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Re: [Question #687514]: Ask help for the materials setting


Question #687514 on Yade changed:

yang yi gave more information on the question:
Sorry, maybe my description is not clear.  
My aim is to establish a environment to simulation the process of coal and rock falling.  The upper layer is rock, then a coal layer.   The particles falls by gravity.  My question is 

(1) The particles will damp,   but I want that the coal and rock falls down and stays on the ground, or the bounce is very small. So I do not know  which kind of material I should to use.  I tried the  FricMat, CpmMat, ViscElMa...
      Today, I try the "CohesiveDeformableElementMaterial", but there is a error that 
      "Undefined or ambiguous IPhys dispatch for types CohesiveDeformableElementMaterial and CohesiveDeformableElementMaterial."  So, here is subproblem:  If the "CohesiveDeformableElementMaterial" is right, which kind of Engine should I used??

(2) Sometimes , the particles will through the wall.

Please kindly help me.

My code 
#!/usr/bin/env python
#  encoding: utf-8
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
# from yadeImport import *
import math
import numpy as np

o = Omega()
tc = 0.01
o.dt = 0.02 * tc
numWinds = 5
VelocityWind = 20
WinAction = np.zeros(5, dtype=int)
## =========== Environment ============##
widthSpace = 10.5  ## width is the distance from the front coal wall to the back
widthHydr = 1.5
lengthSpace = widthHydr * numWinds  ## length is the width of 5 windows
highCoal = 2

highRock = 1
highHydr = 3.8
highUnderground = 12
highSpace = highUnderground + highHydr + highCoal + highRock
radiusCoal = 0.15
radiusRock = 0.2
CheckThick = 1

colorCoal = (0, 1, 0)
colorRock = (1, 0, 0)
colorNote = (0, 0, 1)
colorHydr = (1, 0, 1)
colorShield = (1, 0, 1)
colorWind = (0, 1, 1)
colorGround = (1, 1, 0)
angleShield = 50 * 3.1415926 / 180
angleSwingPositive = 15 * 3.1415926 / 180
angleSwingNegtive = 40 * 3.1415926 / 180
lengthShield = 3
lengthTail = 2
windUpperBoundary = 0.9
windLowerBoundary = 0.5019
stateUpperBoundary = highHydr
stateLowerBoundary = windLowerBoundary
positionShield = []
positionWind = []
positionTopBeam = []

shield_y_0 = lengthTail * math.cos(angleShield - angleSwingPositive)
shield_y_1 = shield_y_0 + lengthShield * math.cos(angleShield)
shield_z_0 = highHydr - lengthShield * math.sin(angleShield)
shield_z_1 = highHydr  #
wind_y_0 = lengthTail * (math.cos(angleShield - angleSwingPositive) - math.cos(angleShield))
wind_y_1 = shield_y_0
wind_z_0 = highHydr - (lengthShield + lengthTail) * math.sin(angleShield)
wind_z_1 = highHydr - lengthShield * math.sin(angleShield)
topBeam_y_0 = lengthTail * math.cos(angleShield - angleSwingPositive) + lengthShield * math.cos(angleShield)
topBean_y_1 = widthSpace

### problem 1 #####
matCoal = O.materials.append(ViscElMat(frictionAngle=0.5, mR=0.05, mRtype=1, density=20000, tc=0.001, en=0.7, et=0.7))
matRock = O.materials.append(ViscElMat(frictionAngle=0.5, mR=0.05, mRtype=1, density=20000, tc=0.001, en=0.7, et=0.7))
mat1 = O.materials.append(FrictMat(frictionAngle=0.1, density=2000, young=2e10))
def Boundary():
    boundary = O.bodies.append(geom.facetBox((lengthSpace / 2, widthSpace / 2, highSpace / 2 - highUnderground),
                                             (lengthSpace / 2, widthSpace / 2, highSpace / 2), wallMask=63))
def Ground():
    positionGround = [
                lengthTail * (math.cos(angleShield - angleSwingPositive) - math.cos(angleShield + angleSwingNegtive)),
                lengthTail * (math.cos(angleShield - angleSwingPositive) - math.cos(angleShield + angleSwingNegtive)),
        Vector3(lengthSpace, widthSpace, 0),
        Vector3(0, widthSpace, 0)
    Ground = pack.sweptPolylines2gtsSurface([positionGround], capStart=True, capEnd=True)
    IDGround = O.bodies.append(pack.gtsSurface2Facets(Ground, color=colorGround))

