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Re: [Question #657637]: Applying confinement (rigid boundary) to a cylindrical sample


Question #657637 on Yade changed:

Jan Stránský proposed the following answer:

> O.forces.addF(f.id,preStress*a*n) --> I am confused about the
application of forces using the facetcylinder as a whole. The
(f.id,Prestress*a*n) used here is when we apply forces through each

You can apply force to the cylinder as a whole, but then it would not
apply confining pressure, but tried to move as a rigid body in the
direction of the force, so very different result than confining

> In order to apply force from the facetcylinder as a whole (such that
each facet does the same) can I use: O.forces.addF(facets.id,0.20)
where, for e.g., 0.20 represents the magnitude of force(stress) applied.

- facets.id would give error as facets is a list of bodies, not body.
- O.forces.addF accepts vector, not only magnitude


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