0], &incy);
+ 	count++;
+	if(count==200){ 
+		std::cout<<"count: "<<count<<", totalIter: "<<totalIter<<", backtrack: "<<backtrack<<"s : "<<s<<", u1: "<<u1<<", u2: "<<u2<<", wLmincoeff: "<<minWL<<endl;
+		//std::cout<<"wL: "<<endl<<wL<<endl<<endl;
+	}
+	wLlogsum = 0.0;
+  	for (int i=0; i<planeNoAB; i++){
+		wLlogsum += log(blasWL[i]);
+  	}
+	newval = /* c.transpose()*/blasNewX[3] - penalty*( log(u1) + log(u2) + wLlogsum );
+	count++;
+	  if(backtrack<pow(10,-11) ){ 
+		std::cout<<"iter: "<<iter<<", totalIter: "<<totalIter<<", backtrack: "<<backtrack<<", val: "<<val<<", newval: "<<newval<<", t: "<<t<<", fprime: "<<blasFprime<<endl;
+		break;
+	  }
+  }
+//timingDeltas->checkpoint("line search");
+  noElements = varNo; 
+  dcopy_(&noElements, &blasNewX[0], &incx, &blasX[0], &incy);
+  if(blasFprime >0.0){
+	std::cout<<"count: "<<count<<", totalIter: "<<totalIter<<", blasFprime: "<<blasFprime<<endl;
+  }
+  if (-blasFprime*0.5 < NTTOL){
+        gap = 2.0*m/t; 
+	//if (warmstart == true){break;}
+        if (gap < tol){
+	    contactPt[0] = blasX[0]; contactPt[1]=blasX[1]; contactPt[2]=blasX[2];
+	    //if(warmstart==true){std::cout<<" totalIter : "<<totalIter<<endl;}
+		Real fA = evaluatePP(cm1,state1,contactPt);
+		Real fB = evaluatePP(cm2,state2,contactPt);
+		if(fabs(fA-fB)>0.001 ){std::cout<<"inside fA-fB: "<<fA-fB<<endl;}
+            return true; 
+        }
+        t = std::min(t*mu, (2.0*m+1.0)/tol);
+        iter = 0;
+        totalIter = totalIter+1;
+  }
+  if(totalIter>100){
+ 	std::cout<<"totalIter: "<<totalIter<<", t: "<<t<<", gap: "<<2.0*m/t<<", blasFprime: "<<blasFprime<<endl;
+	for (int i=0; i<varNo; i++){
+			std::cout<<"blasStep, i"<<i<<", value: "<<blasStep[i]<<endl;
+	}
+	for (int i=0; i<varNo; i++){
+			std::cout<<"blasGrad, i"<<i<<", value: "<<blasGrad[i]<<endl;
+	}
+	return false;
+	//break;
+  }
+  iter++;
+  totalIter++;
+  return ( true );

=== added file 'pkg/dem/Ig2_PP_PP_ScGeom.hpp'
--- pkg/dem/Ig2_PP_PP_ScGeom.hpp	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ pkg/dem/Ig2_PP_PP_ScGeom.hpp	2015-12-14 14:25:08 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+/*CWBoon 2015 */
+/* C.W. Boon, G.T. Houlsby, S. Utili (2013).  A new contact detection algorithm for three-dimensional non-spherical particles.  Powder Technology, 248, pp 94-102. */
+/* code for calling MOSEK was for ver 6.  Please uncomment if you have the licence */
+#pragma once
+#include <stdio.h>
+# if 0
+#include <mosek.h> 
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+class Ig2_PP_PP_ScGeom: public IGeomFunctor
+	//protected:
+		//static std::ofstream output;
+#if 0
+		std::string myfile;
+		std::string Key;
+		MSKrescodee mosekTaskEnv;
+		MSKenv_t    mosekEnv;
+	public :
+		virtual bool go(const shared_ptr<Shape>& cm1, const shared_ptr<Shape>& cm2, const State& state1, const State& se32, const Vector3r& shift2, const bool& force, const shared_ptr<Interaction>& c);
+		double evaluatePP(const shared_ptr<Shape>& cm1, const State& state1, const Vector3r newTrial);
+		void getPtOnParticle2(const shared_ptr<Shape>& cm1, const State& state1, Vector3r previousPt, Vector3r normal, Vector3r& newlocalPoint);
+		bool contactPtMosekF2(const shared_ptr<Shape>& cm1, const State& state1, const shared_ptr<Shape>& cm2, const State& state2, Vector3r &contactPt);
+		bool customSolve(const shared_ptr<Shape>& cm1, const State& state1, const shared_ptr<Shape>& cm2, const State& state2, Vector3r &contactPt, bool warmstart);
+		Vector3r getNormal(const shared_ptr<Shape>& cm1, const State& state1, const Vector3r newTrial);
+		void BrentZeroSurf(const shared_ptr<Shape>& cm1, const State& state1, const Vector3r bracketA, const Vector3r bracketB, Vector3r& zero);
+	/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	YADE_CLASS_BASE_DOC_ATTRS_CTOR(Ig2_PP_PP_ScGeom,IGeomFunctor,"pp",		
+			((double, accuracyTol, pow(10,-7),, "accuracy desired, tolerance criteria for SOCP"))
+			((double,interactionDetectionFactor,1.0,,"bool to avoid granular ratcheting")),
+			//((std::string,myfile,"./PotentialParticles"+"","string")),
+			//timingDeltas=shared_ptr<TimingDeltas>(new TimingDeltas);
+			//mosekTaskEnv = MSK_makeenv(&mosekEnv,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
+			//mosekTaskEnv = MSK_initenv(mosekEnv);
+	);
+	FUNCTOR2D(PotentialParticle,PotentialParticle);
+	// needed for the dispatcher, even if it is symmetric
+	DEFINE_FUNCTOR_ORDER_2D(PotentialParticle,PotentialParticle);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/* LAPACK LU */	
