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Fwd: [Yade-users] Critical bugfix for periodic boundaries (part 2)


Hello Vaclav (Hi yade-devs),
I was wondering one thing when I checked again the periodic sorting.
I realized that there was a possibility for all bounds to have a drift toward larger and larger positive values (not sure how it is in Woo, I'm speaking of your implementation in yade). This is is because everything is relative to the "loIdx" bound [1]. Obviously loIdx tends to jump to bounds of smaller coordinates, then intuitively I was expecting that it would continuously stay close to zero+ position. This is (was - see below) not necessarily the case, since the changes of loIdx occur only after inversions. So, if you simply impose a collective motion in the x+ direction, leading to no inversion, all bounds coordinates are translated uniformly across many periods. And I found at that when random motion is combined with overall motion in the x+ direction (typically periodic flow down infinite slope), the same effect happens.

I'm absolutely not sure that it can be a problem, hence this message, out of curiosity. Did you anticipate that (if you remember...)? In doubt, I inserted a (cheap) additional loop to clamp the bounds [2]. With this loop all bounds are in [0,size] after the sort. Not sure it is needed though.

For the record, I'm pasting below a script exhibiting the bugs I've been trying to solve recently. Unfortunately, this script cannot reproduce the bug deterministically across different computers, as it seems. Even with the same version of yadedaily. For me, a missed interaction was found after 3.4e6 iterations.


[1] https://github.com/yade/trunk/blob/master/pkg/common/InsertionSortCollider.cpp#L442 [2] https://github.com/yade/trunk/blob/master/pkg/common/InsertionSortCollider.cpp#L459

# Initially by Raphael Maurin, raphael.maurin@xxxxxxx

# Output with yade version b2d844df5:
# "The overlap between particle 254 and 315 seems to be unphysical !, iter: 3414000"
# crossing occurs between iter 3405917 3405937

#usefull command: rr=yade.qt.Renderer(); for b in O.bodies: rr.hideBody(b.id); rr.showBody(254); rr.showBody(315)

#Import libraries
from yade import pack, plot
import math
import random as rand
import numpy as np

## Main parameters of the simulation

diameterPart = 6e-3    #Diameter of the particles, in meter
densPart = 2500        #density of the particles, in kg/m3
phiPartMax = 0.61    #Value of the dense packing solid volume fraction
restitCoef = 0.5    #Restitution coefficient of the particles
partFrictAngle = atan(0.4)    #friction angle of the particles, in radian

densFluidPY = 1000.    #Density of the fluid
kinematicViscoFluid = 1e-6    #kinematic viscosity of the fluid
waterDepth = 20.#Water depth in diameter

#Configuration: inclined channel
slope = 0.05    #Inclination angle of the channel slope in radian
lengthCell = 8    #Streamwise length of the periodic cell, in diameter #phf
widthCell = 8    #Spanwise length of the periodic cell, in diameter
Nlayer = 8.    #nb of layer of particle, in diameter
fluidHeight = (Nlayer+waterDepth)*diameterPart #Height of the flow from the bottom of the sample

endTime = 10000    #Time simulated (in seconds)

## Secondary parameters of the simulation

expoDrag_PY = 3.1 # Richardson Zaki exponent for the hindrance function of the drag force applied to the particles

#Discretization of the sample in ndimz wall-normal (z) steps of size dz, between the bottom of the channel and the position of the water free-surface. Should be equal to the length of the imposed fluid profile. Mesh used for HydroForceEngine.
ndimz = 900    #Number of cells in the height
dz = fluidHeight/(1.0*(ndimz-1)) # Fluid discretization step in the wall-normal direction

# Initialization of the main vectors
vxFluidPY = np.zeros(ndimz) # Vertical fluid velocity profile: u^f = u_x^f(z) e_x, with x the streamwise direction and z the wall-normal
phiPartPY = np.zeros(ndimz)    # Vertical particle volume fraction profile
vxPartPY = np.zeros(ndimz)    # Vertical average particle velocity profile

#Geometrical configuration, define useful quantities
height = 2.*fluidHeight #heigth of the periodic cell, in m (bigger than the fluid height to take into particles jumping above the latter)
length = lengthCell*diameterPart #length of the stream, in m
width = widthCell*diameterPart  #width of the stream, in m
groundPosition = height/4.0 #Definition of the position of the ground, in m
gravityVector = Vector3(9.81*sin(slope),0.0,-9.81*cos(slope)) #Gravity vector to consider a channel inclined with slope angle 'slope' gravityVectorApplied = Vector3(0.0,0.0,-9.81*cos(slope)) #Applied gravity for buoyancy (no x contribution in turbulent cases)

