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Re: small question (SpherePack)


Hi Jan :-)

I think this question is appropriate for the mailing list. After
generating the packing with 

> from yade import pack
> sp=pack.randomPeriPack(radius=1.,rRelFuzz=0.,initSize=Vector3().ONE*10.)

you can iterate over sp to get the data, like this:

 for s in sp: print s[0], s[1] # s is (center,radius)

 for center,radius in sp: print center,radius

You can also access each sphere by its index, so

 for i in range(0,len(sp)): print sp[i][0], sp[i][1]

will also do, but it looks like writing c in python (i.e. ugly).

I will add this to SpherePack's docs
(later), thanks for a good question.

Cheers, Vaclav

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