+	//int dgesv(int varNo, int varNo2, double *H, int varNo3, int *pivot, double* g, int varNo4, int info){
+	 extern void dgesv_(const int *N, const int *nrhs, double *Hessian, const int *lda, int *ipiv, double *gradient, const int *ldb, int *info);
+	// int ans;
+	// dgesv_(&varNo, &varNo2, H, &varNo3, pivot,g, &varNo4, &ans);
+	// return ans;
+	//}	
+/* LAPACK Cholesky */
+	extern void dpbsv_(const char *uplo, const int *n, const int *kd, const int *nrhs, double *AB, const int *ldab, double *B, const int *ldb, int *info);
+/* LAPACK QR */
+	extern void dgels_(const char *Trans, const int *m, const int *n, const int *nrhs, double *A, const int *lda, double *B, const int *ldb, const double *work, const int *lwork, int *info);
+/*BLAS */
+	extern void dgemm_(const char *transA, const char *transB, const int *m, const int *n, const int *k, const double *alpha, double *A, const int *lda, double *B, const int *ldb, const double *beta, double *C, const int *ldc);
+	extern void dgemv_(const char *trans, const int *m, const int *n, const double *alpha, double *A, const int *lda, double *x, const int *incx, const double *beta, double *y, const int *incy);
+	extern void dcopy_(const int *N, double *x, const int *incx, double *y, const int *incy);
+	extern double ddot_(const int *N, double *x, const int *incx, double *y, const int *incy);
+	extern void daxpy_(const int *N, const double *da, double *dx, const int *incx, double *dy, const int *incy);
+	extern void dscal_(const int *N, const double *alpha, double *x, const int *incx);
+	void dsyev_(const char *jobz, const char *uplo, const int *N, double *A, const int *lda, double *W, double *work, int *lwork, int *info);
+#ifdef __cplusplus

=== added file 'pkg/dem/KnKsLaw.cpp'
--- pkg/dem/KnKsLaw.cpp	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ pkg/dem/KnKsLaw.cpp	2015-12-14 14:25:08 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+/********************** Law2_Dem3DofGeom_RockPMPhys_Rpm ****************************/
+bool Law2_SCG_KnKsPhys_KnKsLaw::go(shared_ptr<IGeom>& ig, shared_ptr<IPhys>& ip, Interaction* contact){
+	const Real& dt = scene->dt;
+	int id1 = contact->getId1(); int id2 = contact->getId2();
+	ScGeom*    geom= static_cast<ScGeom*>(ig.get());
+	KnKsPhys* phys = static_cast<KnKsPhys*>(ip.get());
+	State* de1 = Body::byId(id1,scene)->state.get();
+	State* de2 = Body::byId(id2,scene)->state.get();
+	Shape* shape1 = Body::byId(id1,scene)->shape.get();
+	Shape* shape2 = Body::byId(id2,scene)->shape.get();
+	PotentialParticle *s1=static_cast<PotentialParticle*>(shape1);
+	PotentialParticle *s2=static_cast<PotentialParticle*>(shape2);
+	Vector3r& shearForce = phys->shearForce;
+	Real un=geom->penetrationDepth;
+	TRVAR3(geom->penetrationDepth,de1->se3.position,de2->se3.position);
+/* Need to initialise in python.  In the 1st time step.  All the particles in contact (controlled by initialOverlap) are identified.  The interactions are set to tensile and cohesive (tensionBroken = false and cohesionBroken = false).  If there is no initial tension or cohesion, the contact law is run in a tensionless or cohesionless mode */
+	if(geom->penetrationDepth <0.0 ){
+		if (neverErase) {
+			phys->shearForce = Vector3r::Zero();
+			phys->normalForce = Vector3r::Zero();
+			phys->normalViscous = Vector3r::Zero();
+			geom->normal = Vector3r::Zero();
+			phys->tensionBroken = true;
+		}else{
+			scene->interactions->requestErase(id1,id2);
+			return false;
+		}
+	  	return true;
+	}
+	Vector3r shearForceBeforeRotate = shearForce;
+	Vector3r shiftVel = Vector3r(0,0,0); //scene->isPeriodic ? (Vector3r)((scene->cell->velGrad*scene->cell->Hsize)*Vector3r((Real) contact->cellDist[0],(Real) contact->cellDist[1],(Real) contact->cellDist[2])) : Vector3r::Zero();
+	geom->rotate(shearForce); //AndGetShear(shearForce,phys->prevNormal,de1,de2,dt,shiftVel,/*avoid ratcheting*/false);
+Vector3r shearForceAfterRotate = shearForce;
+	//Linear elasticity giving "trial" shear force
+	Vector3r shift2(0,0,0);
+	Vector3r incidentV = geom->getIncidentVel(de1, de2, scene->dt, shift2, shiftVel, /*preventGranularRatcheting*/false );	
+	Vector3r incidentVn = geom->normal.dot(incidentV)*geom->normal; // contact normal velocity
+	Vector3r incidentVs = incidentV-incidentVn; // contact shear velocity
+	Vector3r shearIncrement=incidentVs*scene->dt;
+	phys->shearDir = shearIncrement;
+	phys->shearIncrementForCD += shearIncrement.norm();
+	double du = 0.0; double debugFn = 0.0;
+	double u_prev = fabs(phys->u_cumulative);
+	if(phys->shearDir.norm() > pow(10,-15)){
+		phys->shearDir.normalize();
+	}
