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[Question #657858]: how the local residual friction angle is determined


New question #657858 on Yade:

Hi Yade users,

In the paper of Scholtès and Donzé (2013), it is shown that the shear rupture occurs when Fs > Fs,max.
The maximum shear force is calculated for a bonded interaction according to 
F s,max= Fn tan(fi_b) + c Aint     (1)
with Fs,max : the maximal shear force, Fn : Normal force, fi_b local friction angle, c internal cohesion and Aint the interacting surface between particles.
After the shear rupture, the interaction becoming then purely frictional between the initially bonded particles and 
Fs,max= Fn tan(fi_c)                      (2)
with fi_c : local residual frictional angle.
When i consult the sources files (JointedCohesiveFrictionalPM.cpp/hpp), in find the the formulation of Fs,max  (1) in the elastic interaction (before the shear rupture) but i don't find the formulation (2) of the Fs,max in the frictional interaction between particles (after shear rupture).
Also i don't find how the local residual friction angle is calculated.
The paper of Scholtès and Donzé : https://filex.univ-lorraine.fr/get?k=BkVd4nEPcmFqnP8eXp9
JointedCohesiveFrictionalPM.cpp : https://filex.univ-lorraine.fr/get?k=HaicRsz6ki2qTs6viev
JointedCohesiveFrictionalPM.hpp : https://filex.univ-lorraine.fr/get?k=E6gxYHx07RaoWylgXyX

Best regards.

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