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Re: [Question #643703]: Installation on centOS7 (loki pb)


Question #643703 on Yade changed:

    Status: Answered => Open

Cédric is still having a problem:

Many thanks for your reply.

Well, I did not install from rpm because I thought I would need to install a fedora repos to do so according to the link you provide (did not find any equivalence for centOS, neither for redhat).
As I read every(some)where that it is not a good idea to mix fedora repositories with the centOS repos because it would become risky for dependencies stuff managed by Yum... and it was also a good exercise to compile from scratch.

But your reply provided me a different vision on the topic: I think I simply can download the .rpm and install it without breaking any dependancies :)
Am I right ?

Will try it tomorrow though.


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