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Re: [Question #251218]: Modifying the Cohesive Frictional Contact Law


Question #251218 on Yade changed:

    Status: Answered => Open

behzad is still having a problem:

Alright. I have already created a new class of material, CohBurgersMat. I have shared it above. So, I create a new Iphys now.

But Iphys as I see it doesn't take any parameter from the material.
Anyway, I modified CohFrictPhys and named it to CohBurPhys.

Does it look fine?

#pragma once


class CohBurPhys : public FrictPhys
	public :
		virtual ~CohBurPhys();
		void SetBreakingState();

		((bool,fragile,true,,"do cohesion disapear when contact strength is exceeded?"))
		((Real,normalAdhesion,0,,"tensile strength"))
		((Real,unp,0,,"plastic normal displacement, only used for tensile behaviour and if :yref:`CohFrictPhys::fragile` =false."))
		((Real,unpMax,0,,"maximum value of plastic normal displacement, after that the interaction breaks even if :yref:`CohFrictPhys::fragile` =false. The default value (0) means no maximum."))
		((bool,momentRotationLaw,false,,"use bending/twisting moment at contacts"))
		((bool,initCohesion,false,,"Initialize the cohesive behaviour with current state as equilibrium state"))
		((Real,creep_viscosity,-1,,"creep viscosity [Pa.s/m]."))
		// internal attributes
/// Indexable



I'm not sure if the following lines are correct:


class CohBurPhys : public FrictPhys


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