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Re: [Question #702645]: A question about better understanding the principles of YADE calculation


Question #702645 on Yade changed:

    Status: Open => Answered

Jan Stránský proposed the following answer:

> to understand the specific calculation process ... of a certain function ...
> is the best way to check ... the corresponding cpp?

Yes, to see the source code is in this case the best approach (IMO).

> is the best way to check the "https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/...";
in the corresponding cpp?

Check **source code** is the best way.
How, it is very opinion dependent.
Not only "corresponding cpp", but also .hpp files may be useful (if cpp is used as file extension and not C++ in general)
Personally I prefer investigating source code locally using IDE / editor / command line, not gitlab.

> But some of the commands mentioned in the manual, such as "class
yade.wrapper.FrictMatCDM", are not easy to find in gitlab. Is there any
method to quickly search for the coding of the command I'm looking for?

In gitlab.com, you have "Seaech GitLab" text field, if you write
FrictMatCDM and click "in trunk", it lists you all the occurrences.

On local computer, you can e.g.:
- use IDE to "jump" to declaration / definition (although I have no experience in the context of Yade)
- use linux grep command line tool (or similar) to search the location

grep -R -l FrictMatCDM
gives me this output (basically same as gitlab search):


so the definitions are in pkg/dem/HertzMindlinExtended files


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