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Error in Installation of YADE on Fedora Core 6


I found some error, when trying to install YADE on Fedora Core 6 as

[Nurul@cv2p27 yade-0.11.1]$ scons PREFIX=/home/Nurul/YADE optimize=1
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
Yade version is `0.11.1', installed files will be suffixed with
All intermediary files will be in `/home/Nurul/build-0.11.1'.
Checking whether c++ compiler "distcc g++" works...yes
Checking for pthread_exit(NULL) in C library pthread... yes
Checking for glutGetModifiers() in C library glut... yes
Checking for boost::posix_time::time_duration::time_duration() in C++
library boost_date_time-mt... no
Checking for boost::posix_time::time_duration::time_duration() in C++
library boost_date_time... yes
Checking for boost::thread::thread() in C++ library boost_thread-mt...
Checking for boost::thread::thread() in C++ library boost_thread... yes
Checking for boost::filesystem::path() in C++ library
boost_filesystem-mt... no
Checking for boost::filesystem::path() in C++ library
boost_filesystem... yes
Checking for Wm3::Math<double>::PI in C++ library Wm3Foundation... no
Checking for qt-mt in /usr/share/qt3... no
Checking for qt-mt in /usr/lib/qt... no
Checking for qt-mt in /usr/qt/3... no
Checking for qt-mt in /usr/lib/qt-3.3... yes
Checking for QGLViewer(1) in C++ library QGLViewer... no
Checking for QGLViewer(1) in C++ library 3dviewer... no

One of the essential libraries above was not found, unable to continue.

Check `/home/Nurul/build-0.11.1/config.log' for possible causes, note
that there are options that you may need to customize:

    PREFIX: /home/Nurul/YADE [/usr/local] (Install path prefix)
runtimePREFIX: /home/Nurul/YADE [$PREFIX] (Runtime path prefix; DO NOT
USE, inteded for packaging only.)
   variant:       [] (Build variant, will be suffixed to all files,
along with version (beware: if PREFIX is the same, headers of the older
version will still be overwritten)
     debug:  True [1] (Enable debugging information and disable
optimizations (yes|no))
   profile: False [0] (Enable profiling information (yes|no))
  optimize:  True [0] (Turn on heavy optimizations (generates SSE2
instructions) (yes|no))
   exclude:       [none] (Yade components that will not be built
    (all|none|comma-separated list of names)
    allowed names: gui extra common dem fem lattice mass-spring
  features: log4cxx python [python,log4cxx] (Optional features that are
turned on
    (all|none|comma-separated list of names)
    allowed names: python log4cxx dummy)
      jobs:    10 [4] (Number of jobs to run at the same time (same as
-j, but saved))
extraModules:  None [None] (Extra directories with their own SConscript
files (must be in-tree) (whitespace separated))
buildPrefix:    .. [..] (Where to create build-[version][variant]
directory for intermediary files)
   version: 0.11.1 [None] (Yade version (if not specified, guess will be

CPPPATH: /usr/include/wm3 /home/Nurul/build-0.11.1/include/yade-0.11.1 /usr/share/qt3/include /usr/lib/qt/include /usr/qt/3/include /usr/lib/qt-3.3/include /usr/lib/qt-3.3/include [None] (Additional paths for the C preprocessor (whitespace separated))
   LIBPATH: /usr/lib/qt-3.3/lib /usr/lib/qt-3.3/lib [None] (Additional
paths for the linker (whitespace separated))
     QTDIR: /usr/lib/qt-3.3 [['/usr/share/qt3', '/usr/lib/qt',
'/usr/qt/3', '/usr/lib/qt-3.3']] (Directories where to look for qt3)
       CXX: distcc g++ [g++] (The c++ compiler)
  CXXFLAGS:       [None] (Additional compiler flags; you can use them
for tuning like -march=pentium4.)
    pretty: False [1] (Don't show compiler command line (like the Linux
kernel) (yes|no))
useMiniWm3: False [1] (use local miniWm3 library instead of
Wm3Foundation (yes|no))

Is there any one to have solution(New user of YADE)?

Best Regards
Nurul Islam

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