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Message #25536
[Question #697085]: Sorting the spheres identification
New question #697085 on Yade:
Hi, I would like to track the position of particles in a deposition simulation. I understand that the VTKRecorder module allows this with the "ID" option, e.g.: VTKRecorder(fileName='3d-vtk-',recorders=['spheres','id'],iterPeriod=1000)
However, when processing the data in Paraview I see that there is no apparent order, for example, based on height or radius on the particle identification. Is there any way I can set an order in the particle identification?. For example, impose that the identification is an increasing/decreasing function of the height, i.e., particle in the highest part (id=1), particle in the lowest part (id=end), and between these two limits that each particle has an ID assigned to it as a function of the height.
Having this type of identification makes it easier to see the evolution of the set of particles over time. For example, in the particular case of deposition, it allows observing if the particles at the top are deposited farther (or not) than the particles in the center of the grain pile.
# handle sphere+sphere and facet+sphere collisions
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