+	double degradeLength = phys->brittleLength;  /*jointLength = 100u_peak */
+	/* Elastic and plastic displacement can have negative signs but must be consistent throughout the simulation */
+	if(phys->initialShearDir.norm() < pow(10,-11)){
+		phys->initialShearDir = phys->shearDir;
+		du = shearIncrement.norm();
+		if(fabs(phys->mobilizedShear)>0.99999){
+			phys->u_cumulative += du;
+			phys->cumulative_us += du;
+		}else{
+			phys->u_elastic +=du;
+		}
+	}else{
+		du = Mathr::Sign(phys->initialShearDir.dot(phys->shearDir))*shearIncrement.norm(); //check cumulative shear displacement
+		if(fabs(phys->mobilizedShear) > 0.99999){
+			if(du>0.0){ //if negative it means it is unloading
+				phys->u_cumulative += du;
+				phys->cumulative_us += du;	
+			}else{
+				phys->u_elastic +=du;
+			}	
+		}else{
+			phys->u_elastic +=du;
+		}
+	}
+	/* Original */
+	if(phys->twoDimension) { phys->contactArea = phys->unitWidth2D*phys->jointLength;}
+	if(s1->isBoundary == true || s2->isBoundary==true){phys->tensionBroken = true; phys->cohesionBroken = true;}
+	if(!Talesnick){
+		un = un-initialOverlapDistance;
+		#if 0
+		if(un > 0.0  && phys->rockJointContact == true ){
+			if(phys->cohesionBroken == true && phys->intactRock == true && phys->shearForce.norm()>phys->normalForce.norm()*tan(phys->phi_r/180.0*3.14159) ){
+				phys->dilation_angle = atan(shearForce.norm()/std::max(0.00001,phys->normalForce.norm()));
+				double dilate_inc = tan( phys->dilation_angle  - phys->phi_r/180.0*3.141592653589)*du; /* du could be negative */
+				phys->u_dilate += dilate_inc;
+				phys->u_dilate = std::min(phys->u_dilate,0.1);	
+			}
+			//un = un+phys->u_dilate;
+			phys->kn = ((1.0 - un/phys->maxClosure)*(phys->kn_i) - (un*phys->kn_i)*(-1.0/phys->maxClosure) )/pow( (1.0-un/phys->maxClosure),2);
+			phys->prevSigma = un*phys->kn_i/(1.0 - std::min(un/phys->maxClosure,0.999) );
+		}//else{
+		#endif
+			if (phys->jointType==3){
+				phys->prevSigma  = un*phys->kn_i/(1.0-un/phys->maxClosure);
+			}else{ 
+				phys->prevSigma = phys->kn*un;
+			}
+		//}
+		phys->normalForce = phys->prevSigma*std::max(pow(10,-15),phys->contactArea)*geom->normal;
+	}
+	phys->Knormal_area = phys->kn*std::max(pow(10,-8),phys->contactArea);
+	if((un <0.0 && fabs(phys->prevSigma)>phys->tension && phys->tensionBroken == false /* first time tension is broken */) || (un<0.0 && phys->tensionBroken==true)){
+		if (neverErase) {
+			phys->shearForce = Vector3r::Zero();
+			phys->normalForce = Vector3r::Zero();
+			phys->normalViscous = Vector3r::Zero();
+			geom->normal = Vector3r::Zero();
+			phys->tensionBroken = true;
+		}else 	{
+			return false;
+		}
+	  	return true;
+	}
+	Vector3r c1x = geom->contactPoint - de1->pos;
+	Vector3r c2x = geom->contactPoint - de2->pos;
+	incidentV = (de2->vel+de2->angVel.cross(c2x)) - (de1->vel+de1->angVel.cross(c1x));
+	incidentVn = geom->normal.dot(incidentV)*geom->normal; // contact normal velocity
+	incidentVs = incidentV-incidentVn; // contact shear velocity
+	shearIncrement=incidentVs*scene->dt;
+	if(!Talesnick){
+		double Ks=0.0;
+		if(phys->jointType == 3){
+			Ks = phys->ks_i*pow(phys->prevSigma,0.6);
+		}else{
+			Ks = phys->ks;
+		}
+		shearForce -= Ks*shearIncrement*std::max(pow(10,-11),phys->contactArea); 
+	}
+	phys->Kshear_area = phys->ks*std::max(pow(10,-11),phys->contactArea);
+	const shared_ptr<Body>& b1=Body::byId(id1,scene); 
+	const shared_ptr<Body>& b2=Body::byId(id2,scene); 
+	Real mbar = (!b1->isDynamic() && b2->isDynamic()) ? de2->mass : ((!b2->isDynamic() && b1->isDynamic()) ? de1->mass : (de1->mass*de2->mass / (de1->mass + de2->mass))); // get equivalent mass if both bodies are dynamic, if not set it equal to the one of the dynamic body
+	Real Cn_crit = 2.*sqrt(mbar*phys->Knormal_area); // Knormal_area Critical damping coefficient (normal direction)
+	Real Cs_crit = 2.*sqrt(mbar*phys->Kshear_area); // Kshear_area Critical damping coefficient (shear direction)
+	// Note: to compare with the analytical solution you provide cn and cs directly (since here we used a different method to define c_crit)
+	double cn = Cn_crit*phys->viscousDamping; // Damping normal coefficient
+	double cs = Cs_crit*phys->viscousDamping; // Damping tangential coefficient
+	// add normal viscous component if damping is included
+	double maxFnViscous = phys->normalForce.norm();
+	phys->normalViscous = cn*incidentVn;
+	//if(phys->normalViscous.norm() > maxFnViscous){
+	//	phys->normalViscous = phys->normalViscous * maxFnViscous/phys->normalViscous.norm();
+	//}
+	phys->normalForce -= phys->normalViscous;
+	double baseElevation =  geom->contactPoint.z();
