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Re: [Question #690973]: running on a server is slower than on a PC


Question #690973 on Yade changed:

yang yi posted a new comment:

1.  Jan Stránský (honzik)
Than you very much for you quickly response. I explain as the follows

(1) The script 
The script must import torch.  The code is use to simulated particles falling down with the gravity.

#!/usr/bin/env python
#  encoding: utf-8
## this programmig is DQN with HMRF-2-NH.

from __future__ import print_function
# import sys
# sys.path.append('~/PycharmProjects/yangyi/yade/Yade20200419_for_Journal of Coal/')
# from yadeImport import *

import random
import math
import csv
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import numpy as np
import os
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch.distributions import Categorical
from yade.gridpfacet import *

pi = math.pi

Testing = False
AddCoalRock = False

loadPoint = '00088'
o = Omega()
o.dt = 1e-12
totalLoss = 0
LastState = []
LastAction = np.zeros((5, 1), dtype=int)
saveLoss = []
outputDir = 'Output'
checkCounter = 0

numWinds = 5
WinAction = np.zeros((5,1), dtype=int)

RewardCoal = 1
RewardRock = -3

nParameters = 2
mu_in = np.zeros((5, nParameters))
sigma_in = np.ones((5, nParameters))
MAP_iter_number = 5
EM_iter = 5

## =========== Environment ============##
widthSpace = 6.8  ## width is the distance from the front coal wall to the back
widthHydr = 1.5
lengthSpace = widthHydr * numWinds  ## length is the width of 5 windows
highCoal = 2
highRock = 2
if AddCoalRock:
    highCoalRock1 = 1
    highCoalRock2 = 1
    highCoalRock3 = 1
    highCoalRock1 = 0
    highCoalRock2 = 0
    highCoalRock3 = 0

highHydr = 3.8
highUnderground = 10
highBottom = 0.5
highSpace = highUnderground + highHydr + highCoal + highCoalRock1 + highCoalRock2 + highCoalRock3 + highRock
radiusCoal = 0.15
radiusRock = 0.15
CheckThick = 1
highDummy = 3

colorCoal = (0, 1, 0)
colorRock = (1, 0, 0)

colorState = (0, 0, 1)
colorReceive = (238/255, 233/255, 191/255)

colorShield = (205/255, 150/255, 205/255)
colorWind = (0, 1, 1)
colorGround = (54/255,54/255, 54/255)

angleShield = 50 * 3.1415926 / 180
angleSwingPositive = 15 * 3.1415926 / 180
angleSwingNegtive = 40 * 3.1415926 / 180
lengthShield = 3
lengthTail = 2
windUpperBoundary = 0.9
windLowerBoundary = 0.5019
stateUpperBoundary = highHydr
stateLowerBoundary = windLowerBoundary
positionShield = []
positionWind = []
positionTopBeam = []
positionDummy = []
windPosition = np.zeros(5)
windPositionPositive = 1
windPositionNegative = 2

shield_y_0 = lengthTail * math.cos(angleShield - angleSwingPositive)
shield_y_1 = shield_y_0 + lengthShield * math.cos(angleShield)
shield_z_0 = highHydr - lengthShield * math.sin(angleShield)
shield_z_1 = highHydr  #
wind_y_0 = lengthTail * (math.cos(angleShield - angleSwingPositive) - math.cos(angleShield))
wind_y_1 = shield_y_0
wind_z_0 = highHydr - (lengthShield + lengthTail) * math.sin(angleShield)
wind_z_1 = highHydr - lengthShield * math.sin(angleShield)
topBeam_y_0 = lengthTail * math.cos(angleShield - angleSwingPositive) + lengthShield * math.cos(angleShield)
topBean_y_1 = widthSpace

# matRock = O.materials.append(JCFpmMat(young=13.5e9, cohesion=2.06e6,density=2487, frictionAngle=radians(10),
#       tensileStrength=1.13e6, poisson=0.123, jointNormalStiffness=1e8, jointShearStiffness=1e7, jointCohesion=1e6))

HyMat = O.materials.append(FrictMat(frictionAngle=0.1, density=3000, young=2e9))
matRock = O.materials.append(JCFpmMat(young=13.5e9, cohesion=2.06e6,density=2487, frictionAngle=radians(30),
      tensileStrength=1.13e1, poisson=0.123, jointNormalStiffness=1e1, jointShearStiffness=1e1, jointCohesion=1e1))

# matCoal = O.materials.append(JCFpmMat(young=4.2e9, cohesion=2.11e6, density=1420, frictionAngle=radians(19.5),
#       tensileStrength=2.6e6, poisson=0.22, jointNormalStiffness=1e1, jointShearStiffness=1e1, jointCohesion=1e1))

