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Re: [Question #631147]: fail to check the permF I applied


Question #631147 on Yade changed:

xuelong14 posted a new comment:
In my model, there is only one sphere and its id is 6.
here are my codes:

O.forces.addF(6,Vector3(1000, 0, 0), permanent = True) 

O.run(1000, True)

print O.forces.permF(6)

this works well, but if I write it in this way

O.forces.addF(6,Vector3(1000, 0, 0), permanent = True) 

print O.forces.permF(6)

O.run(1000, True)


Then there will be a problem " ForceContainer not thread-synchronized;
call sync() first!"

The version of my yade is       Yade 1.14.0-90-68c98a7~trusty

Thank you very much

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