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Re: FOR the example of funnel.py


> Hello all,
>    I ran the example of funnel.py  
> (revision2389:http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~yade-dev/yade/trunk/annotate/head%3A/examples/funnel.py). The properties of spheres can be changed through "O.bodies.append([utils.sphere(c,r,material=ElastMat(young=1e9,density=3e3,...)) for c,r in sp])". But I don't know how to change the properties of facets in this example. I mean the funnel's properties (young, density, Poisson, etc). Would you help me.  
> thanks

Hi Yaoweiyu,

read https://yade-dem.org/sphinx/user.html#defining-materials. In short,
you can do O.materials.append(YourMat(...)) before creating spheres and
also before creating facets (with a different YourMat(...) object).
Since in each case the _last_ material is used by default, you will have
spheres and facet with different material properties.

Note also that pack.gtsSurface2Facets(surf), like all other body
generators, takes optional **kw (keyword) arguments which are internally
passed to utils.facet (see
so you can say pack.gtsSurface2Facets(surf,material=...) as well, which
will internally call utils.facet
(https://yade-dem.org/sphinx/yade.utils.html#yade.utils.facet)  passing
all the **kw argument to it (including the material=...), so that they
will be used for each facet constructed.

The first way via O.materials.append(...) will make the material shared
and accessible thgout O.materials, so it is perhaps the most
straightforward. You can also assign a label to the material for



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