# matRock = O.materials.append(FrictMat(frictionAngle=radians(30), density=2487, young=13.5e9))
matCoal = O.materials.append(FrictMat(frictionAngle=radians(29.5), density=1420, young=4.2e9))

myGraviaty = -1200
nIterControl = 1000
nCheckEnd = 3000
nIterReload =10000

VelocityWindPositive = 40
VelocityWindNegative = 60
percentCoalStopEpisode = 20

# matGround = O.materials.append(CohFrictMat(young=E, poisson=0.3, density=2650, frictionAngle=radians(30), normalCohesion=3e100,
#                 shearCohesion=3e100, momentRotationLaw=True))

def Boundary():
    boundary = O.bodies.append(geom.facetBox((lengthSpace / 2, widthSpace / 2, highSpace / 2 - highUnderground),
                                             (lengthSpace / 2, widthSpace / 2, highSpace / 2), wallMask=63, material =HyMat ))

def Ground():
    O.bodies.append(utils.wall(position=-highUnderground, sense=0, axis=2, color=colorGround, material=-1))

def Dummy():
    for i in range (1, numWinds):
            Vector3(widthHydr*i, 0 , -highUnderground),
            Vector3(widthHydr*i, widthSpace, -highUnderground),
            Vector3(widthHydr*i, widthSpace, shield_z_0),
            Vector3(widthHydr*i, 0, shield_z_0)]

    Dummy1 = pack.sweptPolylines2gtsSurface([positionDummy[0]], capStart=True, capEnd=True)
    Dummy2 = pack.sweptPolylines2gtsSurface([positionDummy[1]], capStart=True, capEnd=True)
    Dummy3 = pack.sweptPolylines2gtsSurface([positionDummy[2]], capStart=True, capEnd=True)
    Dummy4 = pack.sweptPolylines2gtsSurface([positionDummy[3]], capStart=True, capEnd=True)

    O.bodies.append(pack.gtsSurface2Facets(Dummy1, color=colorShield,material = HyMat))
    O.bodies.append(pack.gtsSurface2Facets(Dummy2, color=colorShield,material = HyMat))
    O.bodies.append(pack.gtsSurface2Facets(Dummy3, color=colorShield,material = HyMat))
    O.bodies.append(pack.gtsSurface2Facets(Dummy4, color=colorShield,material = HyMat))
def HydraulicSupport():
    for i in range(0, numWinds):
        temp = [Vector3(widthHydr * i, shield_y_0, shield_z_0),
                Vector3(widthHydr * (i + 1), shield_y_0, shield_z_0),
                Vector3(widthHydr * (i + 1), shield_y_1, shield_z_1),
                Vector3(widthHydr * i, shield_y_1, shield_z_1)
        temp = [
            Vector3(widthHydr * i, wind_y_0, wind_z_0),
            Vector3(widthHydr * (i + 1), wind_y_0, wind_z_0),
            Vector3(widthHydr * (i + 1), wind_y_1, wind_z_1),
            Vector3(widthHydr * i, wind_y_1, wind_z_1)
        temp = [
            Vector3(widthHydr * i, topBeam_y_0, highHydr),
            Vector3(widthHydr * (i + 1), topBeam_y_0, highHydr),
            Vector3(widthHydr * (i + 1), topBean_y_1, highHydr),
            Vector3(widthHydr * i, topBean_y_1, highHydr)
    # kwBoxes={'color':[1,0,0],'wire':False,'dynamic':False,'material':0}
    # vibrationRotationPlate = O.bodies.append(geom.facetBox((-15,5,-5),(2,2,2),wallMask=16,**kwBoxes))
    Shield1 = pack.sweptPolylines2gtsSurface([positionShield[0]], capStart=True, capEnd=True, )
    Shield2 = pack.sweptPolylines2gtsSurface([positionShield[1]], capStart=True, capEnd=True)
    Shield3 = pack.sweptPolylines2gtsSurface([positionShield[2]], capStart=True, capEnd=True)
    Shield4 = pack.sweptPolylines2gtsSurface([positionShield[3]], capStart=True, capEnd=True)
    Shield5 = pack.sweptPolylines2gtsSurface([positionShield[4]], capStart=True, capEnd=True)

    IDShield1 = O.bodies.append(pack.gtsSurface2Facets(Shield1, color=colorShield,material = HyMat))
    IDShield2 = O.bodies.append(pack.gtsSurface2Facets(Shield2, color=colorShield))
    IDShield3 = O.bodies.append(pack.gtsSurface2Facets(Shield3, color=colorShield))
    IDShield4 = O.bodies.append(pack.gtsSurface2Facets(Shield4, color=colorShield))
    IDShield5 = O.bodies.append(pack.gtsSurface2Facets(Shield5, color=colorShield))

