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Message #27481
[Question #701259]: Create packing with given void ratio at different isotropic pressures
New question #701259 on Yade:
Hello everyone,
I am Antrox and a new member of this forum.
I just started using YADE and more generally DEM, and I would like some clarifications to my doubts if possible.
I created a periodic cell and I am using a regular orthogonal packing by using a given particle radius, which I do not want to change.
By applying O.cell.velGrad=Matrix3(-rate,0,0,0,-rate,0,0,0,-rate), I am supposed to generate an isotropic pressure which should not change the void ratio of the cell. Indeed, I computed void ratio = 0.91 which should be close to the analytical solution for spheres (0.87).
1) therefore, is it correct to affirm that I could have a regular packing with any isotropic pressure I decided ?
2) then, after reaching the target isotropic pressure,, I tried to apply an ideal shearing by O.cell.velGrad=Matrix3(0,rate,rate,rate,0,rate,rate,rate,0), imaging that this deviatoric component will produce compaction without changing the isotropic component. But I obtained the opposite effect, the void ratio did not change, whilst the mean pressure did increase. Why so?
3) if so, I would like to obtain the desired void ratio at a given isotropic pressure without changing the particle radius. What is the best approach?
thanks in advance
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