#Particles contact law/material parameters
maxPressure = (densPart-densFluidPY)*phiPartMax*Nlayer*diameterPart*abs(gravityVector[2]) #Estimated max particle pressure from the static load normalStiffness = maxPressure*diameterPart*1e4 #Evaluate the minimal normal stiffness to be in the rigid particle limit (cf Roux and Combe 2002) youngMod = normalStiffness/diameterPart #Young modulus of the particles from the stiffness wanted. poissonRatio = 0.5 #poisson's ratio of the particles. Classical values, does not have much influence O.materials.append(ViscElMat(en=restitCoef, et=0., young=youngMod, poisson=poissonRatio, density=densPart, frictionAngle=partFrictAngle, label='Mat'))


#Definition of the semi-periodic cell
O.periodic = True

# Reference walls: build two planes at the ground and free-surface to have a reference for the eyes in the 3D view lowPlane = box(center= (length/2.0, width/2.0,groundPosition),extents=(200,200,0),fixed=True,wire=False,color = (0.,1.,0.),material = 'Mat') WaterSurface = box(center= (length/2.0, width/2.0,groundPosition+fluidHeight),extents=(2000,width/2.0,0),fixed=True,wire=False,color = (0,0,1),material = 'Mat',mask = 0)
O.bodies.append([lowPlane,WaterSurface]) #add to simulation

# Regular arrangement of spheres sticked at the bottom with random height
L = range(0,int(length/(diameterPart))) #The length is divided in particle diameter W = range(0,int(width/(diameterPart))) #The width is divided in particle diameter

for x in L: #loop creating a set of sphere sticked at the bottom with a (uniform) random altitude comprised between 0.5 (diameter/12) and 5.5mm (11diameter/12) with steps of 0.5mm. The repartition along z is made around groundPosition.
    for y in W:
n = rand.randrange(0,12,1)/12.0*diameterPart #Define a number between 0 and 11/12 diameter with steps of 1/12 diameter (0.5mm in the experiment) O.bodies.append(sphere((x*diameterPart, y*diameterPart,groundPosition - 11*diameterPart/12.0/2.0 + n),diameterPart/2.,color=(0,0,0),fixed = True,material = 'Mat'))

#Create a loose cloud of particle inside the cell
partCloud = pack.SpherePack()
partVolume = pi/6.*pow(diameterPart,3) #Volume of a particle
partNumber = int(Nlayer*phiPartMax*diameterPart*length*width/partVolume) #Volume of beads to obtain Nlayer layers of particles partCloud.makeCloud(minCorner=(0,0.,groundPosition+diameterPart),maxCorner=(length,width,groundPosition+fluidHeight),rRelFuzz=0., rMean=diameterPart/2.0, num = partNumber, seed=1) partCloud.toSimulation(material='Mat') #Send this packing to simulation with material Mat #Evaluate the deposition time considering the free-fall time of the highest particle to the ground
depoTime = sqrt(fluidHeight*2/abs(gravityVector[2]))

# Collect the ids of the spheres which are dynamic to add a fluid force through HydroForceEngines
idApplyForce = []
for b in O.bodies:
    if isinstance(b.shape,Sphere) and b.dynamic:


