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[Bug 2009705] [NEW] Openstack Zed - firewall group status doesn't change to ACTIVE.


Public bug reported:

Firewall group status doesn't change to ACTIVE,. The same behavior with
default firewall group.

$ openstack firewall group show 3e25ff35-65fc-4438-8684-806904186b8e
| Field             | Value                                    |
| Description       |                                          |
| Egress Policy ID  | c17c818a-d6aa-4100-89f5-76e2d6cbb790     |
| ID                | 3e25ff35-65fc-4438-8684-806904186b8e     |
| Ingress Policy ID | 17d9d11c-ad69-4773-b853-db686da86994     |
| Name              |                                          |
| Ports             | ['f890e2c4-019e-494d-bd77-04fcdd683b4c'] |
| Project           | 1b0ab3547b42494096ac06400d65671a         |
| Shared            | False                                    |
| State             | UP                                       |
| Status            | INACTIVE                                 |
| project_id        | 1b0ab3547b42494096ac06400d65671a         |

$ openstack firewall group policy show c17c818a-d6aa-4100-89f5-76e2d6cbb790
| Field          | Value                                    |
| Audited        | False                                    |
| Description    |                                          |
| Firewall Rules | ['0cffb2ac-ab27-4b05-a853-b7f3f9472b3e'] |
| ID             | c17c818a-d6aa-4100-89f5-76e2d6cbb790     |
| Name           | block80                                  |
| Project        | 1b0ab3547b42494096ac06400d65671a         |
| Shared         | False                                    |
| project_id     | 1b0ab3547b42494096ac06400d65671a         |

$ openstack firewall group policy show 17d9d11c-ad69-4773-b853-db686da86994
| Field          | Value                                    |
| Audited        | False                                    |
| Description    |                                          |
| Firewall Rules | ['c9c0c1b6-2400-41e2-9c29-b3c1212f2470'] |
| ID             | 17d9d11c-ad69-4773-b853-db686da86994     |
| Name           | allowAll                                 |
| Project        | 1b0ab3547b42494096ac06400d65671a         |
| Shared         | False                                    |
| project_id     | 1b0ab3547b42494096ac06400d65671a         |

$ openstack firewall group rule show 0cffb2ac-ab27-4b05-a853-b7f3f9472b3e
| Field                  | Value                                    |
| Action                 | deny                                     |
| Description            |                                          |
| Destination IP Address |                           |
| Destination Port       | 80                                       |
| Enabled                | True                                     |
| ID                     | 0cffb2ac-ab27-4b05-a853-b7f3f9472b3e     |
| IP Version             | 4                                        |
| Name                   |                                          |
| Project                | 1b0ab3547b42494096ac06400d65671a         |
| Protocol               | tcp                                      |
| Shared                 | False                                    |
| Source IP Address      | None                                     |
| Source Port            | None                                     |
| firewall_policy_id     | ['c17c818a-d6aa-4100-89f5-76e2d6cbb790'] |
| project_id             | 1b0ab3547b42494096ac06400d65671a         |

$ openstack firewall group rule show c9c0c1b6-2400-41e2-9c29-b3c1212f2470
| Field                  | Value                                    |
| Action                 | allow                                    |
| Description            |                                          |
| Destination IP Address | None                                     |
| Destination Port       | None                                     |
| Enabled                | True                                     |
| ID                     | c9c0c1b6-2400-41e2-9c29-b3c1212f2470     |
| IP Version             | 4                                        |
| Name                   |                                          |
| Project                | 1b0ab3547b42494096ac06400d65671a         |
| Protocol               | any                                      |
| Shared                 | False                                    |
| Source IP Address      | None                                     |
| Source Port            | None                                     |
| firewall_policy_id     | ['17d9d11c-ad69-4773-b853-db686da86994'] |
| project_id             | 1b0ab3547b42494096ac06400d65671a         |