def HydraulicSupport():
    for i in range(0, numWinds):
        temp = [Vector3(widthHydr * i, shield_y_0, shield_z_0),
                Vector3(widthHydr * (i + 1), shield_y_0, shield_z_0),
                Vector3(widthHydr * (i + 1), shield_y_1, shield_z_1),
                Vector3(widthHydr * i, shield_y_1, shield_z_1)
        temp = [
            Vector3(widthHydr * i, wind_y_0, wind_z_0),
            Vector3(widthHydr * (i + 1), wind_y_0, wind_z_0),
            Vector3(widthHydr * (i + 1), wind_y_1, wind_z_1),
            Vector3(widthHydr * i, wind_y_1, wind_z_1)
        temp = [
            Vector3(widthHydr * i, topBeam_y_0, highHydr),
            Vector3(widthHydr * (i + 1), topBeam_y_0, highHydr),
            Vector3(widthHydr * (i + 1), topBean_y_1, highHydr),
            Vector3(widthHydr * i, topBean_y_1, highHydr)
    # kwBoxes={'color':[1,0,0],'wire':False,'dynamic':False,'material':0}
    # vibrationRotationPlate = O.bodies.append(geom.facetBox((-15,5,-5),(2,2,2),wallMask=16,**kwBoxes))
    Shield1 = pack.sweptPolylines2gtsSurface([positionShield[0]], capStart=True, capEnd=True)
    Shield2 = pack.sweptPolylines2gtsSurface([positionShield[1]], capStart=True, capEnd=True)
    Shield3 = pack.sweptPolylines2gtsSurface([positionShield[2]], capStart=True, capEnd=True)
    Shield4 = pack.sweptPolylines2gtsSurface([positionShield[3]], capStart=True, capEnd=True)
    Shield5 = pack.sweptPolylines2gtsSurface([positionShield[4]], capStart=True, capEnd=True)

    IDShield1 = O.bodies.append(pack.gtsSurface2Facets(Shield1, color=colorShield))
    IDShield2 = O.bodies.append(pack.gtsSurface2Facets(Shield2, color=colorShield))
    IDShield3 = O.bodies.append(pack.gtsSurface2Facets(Shield3, color=colorShield))
    IDShield4 = O.bodies.append(pack.gtsSurface2Facets(Shield4, color=colorShield))
    IDShield5 = O.bodies.append(pack.gtsSurface2Facets(Shield5, color=colorShield))

    Wind1 = pack.sweptPolylines2gtsSurface([positionWind[0]], capStart=True, capEnd=True)
    Wind2 = pack.sweptPolylines2gtsSurface([positionWind[1]], capStart=True, capEnd=True)
    Wind3 = pack.sweptPolylines2gtsSurface([positionWind[2]], capStart=True, capEnd=True)
    Wind4 = pack.sweptPolylines2gtsSurface([positionWind[3]], capStart=True, capEnd=True)
    Wind5 = pack.sweptPolylines2gtsSurface([positionWind[4]], capStart=True, capEnd=True)

    IDWind1 = O.bodies.append(pack.gtsSurface2Facets(Wind1, color=colorWind))
    IDWind2 = O.bodies.append(pack.gtsSurface2Facets(Wind2, color=colorWind))
    IDWind3 = O.bodies.append(pack.gtsSurface2Facets(Wind3, color=colorWind))
    IDWind4 = O.bodies.append(pack.gtsSurface2Facets(Wind4, color=colorWind))
    IDWind5 = O.bodies.append(pack.gtsSurface2Facets(Wind5, color=colorWind))