O.engines = [
    # Reset the forces
    # Detect the potential contacts
InsertionSortCollider([Bo1_Sphere_Aabb(), Bo1_Wall_Aabb(),Bo1_Facet_Aabb(),Bo1_Box_Aabb()],label='contactDetection',allowBiggerThanPeriod = True),
    # Calculate the different interactions
       [Ig2_Sphere_Sphere_ScGeom(), Ig2_Box_Sphere_ScGeom()],
    ,label = 'interactionLoop'),
    #Apply an hydrodynamic force to the particles
HydroForceEngine(densFluid = densFluidPY,viscoDyn = kinematicViscoFluid*densFluidPY,zRef = groundPosition,gravity = gravityVectorApplied,deltaZ = dz,expoRZ = expoDrag_PY,lift = False,nCell = ndimz,vCell = length*width*dz ,vxFluid = vxFluidPY,phiPart = phiPartPY,vxPart = vxPartPY,ids = idApplyForce, label = 'hydroEngine', dead = True),
    #Measurement, output files
PyRunner(command = 'measure()', virtPeriod = 0.1, label = 'measurement', dead = True), # Check if the packing is stabilized, if yes activate the hydro force on the grains and the slope. PyRunner(command='gravityDeposition(depoTime)',virtPeriod = 0.01,label = 'gravDepo'),
    #GlobalStiffnessTimeStepper, determine the time step
GlobalStiffnessTimeStepper(defaultDt = 1e-4, viscEl = True,timestepSafetyCoefficient = 0.7, label = 'GSTS'),
    # Integrate the equation and calculate the new position/velocities...
NewtonIntegrator(damping=0.2, gravity=gravityVector, label='newtonIntegr'),
    PyRunner(command='checkOverlap()',iterPeriod = 2000,label = 'overlap'),
#save the initial configuration to be able to recharge the simulation starting configuration easily

#################################################### FUNCTION DEFINITION #########################################################

######                                           ######
######                                           ######
def gravityDeposition(lim):
    if O.time<lim : return
    else :
        print('\n Gravity deposition finished, apply fluid forces !\n')
newtonIntegr.damping = 0.0 # Set the artificial numerical damping to zero gravDepo.dead = True # Remove the present engine for the following

        hydroEngine.dead = False    # Activate the HydroForceEngine
hydroEngine.vxFluid = vxFluidPY # Send the fluid velocity vector used to apply the drag fluid force on particles in HydroForceEngine (see c++ code) hydroEngine.simplifiedReynoldStresses = np.ones(ndimz)*1e-4 # Send the simplified fluid Reynolds stresses Rxz/\rho^f used to account for the fluid velocity fluctuations in HydroForceEngine (see c++ code) #hydroEngine.turbulentFluctuation() #Initialize the fluid velocity fluctuation associated to particles to zero in HydroForceEngine, necessary to avoid segmentation fault

        measurement.dead = False    # Activate the measure() PyRunner

#######              ########
###        OUTPUT       ###
#######              ########
# Averaging/Save
qsMean = 0        #Mean dimensionless sediment transport rate
zAxis = np.zeros(ndimz)    #z scale, in diameter
def measure():
    global qsMean
    global vxPartPY
    global phiPartPY
    global zAxis
#Evaluate the average depth profile of streamwise, spanwise and wall-normal particle velocity, particle volume fraction (and drag force for coupling with RANS fluid resolution), and store it in hydroEngine variables vxPart, vyPart, vzPart, phiPart, averageDrag
#Extract the calculated vector. They can be saved and plotted afterwards.
    vxPartPY = np.array(hydroEngine.vxPart)
    vyPartPY = np.array(hydroEngine.vyPart)
    vzPartPY = np.array(hydroEngine.vzPart)
    phiPartPY = np.array(hydroEngine.phiPart)
    averageDragPY = np.array(hydroEngine.averageDrag)

    #Evaluate the dimensionless sediment transport rate for information
qsMean = sum(phiPartPY*vxPartPY)*dz/sqrt((densPart/densFluidPY - 1)*abs(gravityVector[2])*pow(diameterPart,3)) plot.addData(SedimentRate = qsMean, time = O.time) #Plot it during the simulation

    #Condition to stop the simulation after endTime seconds
    if O.time>=endTime:
print('\n End of the simulation, simulated {0}s as required !\n '.format(endTime))

        #Z scale used for the possible plot at the end
        global zAxis
        for i in range(0,ndimz):
            zAxis[i] = i*dz/diameterPart

## Paste the following (uncommented) code in the console at the end of the simulation to observe the shape of the granular depth profiles (solid volume fraction and velocity)
#import matplotlib.pyplot as pyp
#pyp.figure('solid volume fraction profile')
#pyp.figure('streamwise particle velocity profile')

#Plot the dimensionless sediment transport rate as a function of time during the simulation


