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Message #15371
Re: [Question #652160]: Why am I not able to see any translatory motion?
Question #652160 on Yade changed:
Status: Open => Answered
Jan Stránský proposed the following answer:
you can test the displacement by Body.state.displ(), e.g.
print max(b.state.displ().norm() for b in O.bodies) to test the value of displacement. You will see that the dislpacements are nonzero.
To make them visible, you cen either set dispScale in Display tab in controller to exagerate displacement, or you can also set larger time step to make the simulation "faster" and make the displacements visible immediatelly (depending on young value, for 25e6 I see it immediatally)
O.dt = .5*PWaveTimeStep() # it is a good idea anyway
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