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Message #12010
Re: [Question #276604]: plastic dissipation
Question #276604 on Yade changed:
Status: Open => Answered
Jan Stránský proposed the following answer:
I use "Law2_ScGeom_FrictPhys_CundallStrack(traceEnergy=True,label='plastic')"
> to calculate the plastic dissipation but i have a message of error
> "FATAL /home/hamdi/YADE/sources/trunk/pkg/common/InteractionLoop.cpp:133
> action: None of given Law2 functors can handle interaction #2+931, types
> geom:ScGeom=1 and phys:JCFpmPhys=9 (LawDispatcher::getFunctor2D returned
> empty functor)"
As the error says, you use JCFpmMat and JCFpmPhys,
but Law2_ScGeom_FrictPhys_CundallStrack expects FrictPhys. Since you have
no other Law2 defined, "
None of given Law2 functors can handle interaction" with JCFpmPhys
Two solutions
1) Law2_ScGeom_JCFpmPhys_JointedCohesiveFrictionalPM (I am not sure how it
is with energy tracking)
2) Use FrictMat, Ip2_FrictMat_FrictMat_FrictPhys,
2015-12-03 13:47 GMT+01:00 Yor1 <question276604@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> New question #276604 on Yade:
> https://answers.launchpad.net/yade/+question/276604
> Hello,
> I want to calculate the plastic dissipation in triaxial test.
> I use
> "Law2_ScGeom_FrictPhys_CundallStrack(traceEnergy=True,label='plastic')" to
> calculate the plastic dissipation but i have a message of error
> "FATAL /home/hamdi/YADE/sources/trunk/pkg/common/InteractionLoop.cpp:133
> action: None of given Law2 functors can handle interaction #2+931, types
> geom:ScGeom=1 and phys:JCFpmPhys=9 (LawDispatcher::getFunctor2D returned
> empty functor)"
> This is my code :
> from yade import ymport, utils , plot
> import math
> #---------------- SIMULATIONS DEFINED HERE (assembly, material, boundary
> conditions)
> #### packing (previously constructed)
> PACKING='X1Y2Z1_20k'
> OUT=PACKING+'_compressionTest'
> #### Simulation Control
> DAMP=0.4 # numerical damping
> saveData=100 # data record interval
> iterMax=60000 # maximum number of iteration (to be adjusted)
> saveVTK=10000 # Vtk files record interval
> #### Boundary Conditions
> confinement=-1e6
> #uniaxial_stress=-1e6
> delta_stress=-1e6
> stress_max=-200e6
> strainRate=-0.01
> #### Material microproperties -> Lac du Bonnet granite (cf. A DEM model
> for soft and hard rock, Scholtes & Donze, JMPS 2013)
> intR=1.4464# allows near neighbour interaction and coordination number
> K=13 (determined with coordinationNumber.py -> to be adjusted for every
> packing)
> DENS=4000 # could be adapted to match material density:
> dens_DEM=dens_rock*(V_rock/V_particles)=dens_rock*1/(1-poro_DEM) -> poro?
> YOUNG=65e9
> FRICT=10
> ALPHA=0.4
> TENS=8e6
> COH=160e6
> #### material definition
> def sphereMat(): return JCFpmMat(type=1,density=DENS,young=YOUNG,poisson =
> ALPHA,frictionAngle=radians(FRICT),tensileStrength=TENS,cohesion=COH)
> def wallMat(): return
> JCFpmMat(type=0,density=DENS,young=YOUNG,frictionAngle=radians(0))
> #### preprocessing to get dimensions
> O.bodies.append(ymport.text(PACKING+'.spheres',scale=1.,shift=Vector3(0,0,0),material=sphereMat))
> dim=utils.aabbExtrema()
> xinf=dim[0][0]
> xsup=dim[1][0]
> X=xsup-xinf
> yinf=dim[0][1]
> ysup=dim[1][1]
> Y=ysup-yinf
> zinf=dim[0][2]
> zsup=dim[1][2]
> Z=zsup-zinf
> R=0
> Rmax=0
> numSpheres=0.
> for o in O.bodies:
> if isinstance(o.shape,Sphere):
> numSpheres+=1
> R+=o.shape.radius
> if o.shape.radius>Rmax:
> Rmax=o.shape.radius
> Rmean=R/numSpheres
> O.reset() # all previous lines were for getting dimensions of the packing
> to create walls at the right positions (below) because walls have to be
> genrated after spheres for FlowEngine
> #### now we construct the surrounding walls with right dimensions
> ### walls
> mn,mx=Vector3(xinf+0.1*Rmean,yinf+0.1*Rmean,zinf+0.1*Rmean),Vector3(xsup-0.1*Rmean,ysup-0.1*Rmean,zsup-0.1*Rmean)
> walls=utils.aabbWalls(oversizeFactor=1.5,extrema=(mn,mx),thickness=min(X,Y,Z)/100.,material=wallMat)
> wallIds=O.bodies.append(walls)
> ### packing
> beam=O.bodies.append(ymport.text(PACKING+'.spheres',scale=1.,shift=Vector3(0,0,0),material=sphereMat))
> ### set a color to the spheres
> for o in O.bodies:
> if isinstance(o.shape,Sphere):
> o.shape.color=(0.7,0.5,0.3)
> #---------------- ENGINES DEFINED HERE
> #### simulation is defined here (DEM loop, interaction law, servo control,
> recording, etc...)