    TopBeam1 = pack.sweptPolylines2gtsSurface([positionTopBeam[0]], capStart=True, capEnd=True)
    TopBeam2 = pack.sweptPolylines2gtsSurface([positionTopBeam[1]], capStart=True, capEnd=True)
    TopBeam3 = pack.sweptPolylines2gtsSurface([positionTopBeam[2]], capStart=True, capEnd=True)
    TopBeam4 = pack.sweptPolylines2gtsSurface([positionTopBeam[3]], capStart=True, capEnd=True)
    TopBeam5 = pack.sweptPolylines2gtsSurface([positionTopBeam[4]], capStart=True, capEnd=True)

    IDTopBeam1 = O.bodies.append(pack.gtsSurface2Facets(TopBeam1, color=colorShield))
    IDTopBeam2 = O.bodies.append(pack.gtsSurface2Facets(TopBeam2, color=colorShield))
    IDTopBeam3 = O.bodies.append(pack.gtsSurface2Facets(TopBeam3, color=colorShield))
    IDTopBeam4 = O.bodies.append(pack.gtsSurface2Facets(TopBeam4, color=colorShield))
    IDTopBeam5 = O.bodies.append(pack.gtsSurface2Facets(TopBeam5, color=colorShield))
    IDWind = [IDWind1, IDWind2, IDWind3, IDWind4, IDWind5]
    return IDWind

def CoalLayer():
    ## establish coal layer
    IDCoal = O.bodies.append(
        pack.regularHexa(inAlignedBox((0, 0, highHydr), (lengthSpace, widthSpace, highCoal + highHydr)),
                         radius=radiusCoal, gap=0, color=colorCoal, material=matCoal))
    return IDCoal

def RockLayer():
    ## estatblish the rock layer
    IDRock = O.bodies.append(
            inAlignedBox((0, 0, highHydr + highCoal  - radiusCoal * 2),
                         (lengthSpace, widthSpace,
                          highCoal + highHydr + highRock)),
            radius=radiusRock, gap=0, color=colorRock, material=matRock))
    return IDRock

def WindowsAction(IDWind):
    global WinAction
    RotationW = [RotationW1, RotationW2, RotationW3, RotationW4, RotationW5]
    for nW in range(0, numWinds):
        ## action
        Pos_z = sum(O.bodies[i].state.pos[2] for i in IDWind[nW]) / len(IDWind[nW])
        if WinAction[nW] == 0:
            RotationW[nW].angularVelocity = -VelocityWind
            RotationW[nW].angularVelocity = VelocityWind

        NegtiveStop = (RotationW[nW].angularVelocity > 0) & (Pos_z <= windLowerBoundary)
        PostiveStop = (RotationW[nW].angularVelocity < 0) & (Pos_z >= windUpperBoundary)

        if NegtiveStop | PostiveStop:
            RotationW[nW].angularVelocity = 0

IDWind = HydraulicSupport()
IDCoal = CoalLayer()
IDRock = RockLayer()
nCoal = IDCoal
nRock = IDRock
O.engines = [
    ## problem 2 ######
    InsertionSortCollider([Bo1_Sphere_Aabb(), Bo1_Facet_Aabb()]),
        [Ig2_Sphere_Sphere_ScGeom(), Ig2_Facet_Sphere_ScGeom()],
    NewtonIntegrator(gravity=(0, 0, -200), damping=0.001, label='down'),

    RotationEngine(rotationAxis=(1, 0, 0), rotateAroundZero=True, ids=IDWind[0], zeroPoint=positionWind[0][2],
    RotationEngine(rotationAxis=(1, 0, 0), rotateAroundZero=True, ids=IDWind[1], zeroPoint=positionWind[1][2],
    RotationEngine(rotationAxis=(1, 0, 0), rotateAroundZero=True, ids=IDWind[2], zeroPoint=positionWind[2][2],
    RotationEngine(rotationAxis=(1, 0, 0), rotateAroundZero=True, ids=IDWind[3], zeroPoint=positionWind[3][2],
    RotationEngine(rotationAxis=(1, 0, 0), rotateAroundZero=True, ids=IDWind[4], zeroPoint=positionWind[4][2],
    PyRunner(command="WindowsAction(IDWind)", iterPeriod=5),

# o.run(20000000,True)

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