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Re: [Question #632800]: Viscosity of water in FlowEngine


Question #632800 on Yade changed:

Bruno Chareyre proposed the following answer:
> 0=Gauss Seidel 1=Taucs 2=Pardiso 3=Eigen

This was some time ago. Although the code is there technically it will
not work with Taucs/Pardiso unless yade is linked vs. these libs (by
default cmake will not). So I confirm that 3 is the only good option. So
1 or 2 would just return "Flow engine not compiled with taucs, nothing
computed if useSolver=1".

Anyway, Q3: 
Taucs, Pardiso, or Eigen are (were) all used for exactly the same solver: Cholesky factorization implemented for sparse linear systems. It turned out that eigen/cholmod was the (slightly) most efficient in terms of CPU time, hence no need to consider the other ones since they are mathematicaly equivalent.

Q4. Robert's answer is excellent. You can do that.

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