+	/* Water pressure, heat effect */
+	/* strength degradation */
+	const double PI = std::atan(1.0)*4;
+	double tan_effective_phi = 0.0;
+	if(s1->isBoundary==true || s2->isBoundary == true || phys->jointType==2 ){ // clay layer at boundary;
+		phys->effective_phi = phys->phi_b; // - 3.25*(1.0-exp(-fabs(phys->cumulative_us)/0.4));
+		tan_effective_phi = tan(phys->effective_phi/180.0*PI);
+	}else if(phys->intactRock == true){
+		phys->effective_phi = phys->phi_r +  (phys->phi_b-phys->phi_r)*(exp(-fabs(phys->u_cumulative)/degradeLength));
+		tan_effective_phi = tan(phys->effective_phi/180.0*PI);
+	}else{
+		phys->effective_phi = phys->phi_b;
+		tan_effective_phi = tan(phys->effective_phi/180.0*PI);
+	}
+	/* shear loss */
+	Vector3r dampedShearForce = shearForce;
+	double cohesiveForce = phys->cohesion*std::max(pow(10,-11),phys->contactArea);
+	Real maxFs = cohesiveForce; 
+	if (un>0.0 /*compression*/){
+		double fN = phys->normalForce.norm(); 
+		if(phys->intactRock == true){
+			if (phys->cohesionBroken == true && allowBreakage == true){
+				maxFs = std::max( fN,0.0)*tan_effective_phi; 
+			}else{
+				maxFs = cohesiveForce+std::max( fN,0.0)*tan_effective_phi; 
+			}
+		}else{
+			maxFs = std::max( fN,0.0)*tan_effective_phi; 
+		}
+	}
+	if( shearForce.norm() > maxFs ){
+		Real ratio = maxFs / shearForce.norm();
+		shearForce *= ratio;
+		dampedShearForce = shearForce;
+		if(allowBreakage == true){
+			phys->cohesionBroken = true;
+		}
+		phys->shearViscous = Vector3r(0,0,0);
+	}else{ /* no damping when it slides */
+		phys->shearViscous = cs*incidentVs;
+		dampedShearForce = shearForce - phys->shearViscous;
+	}
+	if(shearForce.norm() < pow(10,-11) ){phys->mobilizedShear = 1.0;}else{phys->mobilizedShear = shearForce.norm()/maxFs;}
+	//we need to use correct branches in the periodic case, the following apply for spheres only
+	Vector3r force = -phys->normalForce-dampedShearForce;
+	if(isnan(force.norm())){
+		std::cout<<"shearForce: "<<shearForce<<", normalForce: "<<phys->normalForce<<", debugFn: "<<debugFn<<", viscous: "<<phys->normalViscous<<", normal: "<<phys->normal<<", geom normal: "<<geom->normal<<", effective_phi: "<<phys->effective_phi<<", shearIncrement: "<<shearIncrement<<", id1: "<<id1<<", id2: "<<id2<<", shearForceBeforeRotate: "<<shearForceBeforeRotate<<", shearForceAfterRotate: " <<shearForceAfterRotate<<endl;
+	}
+	scene->forces.addForce(id1,force);
+	scene->forces.addForce(id2,-force);
+	Vector3r normal = geom->normal;
+	scene->forces.addTorque(id1,c1x.cross(force));
+	scene->forces.addTorque(id2,-(c2x).cross(force));
+	phys->prevNormal = geom->normal;
+	return true;
+void Ip2_FrictMat_FrictMat_KnKsPhys::go(const shared_ptr<Material>& b1, const shared_ptr<Material>& b2, const shared_ptr<Interaction>& interaction){
+	const double PI = 3.14159265358979323846;
+	if(interaction->phys) return; 
+	ScGeom* scg=YADE_CAST<ScGeom*>(interaction->geom.get());
+	assert(scg);
+	const shared_ptr<FrictMat>& sdec1 = YADE_PTR_CAST<FrictMat>(b1);
+	const shared_ptr<FrictMat>& sdec2 = YADE_PTR_CAST<FrictMat>(b2);
+	shared_ptr<KnKsPhys> contactPhysics(new KnKsPhys()); 
+	//interaction->interactionPhysics = shared_ptr<MomentPhys>(new MomentPhys());		
+	//const shared_ptr<MomentPhys>& contactPhysics = YADE_PTR_CAST<MomentPhys>(interaction->interactionPhysics);
+	/* From interaction physics */
+	Real fa 	= sdec1->frictionAngle;
+	Real fb 	= sdec2->frictionAngle;
+	/* calculate stiffness */
+	Real Kn= Knormal;
+	Real Ks= Kshear;
+	/* Pass values calculated from above to CSPhys */
+	contactPhysics->viscousDamping = viscousDamping;
+	contactPhysics->useOverlapVol = useOverlapVol;
+	contactPhysics->kn = Kn;
+	contactPhysics->ks = Ks;
+	contactPhysics->kn_i = Kn;
+	contactPhysics->ks_i = Ks;
+	contactPhysics->u_peak = u_peak;
+	contactPhysics->maxClosure = maxClosure;
+	contactPhysics->cohesionBroken = cohesionBroken;
+	contactPhysics->tensionBroken = tensionBroken;
+	contactPhysics->unitWidth2D = unitWidth2D;
+	contactPhysics->frictionAngle		= std::min(fa,fb); 
+	if(!useFaceProperties){
+		contactPhysics->phi_r = std::min(fa,fb)/PI*180.0;
+		contactPhysics->phi_b = contactPhysics->phi_r;
+	}
+	contactPhysics->tanFrictionAngle	= std::tan(contactPhysics->frictionAngle); 
+	//contactPhysics->initialOrientation1	= Body::byId(interaction->getId1())->state->ori;
+	//contactPhysics->initialOrientation2	= Body::byId(interaction->getId2())->state->ori;
+	contactPhysics->prevNormal 		= scg->normal; //This is also done in the Contact Law.  It is not redundant because this class is only called ONCE!
