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Message #18129
[Question #673800]: Doubts about cundall-strack law between sphere-facet interaction
New question #673800 on Yade:
Hi, i would like To have some informations about the interaction between facet And sphere using cundall-strack law. I read The "DEM beckgraund" where IT explains the Logic of The contact law between sphere-sphere. As Is well explained, there Are springs between The two balls, And knowing The young modulus And The elastic lenght of the "Springs" during the contact , IT can obtain The forces.
Then, considering a facet- ball contact, How can IT recover The force? I mean, facets ( considering them dynamic, with mass And inertia) don t have thickness. How can Yade consider The spring?
I m facing this problem Becouse i clumped more facets togheter( from a mesh file). Clumping them toghether, i obtained a rigid body. Rigid body Is rigid for definition, But Modifyding The facets material, i obtain different forces during the rigid body impact( IT impacts against spheres body) . How can yade calculate IT if the body Is rigid And doeSn t have thickness Becouse Is Made by facets?
I hope you can understand what i 'm trying To explain. Thanks for your time.
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