#Imposed fluid profile, corresponding to a Shields number 0.5 #phf not valid domian modofied vxFluidPY = np.array([ 0. , 0.06156562, 0.08728988, 0.10283756, 0.11005262,
        0.11059876,  0.1060113 ,  0.0976961 ,  0.08701183, 0.07527384,
        0.06375715,  0.05362684,  0.04587625,  0.04124045, 0.04014932,
        0.04265518,  0.04835575,  0.05637364,  0.06555057, 0.07466258,
        0.0825892 ,  0.08848402,  0.09180331,  0.09234952, 0.09026192,
        0.08598644,  0.08023121,  0.07377648,  0.0673878 , 0.06174271,
        0.05740186,  0.0547775 ,  0.05407727,  0.05527346, 0.05813167,
        0.0622459 ,  0.06708855,  0.07204081,  0.07651257, 0.07999516,
        0.08215522,  0.08283083,  0.08204372,  0.07996273, 0.07689339,
        0.0732465 ,  0.06949481,  0.06610862,  0.06347541, 0.06185502,
        0.0613583 ,  0.06194208,  0.06343303,  0.0655741 , 0.06804706,
        0.07051492,  0.0726754 ,  0.07429343,  0.07521449, 0.07537433,
        0.07479194,  0.07357723,  0.07192908,  0.07010514, 0.06839215,
        0.06704851,  0.06626627,  0.06614762,  0.06669344, 0.06779834,
        0.06927958,  0.07091005,  0.07245458,  0.07369861, 0.07446029,
        0.07462772,  0.07419583,  0.07325704,  0.07196604, 0.07049793,
        0.06903213,  0.06774085,  0.06677561,  0.0662449 , 0.06619538,
        0.06661213,  0.06742787,  0.0685343 ,  0.06978656, 0.07102537,
        0.07210075,  0.07289378,  0.07334036,  0.07343889, 0.07323677,
        0.07280684,  0.0722337 ,  0.07160383,  0.07099545, 0.07047215,
        0.07007524,  0.06982274,  0.06971082,  0.06971833, 0.06980796,
        0.06993805,  0.07007409,  0.07019433,  0.07028775, 0.07034303,
        0.07035078,  0.07031745,  0.07026673,  0.07022685, 0.070222  ,
        0.07026871,  0.07037337,  0.0705376 ,  0.07075427, 0.07100814,
        0.07128164,  0.07155703,  0.07182318,  0.07207437, 0.07230019,
        0.0724788 ,  0.0725801 ,  0.07257863,  0.07245956, 0.07222669,
        0.07189895,  0.07150785,  0.07108934,  0.07068479, 0.07033428,
        0.0700743 ,  0.06993614,  0.06994256,  0.07010162, 0.07040221,
        0.07081663,  0.07130815,  0.07183653,  0.07236057, 0.0728381 ,
        0.07323606,  0.07353095,  0.07371097,  0.0737761 , 0.07373514,
        0.07360549,  0.073415  ,  0.07319872,  0.07299079, 0.07282058,
        0.07271034,  0.07267235,  0.07270862,  0.07281215, 0.07297214,
        0.07317416,  0.07340123,  0.07363392,  0.07385621, 0.07405428,
        0.07421823,  0.07434827,  0.07445663,  0.07456325, 0.07469148,
        0.07486482,  0.07510363,  0.0754249 ,  0.07583499, 0.0763238 ,
        0.07687   ,  0.07744048,  0.07799326,  0.07848547, 0.07887646,
        0.07913544,  0.07924846,  0.07921931,  0.07907331, 0.07885561,
        0.07862464,  0.07844374,  0.07837516,  0.07847163, 0.0787705 ,
        0.07928899,  0.08002083,  0.0809382 ,  0.08199479, 0.08313004,
        0.08427904,  0.08537916,  0.08637918,  0.08724493, 0.08796148,
        0.08853075,  0.08897183,  0.08931631,  0.0896013 , 0.08986449,
        0.09013922,  0.09045455,  0.09083446,  0.0912941 , 0.09184645,
        0.09249791,  0.09325393,  0.09411605,  0.0950802 , 0.09613639,
        0.09727042,  0.09846512,  0.0997008 ,  0.10095958, 0.10222823,