+	contactPhysics->calJointLength = calJointLength;
+	contactPhysics->twoDimension = twoDimension;
+	contactPhysics->useFaceProperties = useFaceProperties;
+	contactPhysics->brittleLength = brittleLength;
+	interaction->phys = contactPhysics;
+/* KnKsPhys */		

=== added file 'pkg/dem/KnKsLaw.hpp'
--- pkg/dem/KnKsLaw.hpp	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ pkg/dem/KnKsLaw.hpp	2015-12-14 14:25:08 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <set>
+#include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp>
+class KnKsPhys: public FrictPhys {
+	public:
+	virtual ~KnKsPhys();
+	YADE_CLASS_BASE_DOC_ATTRS_CTOR(KnKsPhys,FrictPhys,"Simple phys",
+			((vector<double>,lambdaIPOPT,0.0,,"lagrane multiplier for equality constraints"))
+			((vector<int>,cstatCPLEX,,,"lagrane multiplier for equality constraints"))
+			((vector<int>,rstatCPLEX,,,"lagrane multiplier for equality constraints"))
+			((Real,frictionAngle,0.0,,"fric angle"))
+			((Real,tanFrictionAngle,0.0,,"tangent of fric angle"))
+			((Vector3r,contactDetectionPt,Vector3r(0,0,0),,"contact detection result"))
+			((Real, viscousDamping, 0.8, ,"viscousDamping"))
+			((Real, unitWidth2D, 1.0, ,"viscousDamping"))
+			((Real, maxClosure, 0.0002, ,"vmi"))
+			((Real, u_peak, 0.05, ,"peak shear displacement"))
+			((Real, u_elastic, 0.0, ,"elastic shear displacement"))
+			((double, brittleLength, 5.0, ,"brittle rock"))
+			((double, kn_i, 5.0, ,"initial normal stiffness"))
+			((double, ks_i, 5.0, ,"initial shear stiffness"))
+			((Vector3r, normalViscous, Vector3r(0,0,0), ,"viscousDamping"))
+			((Vector3r, shearViscous, Vector3r(0,0,0), ,"viscousDamping"))
+			((double, hwater, 0.0, ,"height of pore water"))
+			((bool, rockJointContact, false, ,"brittle rock"))
+			((bool, intactRock, false, ,"brittle rock"))
+			((int, jointType, 0, ,"jointType"))
+			((Real,Kshear_area,0.0,,"kshear area"))
+			((Real,Knormal_area, 0.0,,"knormal area"))
+			((Vector3r, shearDir, Vector3r(0,0,0), ,"shear direction"))
+			((vector<Vector3r>, shearForces, , ,"shear direction"))
+			((Vector3r, shear, Vector3r(0,0,0),, "shear displacement"))
+			((Vector3r, prevNormal, Vector3r(0.0,0.0,0.0),, "previous Normal"))
+			((Vector3r, normal, Vector3r(0.0,0.0,0.0),, " normalVector"))
+			((vector<Vector3r>, pointsArea, ,, "intermediate contact points"))
+			((vector<Vector3r>, pointsShear, ,, "points to calculate shear"))
+			((vector<double>, areaShear, ,, "area to attribute shear"))
+			((vector<double>, overlapDistances, ,, "area to attribute shear"))
+			((Real, finalSize, 0.0,, "finalgridsize"))
+			((int, finalGridNo, 0,, "final number of grids"))
+			((vector<double>, dualityGap, , ,"duality gap for SOCP"))
+			((bool, warmstart, false, ,"warmstart for SOCP"))
+			((int, generation, 0,, "number of subdivisions"))
+			((int, triNoMain, 24,, "number of subdivisions"))
+			((int, triNoSub, 6,, "number of subdivisions"))
+			((Vector3r, initial1, Vector3r(0.0,0.0,0.0),, "midpoint"))
+			((Vector3r, ptOnP1, Vector3r(0.0,0.0,0.0),, "pt on particle"))
+			((Vector3r, ptOnP2, Vector3r(0.0,0.0,0.0),, " pt on particle 2"))
+			((vector<bool>, redundantA, , ,"activePlanes for interaction.id1"))
+			((vector<bool>, redundantB, , ,"activePlanes for interaction.id1"))
+			((vector<bool>, activePlanes1, , ,"activePlanes for interaction.id1"))
+			((vector<bool>, activePlanes2, , ,"activePlanes for interaction.id2"))
+			((vector<Real>, activeA1, , ,"activePlanes for interaction.id2"))
+			((vector<Real>, activeB1, , ,"activePlanes for interaction.id2"))
+			((vector<Real>, activeC1, , ,"activePlanes for interaction.id2"))
+			((vector<Real>, activeD1, , ,"activePlanes for interaction.id2"))
+			((vector<Real>, activeA2, , ,"activePlanes for interaction.id2"))
+			((vector<Real>, activeB2, , ,"activePlanes for interaction.id2"))
+			((vector<Real>, activeC2, , ,"activePlanes for interaction.id2"))
+			((vector<Real>, activeD2, , ,"activePlanes for interaction.id2"))
+			((int, noActive1, 0, ,"activePlanes for interaction.id1"))
+			((int, noActive2,0 , ,"activePlanes for interaction.id2"))