    Wind1 = pack.sweptPolylines2gtsSurface([positionWind[0]], capStart=True, capEnd=True)
    Wind2 = pack.sweptPolylines2gtsSurface([positionWind[1]], capStart=True, capEnd=True)
    Wind3 = pack.sweptPolylines2gtsSurface([positionWind[2]], capStart=True, capEnd=True)
    Wind4 = pack.sweptPolylines2gtsSurface([positionWind[3]], capStart=True, capEnd=True)
    Wind5 = pack.sweptPolylines2gtsSurface([positionWind[4]], capStart=True, capEnd=True)

    IDWind1 = O.bodies.append(pack.gtsSurface2Facets(Wind1, color=colorWind))
    IDWind2 = O.bodies.append(pack.gtsSurface2Facets(Wind2, color=colorWind))
    IDWind3 = O.bodies.append(pack.gtsSurface2Facets(Wind3, color=colorWind))
    IDWind4 = O.bodies.append(pack.gtsSurface2Facets(Wind4, color=colorWind))
    IDWind5 = O.bodies.append(pack.gtsSurface2Facets(Wind5, color=colorWind))

    TopBeam1 = pack.sweptPolylines2gtsSurface([positionTopBeam[0]], capStart=True, capEnd=True)
    TopBeam2 = pack.sweptPolylines2gtsSurface([positionTopBeam[1]], capStart=True, capEnd=True)
    TopBeam3 = pack.sweptPolylines2gtsSurface([positionTopBeam[2]], capStart=True, capEnd=True)
    TopBeam4 = pack.sweptPolylines2gtsSurface([positionTopBeam[3]], capStart=True, capEnd=True)
    TopBeam5 = pack.sweptPolylines2gtsSurface([positionTopBeam[4]], capStart=True, capEnd=True)

    IDTopBeam1 = O.bodies.append(pack.gtsSurface2Facets(TopBeam1, color=colorShield))
    IDTopBeam2 = O.bodies.append(pack.gtsSurface2Facets(TopBeam2, color=colorShield))
    IDTopBeam3 = O.bodies.append(pack.gtsSurface2Facets(TopBeam3, color=colorShield))
    IDTopBeam4 = O.bodies.append(pack.gtsSurface2Facets(TopBeam4, color=colorShield))
    IDTopBeam5 = O.bodies.append(pack.gtsSurface2Facets(TopBeam5, color=colorShield))
    IDWind = [IDWind1, IDWind2, IDWind3, IDWind4, IDWind5]
    return IDWind

def CoalLayer():
    ## establish coal layer
    IDCoal = O.bodies.append(
        pack.regularHexa(inAlignedBox((0, 0, highHydr), (lengthSpace, widthSpace, highCoal + highHydr)),
                         radius=radiusCoal, gap=0, color=colorCoal, material=matCoal))
    return IDCoal

def CoalRockLayer():
    ## estatblish the coal_rock layer_1
    spheresCoalRock1 = O.bodies.append(
        pack.regularHexa(inAlignedBox((0, 0, highHydr + highCoal - radiusCoal * 2),
                                      (lengthSpace, widthSpace, highCoal + highHydr + highCoalRock1)),
                         radius=radiusCoal, gap=0, color=colorCoal, material=matCoal))
    CoalList1 = spheresCoalRock1
    RockList1 = random.sample(range(spheresCoalRock1[0], spheresCoalRock1[-1]), int(len(spheresCoalRock1) / 8))
    for mm in RockList1:
        O.bodies[mm].shape.color = colorRock

    ## estatblish the coal_rock layer_2
    spheresCoalRock2 = O.bodies.append(
        pack.regularHexa(inAlignedBox((0, 0, highHydr + highCoal + highCoalRock1 - radiusCoal * 2),
                                      (lengthSpace, widthSpace, highCoal + highHydr + highCoalRock1 + highCoalRock2)),
                         radius=radiusCoal, gap=0, color=colorCoal, material=matCoal))
    CoalList2 = spheresCoalRock2
    RockList2 = random.sample(range(spheresCoalRock2[0], spheresCoalRock2[-1]), int(len(spheresCoalRock2) / 4))
    for mm in RockList2:
        O.bodies[mm].shape.color = colorRock

    ## estatblish the coal_rock layer_3
    spheresCoalRock3 = O.bodies.append(
        pack.regularHexa(inAlignedBox((0, 0, highHydr + highCoal + highCoalRock1 + highCoalRock2 - radiusCoal * 2),
                                      (lengthSpace, widthSpace,
                                       highCoal + highHydr + highCoalRock1 + highCoalRock2 + highCoalRock3)),
                         radius=radiusCoal, gap=0, color=colorCoal, material=matCoal))
    CoalList3 = spheresCoalRock3
    RockList3 = random.sample(range(spheresCoalRock3[0], spheresCoalRock3[-1]), int(len(spheresCoalRock3) / 2))
    for mm in RockList3:
        O.bodies[mm].shape.color = colorRock
    List_CR_Coal = CoalList1 + CoalList2 + CoalList3
    List_CR_Rock = RockList1 + RockList2 + RockList3
    return List_CR_Coal, List_CR_Rock

