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Re: [Question #251218]: Modifying the Cohesive Frictional Contact Law


Question #251218 on Yade changed:

    Status: Open => Answered

Bruno Chareyre proposed the following answer:


> If I change it to
> Real Fn    = phys->kn*(un-phys->unp)+ something
> that would be enough modifying the normal force calculation? 


Now the choice that you have is:
- add this feature to the existing law in a clean way, so that it can be
integrated in trunk (we can discuss how to do so)
- even better: derive a new law in such a way that you re-use the
existing code by inheritance, and you only type the few lines that
differ (again, we can discuss integration in trunk)
- copy/paste/rename the existing law into new files, and modify them a
little to do what you need. It probably sounds the easiest way. It will
work in short term but in the long run it will be lost because we will
not accept that in trunk.


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