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Václav Šmilauer <eudoxos@xxxxxxxx>
Bruno Chareyre <bruno.chareyre@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Fri, 06 Nov 2009 11:53:44 +0100
Thunderbird (X11/20090817)
No, it doesn't (neither PersistentSAPCollider did, FYI).
It did in fact. There was at least one loop to initialize a flag (isReal
iirc, or maybe isNew), even if the detection itself didn't need that.
And even a second loop after detection, to erase some of the interactions.
It doesn't really matter anyway; and it is better if we don't have such
loop now.
Did you reply privately on purpose?
p.s. Ah, yes, I found it in a not-so-old version :
InteractionContainer::iterator iiEnd = transientInteractions->end();
for( ; ii!=iiEnd ; ++ii)
shared_ptr<Interaction> interaction = *ii;
// FIXME : remove this isNew flag and test if interactionPhysic ?
if (interaction->isReal) // if a interaction was only potential
then no geometry was created for it and so this time it is still a new one
interaction->isNew = false;
//interaction->isReal = false;
Chareyre Bruno
Maître de Conférences
Grenoble INP
Laboratoire 3SR - bureau E145
BP 53 - 38041, Grenoble cedex 9 - France
Tél : 33 4 56 52 86 21
Fax : 33 4 76 82 70 43
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