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Re: [Question #429604]: Cylinder and periodic boundary conditions


Question #429604 on Yade changed:

    Status: Open => Answered

Bruno Chareyre proposed the following answer:
My Christmas gift below. :)

The cylinders are ok in periodic boundary conditions overall. It has
been applied to sheared fiber suspensions for instance, where basically
every fiber can have different nodes in different periods (if we admit
that "being in different periods" makes any sense...). François also
generated periodic grids IIRC.

However having bodies larger than period is the door open to remaining bugs in interaction detection, that's most likely the source of this new problem.
If you create a cylinder with length equal to period and discretized in three segments then none of the segments are too large and everything is ok. And you can still use the "largeBody" trick to insert the floor.

from yade import pack
from yade.gridpfacet import *

dp= 6e-3

periodic = 1
cylinderBottom = 0
cylindersBottom = 1

ground = 0.2*dp
H = 60*dp
L = 20*dp

O.engines = [
 InsertionSortCollider([Bo1_Sphere_Aabb(),Bo1_Box_Aabb(),Bo1_GridConnection_Aabb()],allowBiggerThanPeriod = True),
# [Ip2_FrictMat_FrictMat_FrictPhys()],
# [Law2_ScGeom_FrictPhys_CundallStrack()]
 PyRunner(command = 'check()', virtPeriod = 0.1),
 NewtonIntegrator(damping=0., gravity = (0,0,-9.81))

#Material creation
O.materials.append(ViscElMat(en=0.5, et=1., young=5e6, poisson=0.5, density=2500., frictionAngle=0.4, label='Mat'))
#O.materials.append(FrictMat(young = 5e6, poisson = 0.5, density=2500,frictionAngle=0.4, label='Mat'))

#Periodic Cell or containing box
if periodic:
 O.periodic = True
 O.bodies.append(box(center= (L/2.,L/2.,ground),extents=(100,100,0),fixed=True,color = (0.,1.,0.),wire = True,material = 'Mat'))
 O.bodies.append(box(center= (L/2.,L/2.,ground),extents=(100,100,0),wire = True,fixed=True,color = (0.,1.,0.),material = 'Mat'))#Made invisible to see below
 O.bodies.append(box(center= (0,L/2.,H/2.),extents=(0,L/2.,H/2.),wire = True,fixed=True,color = (0.,1.,0.),material = 'Mat'))#Made invisible to see
 O.bodies.append(box(center= (L,L/2.,H/2.),extents=(0,L/2.,H/2.),fixed=True,color = (0.,1.,0.),material = 'Mat'))
 O.bodies.append(box(center= (L/2.,0,H/2.),extents=(L/2.,0,H/2.),wire = True,fixed=True,color = (0.,1.,0.),material = 'Mat'))#Made invisible to see
 O.bodies.append(box(center= (L/2.,L,H/2.),extents=(L/2.,0,H/2.),fixed=True,color = (0.,1.,0.),material = 'Mat'))

#Bottom fixed cylinder or fixed particles
if cylinderBottom:
 n = len(O.bodies)
 cylinder(begin = (L/2.,100*L+0.001*dp,ground+dp/2.),end =(L/2.,-100*L+0.001*dp,ground+dp/2.),radius = dp/2.,fixed = True,color = (0,0,1),intMaterial = 'Mat',extMaterial = 'Mat')#Made invisible to see inside
	if cylindersBottom:
		ep=0.001*dp #a small thing
		cylinderConnection([[L/2.,ep,ground+dp/2.],[L/2.,0.33*L+ep,ground+dp/2.],[L/2.,0.33*2*L+ep,ground+dp/2.],[L/2.,L+ep,ground+dp/2.]],dp/2.,fixed = True)
		for n in range(0,int(L/dp)+1):
			O.bodies.append(sphere(center = (L/2.,n*dp,ground+dp/2.),radius = dp/2.,fixed = True,color = (0,0,1),wire = True,material = 'Mat'))#Made invisible to see inside

#Particle cloud for gravity deposition
partCloud = pack.SpherePack()
partCloud.makeCloud(minCorner=(4*L/10.,4*L/10.,ground+3.*dp),maxCorner=(6*L/10.,6*L/10.,0.9*H),rRelFuzz=0., rMean=dp/2., num = 200)

O.dt = 1e-5

#Function to check if the center of a particle is contained inside the cylinder or pseudo cylinder
def check():
 for b in O.bodies:
  if b.dynamic and b.state.pos[2]<ground+dp:
   posCylXZ = Vector3(L/2.,0.,ground+dp/2.)
   pRelX = b.state.pos[0]%L - posCylXZ[0]
   pRelZ = b.state.pos[2] - posCylXZ[2]
   if sqrt(pow(pRelX,2) + pow(pRelZ,2))<dp/2.:#If the particle center is closer than the radius (i.e. if it is completely inside!)
    delta = dp/2.-sqrt(pow(pRelX,2) + pow(pRelZ,2))
    print('particle {0} is inside the cylinder from an amount of {1} diameter'.format(b.id,delta/dp))

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