def RockLayer():
    ## estatblish the rock layer
    IDRock = O.bodies.append(
            inAlignedBox((0, 0, highHydr + highCoal + highCoalRock1 + highCoalRock2 + highCoalRock3 - radiusCoal * 2),
                         (lengthSpace, widthSpace,
                          highCoal + highHydr + highCoalRock1 + highCoalRock2 + highCoalRock3 + highRock)),
            radius=radiusRock, gap=0, color=colorRock, material=matRock))
    return IDRock

def funHMRF(px, py_x, py_y, nAgent, nAction,mu,sigma,MAP_iter_number):
    sum_U_MAP = []
    U = 0
    d = 0.125
    Out = np.zeros((nAgent))
    for it in range(0, MAP_iter_number):
        U1 = np.zeros((nAgent, nAction))

        for i in range(0, nAction):
            yi_x = py_x - mu[i, 0]
            tempx = np.multiply(yi_x, yi_x) / (2*np.square(sigma[i, 0]))
            tempx = tempx + np.log(sigma[i, 0])
            yi_1 = py_y - mu[i, 1]
            tempy = np.multiply(yi_1, yi_1) / (2*np.square(sigma[i, 1]))
            tempy = tempy + np.log(sigma[i, 1])
            temp = tempx + tempy
            U1[:, i] = U1[:, i] + temp

        U2 = -1*np.log(px)
        U = U1 + U2
        Out = np.argmin(U, axis=1)
        tempSumU = np.min(U, axis=1)
        if it >= 2 and np.std(chechArray[it - 2:it])/sum_U_MAP[it] < 0.0001:

    sum_U = 0
    for i in range(0, nAgent):
        sum_U = sum_U + U[i, Out[i]]
    return Out, sum_U
def funRL_HMRF_EM(state, actionProbability, nAction, mu, sigma, MAP_iter_number, EM_iter):

    # state is the neighbor coal ratio
    nAgent = int(len(state))
    x_x = state[:, 0].reshape(5)
    x_y = state[:, 1].reshape(5)
    x_left = np.array(x_x)
    x_right= np.array(x_y)

    P_lyi = np.zeros((nAction, nAgent))
    sum_U = []
    outAction = actionProbability

    for it in range(0, EM_iter):
        outAction, temp_sum_U = funHMRF(actionProbability,x_left, x_right, nAgent, nAction, mu, sigma, MAP_iter_number)
        for i in range(0, nAction):
            temp1 = np.exp(-np.square(x_left - mu[i, 0]) -np.square(x_right - mu[i,1]))/(2*pi*sigma[i, 0]*sigma[i, 1])
            temp2 = actionProbability[:, i]
            P_lyi[i, :] = np.multiply(temp1, temp2)

        temp3 = np.sum(P_lyi, axis=0)
        P_lyi = np.divide(P_lyi, temp3)

        for i in range(0, nAction):
            if np.sum(P_lyi[i,:]) == 0:
                P_lyi[i, :] = 0.00001

            mu[i, 0] = np.dot(P_lyi[i,:], x_left)
            mu[i, 0] = mu[i, 0] / np.sum(P_lyi[i,:])
            mu[i, 1] = np.dot(P_lyi[i, :], x_right)
            mu[i, 1] = mu[i, 1] / np.sum(P_lyi[i, :])

        for i in range(0,nAction):
            if np.sum(P_lyi[i,:]) == 0:
                P_lyi[i, :] = 0.00001
            sigma[i, 0] = np.dot(P_lyi[i,:], np.square(x_left-mu[i,0]))
            sigma[i, 0] = sigma[i,0] / np.sum(P_lyi[i,:])
            sigma[i, 0] = np.sqrt(sigma[i, 0])

            sigma[i, 1] = np.dot(P_lyi[i, :], np.square(x_right - mu[i, 1]))
            sigma[i, 1] = sigma[i, 1] / np.sum(P_lyi[i, :])
            sigma[i, 1] = np.sqrt(sigma[i, 1])

        chechArray = np.array(sum_U)

        if it >= 2 and np.std(chechArray[it-2: it]) / sum_U[it] < 0.0001 :
    return outAction, mu, sigma, sum_U

def GetRewardState():
    global nCoal, windPosition
    global nRock, percentCoalStopEpisode
    checkArea_y_0 = 0
    checkArea_y_1 = shield_y_0
    checkArea_z_1 = shield_z_0
    checkArea_z_0 = shield_z_0 - lengthTail + radiusCoal
    State = np.zeros((5, 4), dtype=int)
    Reward = np.zeros((5, 3), dtype=int)
    ##----------get reward-------------##

    for i in nCoal:
        temp = O.bodies[i].state.pos
        if temp[2] <= checkArea_z_0:  ## the particle high lower than the boundary, thought the window
            Reward[int(temp[0] / widthHydr), 0] += 1

    for i in temp_coal_remove:

    for i in nRock:
        temp = O.bodies[i].state.pos
        if temp[2] <= checkArea_z_0:  ## the particle high lower than the boundary, thought the window
            Reward[int(temp[0] / widthHydr), 1] += 1

    for i in temp_rock_remove:

    for i in range(0, numWinds):
        Reward[i, 2] = Reward[i, 0] * RewardCoal + Reward[i, 1] * RewardRock

