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Re: Yade is not compatible with CGAL_4.13


It appears that this function move_point(…) had long been deprecated.
I guess that's got something to do with previous modifications where we
had to use weighted points differently.

I propose to modify this line into calling move(…) instead.

This isn't change like the previous one where the C++ template
structure was changed and I had to dwell deeply into code to recover
the original implementation. This is a "small" change of the code
which I did not write, so I suppose that Bruno I will need you to
certify this.

Let's see the code in old version:

template < class Gt, class Tds, class Lds >
typename Delaunay_triangulation_3<Gt,Tds,Default,Lds>::Vertex_handle
move_point(Vertex_handle v, const Point & p)
    CGAL_triangulation_precondition(! is_infinite(v));

    // Dummy implementation for a start.

    // Remember an incident vertex to restart
    // the point location after the removal.
    Cell_handle c = v->cell();
    Vertex_handle old_neighbor = c->vertex(c->index(v) == 0 ? 1 : 0);
    CGAL_triangulation_assertion(old_neighbor != v);


    if (dimension() <= 0)
        return insert(p);
    return insert(p, old_neighbor->cell());

And the code in new version:

template <class Gt, class Tds, class Lds >
typename Regular_triangulation_3<Gt,Tds,Lds>::Vertex_handle
move(Vertex_handle v, const Weighted_point& p)
  if(v->point() == p)
    return v;

  Self tmp;
  Vertex_remover<Self> remover(tmp);
  Vertex_inserter<Self> inserter(*this);
  return Tr_Base::move(v,p,remover,inserter);

Which calls tr_Base::move(…) from file:

template < class Gt, class Tds, class Lds >
template < class VertexRemover, class VertexInserter >
typename Triangulation_3<Gt,Tds,Lds>::Vertex_handle
move(Vertex_handle v, const Point& p,
     VertexRemover& remover, VertexInserter& inserter)
  CGAL_assertion(remover.hidden_points_begin() == remover.hidden_points_end());

  if(v->point() == p)
    return v;

  Vertex_handle w = move_if_no_collision(v,p,remover,inserter);
  if(w != v)
    remove(v, remover);
    return w;

  return v;

Also let's look at the documentation for move_point:


It says that it is just a little more optimized regular move. So it
may be not surprise that those codes are not exactly the same. Maybe
move_point became obsolete, because they removed the inefficiency
that was present in older versions.

Note that this function was NOT removed from periodic triangulations.
This may be important since yade works in periodic too. So perhaps in
Tesselation.ipp there should be a separate move(…) function for
periodic cases, to use the old move_point function again when it is
possible. Bruno?

The compilation passed all tests and checks. But do those tests cover
the call of _Tesselation<TT>::VertexHandle _Tesselation<TT>::move(…) ?

To encourage discussion I am making a small git commit with one line changed ;)

best regards
Janek Kozicki

Follow ups