$ openstack port show f890e2c4-019e-494d-bd77-04fcdd683b4c --max-width 90 
| Field                   | Value                                                        |
| admin_state_up          | UP                                                           |
| allowed_address_pairs   |                                                              |
| binding_host_id         | pr1-cmpi-05                                                  |
| binding_profile         |                                                              |
| binding_vif_details     | bound_drivers.0='openvswitch', bridge_name='br-int',         |
|                         | connectivity='l2', datapath_type='system',                   |
|                         | ovs_hybrid_plug='True', port_filter='True'                   |
| binding_vif_type        | ovs                                                          |
| binding_vnic_type       | normal                                                       |
| created_at              | 2023-03-08T08:25:37Z                                         |
| data_plane_status       | None                                                         |
| description             |                                                              |
| device_id               | 3d623cee-b6ae-4b6f-ade8-320126bf9de2                         |
| device_owner            | network:ha_router_replicated_interface                       |
| device_profile          | None                                                         |
| dns_assignment          | None                                                         |
| dns_domain              | None                                                         |
| dns_name                | None                                                         |
| extra_dhcp_opts         |                                                              |
| fixed_ips               | ip_address='',                                    |
|                         | subnet_id='0ba0f7f0-f1d1-4ac1-8d01-6d38f1a92444'             |
| id                      | f890e2c4-019e-494d-bd77-04fcdd683b4c                         |
| ip_allocation           | None                                                         |
| mac_address             | fa:16:3e:5b:06:a8                                            |
| name                    |                                                              |
| network_id              | 3fc6a7af-a12e-4cd0-977e-6a413d7078ae                         |
| numa_affinity_policy    | None                                                         |
| port_security_enabled   | False                                                        |
| project_id              | 1b0ab3547b42494096ac06400d65671a                             |
| propagate_uplink_status | None                                                         |
| qos_network_policy_id   | None                                                         |
| qos_policy_id           | None                                                         |
| resource_request        | None                                                         |
| revision_number         | 10                                                           |
| security_group_ids      |                                                              |
| status                  | ACTIVE                                                       |
| tags                    |                                                              |
| trunk_details           | None                                                         |
| updated_at              | 2023-03-08T11:56:03Z                                         |

Environment detail:

$ lsb_release  -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS
Release:        20.04
Codename:       focal

$ pip3 list | egrep 'neutron|fwaas'
neutron                21.0.1.dev106
neutron-fwaas          17.0.0
neutron-lib            3.1.0
neutron-vpnaas         21.0.0
python-neutronclient   8.1.0

$ cat /etc/neutron/neutron.conf | egrep 'firewall|fwaas'
service_plugins = router, firewall_v2
service_provider = FIREWALL_V2:fwaas_db:neutron_fwaas.services.firewall.service_drivers.agents.agents.FirewallAgentDriver:default

$ cat /etc/neutron/fwaas_driver.ini 
agent_version = v2
driver = neutron_fwaas.services.firewall.service_drivers.agents.drivers.linux.iptables_fwaas_v2.IptablesFwaasDriver
enabled = true

$ cat /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini                 
extensions = fwaas_v2
firewall_l2_driver = noop
extension_drivers = port_security
mechanism_drivers = openvswitch,l2population
tenant_network_types = vxlan
type_drivers = flat,vlan,vxlan
flat_networks = *
network_vlan_ranges = provider
vni_ranges = 1:1000
vxlan_group =

$ cat  /etc/neutron/l3_agent.ini 
extensions = fwaas_v2
agent_mode = legacy
interface_driver = openvswitch
ovs_use_veth = true

$ cat /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/openvswitch_agent.ini 
arp_responder = true
l2_population = true
tunnel_types = vxlan
bridge_mappings = provider:br-ex
firewall_driver = neutron.agent.linux.iptables_firewall.OVSHybridIptablesFirewallDriver

References links:



** Affects: neutron
     Importance: Undecided
         Status: New

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Yahoo!
Engineering Team, which is subscribed to neutron.

  Openstack Zed - firewall group status doesn't change to ACTIVE.

Status in neutron:

Bug description:
  Firewall group status doesn't change to ACTIVE,. The same behavior
  with default firewall group.