> O.engines=[
> ForceResetter(),
> InsertionSortCollider([Bo1_Box_Aabb(),Bo1_Sphere_Aabb(aabbEnlargeFactor=intR,label='Saabb')]),
> InteractionLoop(
> [Ig2_Sphere_Sphere_ScGeom(interactionDetectionFactor=intR,label='SSgeom'),Ig2_Box_Sphere_ScGeom()],
> [Ip2_JCFpmMat_JCFpmMat_JCFpmPhys(cohesiveTresholdIteration=1,label='interactionPhys')],
> #[Law2_ScGeom_JCFpmPhys_JointedCohesiveFrictionalPM(recordCracks=True,Key=OUT,label='interactionLaw')],
> [Law2_ScGeom_FrictPhys_CundallStrack(traceEnergy=True,label='plastic')]
> ),
> TriaxialStressController(internalCompaction=False,label='triax'),
> GlobalStiffnessTimeStepper(active=1,timeStepUpdateInterval=10,timestepSafetyCoefficient=0.4,
> defaultDt=0.1*utils.PWaveTimeStep()),
> NewtonIntegrator(damping=DAMP,label="newton"),
> PyRunner(iterPeriod=int(saveData),initRun=True,command='recorder()',label='data'),
> VTKRecorder(iterPeriod=int(saveVTK),initRun=True,fileName=OUT+'-',recorders=['spheres','jcfpm','cracks'],Key=OUT,label='vtk')
> ]
> plot.plots={'i':('s1','s2','s3')}
> plot.plot()
> #---------------- SIMULATION STARTS HERE
> #### manage interaction detection factor during the first timestep and
> then set default interaction range ((cf. A DEM model for soft and hard
> rock, Scholtes & Donze, JMPS 2013))
> O.step();
> ### initializes the interaction detection factor
> SSgeom.interactionDetectionFactor=-1.
> Saabb.aabbEnlargeFactor=-1.
> #### coordination number verification and reinforcement of boundary
> particles
> numSSlinks=0
> numCohesivelinks=0
> numFrictionalLinks=0
> for i in O.interactions:
> if not i.isReal : continue
> if isinstance(O.bodies[i.id1].shape,Sphere) and
> isinstance(O.bodies[i.id2].shape,Sphere):
> numSSlinks+=1
> if i.phys.isCohesive :
> numCohesivelinks+=1
> else :
> numFrictionalLinks+=1
> print "nbSpheres=", numSpheres," | coordination number =",
> 2.0*numCohesivelinks/numSpheres
> triax.stressMask=7
> triax.goal1=confinement
> triax.goal2=confinement
> triax.goal3=confinement
> triax.max_vel=0.01
> while 1:
> if confinement==0:
> O.run(1000,True) # to stabilize the system
> break
> O.run(100,True)
> unb=unbalancedForce()
> #note: triax.stress(k) returns a stress vector, so we need to keep only
> the normal component
> meanS=abs(triax.stress(triax.wall_right_id)[0]+triax.stress(triax.wall_top_id)[1]+triax.stress(triax.wall_front_id)[2])/3
> print 'unbalanced force:',unb,' mean stress: ',meanS
> if unb<0.005 and abs(meanS-abs(confinement))/abs(confinement)<0.001:
> O.run(1000,True) # to stabilize the system
> e10=triax.strain[0]
> e20=triax.strain[1]
> e30=triax.strain[2]
> break
> #O.save(OUT+'_isotropicState.yade.gz')
> #### !!! if you want to block boundary particles to simulate extreme
> friction on platens -> not sure that it works!
> #for o in O.bodies:
> #if isinstance(o.shape,Sphere):
> #if (o.state.pos[1])<(yinf+2*Rmean) or (o.state.pos[1])>(ysup-2*Rmean):
> #o.state.blockedDOFs+='xz'
> #o.shape.color=(1,1,1)
> #### Do you want friction on loading platens? (Rk: not much effect as the
> interparticle friction is set to the minimum value-> 10 here for the
> particles)
> O.bodies[wallIds[2]].mat.frictionAngle=radians(30)
> O.bodies[wallIds[3]].mat.frictionAngle=radians(30)
> triax.stressMask=7
> triax.goal1=confinement
> triax.goal2=confinement
> triax.goal3=confinement
> triax.max_vel=1
> for i in range(0,int(-1e-6*stress_max)-1):
> if ( abs(triax.goal2) < abs(stress_max) ):
> O.run(200,True)
> triax.goal2+=delta_stress
> triax.stressMask=5
> triax.goal1=confinement
> triax.goal2=strainRate
> triax.goal3=confinement
> triax.max_vel=1
> #triax.goal2=triax.goal2+strainRate
> O.run(iterMax)
> --
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