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Message #24155
Re: [Question #693506]: How to get tension force of a cohesive contact
Question #693506 on Yade changed:
Jérôme Duriez posted a new comment:
You can also realize that geom.normal is from i.id1 to i.id2 [1]
(whether i.id1 is b.id = 10 or 20 in a 10-20 contact being indeed
collider-dependent), and that contact forces are from i.id1 onto i.id2
This insures the given sign for the dot product, in accordance with the
repulsive (compression) or attractive (tension) nature of the force.
[1] https://yade-dem.org/doc/yade.wrapper.html#yade.wrapper.ScGeom.normal
[2] https://yade-dem.org/doc/yade.wrapper.html#yade.wrapper.FrictPhys.normalForce
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