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Upcoming goals


Hi all.  Here's what we want to accomplish over the next couple of days, in a perfect world.

Thursday (today), US morning/Serbian afternoon:

- Gary finishes direct action branch; Benji reviews (because it will be > 800 lines)
- Benji continues to work on delivery wiki page
- [Benji asks Danilo about sampledata change?  or just gets it reviewed? or maybe its already reviewed?]
- Danilo finishes fix for bug 761257
- Gary finishes owner-but-not-member defect card and gets it under review
- Brad and [gang TBD, assembling as possible] figure out what should be done for our last important card, disabling bug subscriber list for malone group

Thursday US afternoon:

- Brad [and Gary?] actually finish that card and get it reviewed and landed.
- Benji [with Gary occasionally?] continues to work on direct delivery page if necessary.  Joins Brad or takes a bug card otherwise.


- All of the stuff from Thursday has landed, so Danilo asks LOSAs to make a no-downtime deploy of all of the changes so that they can be reviewed by Matthew and Ursula on production.
- (Much lower priority) we ask LOSAs to move the structural subscription feature flag to malone-alpha
- We all QA and work on various bugs and cleanup tasks.  Note that Matthew and Ursula will probably not see these changes; however, we can keep a "known issues" section of the delivery wiki page if necessary.
- If anyone is feeling super excited, and QA and bug and cleanup tasks are looking good, they could look at doing the very last green card...but I'd have to clarify the goal.  Because I'm not expecting this, I'm not going to write it out right now.

Next two weeks:

- we expose the features to more and more users, *as quickly as possible* (e.g., adding Launchpad team to malone group) to make it up to exposing them to everyone.
- we polish, responding to prioritized bugs from the reviewers, from our users, and from our own QA.

After that:

bug rotation!

It's a nice dream!
