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[Question #237624]: constitutive law for inelastic (elasto-pastic) contacts


New question #237624 on Yade:

Hi there,
is somebody dealing with inelastic contacts using Yade?
I found pkg/dem/NormalInelasticityLaw.cpp which is quite good. But it makes use of the Cundall & Strack formulation whereas I need HertzMindlin.

Some infos about the problem I try to solve:
A steel ball is dropped from a given height  onto a horizontal plate which is made of steel, too. 
I simulated this scenario using Cundall and Strack and observed way higher contact forces than in my experiments.
I.e. about 30N (experiment) to 250N (C&S simulation) for maximum force of the first contact.
Changing to contact law of Hertz Mindlin which seems appropriate because Cundall & Stracks law was originally tested on disks rather then spheres, gives simulated maximum contact forces of 40N.
A indentation test on the steel ball and the steel plate showed that there is a slight difference in the hardness of the two materials. So the softer one (the plate) can be plastically deformed by the harder steel ball. I think that this could explain the deviation of contact forces. That's the reason I am looking for a Hertz Mindlin based constitutive law for elasto-plastic contacts.

Thanks for your help,

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