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Re: [Question #626580]: a problem about PFV


Question #626580 on Yade changed:

Robert Caulk posted a new comment:

Maybe Bruno should answer this since he is one of the creators of yade's
PFV, but I might as well share my understanding of how it works. PFV
simulates a network of pores with connecting channels. The triangulation
of the pore network is controlled by the locations of the discrete
elements. Permeability between pores is computed using the "actual"
particle sizes and locations, and poromechanical behavior of the packing
is simulated using the "actual" particle sizes and locations. Maybe that
answers your question? The PFV implementation in yade is well documented
in [1] and [2] for further reading.



[1]Catalano, E., Chareyre, B., & Barthélemy, E. (2014). Pore‐scale
modeling of fluid‐particles interaction and emerging poromechanical
effects. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in
Geomechanics, 38(1), 51-71.

[2]Chareyre, B., Cortis, A., Catalano, E., & Barthélemy, E. (2012).
Pore-scale modeling of viscous flow and induced forces in dense sphere
packings. Transport in porous media, 94(2), 595-615.

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