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Re: [Question #699272]: Wet filtration test


Question #699272 on Yade changed:

Ali Abdallah posted a new comment:
Hello Robert,

I am trying to study the filters used for the protection of the dams and dikes.
So basically I am creating samples having the same PSD as the one found on the site and I am trying with different porosity ( for now I am working with dense one). I am also investigating the effect of the shape of the particles on the filtration process, I am working for now with spheres and later I will try to create samples from polyhedra...
I was reading the two papers published for PFM and I understand that they are using Delaney tessellation to obtain finite element volume of the pore space which only work with spheres. 
Honestly, I am not so familiar with fluid computations, so I have no idea how it is possible to resolve capillary action and forces on arbitrary shapes. 

So to sum up, I will create a sample that emulates the filters found on
the dikes, then I will create a thin layer of fine particles with a
specific size. With the flow introduced I want to see if these fine
particles can pass the filter.

Thank you Robert for helping me.

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