        0.10349927,  0.10477299,  0.10605354,  0.10735303, 0.10868852,
        0.11007881,  0.11154475,  0.11310325,  0.11476599, 0.11653497,
        0.118402  ,  0.12034988,  0.12235397,  0.12438468, 0.12641134,
        0.12840556,  0.13034169,  0.13220338,  0.13398571, 0.13570116,
        0.13738374,  0.13909178,  0.1409052 ,  0.14291927, 0.14523157,
        0.14793003,  0.1510891 ,  0.15476738,  0.15900948, 0.16384828,
        0.16930529,  0.17539348,  0.18211907,  0.1894816 , 0.19747537,
        0.20609019,  0.2153121 ,  0.22512414,  0.23550562, 0.24643343,
        0.25788275,  0.26982699,  0.28223862,  0.29508925, 0.3083499 ,
        0.32199109,  0.33598346,  0.35029802,  0.36490592, 0.37977898,
        0.39488962,  0.41021114,  0.42571807,  0.4413862 , 0.45719298,
        0.47311751,  0.4891401 ,  0.50524264,  0.52140786, 0.53761979,
        0.55386412,  0.57012801,  0.58639949,  0.60266791, 0.61892388,
        0.63515886,  0.65136517,  0.66753551,  0.68366317, 0.69974232,
        0.71576767,  0.73173404,  0.74763662,  0.76347108, 0.77923328,
        0.79491932,  0.81052539,  0.82604798,  0.8414839 , 0.85683046,
        0.87208498,  0.88724521,  0.90230903,  0.91727463, 0.93214057,
        0.94690566,  0.96156893,  0.97612958,  0.99058652, 1.00493896,
        1.0191864 ,  1.03332831,  1.04736448,  1.06129493, 1.07511968,
        1.08883882,  1.10245244,  1.11596073,  1.1293639 , 1.14266233,
        1.15585634,  1.16894621,  1.18193214,  1.19481443, 1.2075934 ,
        1.22026932,  1.23284246,  1.24531294,  1.257681  , 1.26994706,
        1.2821116 ,  1.29417505,  1.30613785,  1.31800031, 1.32976287,
        1.34142608,  1.3529905 ,  1.36445665,  1.37582494, 1.38709576,
        1.39826949,  1.40934651,  1.42032734,  1.43121251, 1.44200244,
        1.45269741,  1.46329784,  1.47380421,  1.4842169 , 1.4945363 ,
        1.50476284,  1.51489687,  1.52493875,  1.53488882, 1.5447474 ,
        1.55451477,  1.56419123,  1.57377699,  1.58327231, 1.59267751,
        1.60199298,  1.61121897,  1.62035577,  1.6294036 , 1.63836267,
        1.64723331,  1.65601585,  1.66471064,  1.67331804, 1.68183842,
        1.69027212,  1.6986195 ,  1.70688092,  1.71505672, 1.72314731,
        1.73115306,  1.73907436,  1.74691168,  1.75466545, 1.76233612,
        1.76992419,  1.77743015,  1.78485456,  1.79219798, 1.79946097,
        1.80664408,  1.81374788,  1.82077303,  1.82772023, 1.83459016,
        1.84138355,  1.84810114,  1.85474367,  1.8613119 , 1.86780655,
        1.87422842,  1.88057834,  1.88685715,  1.89306574, 1.89920502,
        1.90527587,  1.9112792 ,  1.91721589,  1.92308686, 1.92889305,
        1.9346354 ,  1.94031485,  1.94593232,  1.95148872, 1.956985  ,
        1.96242207,  1.96780085,  1.97312225,  1.97838716, 1.9835965 ,
        1.98875115,  1.99385197,  1.99889988,  2.00389572, 2.00884037,
        2.01373468,  2.01857948,  2.02337561,  2.02812387, 2.03282505,
        2.03747992,  2.04208926,  2.04665378,  2.05117424, 2.05565134,
        2.06008578,  2.06447826,  2.06882943,  2.07313998, 2.07741053,
        2.08164173,  2.08583421,  2.08998857,  2.09410541, 2.09818531,
        2.10222885,  2.10623657,  2.11020902,  2.11414674, 2.11805024,
