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Re: [Question #392660]: how can set shear viscous damping ratio betas in yade in linear elastic model?


Question #392660 on Yade changed:

    Status: Answered => Open

xuelong14 is still having a problem:
Dr  Thoeni,
        Thank you very much for your answer. It really helped me a lot in undestanding the use of viscous damping ratio. 
        However, I still have one more question. I'm trying to simulate a triaxial test of sand. I've read some papers in which both beta_n and beta_s are used. I really can't judge in which senario beta_s should be used. Can you give me an answer? 
        Thank you very much.
Long  Xue

At 2016-09-12 18:13:36, "Klaus Thoeni" <question392660@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>Your question #392660 on Yade changed:
>    Status: Open => Answered
>Klaus Thoeni proposed the following answer:
>this contact law was designed for a specific purpose (see [1]) where no
>tangential viscous damping was needed. In fact, in that case it is
>assumed that energy is dissipated in tangential direction via friction
>only. It could easily be added but, depending on your objective, you
>might be better off using another contact law. BTW, what's your
>If this answers your question, please go to the following page to let us
>know that it is solved:
>If you still need help, you can reply to this email or go to the
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