+			((int, smallerID,1 , ,"id of particle with smaller plane"))
+			((Real, cumulative_us, 0.0,, "cumulative translation"))
+			((Real, cumulativeRotation, 0.0,, "cumulative rotation"))
+			((Real, mobilizedShear, , ,"mobilizedShear"))
+			((Real, contactArea, 0.0, ,"contactArea"))
+			((Real, radCurvFace, , ,"face"))
+			((double, prevJointLength, 0.0, ,"previous joint length"))
+			((Real, radCurvCorner, , ,"corners"))
+			((Real, prevSigma,0.0 , ,"previous normal stress"))
+			((vector<Real>, prevSigmaList,0.0 , ,"previous normal stress"))
+			((bool, calJointLength, false,, "calculate joint length"))
+			((bool, useOverlapVol, false,, "calculate overlap volume"))
+			((bool, calContactArea, false,, "calculate contact area"))
+			((double, jointLength, 0.0,, "approximatedJointLength"))
+			((double, shearIncrementForCD, 0.0,, "toSeeWhether it is necessary to update contactArea"))
+			((Real, overlappingVol,0.0 , ,"overlapping vol"))
+			((Real, overlappingVolMulti,0.0 , ,"overlapping vol"))
+			((double, gap_normalized, 0.0,, "distance between particles normalized by particle size. Estimated using Taubin Distance "))
+			((double, gap, 0.0,, "distance between particles normalized by particle size. Estimated using Taubin Distance "))
+			((bool, findCurv, false,, "to get radius of curvature"))
+			((bool, useFaceProperties, false,,"boolean to get face properites"))
+			((Real, cohesion, 0.0, ,"cohesion"))
+			((Real, tension, 0.0, ,"tension"))
+			((bool, cohesionBroken, true, ,"cohesion already broken"))
+			((bool, tensionBroken, true, ,"tension already broken"))
+			((bool, twoDimension, false, ,"tension already broken"))
+			((Real, phi_b, 0.0, ,"basic friction angle (degrees)"))
+			((Real, phi_r, 0.0, ,"residual friction angle (degrees)"))
+			((Real, asperity, 3.0, ,"asperity height"))
+			((Real, JRC, 0.0, ,"Joint Roughness Coefficient"))
+			((Real, JRCmobilized, 0.0, ,"Joint Roughness Coefficient"))
+			((Real, JCS, 0.0, ,"Joint Roughness Coefficient"))
+			((Real, sigmaC,0.0 , ,"Joint Roughness Coefficient"))
+			((Real, u_dilate,0.0 , ,"dilation distance"))
+			((Real, dilation_angle,0.0 , ,"dilation distance"))
+			/* pore water pressure */
+			((Real, lambda0,0.0 , ,"initial pore water pressure to stress ratio"))
+			((Real, lambda_present,0.0 , ,"Voight&Faust (1992) Sitar et al. (2005)"))
+			((Real, u_cumulative, 0.0,, "cumulative translation"))
+			((Vector3r, prevShearDir, Vector3r(0.0,0.0,0.0),, "previous shear direction"))
+			((Vector3r, initialShearDir, Vector3r(0.0,0.0,0.0),, "previous shear direction"))
+			((double, delta_porePressure, 0.0,, "change in pore water pressure"))
+			((double, porePressure, 0.0,, "pore water pressure"))
+			((double, bandThickness, 0.1,, "clay layer thickness"))
+			((double, heatCapacities, 0.0,, "clay layer thickness"))
+			((double, effective_phi, 0.0,, "friction angle in clay after displacement"))
+			((double, prevOverlap, 0.0,, "friction angle in clay after displacement"))
+			((Real, h, 0.0,,"cd")),
+			//((Real, cumulativeRotation, 0.0,, "cumulative rotation"))
+			//((Quaternionr, initialOrientation1, Quaternionr(1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0),, "orientation1"))
+			//((Quaternionr, initialOrientation2, Quaternionr(1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0),, "orientation2")),
+			createIndex();
+			);
+class Ip2_FrictMat_FrictMat_KnKsPhys: public IPhysFunctor{
+	public:
+		virtual void go(const shared_ptr<Material>& pp1, const shared_ptr<Material>& pp2, const shared_ptr<Interaction>& interaction);
+		YADE_CLASS_BASE_DOC_ATTRS(Ip2_FrictMat_FrictMat_KnKsPhys,IPhysFunctor,"Calculation",
+		((Real,Knormal,0.0,,"allows user to input values directly from python scripts"))
+		((Real,Kshear,0.0,,"allows user to input values directly from python scripts"))
+		((Real, unitWidth2D, 1.0, ,"viscousDamping"))
+		((double, brittleLength, 3.0, ,"brittle rock"))
+		((double, kn_i, 0.002, ,"brittle rock"))
+		((double, ks_i, 0.002, ,"brittle rock"))
+		((double, u_peak, -1.0, ,"brittle rock"))
+		((double, maxClosure, 0.002, ,"brittle rock"))
+		((Real, viscousDamping, 0.8, ,"viscousDamping"))
