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Attributes of CohesiveFrictionalContactInteraction (bug ?)


Hello everybody. I just noticed that the class 
"CohesiveFrictionalContactInteraction" (in pkg/dem/Engine/EngineUnit/) 
inherits from the "_ElasticContact_Interaction", whereas in the 
registerAttributes (of CohesiveFrictionalContactInteraction) what is 
called first is :

It seems to me that it is quite not logic...
In fact some of the attributes which belong to 
CohesiveFrictionalContactInteraction through ElasticContactInteraction 
(but which are not in SimpleElasticInteraction) are however registered 
(like tangensofFrictionAngle for exemple), but the work is not perfectly 
done : for example "ks" is not registered.
Fortunately it seems that this doesn't affect the computations because 
in the CohesiveFrictionalRelationships we have (if the interaction is 
"new" or not) :

contactPhysics->ks = contactPhysics->initialKs;

In fact this case occured also for the ElasticContactInteraction, and 
was corrected in revision 1315 (14/04/08). But because such commits (in 
which the list of registered attributes are modified) prevent users to 
reload saves, once update is done, (I take the opportunity to say that 
this is a BIG disadvantage of Yade) I didn't want to take the 
responsability of commiting the corrections myself.

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