        2.12192005,  2.12575664,  2.12956052,  2.13333217, 2.13707204,
        2.14078061,  2.14445833,  2.14810563,  2.15172294, 2.1553107 ,
        2.1588693 ,  2.16239916,  2.16590066,  2.1693742 , 2.17282014,
        2.17623887,  2.17963073,  2.18299609,  2.1863353 , 2.18964869,
        2.19293659,  2.19619934,  2.19943724,  2.20265063, 2.2058398 ,
        2.20900506,  2.2121467 ,  2.21526502,  2.21836029, 2.22143281,
        2.22448284,  2.22751065,  2.23051652,  2.23350069, 2.23646343,
        2.23940498,  2.2423256 ,  2.24522553,  2.248105  , 2.25096425,
        2.25380351,  2.256623  ,  2.25942296,  2.26220359, 2.26496512,
        2.26770775,  2.27043169,  2.27313715,  2.27582432, 2.2784934 ,
        2.2811446 ,  2.28377809,  2.28639406,  2.28899271, 2.2915742 ,
        2.29413873,  2.29668646,  2.29921756,  2.30173222, 2.30423059,
        2.30671284,  2.30917913,  2.31162963,  2.31406448, 2.31648385,
        2.31888789,  2.32127674,  2.32365056,  2.32600949, 2.32835368,
        2.33068326,  2.33299837,  2.33529916,  2.33758576, 2.33985829,
        2.34211691,  2.34436172,  2.34659286,  2.34881046, 2.35101464,
        2.35320552,  2.35538322,  2.35754787,  2.35969957, 2.36183844,
        2.3639646 ,  2.36607817,  2.36817924,  2.37026793, 2.37234435,
        2.3744086 ,  2.37646079,  2.37850103,  2.3805294 , 2.38254602,
        2.38455099,  2.38654439,  2.38852634,  2.39049692, 2.39245622,
        2.39440435,  2.39634139,  2.39826743,  2.40018257, 2.40208688,
        2.40398047,  2.40586341,  2.40773578,  2.40959768, 2.41144918,
        2.41329037,  2.41512133,  2.41694214,  2.41875287, 2.4205536 ,
        2.42234442,  2.42412539,  2.42589659,  2.4276581 , 2.42940998,
        2.43115232,  2.43288518,  2.43460863,  2.43632274, 2.43802758,
        2.43972322,  2.44140973,  2.44308716,  2.4447556 , 2.4464151 ,
        2.44806572,  2.44970754,  2.4513406 ,  2.45296499, 2.45458074,
        2.45618793,  2.45778662,  2.45937686,  2.46095872, 2.46253225,
        2.4640975 ,  2.46565454,  2.46720342,  2.46874419, 2.47027691,
        2.47180164,  2.47331842,  2.47482732,  2.47632837, 2.47782164,
        2.47930717,  2.48078502,  2.48225523,  2.48371786, 2.48517295,
        2.48662055,  2.48806071,  2.48949348,  2.4909189 , 2.49233702,
        2.49374788,  2.49515154,  2.49654803,  2.4979374 , 2.49931969,
        2.50069495,  2.50206322,  2.50342454,  2.50477896, 2.50612651,
        2.50746724,  2.50880118,  2.51012839,  2.51144889, 2.51276272,
        2.51406994,  2.51537057,  2.51666465,  2.51795223, 2.51923333,
        2.520508  ,  2.52177627,  2.52303818,  2.52429376, 2.52554305,
        2.52678609,  2.52802291,  2.52925355,  2.53047803, 2.5316964 ,
        2.53290869,  2.53411492,  2.53531514,  2.53650937, 2.53769765,
        2.53888   ,  2.54005647,  2.54122708,  2.54239187, 2.54355086,
        2.54470408,  2.54585156,  2.54699334,  2.54812944, 2.5492599 ,
        2.55038473,  2.55150398,  2.55261766,  2.55372581, 2.55482845,
        2.55592562,  2.55701733,  2.55810362,  2.55918451, 2.56026002,
        2.5613302 ,  2.56239505,  2.56345461,  2.5645089 , 2.56555795,
        2.56660178,  2.56764042,  2.56867388,  2.56970221, 2.57072541,
        2.57174351,  2.57275654,  2.57376452,  2.57476747, 2.57576542,
