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Message #21733
Re: [Question #688070]: save the evolution of the average kinetic energy of the grains and their average distance
Question #688070 on Yade changed:
Status: Open => Answered
Jan Stránský proposed the following answer:
> 3. i used two NewtonIntegrator because i didn't found another command
to tilt the system.
newtonIntegr.gravity = ...
Please open a new question if you want further discuss this topic
4. ... but when i saved it [kinetic energy] ...
once more, you are NOT saving kinetic energy, but the value of "e",
which is equal to math.e (because "e" is not assign any other value
anywhere in your script).
> it's always equal 2 even i use (%.3f).
I used
fil.write('%.3f %.3f\n' % (e,x_g/n))
and the value saved in the file was
> is there any other method to have values of kinetic energy over time
apart plot.addData(i=O.iter,e=kineticEnergy()/n,**O.energy) ?
yes, infinitely many methods. E.g. the one you use (just save what you
want to save)
PS: ok, the solution:
def AddData():
for b in O.bodies:
if isinstance(b.shape,Sphere) and b.shape.radius==0.5:
e = kineticEnergy()/n # !! this was missing in your original script
plot.addData(i=O.iter,e=e,**O.energy) # !! moved outside "for b in O.bodies:"
fil.write('%.3f %.3f\n' % (e,x_g/n))
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