    ##--------get state--------------##
    ## area for checking the state with wind closed
    # state[:,0]---nCoal
    # state[:,1]---nRock
    # state[:,2]---nCoal + nRock
    # state[:,3]---coal_rate
    for b in nCoal:
        temp = O.bodies[b].state.pos
        if (checkArea_y_0 < temp[1] < checkArea_y_1)&(checkArea_z_0 <= temp[2] <= checkArea_z_1):
            for i in range(numWinds):
                if i * widthHydr < temp[0] < (i + 1) * widthHydr:
                    # O.bodies[b].shape.color = colorState
                    State[i, 0] = State[i, 0] + 1

    for b in nRock:
        temp = O.bodies[b].state.pos
        if (checkArea_y_0 < temp[1] < checkArea_y_1) & (checkArea_z_0 <= temp[2] <= checkArea_z_1):
            for i in range(numWinds):
                if i * widthHydr < temp[0] < (i + 1) * widthHydr:
                    State[i, 1] = State[i, 1] + 1  ## State[i,0] numCoal
                    # O.bodies[b].shape.color = colorState

    for i in range(numWinds):
        State[i, 2] = State[i, 0] + State[i, 1]  # total number
        if State[i, 2] == 0:
            State[i, 3] = 0  # coal rate
            State[i, 3] = State[i, 0] * 100 / State[i, 2]  # coal rate

    Done = True
    for i in range(numWinds):
        if (State[i, 3] <= percentCoalStopEpisode) & (State[i, 2] != 0):
            Done = (Done & True)
            Done = False
    return Reward, State, Done

## define the agent
class Net(nn.Module):
    """docstring for Net"""
    def __init__(self, numState, numAction):
        super(Net, self).__init__()
        self.fc1 = nn.Linear(numState, 56)
        nn.init.constant_(self.fc1.weight, 0.5)
        self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm1d(56)
        self.fc2 = nn.Linear(56, 128)
        nn.init.constant_(self.fc2.weight, 0.5)
        self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm1d(128)
        self.out = nn.Linear(128, numAction)
        nn.init.constant_(self.out.weight, 0.1)
        self.active = torch.nn.LeakyReLU()

    def forward(self, x):
        x = self.fc1(x)
        x = self.active(x)
        x = self.fc2(x)
        x = self.active(x)
        x = self.out(x)
        return x

class AgentDQN():
    """docstring for DQN"""
    def __init__(self):
        super(AgentDQN, self).__init__()
        self.numState = 6
        self.numActions = 2
        self.memory_capacity = 100000
        self.batch_size = 2
        self.t_net_update = 300

        self.memory_full = False
        self.start_learnig = 100
        self.lr = 0.001
        self.gamma = 0.999
        self.epsilon = 0.999  ## for random
        self.epsilon_decay = (1 - 0.000001)
        self.epsilon_min = 0.001
        self.eval_net = Net(self.numState, self.numActions)
        self.target_net = Net(self.numState, self.numActions)
        self.learn_step_counter = 0
        self.memory = np.zeros((self.memory_capacity, self.numState * 2 + 2))
        self.memory_counter = 0
        self.pathExp = outputDir + '/experience/'
        self.pathHMRFpara = outputDir + '/HMRFpara/'

        self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.eval_net.parameters(), lr=self.lr)
        self.loss_func = nn.MSELoss()

        self.eval_params = list(self.eval_net.named_parameters())
        self.target_params = list(self.target_net.named_parameters())

        self.HMRF_mu = []
        self.HMRF_sigma = []

    def choose_action(self, state, Testing):
        if Testing:
            self.epsilon = self.epsilon_min
        state = torch.tensor(state, dtype=torch.float)
        state = state.reshape((1, 6))

        if torch.rand(1) <= self.epsilon:  # greedy policy for random
            action = np.random.randint(0, self.numActions)
            action = action
            actionTpye = 1
            action_probs = [0.5, 0.5]
        else:  # policy
            action_value = self.eval_net(state)
            action = torch.max(action_value, 1)[1].data.numpy()
            action = action[0]
            actionTpye = 0
            action_probs = F.softmax(action_value).data
            action_probs = action_probs.reshape((1, 2))
        return action, action_probs, actionTpye

    def learn(self):
        if self.memory_counter >= self.start_learnig:
            if self.learn_step_counter % self.t_net_update == 0:
                print('TargetNet Change')
            self.learn_step_counter += 1
            # sample batch from memory
            if self.memory_full:
                sample_index = np.random.choice(self.memory_capacity, self.batch_size)
                sample_index = np.random.choice(self.memory_counter, self.batch_size)

