Dear all,
Recently I've tried to install Yade-0.11.1 in Kubuntu 7.10 using the
following commands as recommended in the website:
*tar -xvzf yade- 0.11.1 .tar.gz*
*cd yade- 0.11.1*
*scons PREFIX=/home/abraham/YADE optimize=1*
The following messages poped out:
/Checking whether c++ compiler "g++" works...yes/
/Checking for pthread_exit(NULL) in C library pthread... yes/
/Checking for glutGetModifiers() in C library glut... yes/
/Checking for boost::posix_time::time_duration::time_duration() in C++
library bo//ost_date_time-mt... yes/
/Checking for boost::thread::thread() in C++ library
boost_thread-mt... yes/
/Checking for boost::filesystem::path() in C++ library
/Checking for qt-mt in /usr/share/qt3... yes/
/Checking for QGLViewer(1) in C++ library QGLViewer... no/
/Checking for QGLViewer(1) in C++ library 3dviewer... no/
/One of the essential libraries above was not found, unable to continue./
/Check `/home/abraham/build- 0.11.1 /config.log' for possible causes,
note that there are options that you may need to customize:/
Then I've proceeded to check the config.log and spotted out the
following errors:
/scons: Configure: Checking for QGLViewer(1) in C++ library QGLViewer... /
//home/abraham/build- 0.11.1 /.sconf_temp/conftest_7.cpp <-/
/ |/
/ |/
/ |#include "QGLViewer/qglviewer.h"/
/ |/
/ |int/
/ |main() {/
/ | QGLViewer(1);/
/ |return 0;/
/ |}/
/ |/
/g++-o /home/abraham/build- 0.11.1 /.sconf_temp/conftest_7.o -c
-I/usr/share/qt3/include -I/usr/share/qt3/include
/close failed: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor/
/g++ -o /home/abraham/build- 0.11.1 /.sconf_temp/conftest_7
-L/usr/share/qt3/lib -L/usr/share/qt3/lib -lpthread -lglut
-lboost_date_time-mt -lboost_thread-mt -lboost_filesystem-mt -lqt-mt
-lqt-mt -lQGLViewer/
//usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lQGLViewer/
/collect2: ld returned 1 exit status/
/close failed: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor/
/scons: Configure: no/
It seems that qglviewer.h cannot be located.
I have downloaded the debian files libqglviewer-dev_ 2.2.6
-3-1_i386.deb and libqglviewer2_2.2.6-3-1_i386.deb from After installing
the libqglviewer 2.2.6-3-1, I could compile and run the examples
provided from
I've also checked that the path for qglviewer.h is
/usr/include/QGLViewer/qglviewer.h, but YADE still can't locate it.
Any suggestions?
Abraham Chiu
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