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Message #23471
[Question #691702]: About periodic simple shear example in the yade documentation
New question #691702 on Yade:
Dear all,
The script of periodic simple shear is as following:
My questions:
1.Does the “if 0” in line 82 mean the following script (for b in O.bodies: b.state.blockedDOFs='XYZ' b.state.angVel=(0,0,0)) will never be executed? If we change it to "if 1", the following script will be always executed?
2.In line 85(b.state.blockedDOFs='XYZ'),it blocks X,Y,Z rotations of spheres. Why in line 87 (b.state.angVel=(0,0,0)) still set the angle velocity to be 0? Isn't it blocking X,Y,Z rotations of spheres equivalent to the angle velocity being 0?
3.What's the meaning of "if stress[2,2]!=0 else 0" in line 112?
4.The former content of the script ( b.state.blockedDOFs='XYZ', b.state.angVel=(0,0,0)) blocks the rotation of the particles. Does the rotation of the particles equal to 0? Why it still set "Gl1_Sphere.stripes=True" to show rotation of particles?
Many thanks in advance!
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