            batch_memory = self.memory[sample_index, :]
            batch_state = torch.FloatTensor(batch_memory[:, :self.numState]) / 100
            batch_action = torch.LongTensor(batch_memory[:, self.numState:self.numState + 1].astype(int))
            batch_reward = torch.FloatTensor(batch_memory[:, self.numState + 1:self.numState + 2]) / 10
            batch_next_state = torch.FloatTensor(batch_memory[:, -self.numState:])
            batch_next_state[:, 0:self.numState] = batch_next_state[:, 0:self.numState] / 100

            q_eval = self.eval_net(batch_state).gather(1, batch_action)
            q_next = self.target_net(batch_next_state).detach()
            q_target = batch_reward + self.gamma * q_next.max(1)[0].view(self.batch_size, 1)
            loss = self.loss_func(q_eval, q_target)
            if self.epsilon > self.epsilon_min:
                self.epsilon *= self.epsilon_decay
            startLearning = 1
            loss = 0
            startLearning = 0
        return loss, startLearning, self.epsilon

    def store_transition(self, state, action, reward, next_state):
        if (state[0] != 0) & (state[1] != 0) & (state[2] != 0) & (state[3] != 0) & (state[4] != 0) & (state[5] != 0):
            transition = np.hstack((state, [action, reward], next_state))
            index = self.memory_counter % self.memory_capacity
            self.memory[index:] = transition
            self.memory_counter += 1

            if self.memory_counter >= self.memory_capacity:
                self.memory_full = True

    def saveExperience(self, nAgent):
        np.save(self.pathExp + "winAgents{}/".format(nAgent) + 'experience.npy', self.memory)
        np.save(self.pathExp + "winAgents{}/".format(nAgent) + 'counter.npy', self.memory_counter)

    def saveHMRFparameters(self, nAgent):
        np.save(self.pathHMRFpara + "winAgents{}/".format(nAgent) + 'HMRF_mu.npy', self.HMRF_mu)
        np.save(self.pathHMRFpara + "winAgents{}/".format(nAgent) + 'HMRF_sgma.npy', self.HMRF_sigma)

    def loadExperience(self, nAgent):
        if os.path.exists(self.pathExp + "winAgents{}/".format(nAgent) + "experience.npy"):
            self.memory = np.load(self.pathExp + "winAgents{}/".format(nAgent)  + 'experience.npy')
            self.memory_counter = np.load(self.pathExp + "winAgents{}/".format(nAgent) +'counter.npy')
        print(len(self.memory), self.memory_counter)

    def saveWeight(self, path):
        dict = {'eval_net_dict': self.eval_net.state_dict(),
                'target_net_dict': self.target_net.state_dict(),
        torch.save(dict, path)

    def loadWeight(self, path):
        checkPoint = torch.load(path)

###------------------end agent define------------------
def CheckEpisodeEnd():
    global checkCounter, saveLoss, totalLoss
    for i in range(0, numWinds):
        path = outputDir + "/weights/winAgents{}".format(i) + '/C{:05d}'.format(checkCounter)

    if not Testing:
        with open(outputDir + '/processResult.csv', 'a') as csvFile:
            writer = csv.writer(csvFile)
    checkCounter += 1

def ResteLocation():
    global nCoal, nRock, nEpisode, saveCounter
    for i in range(0, len(savePositionCoal)):
        n = savePositionCoal[i][0]
        o.bodies[n].state.pos = savePositionCoal[i][1]
    for i in range(0, len(savePositonRock)):
        n = savePositonRock[i][0]
        o.bodies[n].state.pos = savePositonRock[i][1]
    nEpisode += 1
    nCoal = IDCoal + List_CR_Coal
    nRock = IDRock + List_CR_Rock

    for i in nCoal:
        O.bodies[i].shape.color = colorCoal
    for i in nRock:
        O.bodies[i].shape.color = colorRock

def WindowsAction(IDWind):
    global WinAction, windPosition
    RotationW = [RotationW1, RotationW2, RotationW3, RotationW4, RotationW5]
    for nW in range(0, numWinds):
        ## action
        Pos_z = sum(O.bodies[i].state.pos[2] for i in IDWind[nW]) / len(IDWind[nW])
        if WinAction[nW] == 0:
            RotationW[nW].angularVelocity = -VelocityWindNegative
            RotationW[nW].angularVelocity = VelocityWindPositive