  $ openstack firewall group show 3e25ff35-65fc-4438-8684-806904186b8e
  | Field             | Value                                    |
  | Description       |                                          |
  | Egress Policy ID  | c17c818a-d6aa-4100-89f5-76e2d6cbb790     |
  | ID                | 3e25ff35-65fc-4438-8684-806904186b8e     |
  | Ingress Policy ID | 17d9d11c-ad69-4773-b853-db686da86994     |
  | Name              |                                          |
  | Ports             | ['f890e2c4-019e-494d-bd77-04fcdd683b4c'] |
  | Project           | 1b0ab3547b42494096ac06400d65671a         |
  | Shared            | False                                    |
  | State             | UP                                       |
  | Status            | INACTIVE                                 |
  | project_id        | 1b0ab3547b42494096ac06400d65671a         |

  $ openstack firewall group policy show c17c818a-d6aa-4100-89f5-76e2d6cbb790
  | Field          | Value                                    |
  | Audited        | False                                    |
  | Description    |                                          |
  | Firewall Rules | ['0cffb2ac-ab27-4b05-a853-b7f3f9472b3e'] |
  | ID             | c17c818a-d6aa-4100-89f5-76e2d6cbb790     |
  | Name           | block80                                  |
  | Project        | 1b0ab3547b42494096ac06400d65671a         |
  | Shared         | False                                    |
  | project_id     | 1b0ab3547b42494096ac06400d65671a         |

  $ openstack firewall group policy show 17d9d11c-ad69-4773-b853-db686da86994
  | Field          | Value                                    |
  | Audited        | False                                    |
  | Description    |                                          |
  | Firewall Rules | ['c9c0c1b6-2400-41e2-9c29-b3c1212f2470'] |
  | ID             | 17d9d11c-ad69-4773-b853-db686da86994     |
  | Name           | allowAll                                 |
  | Project        | 1b0ab3547b42494096ac06400d65671a         |
  | Shared         | False                                    |
  | project_id     | 1b0ab3547b42494096ac06400d65671a         |

  $ openstack firewall group rule show 0cffb2ac-ab27-4b05-a853-b7f3f9472b3e
  | Field                  | Value                                    |
  | Action                 | deny                                     |
  | Description            |                                          |
  | Destination IP Address |                           |
  | Destination Port       | 80                                       |
  | Enabled                | True                                     |
  | ID                     | 0cffb2ac-ab27-4b05-a853-b7f3f9472b3e     |
  | IP Version             | 4                                        |
  | Name                   |                                          |
  | Project                | 1b0ab3547b42494096ac06400d65671a         |
  | Protocol               | tcp                                      |
  | Shared                 | False                                    |
  | Source IP Address      | None                                     |
  | Source Port            | None                                     |
  | firewall_policy_id     | ['c17c818a-d6aa-4100-89f5-76e2d6cbb790'] |
  | project_id             | 1b0ab3547b42494096ac06400d65671a         |

  $ openstack firewall group rule show c9c0c1b6-2400-41e2-9c29-b3c1212f2470
  | Field                  | Value                                    |
  | Action                 | allow                                    |
  | Description            |                                          |
  | Destination IP Address | None                                     |
  | Destination Port       | None                                     |
  | Enabled                | True                                     |
  | ID                     | c9c0c1b6-2400-41e2-9c29-b3c1212f2470     |
  | IP Version             | 4                                        |
  | Name                   |                                          |
  | Project                | 1b0ab3547b42494096ac06400d65671a         |
  | Protocol               | any                                      |
  | Shared                 | False                                    |
  | Source IP Address      | None                                     |
  | Source Port            | None                                     |
  | firewall_policy_id     | ['17d9d11c-ad69-4773-b853-db686da86994'] |
  | project_id             | 1b0ab3547b42494096ac06400d65671a         |