        2.57675838,  2.57774639,  2.57872946,  2.57970761, 2.58068087,
        2.58164925,  2.58261279,  2.58357149,  2.58452539, 2.5854745 ,
        2.58641884,  2.58735843,  2.58829329,  2.58922345, 2.59014892,
        2.59106972,  2.59198587,  2.59289739,  2.5938043 , 2.59470662,
        2.59560436,  2.59649755,  2.5973862 ,  2.59827033, 2.59914996,
        2.60002511,  2.60089579,  2.60176202,  2.60262382, 2.6034812 ,
        2.60433419,  2.60518279,  2.60602703,  2.60686692, 2.60770247,
        2.60853371,  2.60936065,  2.6101833 ,  2.61100168, 2.6118158 ,
        2.61262569,  2.61343135,  2.6142328 ,  2.61503005, 2.61582313,
        2.61661203,  2.61739678,  2.6181774 ,  2.61895388, 2.61972626,
        2.62049454,  2.62125873,  2.62201885,  2.62277492, 2.62352694,
        2.62427492,  2.62501889,  2.62575884,  2.62649481, 2.62722678,
        2.62795479,  2.62867884,  2.62939894,  2.6301151 , 2.63082734,
        2.63153566,  2.63224009,  2.63294062,  2.63363727, 2.63433004,
        2.63501896,  2.63570404,  2.63638527,  2.63706267, 2.63773625,
        2.63840603,  2.639072  ,  2.63973419,  2.64039259, 2.64104723,
        2.6416981 ,  2.64234522,  2.64298859,  2.64362823, 2.64426414,
        2.64489633,  2.64552481,  2.64614958,  2.64677067, 2.64738806,
        2.64800178,  2.64861182,  2.6492182 ,  2.64982092, 2.65041999,
        2.65101542,  2.6516072 ,  2.65219536,  2.6527799 , 2.65336081,
        2.65393812,  2.65451182,  2.65508192,  2.65564842, 2.65621134,
        2.65677067,  2.65732642,  2.6578786 ,  2.65842722, 2.65897226,
        2.65951375,  2.66005168,  2.66058606,  2.6611169 , 2.66164419,
        2.66216794,  2.66268815,  2.66320484,  2.66371799, 2.66422761,
        2.66473371,  2.66523629,  2.66573534,  2.66623088, 2.66672291,
        2.66721142,  2.66769641,  2.6681779 ,  2.66865588, 2.66913034,
        2.6696013 ,  2.67006875,  2.67053269,  2.67099312, 2.67145005,
        2.67190346,  2.67235337,  2.67279976,  2.67324264, 2.67368201,
        2.67411786,  2.6745502 ,  2.67497901,  2.6754043 , 2.67582607,
        2.67624431,  2.67665901,  2.67707018,  2.6774778 , 2.67788188,
        2.67828241,  2.67867939,  2.6790728 ,  2.67946264, 2.67984891,
        2.6802316 ,  2.6806107 ,  2.68098621,  2.68135811, 2.6817264 ,
        2.68209106,  2.6824521 ,  2.68280949,  2.68316323, 2.6835133 ,
        2.6838597 ,  2.68420241,  2.68454142,  2.68487671, 2.68520828,
        2.6855361 ,  2.68586015,  2.68618044,  2.68649692, 2.68680959,
        2.68711843,  2.68742342,  2.68772453,  2.68802174, 2.68831504,
        2.68860439,  2.68888977,  2.68917115,  2.6894485 , 2.6897218 ,
        2.689991  ,  2.69025609,  2.69051701,  2.69077374, 2.69102624,
        2.69127446,  2.69151836,  2.69175789,  2.69199301, 2.69222365,
        2.69244977,  2.6926713 ,  2.69288819,  2.69310035, 2.69330773,
        2.69351023,  2.69370778,  2.69390028,  2.69408764, 2.69426974,
        2.69444647,  2.6946177 ,  2.69478329,  2.69494307, 2.69509687,
        2.69524449,  2.69538571,  2.69552028,  2.69564788, 2.69576818,
        2.69588076,  2.6959851 ,  2.69608056,  2.6961663 , 2.69624114,
        2.6963033 ,  2.69634954,  2.69637016,  2.69633447, 2.69633447])

