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Re: [Question #680662]: Small density sphere in micron size makes segment fault (core dumped)


Question #680662 on Yade changed:

gaoxuesong posted a new comment:
Hi, Jan. Yes, you are right. I have tried the above code and no segment fault occurred. Then I add some lines which i thought were unimportant in the past and the problems happened at about 341300 iteration. As you suggested, i leave the snap and VTK code out. Also, to make the crash easy to happen, i amplify the density by a small factor as 1e3. 
The following is the code, 

from yade import geom,pack
import math
from yade import qt
import os 

#os.system('rm -rf plt;mkdir ./plt/')
#os.system('rm -rf out;mkdir ./out/')

# PhysicalParameters
muS = 0.57735   # Friction coefficient (30 degree)
muLB = 0.0001   # Friction coefficient
muF = 0.17632   # Friction coefficient (10 degree)
FricAngleS = math.atan(muS)
FricAngleLB = math.atan(muLB)
FricAngleF = math.atan(muF)

### mass amplification factor ### 
masscof = 1e3       

# PhysicalParameters
matSph = CohFrictMat(
 density = 7990*masscof,
 young = 193e9,
 poisson = 0.3,
 frictionAngle = FricAngleS,
 momentRotationLaw = True)
SMat = O.materials.append(matSph)

# create empty sphere packing
sp = pack.SpherePack()
# generate spheres1 with a certain diameter distribution
sp.makeCloud((0,0,0.35e-3), (1.0e-3,1.0e-3,1.4e-3), psdSizes=[0.012e-3,0.0186e-3,0.0312e-3,0.0484e-3,0.053e-3], psdCumm=[0,0.1,0.5,0.9,1.0])
# add the sphere pack to the simulation

# create rectangular box1(Left) from facets
O.bodies.append(geom.facetBox((0.5e-3,0.5e-3,0.5e-3),(0.5e-3,0.5e-3,0.5e-3), wallMask=31, material=SMat))
Cylinder1IDs=O.bodies.append(geom.facetBox((0.5e-3,0.5e-3,0.15e-3),(0.5e-3,0.5e-3,0.2e-3), wallMask=63, color=(0,1,0), wire=False, material=SMat))

################## add these lines, problem happens #####################
################## add these lines, problem happens #####################

def changeValues():

#  Standstill for stabilization
   if O.time < 0.2:
       O.engines = O.engines + [
               TranslationEngine(dead=False, translationAxis= [0,0,1], velocity=0.0, ids=Cylinder1IDs)
       #  Vibrate Piston1
   elif 0.2 <= O.time < 0.4:
       O.engines = O.engines + [
               HarmonicMotionEngine(A=(0.0,0.0,1.5e-5), f=(0.0,0.0,3600/60.0), ids=Cylinder1IDs)
#  Vibrate Stop
   elif 0.4 <= O.time < 0.5129:
       O.engines = O.engines + [
               HarmonicMotionEngine(A=(0.0,0.0,0.0), f=(0.0,0.0,0.0), ids=Cylinder1IDs)
   O.dt = 0.85*utils.PWaveTimeStep()    

################## add these lines, problem happens #####################
################## add these lines, problem happens #####################

def print_ite():
    print("ite is %d" % O.iter)
      	# handle sphere+sphere and facet+sphere collisions
	NewtonIntegrator(damping=0.75, exactAsphericalRot=True, gravity=(0,0,-9.81)),
#    qt.SnapshotEngine(fileBase="./plt/",iterPeriod=200,label='snapshot'),
#   	VTKRecorder(iterPeriod=200, recorders=['spheres','colors'], fileName='./out/'),

#show geometry:
qtr = qt.Renderer()
qtr.bgColor = [1,1,1]
v = qt.View() 


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