+		((Real, cohesion, 0.0, ,"viscousDamping"))
+		((Real, tension, 0.0, ,"viscousDamping"))
+		((bool, cohesionBroken, true, ,"cohesion"))
+		((bool, tensionBroken, true, ,"tension"))
+		((Real, phi_b, 0.0, ,"viscousDamping"))
+		((bool, useOverlapVol, false,, "calculate overlap volume"))
+		((bool, useFaceProperties, false,,"boolean to get face properites"))
+		((bool, calJointLength, false,, "calculate joint length"))
+		((bool, twoDimension, false, ,"tension already broken"))
+		);
+		FUNCTOR2D(FrictMat,FrictMat);
+class Law2_SCG_KnKsPhys_KnKsLaw: public LawFunctor{
+	public:
+		static Real Real0;
+		//OpenMPAccumulator<Real,&Law2_SCG_KnKsPhys_KnKsLaw::Real0> plasticDissipation;
+		virtual bool go(shared_ptr<IGeom>& _geom, shared_ptr<IPhys>& _phys, Interaction* I);
+		FUNCTOR2D(ScGeom,KnKsPhys);
+		YADE_CLASS_BASE_DOC_ATTRS_CTOR_PY(Law2_SCG_KnKsPhys_KnKsLaw,LawFunctor,"Law for linear compression, without cohesion and Mohr-Coulomb plasticity surface.\n\n.. note::\n This law uses :yref:`ScGeom`; there is also functionally equivalent :yref:`Law2_Dem3DofGeom_FrictPhys_Basic`, which uses :yref:`Dem3DofGeom` (sphere-box interactions are not implemented for the latest).",
+		((bool,neverErase,false,,"Keep interactions even if particles go away from each other (only in case another constitutive law is in the scene, e.g. :yref:`Law2_ScGeom_CapillaryPhys_Capillarity`)"))
+		((bool,preventGranularRatcheting,false,,"bool to avoid granular ratcheting"))
+		((bool,traceEnergy,false,,"Define the total energy dissipated in plastic slips at all contacts."))
+		((bool,Talesnick,false,,"Define the total energy dissipated in plastic slips at all contacts."))
+		((double,waterLevel,0.0,,"Define the total energy dissipated in plastic slips at all contacts."))
+		((bool, allowBreakage, false, ,"cohesion = 0, once broken"))
+		((double,initialOverlapDistance,0.0,,"initial overlap distance"))
+		,,
+		);

=== added file 'pkg/dem/PotentialParticle.cpp'
--- pkg/dem/PotentialParticle.cpp	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ pkg/dem/PotentialParticle.cpp	2015-12-14 14:25:08 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+/*CWBoon 2015 */
+ //! To implement potential particles (Houlsby 2009) using sphere
+#include "PotentialParticle.hpp"

=== added file 'pkg/dem/PotentialParticle.hpp'
--- pkg/dem/PotentialParticle.hpp	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ pkg/dem/PotentialParticle.hpp	2015-12-14 14:25:08 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+/*CWBoon 2015 */
+#pragma once
+#include <Eigen/LU> 
+#include <Eigen/QR>
+namespace yade{
+class PotentialParticle : public Shape
+	public:
+		virtual ~PotentialParticle ();
+	YADE_CLASS_BASE_DOC_ATTRS_CTOR(PotentialParticle,Shape,"Geometry of PotentialParticle.",
+		((int, id, 1,, "idNo"))
+		((bool, isBoundary, false,, "boundary"))
+		((bool, fixedNormal, false,, "use fixed normal"))
+		((Vector3r, boundaryNormal, Vector3r::Zero(),,"normal direction of boundary"))
+		((bool, AabbMinMax, false,, "aabb"))
+		((Vector3r, minAabb, Vector3r::Zero(),,"min from box centre"))
+		((Vector3r, maxAabb, Vector3r::Zero(),,"max frin box centre"))
+		((Vector3r, minAabbRotated, Vector3r::Zero(),,"min from box centre"))
+		((Vector3r, maxAabbRotated, Vector3r::Zero(),,"max frin box centre"))
+		((Vector3r, halfSize, Vector3r::Zero(),,"max frin box centre"))
+		((Quaternionr , oriAabb, Quaternionr::Identity(),, "r "))
+		((Real , r, 0.1,, "r "))
+		((Real , R, 1.0,, "R "))
+		((Real , k, 0.1,, "k "))
+		((vector<Vector3r>, vertices,,,"vertices"))
+		((vector<bool> , isBoundaryPlane, ,, "whether it is a boundaryPlane "))
+		((vector<double> , a, ,, "a "))
+		((vector<double> , b, ,, "b "))
+		((vector<double> , c, ,, "c "))
+		((vector<double> , d, ,, "d "))
+		,
+		createIndex(); /*ctor*/
+		#if 0
+		for (int i=0; i<a.size(); i++){
+			Amatrix(i,0) = a[i]; Amatrix(i,1)=b[i]; Amatrix(i,2)=c[i];
+			Dmatrix(i,0) = d[i] + r;
+	 	}
+		#endif
+	);
+	//#endif
+	REGISTER_CLASS_INDEX(PotentialParticle,Shape);
+using namespace yade; 
