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[Branch ~yade-pkg/yade/git-trunk] Rev 3863: HydroForceEngine: modify turbulent fluctuation model.


revno: 3863
committer: Raphael Maurin <raph_maurin@xxxxxxxxxxx>
timestamp: Thu 2016-05-19 16:19:12 +0200
  HydroForceEngine: modify turbulent fluctuation model.
  Add a fluctuation along the spanwise (y) direction.
  Reset the fluctuation to zero when the particle is out of the flow (fix a bug)
  Comment a bit more the turbulentFluctuation function


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=== modified file 'pkg/common/ForceEngine.cpp'
--- pkg/common/ForceEngine.cpp	2016-02-09 17:55:09 +0000
+++ pkg/common/ForceEngine.cpp	2016-05-19 14:19:12 +0000
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
 			if ((p<nCell)&&(p>0)) {
 				Vector3r liftForce = Vector3r::Zero();
 				Vector3r dragForce = Vector3r::Zero();
-				Vector3r vRel = Vector3r(vxFluid[p]+vFluctX[id],0.0,vFluctZ[id]) -  b->state->vel;//fluid-particle relative velocity
+				Vector3r vRel = Vector3r(vxFluid[p]+vFluctX[id],vFluctY[id],vFluctZ[id]) -  b->state->vel;//fluid-particle relative velocity
 				//Drag force calculation
 				if (vRel.norm()!=0.0) {
 					dragForce = 0.5*densFluid*Mathr::PI*pow(sphere->radius,2.0)*(0.44*vRel.norm()+24.4*viscoDyn/(densFluid*sphere->radius*2))*pow(1-phiPart[p],-expoRZ)*vRel;
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
 		// Relative fluid/particle velocity using also the associated fluid vel. fluct. 
 		if ((Np>=0)&&(Np<nCell)){
-			uRel = Vector3r(vxFluid[Np]+vFluctX[b->id], 0.0,vFluctZ[b->id]) - b->state->vel;
+			uRel = Vector3r(vxFluid[Np]+vFluctX[b->id], vFluctY[b->id],vFluctZ[b->id]) - b->state->vel;
 			// Drag force with a Dallavalle formulation (drag coef.) and Richardson-Zaki Correction (hindrance effect)
 			fDrag = 0.5*Mathr::PI*pow(s->radius,2.0)*densFluid*(0.44*uRel.norm()+24.4*viscoDyn/(densFluid*2.0*s->radius))*pow((1-phiPart[Np]),-expoRZ)*uRel;
@@ -287,10 +287,12 @@
+		vFluctY.resize(size);
 	/* reset stored values to zero */
 	memset(& vFluctX[0],0,size);
+	memset(& vFluctY[0],0,size);
 	memset(& vFluctZ[0],0,size);
 	/* Create a random number generator rnd() with a gaussian distribution of mean 0 and stdev 1.0 */
@@ -301,6 +303,7 @@
 	double rand1 = 0.0;
 	double rand2 = 0.0;
+	double rand3 = 0.0;
 	/* Attribute a fluid velocity fluctuation to each body above the bed elevation */
 	FOREACH(Body::id_t id, ids){
 		Body* b=Body::byId(id,scene).get();
@@ -310,37 +313,53 @@
 		if (sphere){
 			Vector3r posSphere = b->state->pos;//position vector of the sphere
 			int p = floor((posSphere[2]-zRef)/deltaZ); //cell number in which the particle is
-			// if the particle is inside the water and above the bed elevation, so inside the turbulent flow, evaluate a turbulent fluid velocity fluctuation which will be used to apply the drag.
-			if ((p<nCell)&&(posSphere[2]-zRef>bedElevation)) { 
+			// If the particle is inside the water and above the bed elevation, so inside the turbulent flow, evaluate a turbulent fluid velocity fluctuation which will be used to apply the drag.
+			// The fluctuation magnitude is linked to the value of the Reynolds stress tensor at the given position, a kind of local friction velocity ustar
+			// The fluctuations along wall-normal and streamwise directions are correlated in order to be consistent with the formulation of the Reynolds stress tensor and to recover the result
+			// that the magnitude of the fluctuation along streamwise = 2*along wall normal
+			if ((p<nCell)&&(posSphere[2]-zRef>bedElevation)) {  // Remove the particles outside of the flow and inside the granular bed, they are not submitted to turbulent fluctuations. 