        NegtiveStop = (RotationW[nW].angularVelocity > 0) & (Pos_z <= windLowerBoundary)
        PostiveStop = (RotationW[nW].angularVelocity < 0) & (Pos_z >= windUpperBoundary)

        if NegtiveStop: windPosition[nW] = windPositionNegative
        elif PostiveStop: windPosition[nW] = windPositionPositive
        else: windPosition[nW] = 0

        if NegtiveStop | PostiveStop:
            RotationW[nW].angularVelocity = 0

def JustForLearning():
    loss = np.zeros(6, dtype=float)
    for i in range(0, numWinds):
        loss[i], epslong, startLearning = windAgents[i].learn()
        loss[numWinds] = loss[numWinds] + loss[i]

    if (o.iter % 20 == 0):
        global checkCounter, saveLoss, totalLoss
        for i in range(0, numWinds):
            path = outputDir + "/weights/winAgents{}".format(i) + '/C{:05d}'.format(checkCounter)
            if not Testing:
                with open(outputDir + '/processResult.csv', 'a') as csvFile:
                    writer = csv.writer(csvFile)
        checkCounter += 1
        print("iter:", o.iter, "loss:%.6f, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f total=%.6f" % (loss[0], loss[1], loss[2], loss[3], loss[4], loss[5]))

def WindowsInitialLocation(IDWind):
    global WinAction
    WinAction = np.zeros((5, 1), dtype=int)
    if os.path.exists(outputDir + "/weights/winAgents0/" + loadPoint):
        for i in range(0, numWinds):
            path = outputDir + "/weights/winAgents{}/".format(i) + 'C' + loadPoint

    for i in range(0, numWinds):

def WindowsControl():
    global saveCounter, LastState, LastAction, saveLoss, TotalReward, listAction
    global WinAction, nRock, nCoal
    global mu_in, sigma_in, MAP_iter_number, EM_iter

    Reward, state, done = GetRewardState()
    TotalReward = TotalReward + Reward
    LastReward = Reward[:, 2]
    CurrentAction = np.zeros((5, 1))
    Action_probs = np.ones((5, 2))*0.5

    # CurrentState =  np.concatenate((CurrentState, LastAction), axis=1)
    ## area for checking the state with wind closed
    # state[:,0]---nCoal
    # state[:,1]---nRock
    # state[:,2]---nCoal + nRock
    # state[:,3]---coal_rate

    # CurrentState include the particle number and the coal ratio of the current agent and neigborhood.
    CurrentState = np.zeros((5, 6))

    for i in range(0, numWinds):
        if i == 0:
            CurrentState[i, 0:2] = state[i, 2:4]
            CurrentState[i, 2:4] = state[i, 2:4]
            CurrentState[i, 4:6] = state[i + 1, 2:4]
        if i == numWinds - 1:
            CurrentState[i, 0:2] = state[i - 1, 2:4]
            CurrentState[i, 2:4] = state[i, 2:4]
            CurrentState[i, 4:6] = state[i, 2:4]
        if 0 < i < numWinds - 1:
            CurrentState[i, 0:2] = state[i - 1, 2:4]
            CurrentState[i, 2:4] = state[i, 2:4]
            CurrentState[i, 4:6] = state[i + 1, 2:4]

    actType = np.zeros(5, dtype=int)
    for i in range(0, numWinds):
        CurrentAction[i], Action_probs[i], actType[i] = windAgents[i].choose_action(CurrentState[i, :], Testing)

    if Testing:
        s1 = torch.from_numpy(CurrentState[:, 1].reshape(5, 1)) # coal ratio of left neighbor
        s2 = torch.from_numpy(CurrentState[:, 5].reshape(5, 1)) # coal ratio of right neighbor
        state_HMRF = torch.cat((s1, s2), 1)
        action_from_HMRF, mu_in, sigma_in, sum_U = funRL_HMRF_EM(state_HMRF, Action_probs, 2, mu_in,
                                                                    sigma_in, MAP_iter_number, EM_iter)
        CurrentAction = action_from_HMRF

    for i in range(0, numWinds):

    if done :
        print('=====This episode is over ======')
        CurrentAction = np.zeros((5, 1))

    loss = np.zeros(6, dtype=float)
    epslong = 0
    if (saveCounter >0) & (not Testing):
        startLearning = 0
        for i in range(0, numWinds):
            windAgents[i].store_transition(LastState[i, :], LastAction[i], LastReward[i], CurrentState[i,:])
            loss[i], epslong, startLearning = windAgents[i].learn()
            loss[numWinds] = loss[numWinds] + loss[i]
        if startLearning == 1:

    totalCoal = 0
    totalRock = 0
    CoalRate = 0
    RockRate = 0
    totalRe = 0

    for i in range(0, numWinds):
        totalCoal += TotalReward[i, 0]
        totalRock += TotalReward[i, 1]
        if (totalRock + totalCoal > 0):
            CoalRate = totalCoal / (totalRock + totalCoal)
            RockRate = totalRock / (totalRock + totalCoal)
        totalRe += TotalReward[i, 2]

