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Re: [Question #654642]: installation of Yade in Mac OS X


Question #654642 on Yade changed:

Luc Scholtès proposed the following answer:
Hello Ozge,

The error you mentioned is not related to Yade install at all. It is
related to a line in one of your python scripts. More specifically, it
is related to python (matplotlib) and does not have anything to do with
Yade since it results from this command line:

python multiPlot.py

as mentioned in the error message (most of the time, error messages are
quite clear).

In that case in particular, (as mentioned in the error message), it is
related to the line 204 of your script


The version of python that you use needs this instead:


Regarding Yade "working slow":

How did you set up your virtual machine? Usually, when setting up the
virtual machine, you specify number of cores, memory space and so on.


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