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Re: [Question #482413]: TriaxialStressController lose control of stress


Question #482413 on Yade changed:

    Status: Answered => Open

Wei Cao is still having a problem:
Hi Bruno, thank you for your answer!

But I don't think that works.

1. triax.goal1 /goal2/goal3 are strain rate goals, not strain goal. So
triax.goal1 = 0.00 should mean to keep the wall unmoved in direction,
not uncompacting.

2. O.cell.trsf=Matrix3.Identity  could be used for PeriTriaxController, but here I use TriaxialStressController, so I  change the reference geometry by typing:
triax.depth0 = triax.depth
triax.height0 = triax.height
triax.width0 = triax.width

I'am still confuse why my code DOES NOT WORK.

Anyway, thanks a lot!

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