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Re: [Question #694997]: Am I incorrectly using O.Periodic=True?


Question #694997 on Yade changed:

Kieran posted a new comment:
Worth mentioning, below is my first attempt in adjusting the "Periodic
Simple Shear" open source file. I transitioned into the work-in-progress
script seen above because when I set "limitMeanStress=0" to avoid the
tri-axial compression, the RVE shears but none of the particles are in
contact within one another. In fact, they stay suspended in the same
spot they were initiated via pack.regularHexa.

I created the above "work in progress" file to:
1) exclude the compression, I want pure shear stress
2) Have particles run through NewtonIntegrator while subjected to gravity in order to have particles come in contact with one another via gravity, and then apply shear to RVE. 

Previous code/iteration/post-inspiration:
	# encoding: utf-8

# script for periodic simple shear test, with periodic boundary
# first compresses to attain some isotropic stress (checkStress),
# then loads in shear (checkDistorsion)
# the initial packing is either regular (hexagonal), with empty bands along the boundary,
# or periodic random cloud of spheres
# material friction angle is initially set to zero, so that the resulting packing is dense
# (sphere rearrangement is easier if there is no friction)

# setup the periodic boundary
from __future__ import print_function
# Assigns Matrix3(2,0,0, 0,2,0, 0,0,2) object to O.cell[1] ans its hSize[2] attribute 
# Diagonal terms are "normal size" (i.e. 2x2x2), zero non-diagonal terms mean no skew and no rotation (non-diagonal terms control skew and/or rotation)
###O.cell.hSize=Matrix3(2,0,0, 0,2,0, 0,0,2)
O.cell.hSize=Matrix3(2,0,0, 0,2,0, 0,0,2)
# Class O.cell are parameters of periodic boundary conditions. Only applied if O.isPeriodic==True
# hSize[2] states that hSize is "base cell vectors (columns of the matrix) here vectors are the edges of the cell
# hSize is only meant to be used at iteration 0 before any interactions have been created

from yade import pack, plot

# the "if 0:" block will be never executed, therefore the "else:" block will be
# to use cloud instead of regular packing, change to "if 1:" or something similar
if 0:
	# create cloud of spheres and insert them into the simulation
	# we give corners, mean radius, radius variation
	sp.makeCloud((0,0,0),(2,0.1,2),rMean=.1,rRelFuzz=0,periodic=True) ###rRelFuzz=.6
	# insert the packing into the simulation
	sp.toSimulation(color=(0,0,1)) # pure blue
	# in this case, add dense packing

# create "dense" packing by setting friction to zero initially

# simulation loop (will be run at every step)
	# run checkStress function (defined below) every second
	# the label is arbitrary, and is used later to refer to this engine
	# record data for plotting every 100 steps; addData function is defined below

# set the integration timestep to be 1/2 of the "critical" timestep


# prescribe isotropic normal deformation (constant strain rate)
# of the periodic cell
O.cell.velGrad=Matrix3(-.1,0,0, 0,-.1,0, 0,0,-.1)
# Assigns Matrix3(-.1,0,0, 0,-.1,0, 0,0,-.1) object to O.cell[1] ans its hSize[3] attribute 
# The components are components of velocity gradient (in matrix form)
# Only diagonal negative terms since it is isotropic compression

# when to stop the isotropic compression (used inside checkStress)

# called every second by the PyRunner engine
def checkStress():
	# stress tensor as the sum of normal and shear contributions
	# Matrix3.Zero is the intial value for sum(...)
	print('mean stress',stress)
	# if mean stress is below (bigger in absolute value) limitMeanStress, start shearing
	if stress<limitMeanStress:
		# apply constant-rate distorsion on the periodic cell
        	# Deformation gradient has changed to pure simple shear
		###O.cell.velGrad=Matrix3(0,0,.1, 0,0,0, 0,0,0)
		O.cell.velGrad=Matrix3(0,0,0.01, 0,0,0, 0,0,0)
		# change the function called by the checker engine
		# (checkStress will not be called anymore)
		# block rotations of particles to increase tanPhi, if desired
		# disabled by default
		if 0:
			for b in O.bodies:
				# block X,Y,Z rotations, translations are free
				# stop rotations if any, as blockedDOFs block accelerations really
		# set friction angle back to non-zero value
		# tangensOfFrictionAngle is computed by the Ip2_* functor from material
		# for future contacts change material (there is only one material for all particles)
		O.materials[0].frictionAngle=.5 # radians
		# for existing contacts, set contact friction directly
		for i in O.interactions: i.phys.tangensOfFrictionAngle=tan(.5)

# called from the 'checker' engine periodically, during the shear phase
def checkDistorsion():
	# if the distorsion value is >.3, exit; otherwise do nothing
    # trsf: Current tranformation matrix of the cell, obtained from time integration of Cell.velGrad
    # trsf is the deformation gradient [5] of the cell
    # trsf[0,2] means the xz shear-strain portion of the deformation gradient
	if abs(O.cell.trsf[0,2])>.5:
		# save data from addData(...) before exiting into file
		# use O.tags['id'] to distinguish individual runs of the same simulation
		# exit the program
		#import sys
		#sys.exit(0) # no error (0)

# called periodically to store data history
def addData():
	# get the stress tensor (as 3x3 matrix)
	# give names to values we are interested in and save them
    # Indices are 0=x, 1=y, and 2=z
    # stress[2,2] means stress_zz, i.e. normal z component
    # stress[0,2] means stress_xy, i.e. shear xz component
	plot.addData(exz=O.cell.trsf[0,2],szz=stress[2,2],sxz=stress[0,2],tanPhi=(stress[0,2]/stress[2,2]) if stress[2,2]!=0 else 0,i=O.iter)
	# color particles based on rotation amount
	for b in O.bodies:
		# rot() gives rotation vector between reference and current position

# define what to plot (3 plots in total)
## exz(i), [left y axis, separate by None:] szz(i), sxz(i)
## szz(exz), sxz(exz)
## tanPhi(i)
# note the space in 'i ' so that it does not overwrite the 'i' entry
plot.plots={'i':('exz',None,'szz','sxz'),'exz':('szz','sxz'),'i ':('tanPhi',)}

# better show rotation of particles

# open the plot on the screen


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