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Message #15041
Re: [Question #638137]: Adding a new contact Law
Question #638137 on Yade changed:
Status: Answered => Open
Nima Goudarzi is still having a problem:
Hello Bruno,
Thanks for the reply. I'll finally write my code with C++ (It will take
some times, however). But there are some issues:
1- I have only installed YADE itself. Is there anything else I must do
for compiling my own code (I mean do I need to install YADE by source
code?) If yes I don't know how.
2- How I can check the installation package? Is this a place in which I
can access already existing contact laws. If yes, I think I can check
what is inside to have a better insight about what I have to prepare for
compiling. Please let me know how I can access installation package. Do
I need to write a command in the terminal?
3- The model I want to implement may be similar to some existing models
but this is not the only one I need to implement. I will start with this
one and need to develop some other models as well.
Sincerely Yours and thanks for your help and patience
Nima Goudarzi
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