    AT = ['Max', 'Max', 'Max', 'Max', 'Max']
    for i in range(0, numWinds):
        AT[i] = 'Policy' if actType[i] == 0 else "Ran"

    print('nEpisode', nEpisode, 'iter:', o.iter, 'nSave:', saveCounter, 'Epslong:%.4f' % (epslong))
    print("numCurrent:", state[:, 2], 'CoalRate:', state[:, 3], " LastReward:", LastReward, 'LastAct:', LastAction.T)
    print('CurrenAct:', WinAction.T, 'Type:', AT,
          "loss:%.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f total=%.2f" % (loss[0], loss[1], loss[2], loss[3], loss[4], loss[5]))
    WinAction = CurrentAction
    LastState = CurrentState
    LastAction = CurrentAction
    np.save(outputDir + '/SaveAction_AC.np', np.array(listAction))
    saveCounter += 1

##——————————————————————Creat Agents and ——————————————————————————————————————##
windAgents = [AgentDQN() for i in range(numWinds)]

for i in range(0, numWinds):
    if not os.path.exists(outputDir + "/weights/winAgents{}".format(i)):
        os.makedirs(outputDir + "/weights/winAgents{}".format(i))

    if not os.path.exists(outputDir + "/experience/winAgents{}".format(i)):
        os.makedirs(outputDir + "/experience/winAgents{}".format(i))

    if not os.path.exists(outputDir + "/HMRFpara/winAgents{}".format(i)):
        os.makedirs(outputDir + "/HMRFpara/winAgents{}".format(i))

saveCounter = 0
nEpisode = 0
# Dummy()
IDWind = HydraulicSupport()
IDCoal = CoalLayer()
TotalReward = np.zeros((5,3))
List_CR_Coal = []
List_CR_Rock = []
if AddCoalRock:
    List_CR_Coal, List_CR_Rock = CoalRockLayer()

IDRock = RockLayer()
nCoal = IDCoal + List_CR_Coal
nRock = IDRock + List_CR_Rock

savePositionCoal = []
savePositonRock = []
listAction = []

for i in nCoal:
    temp = [i, o.bodies[i].state.pos]

for i in nRock:
    temp = [i, o.bodies[i].state.pos]
O.engines = [
        [Ig2_Sphere_Sphere_ScGeom(), Ig2_Facet_Sphere_ScGeom(), Ig2_Wall_Sphere_ScGeom()],
        [Law2_ScGeom_JCFpmPhys_JointedCohesiveFrictionalPM(recordCracks=False, recordMoments=False,label='interactionLaw'),
    # VTKRecorder(recorders=['jcfpm','cracks','facets','moments']),
    NewtonIntegrator(gravity=(0, 0, myGraviaty), damping=0.5, label='down'),
    RotationEngine(rotationAxis=(1, 0, 0), rotateAroundZero=True, ids=IDWind[0], zeroPoint=positionWind[0][2],
    RotationEngine(rotationAxis=(1, 0, 0), rotateAroundZero=True, ids=IDWind[1], zeroPoint=positionWind[1][2],
    RotationEngine(rotationAxis=(1, 0, 0), rotateAroundZero=True, ids=IDWind[2], zeroPoint=positionWind[2][2],
    RotationEngine(rotationAxis=(1, 0, 0), rotateAroundZero=True, ids=IDWind[3], zeroPoint=positionWind[3][2],
    RotationEngine(rotationAxis=(1, 0, 0), rotateAroundZero=True, ids=IDWind[4], zeroPoint=positionWind[4][2],
    PyRunner(command="WindowsInitialLocation(IDWind)", firstIterRun=1),

    # PyRunner(command="JustForLearning()", iterPeriod=2),
    PyRunner(command="WindowsAction(IDWind)", iterPeriod=1),
    PyRunner(command="WindowsControl()", iterPeriod=nIterControl),
    PyRunner(command="CheckEpisodeEnd()", iterPeriod=nCheckEnd),
    PyRunner(command="ResteLocation()", iterPeriod=nIterReload),

# o.run(1200000000000, True) 

(2) I have not checked that without GUI. Becuase if there is no GUI the process speed of the simulation maybe diffrent. I will check that tommorrow

(3) "very obviously" means the speed of server is show more than 10

(4) If the PC and server use the same job, such as -j8, even -j2.  the
speed is the same. That likes the just a core of server working.

2  Son Pham Thai (pham-thai-son-987) 

Thank you very much.  I load the GUI in the command window. The remote
server and controll PC in a local area network.  I will check the speed
of the GUI  on the server directly. But I worry the speed maybe is the

3. Bruno Chareyre (bruno-chareyre) 
Thank you very much. You are right, each core of PC is faster then the server. But I need a faster speed for the simulation by parallel computation. So I use 96 core. If the performance is just depend on a core, that is a very terrible message to me.

4. Janek Kozicki (cosurgi) :
Thank you very much. But I am sorry that I don't know your mean, can you tell me where could I the example  or the material?

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