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Message #14085
[Question #449020]: Quaternions might not be represented properly in YADE
New question #449020 on Yade:
I'm trying to output some data from clumps for use in an external program (SolidWorks), and I've not been able to reproduce the orientation of the clumps in YADE.
As a bit of background, I've seen that the quaternion can be converted into an axis-angle representation, according to this document: http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
I've noticed during testing that the following code produces unexpected results:
from yade import qt
import numpy as np
def clamp (val, minval, maxval):
if val < minval: return minval
if val > maxval: return maxval
return val
O.bodies.append(sphere([0,0,0],0.2,fixed=True,wire=True)) #Reference Sphere
sphId = O.bodies.append(sphere([0,0,0],0.2,fixed=False,wire=True)) #Rotating Sphere
arccos = np.arccos
def Rotate():
global O,clumpId,pi,sphId
#O.forces.addRot(sphId,Vector3(pi/10,0,0)) #Rotate about x
O.forces.addRot(sphId,Vector3(0,pi/10,0)) #Rotate about y
#O.forces.addRot(sphId,Vector3(0,0,pi/10)) #Rotate about z
for i in xrange(0,10):
q = O.bodies[sphId].state.ori.normalized()
ang = 2*arccos(clamp(q[0],-1,1))
It prints the expected angle to rotate with and the vector to rotate about. I would expect that for each of the cases (x,y,and z), it would just change the angle (1st output) and the second three outputs would be the constant i,j, and k unit vectors respectively.
When rotationg about the x axis, that appears to be the case, as this is the output:
3.14159 0 0 1
2.82743 0 0 0.987688
2.51327 0 0 0.951057
2.19911 0 0 0.891007
1.88496 0 0 0.809017
1.5708 0 0 0.707107
1.25664 0 0 0.587785
0.942478 0 0 0.45399
0.628319 0 0 0.309017
0.314159 0 0 0.156434
But rotating about the other two axes does not produce the same results:
Rotate about y axis:
3.14159 0 0 1
3.14159 0.156434 0 0.987688
3.14159 0.309017 0 0.951057
3.14159 0.45399 0 0.891007
3.14159 0.587785 0 0.809017
3.14159 0.707107 0 0.707107
3.14159 0.809017 0 0.587785
3.14159 0.891007 0 0.45399
3.14159 0.951057 0 0.309017
3.14159 0.987688 0 0.156434
Rotate about z axis:
3.14159 0 0 1
3.14159 0 0.156434 0.987688
3.14159 0 0.309017 0.951057
3.14159 0 0.45399 0.891007
3.14159 0 0.587785 0.809017
3.14159 0 0.707107 0.707107
3.14159 0 0.809017 0.587785
3.14159 0 0.891007 0.45399
3.14159 0 0.951057 0.309017
3.14159 0 0.987688 0.156434
What is going on here? If I'm rotating a sphere from a default orientation about a principal axis, shouldn't the last three outputs on each line be the unit vector of the axis, as is the case with the x-axis?
Also, why does the default quaternion include a rotation of pi about the z axis?
Regardless of whether this is a bug or something wrong with my understanding, can someone help me figure out a workaround so I can obtain a useful axis-angle representation of a sphere or clump?
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