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Message #20685
[Question #683949]: particle position data
New question #683949 on Yade:
Hi all,
I have a question on the data for z position of particles.
I am trying to save z position for all particles in the simulation by using the code below and pyrunner.
for p in range(p_num):
f1.write("%d\t%e\t%e\t%e\t%e\t%e\t%e\t%e\t%e\t%e\t%e\t%e\n" % (pkdID[p][0],p_mass[p][0],p_radii[p][0],x_pos[p][0],y_pos[p][0],z_pos[p][0],x_vel[p][0],y_vel[p][0],z_vel[p][0],x_ang[p][0],y_ang[p][0],z_ang[p][0]))
I've attached some part of data for one particle.
-57.5695100000000 -59.8987800000000 -62.2748500000000 -64.6975900000000 -67.1669000000000 -69.6826200000000 -72.2446200000000 -74.8527100000000 -77.5067100000000 -80.2064300000000 0.155653600000000 -82.9516500000000 -85.7421600000000 -88.5777200000000 -91.4581100000000 -94.3830700000000 -97.3523800000000 -100.365800000000 -103.423100000000 -106.524000000000 -109.668400000000 0.155660900000000 -112.855900000000 -116.086600000000 -119.360100000000
Here, the z position decreases. It makes sense because there is only force, gravity with a negative z direction. but it looks like having dumb data like 0.155653600000000. Do you have any ideas why I got these weird data? Also, these weird data look like having the same frequency for all particles.
Thank you for your help in advance.
Jinny Kim
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