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Re: [Question #691785]: Triaxial test using polyhedra


Question #691785 on Yade changed:

Vasileios Angelidakis posted a new comment:
Hi all,

Some thoughts I find relevant to this thread:

I can confirm that aabbWalls does not work for non-spherical particles,
since it uses aabbExtrema(). If we teak aabbExtrema() to extract the
extrema from the Aabbs of the particles rather than the radius, it has
the capacity to work for any particle shape. In such a case, we should
pay attention to whether we want to consider the enlarged Aabbs when a
non-zero verletDist is used.

Also, if we calculated "particlesVolume" as mass/density inside the
TriaxialStressController, we could get a calculation of porosity for any
particle shape. The only sensitive point would be to use the correct
mass when density scaling is applied. A more costly, but safer approach
would be to check the type of each particle's shape and assign the
appropriate value of volume (e.g. "getSpheresVolume()" for spheres,
"GetVolume()" for each of the polyhedra, "volume" for each PB, etc.).

Last, the normal stiffness coefficient "kn" in "PolyhedraPhys" can have
a variety of different units, e.g. N/m^3 if
Law2_PolyhedraGeom_PolyhedraPhys_Volumetric.volumePower==1, which I am
not sure if it's appropriate to use inside the TriaxialStressController.
Jérôme, could you please advise on this?

Hope these help,

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