Since we have limited resources and cannot compile every combination
possible, maybe compile just twice or three times:
1. with default features
2. with everything enabled (including qt5, since that's just
compilation, nobody will try to start yade there using graphical
3. maybe a third build per day based on (1.) but each day with a
single different feature enabled. Eg. use crontab lines like this:
# <min> <hr> <dom> <moy> <dow> command
# | | | | |
# | | | | +-- day of week, 0-6, 0 = sunday
# | | | +-------- month of year, 1-12, 1 = january
# | | +-------------- day of month, 1-31
# | +-------------------------- hour of day, 0-23, 0 = midnight
# +------------------------------- minute of hour, 0-59
0 22 * * 0 buildbod_0_sunday
0 22 * * 1 buildbod_1_monday
0 22 * * 2 buildbod_2_tuesday
0 22 * * 3 buildbod_3_wednesday
0 22 * * 4 buildbod_4_thursday
0 22 * * 5 buildbod_5_friday
0 22 * * 6 buildbod_6_saturday
Yeah, I know it looks too simple, so that's just a suggestion.
how do you think?
Rémi Cailletaud said: (by the date of Thu, 4 May 2017 10:05:33 +0200)
For now, the buildbot compile with all the default options, only
disabling qt5.
Should we change that ?
Bruno Chareyre said: (by the date of Wed, 3 May 2017 10:40:58 +0200)
(granted that we don't have the ressource to build every possible
combinations) is valid.