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Message #21104
Re: [Question #685323]: Friction between walls and 'rock'
Question #685323 on Yade changed:
Jérôme Duriez proposed the following answer:
Another test could be to inspect your "wall" and "rock" bodies (mixing
here bodies and Material but I hope you get the point) and see whether
they do have different Material properties, or not.
With the following in your script:
> wallIDs = O.bodies.append([wall((0,0,z),2) for z in (zMin,zMax)])
> O.materials.append(JCFpmMat(young=150e9,poisson=1,frictionAngle=radians(65),density=150e10,label='wall'))
your wall bodies (of Ids wallIDs) will have as material properties the one of O.materials['spheres'], because it's the last material defined at the time you create these wall bodies.
On the other hand, O.materials['wall'] seems to me as being never applied to any body here.
I'm fearing you're actually not imposing what you wanted to.
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