  $ openstack port show f890e2c4-019e-494d-bd77-04fcdd683b4c --max-width 90 
  | Field                   | Value                                                        |
  | admin_state_up          | UP                                                           |
  | allowed_address_pairs   |                                                              |
  | binding_host_id         | pr1-cmpi-05                                                  |
  | binding_profile         |                                                              |
  | binding_vif_details     | bound_drivers.0='openvswitch', bridge_name='br-int',         |
  |                         | connectivity='l2', datapath_type='system',                   |
  |                         | ovs_hybrid_plug='True', port_filter='True'                   |
  | binding_vif_type        | ovs                                                          |
  | binding_vnic_type       | normal                                                       |
  | created_at              | 2023-03-08T08:25:37Z                                         |
  | data_plane_status       | None                                                         |
  | description             |                                                              |
  | device_id               | 3d623cee-b6ae-4b6f-ade8-320126bf9de2                         |
  | device_owner            | network:ha_router_replicated_interface                       |
  | device_profile          | None                                                         |
  | dns_assignment          | None                                                         |
  | dns_domain              | None                                                         |
  | dns_name                | None                                                         |
  | extra_dhcp_opts         |                                                              |
  | fixed_ips               | ip_address='',                                    |
  |                         | subnet_id='0ba0f7f0-f1d1-4ac1-8d01-6d38f1a92444'             |
  | id                      | f890e2c4-019e-494d-bd77-04fcdd683b4c                         |
  | ip_allocation           | None                                                         |
  | mac_address             | fa:16:3e:5b:06:a8                                            |
  | name                    |                                                              |
  | network_id              | 3fc6a7af-a12e-4cd0-977e-6a413d7078ae                         |
  | numa_affinity_policy    | None                                                         |
  | port_security_enabled   | False                                                        |
  | project_id              | 1b0ab3547b42494096ac06400d65671a                             |
  | propagate_uplink_status | None                                                         |
  | qos_network_policy_id   | None                                                         |
  | qos_policy_id           | None                                                         |
  | resource_request        | None                                                         |
  | revision_number         | 10                                                           |
  | security_group_ids      |                                                              |
  | status                  | ACTIVE                                                       |
  | tags                    |                                                              |
  | trunk_details           | None                                                         |
  | updated_at              | 2023-03-08T11:56:03Z                                         |

  Environment detail:

  $ lsb_release  -a
  No LSB modules are available.
  Distributor ID: Ubuntu
  Description:    Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS
  Release:        20.04
  Codename:       focal

  $ pip3 list | egrep 'neutron|fwaas'
  neutron                21.0.1.dev106
  neutron-fwaas          17.0.0
  neutron-lib            3.1.0
  neutron-vpnaas         21.0.0
  python-neutronclient   8.1.0

  $ cat /etc/neutron/neutron.conf | egrep 'firewall|fwaas'
  service_plugins = router, firewall_v2
  service_provider = FIREWALL_V2:fwaas_db:neutron_fwaas.services.firewall.service_drivers.agents.agents.FirewallAgentDriver:default

  $ cat /etc/neutron/fwaas_driver.ini 
  agent_version = v2
  driver = neutron_fwaas.services.firewall.service_drivers.agents.drivers.linux.iptables_fwaas_v2.IptablesFwaasDriver
  enabled = true

  $ cat /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini                 
  extensions = fwaas_v2
  firewall_l2_driver = noop
  extension_drivers = port_security
  mechanism_drivers = openvswitch,l2population
  tenant_network_types = vxlan
  type_drivers = flat,vlan,vxlan
  flat_networks = *
  network_vlan_ranges = provider
  vni_ranges = 1:1000
  vxlan_group =

  $ cat  /etc/neutron/l3_agent.ini 
  extensions = fwaas_v2
  agent_mode = legacy
  interface_driver = openvswitch
  ovs_use_veth = true

  $ cat /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/openvswitch_agent.ini 
  arp_responder = true
  l2_population = true
  tunnel_types = vxlan
  bridge_mappings = provider:br-ex
  firewall_driver = neutron.agent.linux.iptables_firewall.OVSHybridIptablesFirewallDriver

  References links:



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