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Re: [Question #701259]: Create packing with given void ratio at different isotropic pressures


Question #701259 on Yade changed:

    Status: Answered => Open

Gianni Pellegrini is still having a problem:
Thanks Jan,
I calculated the void ratio via :

I am also checking that the overlapping volume is small enough to avoid what you mentioned above through
ds = [2*r - i.geom.penetrationDepth for i in O.interactions]
    volContactss = [1/12.*pi*(4*r+d)*(2*r-d)**2 for d in ds]
    volContacts = sum(volContactss)
To check that the overlapping volume is smaller than 0.1%.
But this has been removed from the MWE below because it is not interesting now.

Briefly, I am reaching my target pressure by O.cell.velGrad=Matrix3(-rate,0,0,0,-rate,0,0,0,-rate) which cannot change the void ratio of a regular ortho packing.
Then I am applying a load to modify the void ratio
As you point out, a pure shearing through O.cell.velGrad=Matrix3(0,rate,rate,rate,0,rate,rate,rate,0) will not produce any change of volume (as expected, my bad)
So, I am just now pushing one wall by O.cell.velGrad=Matrix3(-rate,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0), reaching the target void ratio.
In the MWE below, I reach 0.89 void ratio at 1E5 and then the target 0.7 at 1.8e7

Now, since I am using just a linear model for the normal interaction of two bodies, my idea is I could use either 2 approaches:
1) modify the elasticity of the material (the variable young) proportionally to have the desired pressure :
         factor=IsoGoal/(getStress().trace() / 3.)     
         O.materials[0].young =En*factor

2) modify the branch vector to release the pressure to the target pressure. In practical terms, it is like having a rigid link and therefore reducing the  flexible length between the 2 spheres without changing their distance. Something I read in the forum, it can be simulated through 
for i in O.interactions:
  i.phys.unp = i.geom.penetrationDepth

Now, in the MWE below, I tested 1) .
I am not sure now about the implications of doing that. I am achieving to change to have a sample with desired pressure and void ratio. Please consider that being a MWE, I cut the final part and hence, at every loop is updating back the old stiffness.
What do you think about this approach? I can see the drawback is the change of the contact stiffness and indeed I would like to explore the approach 2) to avoid that.

from yade import pack,plot

import time
import datetime
import os

from yade import pack, plot, export
import numpy as np

frictionAngle = 0.6
VoidRatio = 0.7
dimcell = 0.02 
density= 1e12

O.periodic = True
O.cell.hSize = Matrix3(dimcell , 0, 0, 0, dimcell , 0, 0, 0, dimcell )

O.bodies.append(pack.regularOrtho(pack.inAlignedBox((0, 0, 0), (dimcell , dimcell , dimcell)), radius=R, gap=0, color=(0, 0, 1), material=pp))

O.engines = [
        InteractionLoop([Ig2_Sphere_Sphere_ScGeom()], [Ip2_FrictMat_FrictMat_FrictPhys()], [Law2_ScGeom_FrictPhys_CundallStrack()]),
        PyRunner(command='Compaction()', realPeriod=1)

O.dt = .5 * PWaveTimeStep()

def Compaction():
    print('e', e)        
    if np.abs(getStress().trace() / 3.) > np.abs(IsoGoal):
        print('compaction done', e)        
        O.cell.velGrad=Matrix3(-rate,0,0,0,0, 0, 0, 0,0)
    if e < VoidRatio:
         print('e', e)
         print('shearing done',getStress().trace() / 3)
         O.cell.velGrad=Matrix3(0,0,0,0,0, 0, 0, 0,0)
         factor=IsoGoal/(getStress().trace() / 3.)     
         O.materials[0].young =En*factor

O.run()               # run forever

Thank you

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