 				Real uStar2 = simplifiedReynoldStresses[p];
 				if (uStar2>0.0){
 					Real uStar = sqrt(uStar2);
 					rand1 = rnd();
-					rand2 = -rand1 + rnd();
+					rand2 = rnd();
+					rand3 = -rand1 + rnd();// x and z fluctuation are correlated as measured by Nezu 1977 and as expected from the formulation of the Reynolds stress tensor. 
 					vFluctZ[id] = rand1*uStar;
-					vFluctX[id] = rand2*uStar;
+					vFluctY[id] = rand2*uStar;
+					vFluctX[id] = rand3*uStar;
+			else{
+				vFluctZ[id] = 0.0;
+				vFluctY[id] = 0.0;
+				vFluctX[id] = 0.0;
+			}
-/* Alternative Velocity fluctuation determination, fluctuation time step depend on z. Should be executed at a period dtFluct corresponding to the smallest fluctTime */
+/* Alternative Velocity fluctuation model, same as turbulentFluctuation model but with a time step associated with the fluctuation generation depending on z */
+/* Should be executed in the python script at a period dtFluct corresponding to the smallest value of the fluctTime vector */
 /* Should be initialized before running HydroForceEngine */
 void HydroForceEngine::turbulentFluctuationBIS(){
         int idPartMax = vFluctX.size();
         double rand1 = 0.0;
         double rand2 = 0.0;
+        double rand3 = 0.0;
         /* Create a random number generator rnd() with a gaussian distribution of mean 0 and stdev 1.0 */
         /* see http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_55_0/doc/html/boost_random/reference.html and the chapter 7 of Numerical Recipes in C, second edition (1992) for more details */
         static boost::minstd_rand0 randGen((int)TimingInfo::getNow(true));
         static boost::normal_distribution<Real> dist(0.0, 1.0);
         static boost::variate_generator<boost::minstd_rand0&,boost::normal_distribution<Real> > rnd(randGen,dist);
+	//Loop on the particles
         for(int idPart=0;idPart<idPartMax;idPart++){
-                fluctTime[idPart]-=dtFluct; //define dtFluct in global
-                if (fluctTime[idPart]<=0){
-                        fluctTime[idPart] = 10*dtFluct;
+		//Remove the time ran since last application of the function (dtFluct define in global)
+                fluctTime[idPart]-=dtFluct;
+		//If negative, means that the time of application of the fluctuation is over, generate a new one with a new associated time
+                if (fluctTime[idPart]<=0){ 
+                        fluctTime[idPart] = 10*dtFluct; //Initialisation of the application time
                         Body* b=Body::byId(idPart,scene).get();
                         if (!b) continue;
                         if (!(scene->bodies->exists(idPart))) continue;
@@ -350,15 +369,26 @@
                                 Vector3r posSphere = b->state->pos;//position vector of the sphere
                                 int p = floor((posSphere[2]-zRef)/deltaZ); //cell number in which the particle is
                                 if (simplifiedReynoldStresses[p]>0.0) uStar = sqrt(simplifiedReynoldStresses[p]);
-                                // if the particle is inside the water and above the bed elevation, so inside the turbulent flow, evaluate a turbulent fluid velocity fluctuation which will be used to apply the drag.
+                                // Remove the particles outside of the flow and inside the granular bed, they are not submitted to turbulent fluctuations. 
                                 if ((p<nCell)&&(posSphere[2]-zRef>bedElevation)) {
                                         rand1 = rnd();
-                                        rand2 = -rand1 + rnd();
+                                        rand2 = rnd();
+                                        rand3 = -rand1 + rnd(); // x and z fluctuation are correlated as measured by Nezu 1977 and as expected from the formulation of the Reynolds stress tensor. 
                                         vFluctZ[idPart] = rand1*uStar;
-                                        vFluctX[idPart] = rand2*uStar;
+                                        vFluctY[idPart] = rand2*uStar;
+                                        vFluctX[idPart] = rand3*uStar;
+					// Limit the value to avoid the application of fluctuations in the viscous sublayer
                                         const Real zPos = max(b->state->pos[2]-zRef-bedElevation,11.6*viscoDyn/densFluid/uStar);
+					// Time of application of the fluctuation as a function of depth from kepsilon model
                                         if (uStar>0.0) fluctTime[idPart]=min(0.33*0.41*zPos/uStar,10.);
+				else{
+					vFluctZ[idPart] = 0.0;
+					vFluctY[idPart] = 0.0;
+					vFluctX[idPart] = 0.0;
+					fluctTime[idPart] = 0.0;
+				}