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Re: [Question #163253]: Hydrostatic pressure and some issues on triaxial tests


Question #163253 on Yade changed:

Chareyre proposed the following answer:
Hi Janaka,
>> 2. Its also not clear why stresses in xx and yy directions change during axial compression (those should be constants).
> In the case of periodic cell, we cant (or at least I dont know about it) prescribe stress directly, so we estimate deformation such that the stress is as close as possible to the prescribe value. The smaller is the time step, the smaller should be the difference between actual and prescribed stress.
The stress is imposed directly in engine PeriTriaxController (with
The two engines are controlling stress differently, if one is not well
suited for your application you may try the other. See test scripts
periodic-triax.py (in last revision), or periodic-triax-settingHsize.py
for more complicated shape.

PeriTriaxController with isDynamic=False will most probably have the
same problems as Peri3dController. PeriTriaxController is well tested
with the CundallStrack law and it should also work with other laws,
there is no published results yet, unfortunately.

On your other questions, Jan's answers apply whatever the engine (with
the exception of stressMask, see documentation and example scripts).


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