if ndimz!=len(vxFluidPY):
print '\n Bug: ndimz should necessarily be equal to the length of the imposed fluid profile vxFluidPY !\n'

def checkOverlap():
    for b in O.bodies:
        for bD in O.bodies:
            if bD.id>b.id:
if isinstance(b.shape,Sphere) and isinstance(bD.shape,Sphere):
                    p1 = O.bodies[b.id].state.pos
                    p2 = O.bodies[bD.id].state.pos
                    pRel = p1-p2
                    for k in range(2):
pRel[k]=min(abs(pRel[k])%length, abs(abs(pRel[k])%length-length))
                    if pRel.norm()< diameterPart*(1-0.1):
print('The overlap between particle {0} and {1} seems to be unphysical !'.format(b.id,bD.id)+", iter: "+str(O.iter))

#print np.sum([b.state.vel[0] for b in O.bodies])


#def checkOverlap():
    #for b in O.bodies:
        #for bD in O.bodies:
            #if bD.id>b.id:
#if isinstance(b.shape,Sphere) and isinstance(bD.shape,Sphere):
                    #p1 = O.bodies[b.id].state.pos
                    #p2 = O.bodies[bD.id].state.pos
#pRel = Vector3(abs(p1[0] -p2[0])%length,abs(p1[1]-p2[1])%width,p1[2] -p2[2])
                    #if pRel.norm()< diameterPart*(1-0.1):
#print('The overlap between particle {0} and {1} seems to be unphysical !'.format(b.id,bD.id))

def checkBoxes(id1=254,id2=315):
    #for k in range(3):
    invSize=[1./szi for szi in sz]
    for k in range(3):
    for k in range(3):
if (lmin[k]<lmax[k] and lmax[k]<shiftedMin[k]): return False,O.interactions.has(id1,id2)
    return True,O.interactions.has(id1,id2)

def iterate(dump=False):
    if (dump): O.engines[1].dumpBounds()
    print "has(254,315) ",O.interactions.has(254,315)
    print "254 bounds:",O.bodies[254].bound.min,O.bodies[254].bound.max
    print "315 bounds:",O.bodies[315].bound.min,O.bodies[315].bound.max
    print "==================="

def listBounds():
    for k in range(len(bnds)):
        if abs(bnds[k][1])==254 or abs(bnds[k][1])==315:


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	[Yade-users] Critical bugfix for periodic boundaries (part 2)
Date: 	Mon, 15 May 2017 18:45:49 +0200
From: 	Bruno Chareyre <bruno.chareyre@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: 	yade-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Dear all,
Another closely related bug has been fixed [1].
In short, it was possible to get different results in terms of overlaps for the same pair due to round-off errors. Some parts of the code were saying "yes" (the sorting phase based on wrapped coordinates) while others were saying "no" (spatialOverlapPeri() based on absolute coordinates), hence breaking the detection logic. It was happening after billions of particle*iteration, with particles traveling away by 1000+ times the period size (definitely increasing the round-off errors). A tolerance is introduced in [1] to avoid this situation.
Again an update is suggested for people using periodic BCs.

[1] https://github.com/yade/trunk/commit/9a255743de1dbdad80de265b79aa21950a3decc7

On 04/14/2017 12:53 PM, Bruno Chareyre wrote:
(forwarded to the intended recipient yade-users)

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Critical bugfix for periodic boundaries
Date: 	Fri, 14 Apr 2017 12:28:55 +0200
From: 	Bruno Chareyre <bruno.chareyre@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: 	yade-dev <yade-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Hello all,
A recent commit [1] fixed a critical bug of contact detection in
periodic boundary conditions. All simulations with periodic conditions
are potentially affected.
I strongly suggest an update for everyone using periodic boundaries.

I know personally at least four users who suffered from this bug over
the last six years, I imagine many more have had the same problem
without understanding it.
Typically, a periodic simulation would crash in a (seemingly)
non-deterministic way, after hours or days of simulations. It was
actually the consequence of having one or more particle inside another,
because the contact between them was missed (hence if you have
unexplained crashes, stop the simulation right before it and check if
you find particles overlapping too much).

The logic of periodic sorting is so involved (I'm glad Vaçlav invented
it) that I don't dare trying to explain the problem in details. The
short story: in contrast with the non-periodic case sorting elements of
a periodic ring can't be done in N steps (at least with our algorithm, N
being the number of elements). As it was the case before the fix the
list of positions was left partially un-ordered.





Bruno Chareyre
Associate Professor
ENSE³ - Grenoble INP
Lab. 3SR
BP 53
38041 Grenoble cedex 9
Tél : +33 4 56 52 86 21
Fax : +33 4 76 82 70 43

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Bruno Chareyre
Associate Professor
ENSE³ - Grenoble INP
Lab. 3SR
BP 53
38041 Grenoble cedex 9
Tél : +33 4 56 52 86 21
Fax : +33 4 76 82 70 43

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