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Re: [Question #247576]: Shear Force calculation code


Question #247576 on Yade changed:

    Status: Open => Answered

jduriez proposed the following answer:

For such question, the answer will always be "in the ::go() function of
the Law2_... class you are using" (or in a subfunction called by this go

The name of the file where this function is depends on the habits of the
guy who commited. Either there are directly (hpp & cpp) files named
Law2..., or this Law2::go function is included with other related stuff
(like Ip2_...) in  MyModel*PM* files. With search functions (of kdevelop
for instance), it should be easy to locate such things.

If you are using e.g. Law2_ScGeom_FrictViscoPhys_CundallStrackVisco, you
will find what you search in
(finally, there seems to be no shear viscosity there, but maybe it is
however helpful !)


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