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+	 void dgesv_(const int *N, const int *nrhs, double *Hessian, const int *lda, int *ipiv, double *gradient, const int *ldb, int *info);
+	void dsyev_(const char *jobz, const char *uplo, const int *N, double *A, const int *lda, double *W, double *work, int *lwork, int *info);
+#ifdef __cplusplus

=== added file 'pkg/dem/PotentialParticle2AABB.cpp'
--- pkg/dem/PotentialParticle2AABB.cpp	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ pkg/dem/PotentialParticle2AABB.cpp	2015-12-14 14:25:08 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+/*CWBoon 2015 */
+#include "PotentialParticle2AABB.hpp"
+void PotentialParticle2AABB::go(const shared_ptr<Shape>& cm, shared_ptr<Bound>& bv, const Se3r& se3, const Body*){
+	PotentialParticle* pp = static_cast<PotentialParticle*>(cm.get());
+	if(!bv){ bv=shared_ptr<Bound>(new Aabb); }	
+	Aabb* aabb = static_cast<Aabb*>(bv.get());
+	Matrix3r r = se3.orientation.toRotationMatrix();
+	if(pp->AabbMinMax == false){
+		Real distFromCentre = 1.05*pp->R; // std::max(maxD, pp->R);
+		halfSize = Vector3r(distFromCentre,distFromCentre,distFromCentre); 
+		aabb->min = se3.position-halfSize;
+		aabb->max = se3.position+halfSize;
+		return;
+	}else{
+		Matrix3r r=se3.orientation.toRotationMatrix();
+		Vector3r halfSizeMin(Vector3r::Zero());Vector3r halfSizeMax(Vector3r::Zero());
+		if(pp->vertices.size() ==0){
+			//pp->vertices.clear();
+			pp->vertices.push_back(Vector3r(pp->maxAabbRotated[0],pp->maxAabbRotated[1],pp->maxAabbRotated[2]));
+			pp->vertices.push_back(Vector3r(pp->maxAabbRotated[0],pp->maxAabbRotated[1],-pp->minAabbRotated[2]));
+			pp->vertices.push_back(Vector3r(-pp->minAabbRotated[0],-pp->minAabbRotated[1],pp->maxAabbRotated[2]));
+			pp->vertices.push_back(Vector3r(-pp->minAabbRotated[0],-pp->minAabbRotated[1],-pp->minAabbRotated[2]));
+			pp->vertices.push_back(Vector3r(-pp->minAabbRotated[0],pp->maxAabbRotated[1],pp->maxAabbRotated[2]));
+			pp->vertices.push_back(Vector3r(-pp->minAabbRotated[0],pp->maxAabbRotated[1],-pp->minAabbRotated[2]));
+			pp->vertices.push_back(Vector3r(pp->maxAabbRotated[0],-pp->minAabbRotated[1],pp->maxAabbRotated[2]));
+			pp->vertices.push_back(Vector3r(pp->maxAabbRotated[0],-pp->minAabbRotated[1],-pp->minAabbRotated[2]));
+		}
+		Vector3r aabbMin(0,0,0);
+		Vector3r aabbMax(0,0,0);
+		for (int i=0; i<8; i++){
+			Vector3r vertex = r*(pp->oriAabb.conjugate()*pp->vertices[i]);
+			if(vertex.x() < aabbMin.x()){ aabbMin.x() = vertex.x(); }
+			if(vertex.y() < aabbMin.y()){ aabbMin.y() = vertex.y(); }
+			if(vertex.z() < aabbMin.z()){ aabbMin.z() = vertex.z(); }
+			if(vertex.x() > aabbMax.x()){ aabbMax.x() = vertex.x(); }
+			if(vertex.y() > aabbMax.y()){ aabbMax.y() = vertex.y(); }
+			if(vertex.z() > aabbMax.z()){ aabbMax.z() = vertex.z(); }
+		}
+		aabb->min=  se3.position + 1.05*aabbMin;
+		aabb->max = se3.position + 1.05*aabbMax;
+		halfSizeMin = -1.0*aabbMin;
+		halfSizeMax = 1.0*aabbMax;
+		return;
+	}

=== added file 'pkg/dem/PotentialParticle2AABB.hpp'
--- pkg/dem/PotentialParticle2AABB.hpp	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ pkg/dem/PotentialParticle2AABB.hpp	2015-12-14 14:25:08 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+/*CWBoon 2015 */
+#pragma once
+class PotentialParticle2AABB : public BoundFunctor
+	public :
+		void go(const shared_ptr<Shape>& cm, shared_ptr<Bound>& bv, const Se3r&, const Body*);
+	FUNCTOR1D(PotentialParticle);
+	//REGISTER_ATTRIBUTES(BoundFunctor,(aabbEnlargeFactor));
+	YADE_CLASS_BASE_DOC_ATTRS(PotentialParticle2AABB,BoundFunctor,"Functor creating :yref:`Aabb` from :yref:`Sphere`.",
+		((Real,aabbEnlargeFactor,((void)"deactivated",-1),,"Relative enlargement of the bounding box; deactivated if negative.\n\n.. note::\n\tThis attribute is used to create distant interaction, but is only meaningful with an :yref:`InteractionGeometryFunctor` which will not simply discard such interactions: :yref:`Ig2_Sphere_Sphere_Dem3DofGeom::distFactor` / :yref:`Ig2_Sphere_Sphere_ScGeom::interactionDetectionFactor` should have the same value as :yref:`aabbEnlargeFactor<Bo1_Sphere_Aabb::aabbEnlargeFactor>`."))
+		((Vector3r, halfSize, Vector3r::Zero(),,"halfSize"))
+	);